Comments For Hey Jude
alimera (Signed) on Mar 28, 2009 09:10 am (Something in the Way She Moves)
Ugh, not only do you take forever to update, but you don't break the tension that Abbey and Justin have going on? What the heck?! Lol, kidding! Congrats on your impending graduation, and update again soon!

Author's Response: I have a feeling that you're not going to like me much at all, lol.  I am trying to work on an update, I apologize for the delays with for the tension between Abbey and Justin, well...I can't say that that's going to go away any time soon :)

WhitneyJT (Signed) on Mar 25, 2009 05:56 pm (Something in the Way She Moves)
Awww...loved it girly!! It was so sweet for him to switch gifts with Channing but damnit I want JT and Abbey together too!! :) By the way, Abbey needs to get a clue about Justin's feelings before he starts to talk himself out of this whole situation. Yay for updates and can't wait to read more!!!

p.s. Thanks for the text message, I didn't know how much you cared?! hahaha! We should catch up soon! Later AJ!

Author's Response: Can I just tell you how hard I laughed when I realized that I'd texted you instead of Matt?? And yes...I've been meaning to share my feelings with you,'re the love of my life!!!

SJane (Signed) on Mar 25, 2009 04:59 pm (Something in the Way She Moves)
As much as I love me some channing (like any sane lady out there lol) justins little jesture just makes me want to get some pompoms and cheer in his corner hehe
Luv the update im hanging for more

Author's Response: Thanks so much for hanging in with me :) And I'm sure that there would be a lot more people in JT's corner if he admitted to his feelings and went after what he wanted...but...well.... :)

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