Comments For (Un)Tying the Knot
camshazam (Signed) on Sep 01, 2010 01:34 am (Chapter 28)
First of all, thank the good lord for Team Harless.  Sheesh.  Finally some guidance and wisdom!!   Moving on.  OMG.  Did JT seriously FAKE an orgasm?  bwhahaha. That is... that is the saddest, most awfulest thing I have ever heard.  Next, you'll tell me JT got cancer of the puppy.  And to wrap up, Amelia with her "don't curse" Tourette's makes me laugh.  It's like that frog-faced administrator, Dolores Umbridge in the Harry Potter books with her "hem, hem".... hee hee.  Roxie makes me yell "oooooooooo" (in a bad way) like Yosemite Sam!!

Author's Response: I knooooow hahaha. The one time the condom thing comes in handy, no pun in tended hahaha. "Don't curse" is one of my favorite Amelia quirks because its just so damn obnoxious lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Jan 13, 2010 11:38 pm (Chapter 28)
I'm dying for an update too!!! I cannot sit still when i think about what's gonna happen in the next chapter!

Author's Response: EEP no worries! Update this weekend. Chapter is done and in edits now! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

JTimm86 (Signed) on Jan 13, 2010 09:06 pm (Chapter 28)
OK! Boxing gloves are coming out again! We are SO fighting! Where is the other chapters?!?!? Im dieing here missy! C'mon bring back the Charstin!!! I need to know whats happening!!!

Author's Response: EEP don't hit me *hides* lol Next chapter is in edits so we'll definitely see an update this weekend *bounce* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Sassy Spacey (Signed) on Dec 30, 2009 06:44 pm (Chapter 28)
That's right Mama Lynn, you talk some sense into that boy. Grrr. And Paul too!
"Sometimes you have to lose something to get something better."
^ Best quote ever! I need to know what's gonna happen so you need to update asap ;) LoL. Sorry it took me so long to comment, the holidays make me crazy! Hope you have a fantastic New Years and I hope more is coming soon! :) -Traci

Author's Response: Oh girl I know about holiday madness lol. And it wont stop for me I'm getting ready to go back to school again *headdesk* But hopefully an update will come sooner rather than later. I'm about halfway finished with it and baring any major screwups it should be sooner than the last. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Ambs07 (Signed) on Dec 29, 2009 07:04 pm (Chapter 28)
NO! you idiot. it means give up on "roxie" and go get Charlie! Dammit. Just when i thought he was finally seeing the light, he goes an thinks that. DUMB ASS! lol Wow great update girl! Sorry it took me forever to read it, but been a wee bit busy. I love it!

Author's Response: Hey it was my bad for putting out an update around the holidays. This one shoulda gotten out way sooner but life got in the way perusual. Thanks for taking the time out to read though! And there has got to be come kind of medication for Justin's idiocy I swear hahah Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Dec 28, 2009 10:21 pm (Chapter 28)

Well, after pulling up and catching up on all the chapters I missed on my cell phone mind you (since my internet access is limited for the holidays) I'm totally stumped now and wish there was more to read. lol

Idk, I feel like, like I don't like Justin very much anymore. I feel like, this entire ordeal and this Amelia, Charlotte thing could be solved if he'd just grow a pair and man up but as we can see he's a totally pansy. For that, I'm kinda hoping he does stay miserable for the rest of his life because he's too much of a coward to embrace his feelings. He's scared of change? Scared to take a chance? He's dumb. 

I stopped liking Jusitn the moment he accepted what he and Charlotte were doing was ok, but was not man enough to face the facts that the reason he can't do without her is because he has feelings for her past the average 'friends with benefits.' Right now, he's worse than Amelia. At least, Amelia is straight out with who she is and she's honest. 

Justin is nothing but a little manipulative prick playing the victim now. Ugh! Men!!!!!!!!! lol lol. I don't toally hate him. Hey, i'm all up for him coming to his senses right beofre he says "i do." switching it to "i don't or can't" and then admitting to himself and to everyone else that Charlotte is the one for him.

Even if Charlotte is in the wrong as well to be with an engaged man, point is, the one who's engaged needs to wise up as well. 

P.s the wierd sex moment between Justin and Amelia was torture but very well written. haha! More soon please I hope not too long. I love this.

Author's Response: Like that a lot of people are coming around the the idea that Justin is not a very likable character right now, especially since everyone seems reluctant and almost sad to say that they don't like him. This is EXACTLY how Charlotte has been feeling the past couple chapters and how Justin is becoming to feel about himself. Its like you're trying so hard to see the good in him (he's trying so hard to see the good in himself and hide from his faults and mistakes) and its getting to the point where you're not able to do that anymore (much the same for Justin). I like that everyone is looking for him to redeem himself...and I'm not gonna comment either way because well that would spoil the fun haha. And thanks about the weird sex hahaha That was so much fun to write! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

MissTasha (Signed) on Dec 27, 2009 09:00 pm (Chapter 28)
He is the dumbest motherfucker to ever walk the Earth, real or fictional. He takes the cake. He wins the prize. He gets the trophy. He's brain dead. The lights are off up top. The elevator doesn't go all the way up. He's stupid. And hopeless. Therefore, I give up. I quit. Please update soon, so that Charlottle can dump his dumb ass and move on. He doesn't deserve her at all. At aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall. Aaaaaaaaargh!!!!!

