lostinadreamx (Signed) on Apr 15, 2009 01:24 pm (Drinking Game and Meaningless Apologies)
Poor Belinda. It sounds like she's kind of a sucker for punishment when it comes to her family. :( Update pleaseee

MissM69 (Signed) on Feb 20, 2009 10:09 pm (Drinking Game and Meaningless Apologies)

god her sister better yet her family is a bitch >_>

update soon love and thank you for the love :D

MochaB (Signed) on Feb 06, 2009 11:35 am (Drinking Game and Meaningless Apologies)
i can't wait to see how their day goes, if you write about it that is. haha. i really don't understand why she continues to answer the phone when people from home call. she shouldn't just like justin said. that was a waste of cell phone minutes. i don't see them having some big revelation about how terrible they are anytime soon. she should just be happy with the people that do truly care about her that she has in her life and forget about the rest. anyway, good chapter. update soon! :o)

Author's Response: how can i not write about the day i mean as nice as Belinda may come off to people Lynn is still going to want to interrogate the girl that her son is interested in.rnI agree she should stop answering her phone whenever family come a callin' but she has guilt riding on her shoulders if she doesn't answer and is still hoping for a turn around which like you i don't see happening any time soon.rnrnthanks for the review love, glad your enjoying it

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