Comments For Choices
MochaB (Signed) on Jun 15, 2008 01:21 am (Chapter 15)
"Just so you know I will fight for you if I have to and I will win."  uh oh...thems be fighting words...and i'm sure it will be taken literally. i don't like toni and i want her out of the story. now. thank you. haha. *sigh* of course it's going to make it drama filled and have me on the edge and loving & hating it at the same time. why does she let toni do that to her? don't give in so she'll leave you alone! let her know what's up and make sure that that's the end of it, and that's that! ugh. haha. now her thinking about her relationship with justin? ummm...thinking over. go for it. club scene next? hmm...who knows what could happen. hehe. update soon! :o)

MissM69 (Signed) on Jun 14, 2008 09:48 am (Chapter 15)

I love trouble so bring it on lol :D


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