classicbeauty (Signed) on Jun 16, 2008 02:28 am (Happy Thanksgiving...?)

Lori is a crazy bitch, i told him to drop her off the building the last time, but did he listen?

noooooo he didnt, now the *beep* is stocking him too? and look at the girl playing all dump like she dont know who it is! shes apart of it, isnt she?!

great chapter.



Author's Response: Lori is a crazy biatch and she's not fully gone just yet. :S. He should have shoved her behind off that building no doubt, but hey it's not too late right? haha kidding. Girl I love your reviews. :D

alimera (Signed) on May 20, 2008 09:17 am (Happy Thanksgiving...?)
Um, who was that weirdo on the phone and what the hell is his or her problem? And Mallory is a bitch and needs to realize that Justin isn't hers anymore! Update again soon!

Author's Response: *Sigh* Ppl just don't like to see a good thing I guess. And yes Mallory is very much that, esp with what I have planned for her. She's not gone yet...:) Thanks for the feedback.

Gigi (Signed) on May 19, 2008 04:02 pm (Happy Thanksgiving...?)
Like someone said I think it's Jeremy.

Author's Response: Hmmm we'll see. Hehehe. thanks for the feedback. :)

Vessy (Signed) on May 19, 2008 11:57 am (Happy Thanksgiving...?)
Great update!

Author's Response: Thanks girl, i'll try to update soon.

SexualCoco (Signed) on May 19, 2008 04:08 am (Happy Thanksgiving...?)
Ok now what the *bleep* is going on? First this crazy heffa shows up and then these creepy phone calls? *Sigh* When will the madness stop? Something tells me that Christian or maybe Zara's aunt has something to do with those calls...but I guess I'll see in the next chapter. Great update girlie (as usual).

Author's Response: Bri, I always seem to come up with these crazy things in my head and I'm like Oh...that could work. Cus I love the crazy drama. Plus everything is outlined right to the very end since I figured I wanted this as a longggg story instead of sequels. lol. HEHE it's just getting time to sit and dish out the updates that's troublesome but I plan on seeing this one to the end. So, I'm pretty sure the madness with continue until the end. :) Glad you'll be there for it all. hehe. Thanks so much for sticking with is Bri, you know I love to hear what you think. We'll see who called Justin soon. ;)

SweetTeaPi16 (Signed) on May 19, 2008 01:55 am (Happy Thanksgiving...?)
MALLORY!!! that bitch iss crazy...and who the hell was on the phone. i think it's jeremy or christian

Author's Response: I agree she's crazy. And it's only going to get crazier. Imagine when those two are public. Hehe I have it all planned out and outlined. Glad you're along for the ride. :). We'll find out who was on the phone in time. it won't take too long. :) Thanks for the review.

Koralin_Timberlake (Signed) on May 19, 2008 01:52 am (Happy Thanksgiving...?)
Oh, you sooooo better update again like, yesterday. Lol. You had me like literally yelling at my monitor, damning Lorry to hell. Amazing as usual, mama!

Author's Response: HEHEHE gurl, I know I need to get those updates in sooner esp with how much of a long novel like soap opera this story is. LOL. And man, you know I got this all mapped out already, so you know Mallory ain't gonna be gone forever just yet...she gone be around for a lil bit more. hehehe. :) So happy you liked it. Thanks for the review. :)

LuLu (Signed) on May 19, 2008 01:47 am (Happy Thanksgiving...?)
Hmm, I think I know who tried to run down Yolanda and now blakcmailing Justin, and I think Mallory is a part of it. I just hope Justin sticks to his guns and doesn't break Zara's heart.

Author's Response: Who do you think it was? hehehe. Well, it's not a mystery that's going to take too long to solve. But you know, I got a few twists and turns left for those two before it's all over and said and done. :S. I'm really happy you all are along for the ride and I'll try to update sooner. Thanks for the feedback.

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