Author's Response: HAHAHAHA I seriously love that you guys get so worked up. Justin has an angry mob on his hands, he better shape the hell up soon if he knows what's good for him. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Tempest-Sher (Signed) on Dec 25, 2009 08:01 pm (Chapter 28)

I want to thank the cavemen of history. Without them, there wouldn't be boneheads like Justin to exist.

He is really dense and it's so frustrating. He can clearly see he isn't happy. I think the problem is he forces himself to see Amelia as she once was. I also think that is why he is attracted to Charlotte. She's Amelia before the glam, before the short haircut, before the bitchiness. Justin wants that women that was driven but still down to earth and laid back. The one that wasn't pressuring him to be something more than what he was, the one that was content with his career and wasn't all about appearances. 


This is a great story. You're an amazing writer if you can have the reader hating the character so much that when they hear the name Amelia, the cringe. Lol. 

Author's Response: HAHA You know Justin IS very caveman like. You hit the nail right on the head with Amelia and Charlotte. He's just so scared to make a change or even to THINK about making a change. Stupid boy *smacks him* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Tina (Anonymous) on Dec 23, 2009 02:30 am (Chapter 28)
his stupidness is making me angry.

Author's Response: His stupidness is making EVERYONE angry hahaha Me included! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

princess (Anonymous) on Dec 22, 2009 12:17 pm (Chapter 28)
wow could he be any stupider. He really thought they meant charlotte?  I think I officially hate this justin's dumb ass.  He almost deserves to marry amelia and be unhappy because charlotte deserves better than someone full of so much punk bitch assness.  Great great great update though.  More soon please, like actually soon would be awesome.

Author's Response: Yeah he's officially a tool and a half right now. Next update is started and hopefully will come along smoothly. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

azchickadee (Signed) on Dec 21, 2009 11:12 pm (Chapter 28)


UGH!  I swear, I'm going to slap that boy!!  Really?!  That's what he took from all his mom and dad's talking and prodding?  That he needs to let go of Charlotte?!?! 

Justin!  Come on!!

I can't take this anymore...

Author's Response: GAH I know its crazy right now. He's being a royal moron. But stay tuned! I swear you will be rewarded! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Dec 21, 2009 08:29 pm (Chapter 28)

Throughout this whole thing. I have never wanted to slap Justin so hard his head does a Linda Blair than when I just read that last paragraph.

WTF? Are you effing kidding me?

Maybe its because I'm Pro-Charlie and Anti-Roxie...but I think he just took what Paul just said and turned it completely around. He only heard what he thought he wanted to hear not what he he REALLY wanted to hear. If that made any sense. LOL.

Grrr...Justin Randall Timberlake. Consider yourself offically bitched slapped.

Author's Response: HAHAHA LINDA BLAIR OMG!!!!! That's awesome!!! And you're exactly right about Justin misunderstanding what Paul said. He's just so blind to the whole situation. *sigh* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Jaimie (Anonymous) on Dec 21, 2009 07:13 pm (Chapter 28)
Ahhh!!! You did it! You did it!! I'm so proud of you! lol. Now Amelia is officially on my shit list FO SHO! Seriously... who wouldn't love hot sex with Justin?? C'mon! I want more of Charstin! Please please please don't make me threaten you again for the next chapter ;) !!!!!!

Author's Response: YAAAAAAAAY thanks!!! hahaha the next chapter is cominging along now. I'm going to really try and finish it sometime this coming weekend but no promises. Its Christmas and things are bonkers hahaha. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Emily (Anonymous) on Dec 21, 2009 06:54 pm (Chapter 28)

Awesome! I'm so happy to see an update - I'm glad you're keeping with the story!


I liked to see Justin crack a bit. I've been waiting for something to come to a breaking point with him - boy needs to get his head on straight! Sad to see not much interaction (at all :( ) with Charlie and Justin, but I *hope* there will be more to come?


Keep up the great writing, and I can't wait to read more!!

Author's Response: YAY I promise I won't give up on this story! I will finish it so don't worry about that. It might take me forever but I WILL finish it haha. But there are only 8 chapters left and I kinda feel like I'm on a roll so *crosses fingers* I'm enjoying writing Justin slowly unraveling and there will be more of Charlie. We're not done with her yet! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Mandy (Anonymous) on Dec 21, 2009 08:52 am (Chapter 28)
Great chapter as usual! But i'm so frustrated. Actually charlie doesn't deserve this coward. And i wonder what she was thinking when mr. ball-less said no to her. I have to tell you you are the BEST sex scene writer (both good and bad sex) and you know how to keep it classy. cannot wait to know what happens next. Can i ask you when you will update next? So that i atleast KNOW how long i have to wait??? Grrr idiot!justin makes me so mad!

Author's Response: Awww thank you so much. It's an odd skill to have but hey I'm not complaining hahaha. I think writing the bad sex is fun because it's kind of a challenge. Next update will hopefully come sooner than the last. I've started it already and its going well so here's hoping *crosses fingers* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

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