Comments For (Un)Tying the Knot
ltaylor03 (Signed) on Dec 22, 2010 11:14 pm (Chapter 33)

jesus. it's about FUCKING TIME DUDE!

Ugh...I totally didn't see her cheating on him though. Man...that was a zing. I DID, however, see Amelia turning it around and saying that Charlotte was lying to him to make him leave her for Charlotte...that woulda been a vengeful bitch thing to do, I'd say.

Guh. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you're updating this thing soon? I need to see how this all ends!!!

Author's Response: I am ALMOST done with the next chapter. Like I'm talking only a few paragraphs. Weirdly I wrote the beginning of this one and then skipped to the end and now I'm kind of writing back and forth until I get to the middle. I just gotta get past all this Christmas/Family hoopla and harrass my editor until she surrenders haha. So it will be very soon. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Joanne (Anonymous) on Dec 15, 2010 04:16 pm (Chapter 33)
I am seriously having withdrawls - need update now, I have re-read the story again - need update now pretty please before christmas would be a wonderful present to give us fans!

Author's Response: I am working on the next chapter right now. I have the beginning written. I have the end written. I'm just trying to bridge the two right now which is proving to be difficult. I doubt I'll be able to get it edited before Christmas but hopefully my wonderful, fabulous, tireless editor will be able to fit it in before the new year. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

MochaB (Signed) on Nov 23, 2010 10:20 pm (Chapter 33)
FINAL-EFFING-LY!!! ugh! i still can't stand him though. lol it took him entirely too long to do this.  him hurting charlie isn't what made him do this.  amelia treating him like a pet, like dirt, like an employee, like a ignortant child didn't make him do this.  his love that he knew he had for charlie but never wanted to admit didn't make him do this.  only when he finds out amelia is cheating did he get the freaking clue...after all this crap he's put up with and done.  you know i could go on and on expressing how pissed off he makes me and how stupid he is, but i've done that for about 30something chapters so I won't repeat myself. lol amelia is a sad, sad person. obviously she didn't treat justin like a person so of course her rep is all she has, and it's her own fault so i'm not sad for her. i was really hoping charlie could finally leave amelia's presence with her head held high. anyway, 99 percent of me what charlie to say "F you justin!" when he comes groveling to her (which he should do) and 1 percent wants them to finally be together. it will probably be more if he really, really gets his act together and grovels on his hands and knees for forgiveness, and only after charlie doesn't immediately give in and makes him work for her. justin needs to get his act together, but not just by admitting his feelings, but by becoming himself again and fixing all his relationships that he has ruined (family and friends). ugh. i always leave an essay review for this story. lol so glad i finally had the chance to read the update. please update soon! :o)

Author's Response: Girl I love your essays haha. Its nice to see that people are thinking and feeling when they're reading and a thoughtful review lets us know that. I know I say this all the time but the next section is half way finished haha. I always write half and then my brain goes on vacation but I have a four day weekend coming up so I'm hoping I can get some writing done. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

mzmillion (Signed) on Nov 17, 2010 08:06 pm (Chapter 33)

Ok, so now that I said I like Char better than Sky, now you have me thinking ahead to little pieces of there life together like how you did with ALWL...which by the way, I would love some more pieces from...


omg I'm so damn greedy but it would be so good to read and read and read. 

Author's Response: HAHA yeah I've got a ton of ideas left for Skystin and I have some deleted scene ideas for Charltin so we'll be hearing from all of them again I promise. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

mzmillion (Signed) on Nov 16, 2010 07:38 pm (Chapter 33)

OMG, so I kept seeing this story and kept putting off reading it, I don't know why since you created Skystin but I just kept saying one day I'll read it, well I started like 5 days ago and I read it all.... and it was


Please update more.... I love love them... Charlotte, I might like her more than Skylar...

