classicbeauty (Signed) on Sep 08, 2007 01:13 am (Painful Strides)
berry, she my sweet strawberry... damn girl, damn girl-damn! thats all i can say... loved it need more- dani

Author's Response: Hehe...the damn girl reminds me of JT's song on his last album. hehehe. Is that who you were quoting? lmao! So glad you loved it. More is on the way.

Timberlake (Signed) on Sep 07, 2007 11:47 pm (Pilfered Hearts - Part 1)
aw, c'mon! wtf... it makes me sad. these ups and downs and downs and downs, haha. more ups!

Author's Response: Lol. Don't worry, there'll be more ups and ups and ups. But remember what goes up must come down. Ok, that was cliched but you get what I'm saying right? lol. Anyway thanks and more is on the way.

tda720 (Signed) on Sep 07, 2007 11:38 pm (Painful Strides)
That wasn't fixing things girl. I really hope they get over this hurdle because, even if they don't do the nasty like I want, I think the two of them can be great friends. Thanks for the update, I loved it and I really thinkg you should do it again soon! Justin and Zara need each other, and I think you know that too. And I'll be e-mailing you sometime this week, so keep an eye out for that (I have some ideas in my head)

Author's Response: I know I know it didn't fix much but it's not that easy! They are two very complexed individuals. hehe. :-P. 'Friends' Hmmm...yeah. They could be. We'll see what happens. hehe. The next update will be up soon and I'll rememebr to check my email. I haven't done it yet. :). Thanks for the feedback Tay.

LucidDreams (Signed) on Sep 07, 2007 09:57 pm (Painful Strides)
Justin really is a dumb dumb. He should have just spat it out and admit his feelings. I get the feeling he is too proud to admit how he feels and now he lost Zara to Jeremy. It serves him right. But I want to see these two together, so hopefully soon, one if not both of them will come to their senses.

Author's Response: Well, one can only hope right? hehe. Thanks for your view on things. I love the great feedbacks this story is getting. More is on the way. Stay tuned.

Blubelle0302 (Signed) on Sep 07, 2007 09:49 pm (Painful Strides)

Aww I'm glad she forgave him. And who would've thought that Trace would be the voice of reason for Justin? And gah he was sooo close to admitting how he felt about her! Hence if he would've just said that he had feelings for her, he could've gotten laid and laid goooood. He could've really found out of if she was into some "kinky shit" as he always says lol. I'm glad she left to live with Jeremy. Now they can both figure out some things for themselves. You know what they always say, "absence makes the heart grow fonder". Great chapter and Justin is stupid. That is all. *big grin*

Author's Response: I know. I figured I wanted Trace to be wise in this one. I'm sure he's not always a goof. hehe. Yeah it is good she left. I thought they needed the space apart too. :). And lol on Justin is stupid. I think he knows that himself. haha. Thanks for the wonderful feed back. More is on the way.

what_where (Signed) on Sep 07, 2007 09:23 pm (Painful Strides)
These two chapters were great.  I feel bad for Justin but he is with 2 other girls.  Zara really needs to figure her realationship out w/Jeremy soon, cause he's gonna figure something happened with Justin and Zara.

Author's Response: I know, he's kind of being a hypocrite right? I get what you're saying. But, time will tell what happens with them. Thanks for the feedback.

wildthang (Signed) on Sep 07, 2007 08:59 pm (Painful Strides)
That was so good. I think Justin is in love with berry but he's in denial. And I think Zara might be in love with him too but she's confused because Jeremy is safe and with Justin she never knows what to expect. I mean, her self esteem is shot, and she might have issues trusting Justin. But please, I wish Justin would just admit to her that he loved her. It might change things. Update again pronto! Awesome chapter.

Author's Response: Hmmm...interesting take on things. Wait and see what happens. :). Thanks for the feedback.

Sweetchic05 (Signed) on Sep 07, 2007 08:24 pm (Painful Strides)
Aww man they we like sooo close getting together!!!! I hope they can work it out.

Author's Response: Thanks for the feedback! Yeah they were pretty close but I guess it just wasn't the right time. :)

SexualCoco (Signed) on Sep 07, 2007 05:49 pm (Painful Strides)
Aww, ok now I feel a little bit bad for Justin. But I think that he needs a taste of his own medicine in order to realize what he's done. But I want them to work things out, so fix this! (haha). Thanks for the great update!

Author's Response: Don't feel bad for him. He's a big boy he'll survive. hehe lol. I'll fix it the best way possible I promise. hehe But wait and see what happens. and thanks a lot for the feedback.

rev0586 (Signed) on Sep 07, 2007 05:42 pm (Painful Strides)
wow that was great i hope jt knows how to fix it and realize that he does have feelings for her and zara to

Author's Response: Thanks so much. Yeah, we can only hope. But for now, the next update is done so read and see what happens. Thanks for the feedback.

LuLu (Signed) on Sep 07, 2007 05:03 pm (Painful Strides)
Damn are Justin and Zara ever gonna get it together? I hope so....

Author's Response: Don't lose faith just yet! They will...I'm sure they will. :). Give them time. Thanks for the feedback.

Gigi (Signed) on Sep 07, 2007 05:00 pm (Painful Strides)
Seriously that was hot! Now can we get ole Jer outta the picture! I mean what's that all about it's like she needs him to function.

Author's Response: Thanks Gigi. Hehe And I know Jeremy is a hindrance but we'll see what happens. Thanks for the feedback.

jrtsnubianboricuaqueen (Signed) on Sep 07, 2007 04:44 pm (Painful Strides)
Love Love Love this part.  I am so glad that Justin has finally revealed his true feelings.  I just wished Jahzara wouldn't have left. :(  But it was great.  Update Soon!!!!

Author's Response: Well, he hasn't fully voiced how he feels, but it's a good start. And I know what you mean, but things won't be so bad. Wait and see what happens. The next update is done. Thanks for the feedback.

alimera (Signed) on Sep 07, 2007 03:37 pm (Painful Strides)
god they were so close AGAIN!! what is her fascination with jeremy?! update again soon!

Author's Response: I know they were. And you'll soon find out why she's so hooked on Jeremy. Thank for the review! :-)

mozie (Anonymous) on Sep 07, 2007 01:43 pm (A Shrouded Love)
LOVE IT LOVE IT !!!!!!! more soon please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response: Thanks a million! More is on the way. :-)

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