Comments For (Un)Tying the Knot
brittbratt (Signed) on Sep 29, 2008 08:21 pm (Chapter 11)
okay so maybe we're not bad ass enough to chug from a bottle of Jack, but diet pepsi works too. hahaha...guh I love Justin with his family and Trace...actually I just love the way you write Justin and Trace together, period.

Author's Response: Awwww thaaaaaanks...youz mah bish, bish! And DP is sorta like the sense that it really isn't at all *crickets* yeeeeeah...Thanks for readin' and reviewin'!!!

MochaB (Signed) on Sep 27, 2008 07:45 pm (Chapter 11)
:o) dang it! i want my charlstin! now! haha. so pretty much nobody likes amelia. not even justin's family. they tolerate her. i mean, they aren't even married yet, but justin's going to have to deal with this for the rest of his life. has he thought of that? i just hate how she makes him feel like he needs to correct himself, what he says, how he acts, etc. in her presence. he can't even be his true self. that blows. do you really want to be a character in your own life? uuuuugh! i just can't stand it! it's so sad. i bet justin's fam is going to love charlotte. probably be praying to God that he will marry her instead of amelia by the time christmas is over. haha. i really hate that she can't go home to her family. amelia just wants her miserable since she's feeling miserable with justin's family. misery loves company. but i'm happy justin is trying to cheer her up. he knows how it is, but i mean...he had to for his career, for something he loved, but for charlie that's not the case and that really sucks. anyway, yeah...i love this. update soon. :o) oh! but in regards to the previous update, one thing amelia is probably right on, is patti. mmmhmmm....

Author's Response: Wow I really like your thoughts on Justin and Amelia's situation! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

alimera (Signed) on Sep 27, 2008 03:27 pm (Chapter 11)
Hahahahahahaha, they're bonding over Johnny Cash and Jack Daniels. Nothing like the South! Lmao, update again soon!

Author's Response: I KNOW! Seriously that scenario was in my head for.EV.ER. I'm so glad people are liking it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Marissa (Signed) on Sep 26, 2008 09:05 pm (Chapter 11)
I see more sparks between Charlie and Justin!! And Amelia is a frigid bitch that I hate. lol

Great job, girl!

Author's Response: Yes yes they are very spark-y!!! *rubs hands together* lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

violet (Signed) on Sep 26, 2008 01:55 pm (Chapter 11)

Cash! Jack! Blueberry Crunch Cake!!! (Which my grandmother made oh so wonderfully!!!)

Amelia - bitch. Trace - awesomenes. Charlotte - Freaking sweet. Justin - beyond whipped at this point.

Also? Drunk at the store? I deal with that!  Great chapter and i can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: HAHAHA VERY good analysis of the characters! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

brushfire (Anonymous) on Sep 25, 2008 11:32 pm (Chapter 11)
am really loving this so far.. these 2 def need to get drunk and make some bad decisions immediatelyyyy.

Author's Response: HAHAHAHAHA Okay this is probably one of my favorite reviews ever! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Sassy Spacey (Signed) on Sep 25, 2008 09:11 pm (Chapter 11)
She is loosening up! Finally! I can't wait to see where this goes. Awesome job as usual. Maybe Justin will SEE that Amiela is ALL wrong for him. LoL. Loving the new characters too :) Ginger's a trip :-P Great job as usual! Hope more is coming soon! -Traci

Author's Response: HAHAHAHA Yeah it was about damn time Charlie was a little less twitchy huh? Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

a_nonymous (Signed) on Sep 25, 2008 05:27 pm (Chapter 11)
OMG Heather you do an AMAZING job portraying Justin's family and his behavior around them just like I imagine it really is!

Author's Response: EEP thanks Roz!!! I've been looking forward to these sections for awhile so I'm really glad you are enjoying them! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

MissTasha (Signed) on Sep 25, 2008 01:28 pm (Chapter 11)
Awwwwwwwww. I'm glad she feels a little better. Can they sleep together very, very soon? Pretty please? Thank you, ma'am. Please update soon.

Author's Response: *gasp* justin and Charlotte can't SLEEP together...he's ENGAGED *snigger* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Diana (Anonymous) on Sep 25, 2008 12:57 pm (Chapter 11)
Charlotte and Justin are so cute ...they need to hook up SOON!

Author's Response: They really kinda are. But they can't get together I mean Justin is ENGAGED *snigger* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Shufflee (Signed) on Sep 25, 2008 12:04 pm (Chapter 11)
I love Trace, that's all

Author's Response: I LOVE TRACE TOO!!!! He's seriously so underappreciated in fanfic. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Sep 25, 2008 10:13 am (Chapter 11)
I think that Justin needs to dump the ice queen and get back all the things he loves, not to mention that Charlie is a perfect match with his family..... I love this, PMS

Author's Response: EEP me too!!! But you know these characters. They're so stubborn lol Thanks for taking the time to read and review!!!

Vessy (Signed) on Sep 25, 2008 06:13 am (Chapter 11)
Very good chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you like it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

DeadandGone (Signed) on Sep 25, 2008 05:55 am (Chapter 11)

Guh I'm like a crack head with this story lol. Can you make Amelia go away? Just for me please =) lol. I was grinning like a fool while reading this, I love Millington!Justin, and Trace and Rachel. You made my ovaries melt, Daddy!Justin is just love. Oh and I'm glad Amelia doesn't want children, Justin can't have children with that "See you next Tuesday".

What I love even more is the Jack and Johnny Cash, Heather you are simply amazing <3.

Author's Response: Wow I'm really glad you're likinng it! Nothing like a little Jack and Cash to round out the chapter. I've been waiting to write that forever lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

SJane (Signed) on Sep 25, 2008 03:13 am (Chapter 11)
thank drunk guy in the front of the store made me giggle and it also gave Charlie some of her very own body gurads lol

I'm so glad to see that Justin's family is a little frosty towards Asshole...oh sorry Amelia lol i mean they don't do it so it's blantantly obvious but you can still feel it.

I love how at least Trace feels like he hasn't changed still the southern boy we love lol

great update love at home Justin

Author's Response: BAHAHAHA ASSHOLE!!!! That's hilarious! Trace and Justin are really so much fun to write! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

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