Comments For White Lines
d_simplicity (Signed) on Mar 24, 2008 12:45 am (sixteen)
so good. Finally caught up. A little freaked out by JC cuz he might try something and we still don't know why he and Justin seem to have whatever problem, but, it's good that Justin and Chione are healing together. Can't wait for more. Update soon.

Vessy (Signed) on Mar 23, 2008 05:58 am (sixteen)
great chapters! can't wait for more!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Mar 23, 2008 12:11 am (sixteen)
I'm glad that they are working on their issues before jumping back into a relationship. I love this, PMS.

SweetTeaPi16 (Signed) on Mar 22, 2008 09:03 pm (sixteen)
I love it....keep goin'!!!!

MissM69 (Signed) on Mar 22, 2008 08:53 pm (sixteen)
great chapter the fact their trying to make things work is a + can't wait for the next update :)

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