Author's Response: Dude I don't blame you this story is a BEAST haha. Kudos to ANYONE who takes the time to read it through. I'm glad you're liking it! I'll agree Charlotte is more likable than Skylar haha. She spent most of ALWL being a bitch to poor weeby!j and all Charlotte does is love fiance!J. I'm workin on the next update, writing a little bit everyday so hopefully I can get it out soon. I'm hoping to have this story complete by Christmas but we'll see. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

princess (Anonymous) on Nov 12, 2010 09:37 pm (Chapter 33)
bout damn time

Author's Response: I. know. right. haha Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Sassy Spacey (Signed) on Nov 10, 2010 02:32 pm (Chapter 33)
I knew Amelia had to be up to no good!! All this time Justin could have been free from her. Grrr. LoL. Fantastic job! I'm glad Justin knows, but sad that Amelia found out about Charlie :( But, hopefully there's a happy ending in here somewhere?? :-D Great job as usual! Can't wait for more! -Traci

Author's Response: That is of course the most frustrating part. He was working hard to hold on and she wasn't even trying *sigh* *smacks her* And happy ending? *whistles* haha Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Rocio Vazquez (Signed) on Nov 09, 2010 08:40 am (Chapter 33)

Slowly coming undone.... Loves it!

Author's Response: Yesssss the knot is unraveling mwuahaha. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Marissa (Anonymous) on Nov 08, 2010 06:16 pm (Chapter 33)
Finallllllyyyyyy. Goooo Justin! Hopefully not a day late and dollar short. 

Author's Response: I know homeboy deserves a super big cookie for finally growing a pair haha. We'll see how it pans out. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Cherie (Anonymous) on Nov 08, 2010 05:44 pm (Chapter 33)
Thanks loved this chapter been with you on this story from the start and love it :)

Author's Response: GAH that's so great to hear! Seriously I wish I could somehow bake cookies for every person who has stuck with me with this story from the beginning. You guys are truly awesome! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Nov 08, 2010 01:51 am (Chapter 33)
FINALLY!!! I still can't believe he went through with the wedding to begin with. And now look at this mess! Great update! Loved it!!

Author's Response: I KNOW RIGHT!!! He's so ball-less *pets him* And he does have quite the mess. But he said it himself... what goes around (goes around goes around) etc haha. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Keediluv (Signed) on Nov 08, 2010 12:30 am (Chapter 33)

I thought I'd feel relieved that he finally grew a pair but I'm so over them (he and Amelia) that I don't care what they do.  I do hope that Charlotte finds someone else because her and Justin together would highly disappoint me.  She deserves better than someone who doesn't even love himself.  

You are brilliant! :) 

Author's Response: Awww thanks girl! I feel your disgust and all I'm gonna say is the next two chapters are gonna be tricky for me but hopefully they satisfy you guys. Socloseomg haha Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

ashley (Anonymous) on Nov 07, 2010 11:01 pm (Chapter 33)
Amazing, as usual! Can't wait to read how it ends! You are so talented in portraying the characters' emotions and making your readers feel them like they're their own! Good work =)

Author's Response: Aww thank you so much. I try really hard to make these characters as believable as possible and it's good to hear that it's coming across. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

MissTasha (Signed) on Nov 07, 2010 10:17 pm (Chapter 33)
Finally!!!!! I actualy can't believe it. I was convinced he didn't have it in him. You're good. You had me convinced he was a complete coward with zero hope of ever having a backbone. Now, the question is whether he has enough balls to actually finalize a divirce/annulment and whether he has the guts to go after Charlie. Who, speaking of, I think shouldn't even take him back at this point as he failed time after time to chose her. After telling her over and over that she was second best, she should chuck the dueces and find someone who she doesn't have to beg, plead, and draw up fucking diagrams for before he understands what she's worth. Fuck him. Please update soon.

Author's Response: It wasn't my initial goal to make everyone completely give up on Justin but I will admit it's been kind of interesting for me to see how you guys have been reacting to his ball-less-ness haha. AND DRAWING UP DIAGRAMS!!! HAHAHA That SERIOUSLY cracked me up! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Mel514 (Signed) on Nov 07, 2010 08:56 pm (Chapter 33)
AHHH! I knew she was a cheating biatch! I'm so glad Justin finally saw the truth about Amelia. Can't wait to see what's next!

Author's Response: YESSS the truth finally comes out MWUAHAHA! Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!

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