meaghan (Anonymous) on May 02, 2009 06:37 pm (The Fourth and Final Liar)
OH MY GOD!!! i cannot believe that just happened!!! i mean, once i figured it was the nurse at the end....i KNEW what was going to happen but oh my god, i'm still in shock!!

su (Anonymous) on Apr 03, 2009 07:07 am (The Fourth and Final Liar)
oh my gosh, AMAZING! I'm still in shock.

crash coincidence (Signed) on Mar 14, 2008 10:23 am (The Fourth and Final Liar)
ok (takes deep breath) i have severely neglected telling you how fantastic and innovative i thought this story was. blame it on work, travel whatever, there is no good excuse. once again you have completely blown me away by your originality and ability to take a seemingly 'done' plot and weave it into something completely your own. a sad sad end, but so fitting for the story. loved it holly so much in fact guess what??? you need to write more girl and soon, so soon it will make my head spin hopefully!!

Author's Response: See, this is why I love you. Shameless flattery will get you everywhere

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Mar 10, 2008 01:31 pm (The Fourth and Final Liar)
Oh HOLY SHIT! I totally didnt see that one coming. Dang. Awesomeness as usual! Could there possibly be a continuance on this? You never cease to amaze me!

Author's Response: Thanks honey - and no, I like it where it is. I'll leave subsequent events to your imagination ;o)

fantasy (Signed) on Mar 10, 2008 04:20 am (The Fourth and Final Liar)
this was a great story. it was different and it goes to show that life doesn't always turn out the way you expect it too and it has a way of screwing us over.

Author's Response: Thanks hon :o)

Jbear (Signed) on Mar 09, 2008 10:34 pm (The Fourth and Final Liar)

Author's Response: sorry, that was it!!

jaye2kaye (Signed) on Mar 09, 2008 01:39 am (The Fourth and Final Liar)

NNNNNNOOOOO!!!!!!!!  you can't end here!  i kind of like how everything didn't work out as was expected, since life doesn't work out as expected, planned, or hoped,but this effect would have gone over much better if the last part with the technician was left out. i say b/c now you're probably going to have a lot of dissatisfied readers who want more.  maybe you should have an epilogue set like 20 years in the future where the technician has some terminal illness and confesses his guilt to emily...and then leave it there.  i would probably still want more, but i would prefer that ending where i can decide that she did the right thing, since you've already laid the groundwork for that.  suffice it to say i loved this story, just hanging on to hope that there's more.

Author's Response: That would be far too neat and tidy. Readers like neat and tidy, I notice, like to think the right thing's been done and some resoltuion's been reached but... life's not always like that, and that was the story I wanted to tell. If I gave you that ending, to my mind I'd have undermined everything I set out to do here. Of course, the beauty of writing and reading is that you don't have to agree with me on that :o)

Gigi (Signed) on Mar 08, 2008 04:36 pm (The Fourth and Final Liar)
I know you said this is the end but come on! He has to find out the truth!

Author's Response: *looks innocent*

gb bates (Signed) on Mar 08, 2008 02:00 pm (The Fourth and Final Liar)

Author's Response: Sorry, but this story's done cooking and is now out of the oven!! :o)

Vessy (Signed) on Mar 08, 2008 04:22 am (The Fourth and Final Liar)
very cool, can't wait for more!

Author's Response: I'm sorry hon, but it's finished!!!

Gabo (Signed) on Mar 08, 2008 03:21 am (The Fourth and Final Liar)
I KNEW IT! GAHHHH!! You are causing TOO much stress and drama. I can't handle this! *lol* Loved it...i want more. Please.

Author's Response: Sorry my love, but that's as much as you're getting!!

Tash2 (Signed) on Mar 07, 2008 09:20 pm (The Fourth and Final Liar)
oh you can't leave that like that.It wouldn't be right and fair. Great story none the less. 

Author's Response: Oh but I can and I would, for I am evil *lol* Thanks hon!

calinewgirl (Signed) on Mar 07, 2008 09:03 pm (The Fourth and Final Liar)

This story is now marked as complete. Is that a mistake?

I like this story a lot and I like this chapter, but I really don't think you should end it here (if that truly is your intention) because I don't think an actual story has been told here yet. A series of events and underlying circumstances have been described, but the traditional elements of story - particularly the climax, the final resolution and the reactions to the final resolution - have yet to be told. 

This chapter has done a good job at starting the uphill climb toward the climax, but to leave it on this note robs the reader of a full story experience. Again I want to STRESS that I DO really like this story, so I am in NO MEANS trying to offend anyone. However Hollie, if your initial intentions were to write a short story, I think you may have chosen the wrong storyline for that ... or at least you may have guided this last chapter in the wrong direction because I think you kind of created more loose ends with this chapter than you managed to tie up.

But seriously, I'm only saying this because I do like this storyline (especially where I think it can go; it's got GREAT potential) and I'd hate for it to end without closure for any of the characters and/or readers involved. ~N

Author's Response: Actually this review makes me happy, because what you're describing is exactly what I set out to do - a non traditional story with a format/structure that wasn't the old 'beginning, middle, end' and that didn't tie up everything neatly. Not everything does always tie up neatly and closure doesn't always happen, which is exactly what I wanted to put across. if I left you wanting for more then I really did my job so I'm a happy bunny :o) But please don't worry about me taking offence or feel like you can't make suggestions to me or put across some polite/constructive criticism. I appreciate the fact that you feel enough for the story to have these opinions and half the fun of posting stories is seeing what you guys think, so please always feel free because it can only help me out with future writing. I'm only going to take offence to people being rude, and you've been nothing but polite and intelligent so don't worry :o)

god gave me style (Signed) on Mar 07, 2008 08:46 pm (The Fourth and Final Liar)
Oh my god! That sneaky little hospital technician, making a little money on the side, lol. That was a great story Hollie, very intriguing and a bloody great ending! You are a rock star in my book babe!

Author's Response: Well you're a rock star in mine, so that works out nicely :o)

jaye2kaye (Signed) on Mar 02, 2008 06:50 pm (The Third Liar)

call me naive, but it just amazes me at how many lies these people are telling! although i excuse trace b/c his lie was justifiable.  and i can't stand how any woman can blame herself for when her husband cheats. i don't buy that whole "well, if i was just doing my job as a wife hewouldn't have gone elsewhere".  BULL-FUCKING-SHIT. it's inexcusable period.


justin's an ass. he may have good intentions, but the road to hell was paved with with good intentions.

Author's Response: Emily, bless her, is just still trying to blame someone who isn't Justin - Gabrielle wasn't working so she's moved onto herself

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