jaye2kaye (Signed) on May 06, 2008 02:38 am (Part 5)

that is so not cool what luca's dad did? i mean how hateful and bigoted can a person be that they have to actually get on a plane just to let someone know that you hate them? especially about something that has absolutely nothing to do with them?

a_nonymous (Signed) on Apr 28, 2008 09:02 pm (Part 5)
Awww! : (

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Apr 28, 2008 06:22 pm (Part 5)

I like Luca, a lot.  And this has been one of the most interesting stories I've ever read (which says a lot, because I read a lot, lol) and I particularly like that it's so different.

You're amazing Hollie, really. :)

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