Comments For All I Ask
Kikilein (Signed) on Oct 18, 2020 10:43 pm (Chapter 11)

Oh no why did he freak out? By the way I love all the songs!

LadyX (Signed) on Jul 25, 2016 11:07 am (Chapter 11)
She used his song! I wonder what that did to him. We'll see I guess.

Author's Response: LOL.  It was a ballsy move on her part.  As I mentioned not too long ago on Twitter, this was the song that inspired me to turn my story into a fanfic.  I'd been torturing myself with my writing and came across the song on YouTube again after many years.  A whole world of ideas hit me when I heard it again.  I had to work the song into the story.  :)

Morgan (Anonymous) on Jul 17, 2016 11:36 pm (Chapter 11)
Falling in love with this story, keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: Aww, that means a lot to me.  Thank you!  Glad you're enjoying.  I appreciate the review.  :)

MissM (Signed) on Jul 17, 2016 11:11 am (Chapter 11)
Well now... what crawled up his behind??? Must know MORE! 

Author's Response: Lol!  More coming very soon.  Making tweaks to the next chapter.  :)

Alysen Blaine (Anonymous) on Jul 16, 2016 09:18 pm (Chapter 11)
Great job! Keep it up :) 

Author's Response: Thanks lady!  More coming soon.

Sweetdreams32 (Signed) on Jul 16, 2016 06:37 pm (Chapter 11)
Omg..... I can't wait!! 

Author's Response: Lol, you won't have to wait too terribly long.

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