alimera (Signed) on Aug 21, 2007 09:26 am (Ignorance Is Bliss)
oh man too much sexual tension! they like each other SO MUCH! lol, update again soon!

Author's Response: Yeah there is a lot of tension there. Can't guarantee how it's going to play out though. But stay tuned and thanks a lot for the feed back.

SexualCoco (Signed) on Aug 21, 2007 02:45 am (Ignorance Is Bliss)
Oh please, he knows he gives a damn, that's why he was acting the way he was earlier. That argument was intense, I was waiting for them to just grab each other and start going at it! (haha). Anyway, thanks for the great update!

Author's Response: That he does even though he's trying to hide it. lol.  Yeah, everyone was waiting for them to jump each other. hehe. You all are so bad! lol Thanks for the feed back. More is on the way.

LuLu (Signed) on Aug 21, 2007 01:47 am (Ignorance Is Bliss)
Just read all 9 chaps and I love it. Justin needs to gets some balls and admit to himself and Zara that he wants her before its too late. If its not already. Cause he being an ass and Jeremy sounds delish.

Author's Response: Oh! Welcome aboard. I'm glad you love this story. I agree that Justin needs to speak up more and don't worry, you'll find out what happens with them soon. I'm thinking Jeremy seems almost perfect right? But, we'll see how it all plays out. :D. Thanks for the feed back! I appreciated it.

Gigi (Signed) on Aug 21, 2007 12:44 am (Ignorance Is Bliss)
That was a really great chapter! That's all.

Author's Response: Thanks so much! More is on the way.

LoveYou2 (Signed) on Aug 20, 2007 11:49 pm (Ignorance Is Bliss)
i think they both have issues. All that rage...mhmm That's gotta come out sometime lol Anyway, that was good, more soon :D

Author's Response: Yeah, they most certainly do. Ooohhhh...yeah, they need to 'breathe and release' the engery right?  Anyway thanks for the feedback. :-)

Blubelle0302 (Signed) on Aug 20, 2007 11:41 pm (Ignorance Is Bliss)
the sexual attention has now arriiived! I can't wait to see what the next chapter is. Hopefully they kiss again or something more! hurry and update please, i need more!

Author's Response: Yes it has! lol. Oh, I can't wait till you see what the next chap is. :-). Thanks for the feedback and the next part will be out soon. :)

rev0586 (Signed) on Aug 20, 2007 11:24 pm (Ignorance Is Bliss)
loved it!!!

Author's Response: Thanks! :-D

tda720 (Signed) on Aug 20, 2007 11:12 pm (Ignorance Is Bliss)
Arghhh! What an idiot! I can't believe that just happend; they were supposed to get along so they can have wild sex soon, like Justin wants. LOL, great update! More soon!!! <3 Tay

Author's Response: I agree he was indeed an idiot. :-). Lmao about the 'wild sex' part. I'm sorry, you'll just have to be patient. :-P. More is on the way. Thanks for the great feed back. ;-)

classicbeauty (Signed) on Aug 20, 2007 01:29 pm (The Start of Something New)
Me too! I felt something too! and i need to know what i gotta do to get another...update pleease! Ive been busy all weekend at work so thanks i need this! And another one real soon... Dani

Author's Response: You felt something? What did you feel? I'm curious...lmao. Oh, yeah I've been kind of busy too, but the next update is done so you'll get your wish later tonight. :) Stay posted and thanks for the feed back.

tda720 (Signed) on Aug 19, 2007 11:55 pm (The Start of Something New)
Ah yes! An update! I loved it! But he's being a prick and she's being stupid too; they need to just do the grown up and get it over with (since we all know it's bound to happen sooner or later!!). I'm glad I snuck on my sister's laptop to check for updates, my stupid laptop isn't working here and this update is one thing that will keep me sane this week! Love it! Update soon girl!

Author's Response: lol I'm glad you loved it! Hehe they can be a tad childish, but what adult isn't? lol, oh that's a bummer your laptop isn't working, but I'll wait patiently for you to finish your vacation so we can get some more awesome updates from you. :-D. And I'm so glad my update was just the fix you needed. :). More is coming real soon so stay posted and thanks for the feed back.

LucidDreams (Signed) on Aug 18, 2007 04:39 pm (The Start of Something New)
Ohhhh Justin :(. I feel you man. I'm all depressed now. I just know, someone is going to get their heart broken. This is going to get complicated isn't it? It's really getting good. I can't wait to read more. Great chapter. Please update soon.

Author's Response: Don't be depressed...and I can't tell you what's going to happen, but I hope you stay posted to read and find out. Thanks for much for the compliment and more is on the way. :)

Blubelle0302 (Signed) on Aug 18, 2007 03:50 pm (The Start of Something New)
awww he felt something in the kiss, awesome! But what's not awesome is ignoring her? can you say L.A.M.E. ugh, boys I tell ya. I'm glad she said something to him first to kind of clear the air between them. And then after she did that, she should've gone to hop in his bed when he was laying in his boxers, buuuut I can wait *smiles* Justin, you better make your move on Zara before Jeremy takes it further. That's all I'm sayin! And I certainly can't wait to see what that move is, by either party! Now cure my ailment and update soon! I just can't get enough. Great chapter as usual!

Author's Response: I love your reviews. They're always so long and detailed. :-D. So, yeah I agree that he was being lame to ignore her. And lmao about hopping in his bed. You really want them to get their freak on huh? lol Well you'll have to wait and see if that ever happens. I'm not making any promises. :-). But the whole Jeremy thing will play out in time. And, the next update is done so it should be out tonight. :). Thanks for the great feed back

rev0586 (Signed) on Aug 18, 2007 09:52 am (The Start of Something New)
awww hes feeling something but i have a feeling that it might take them a while to really realise it and i dont think it was a mistake either

Author's Response: Ahh, you have a point there. And I didn't think it was a mistake, but who knows what will happen huh? Stay tuned and thanks a lot for the feed back

wildthang (Signed) on Aug 18, 2007 09:20 am (The Start of Something New)
he felt something in the kiss! that means he's developing feelings for Z. But I don't think it's going to be easy with jeremy in the picture. Update soon.

Author's Response: Yes he did! :-). But, it doesn't determine exactly what he felt. :-). Well see what happens. thanks for the feed back.

alimera (Signed) on Aug 18, 2007 09:12 am (The Start of Something New)
god they're in denial BIG TIME. update again soon!!

Author's Response: You think so? Well, maybe. That could be a possibility. :) Thanks for the feed back more is on the way.

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