Comments For (Un)Tying the Knot
camshazam (Signed) on Aug 30, 2010 07:57 pm (Chapter 20)

She jabs the emergency stop button, feeling if she runs one more step she’d fall to the ground, sadness falling over her like a veil and she just wants to go home.

Am I the only one who would love it if Charlotte hit "stop" on all this mess and walked away?  Both she AND J need Al-Anon.  Those two have some issues with boundaries and saying "no." 

Author's Response: They really do. If they would just open their mouths and be honest with themselves and each other... but alas lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

robynxnicole (Anonymous) on Apr 01, 2009 11:35 pm (Chapter 20)

More! I love where you're going with this. I'm obsessed!

Author's Response: YAY I'm glad you like it! More IS coming. I'm trying to work on the next section now. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Vikki (Signed) on Mar 30, 2009 07:21 pm (Chapter 20)

no! no! no! Get the hell off the bike thingy and go after her!

UUUUGGHHH! *shakes fiance!J* COME ON MAN!

he needs a good smack upside his head and I am raising my hand for the position. srsly... he can NOT go through with this wedding! He kissed Charlie! He loves her damn it... not the Wicked Witch of the Upper Westside ok! (wait... are they on the westside? eastside? lol!)

something needs to happen... I think Charlie should jump his ass, fight for him... lol! i dunno! something! this wedding can not happen! no! no! no!

Author's Response: HAHAHAHAHAHA Oh Vikki I love your reviews! Your reactions are just what I love to hear coming from the readers! *elbows Fiance!J hard* ahem....ANYWAY...I agree the boy needs to get his head on straight and realize Amelia isn't right for him (itiseastsidebythewayomg) Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

brittbratt (Signed) on Mar 28, 2009 10:01 pm (Chapter 20)
bahahaha the awkwardness, I love it...I really liked the way you kept flashing back to the kiss so we still got a clear idea of what went down, very clever my dear, very clever.  by the way, Golfer!J says hi and he wants to come play in France...not sure if he's talking about golf or "something else" but I may ship him out in a few days.

Author's Response: O_O GOLFER!J????? *giggle* Oh he can come out and play. Glad you loved it! *bounce* The kiss GUH it was so hard to cut the last chapter where it was but I knew it would make this chapter so much hotter lol. Thanks for readin and reviewing bish!

Sassy Spacey (Signed) on Mar 27, 2009 01:20 am (Chapter 20)
First off, I hope you have an awesome time in France! Second, Justin needs to man up already! Please! He needs to do something!!! LoL. The update was awesome, I loved it. It was short ... but it was still good. Haha. Something needs to happen already, he doesn't belong with Amelia ... he should know that by now! Gah sometimes I want to reach through the screen and knock him upside the head. LoL. Anyway, you're doing an awesome job as usual and I hope you have more comin soon! :) Enjoy your time in France! TTYL -Traci

Author's Response: YAAAY FRANCE!!! its kinda sucking here right now but I think I'm just still adjusting lol. As far as knocking Justin upside his head I AGREE!!! *smacks him* These two *sigh* I'm glad you liked it and I DO have more coming HOPEFULLY soon. I'm working on it now but quiet has been kinda hard to come by here. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Mar 26, 2009 04:30 pm (Chapter 20)
i really need them and you to stop fuckin' with me and Justin to get a clue.  Loved it. more soon please

Author's Response: HAHAHAHA Okay okay I'll see what I can do. Glad you loved it! I'm working on the new section right now. I have no clue when it will be done but I'm workin I swear! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

alimera (Signed) on Mar 26, 2009 12:41 pm (Chapter 20)
Ugh, okay, no really the update I was looking for...I was looking for all out, ripping-clothes-off sex on the staircase lol. But since you gave me this to work with...I hate Patti, Justin is an idiot for checking her out while Charlie was right there, and Charlotte is an idiot for running away. Case in point: they're both idiots, so why not make them be idiots together? Lol. I know you're working towards that. Have tons of fun in France, I love it there! But don't forget about us here, eagerly awaiting your next update! (And by "us" I mean me, lol)

Author's Response: Hmmm idiots together...I LIKE IT! Now as far as getting them to do it that's a whole nother bushel of apples right there. But you're right I am working towards it. Slowly but surely lol. Thanks for the well wishes and thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Shufflee (Signed) on Mar 26, 2009 07:12 am (Chapter 20)

that bitch cheated on my justin??? 

Author's Response: SHE DID THAT WHORE BAG!!!! More on that to come I promise. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

tiinydancer xx (Signed) on Mar 26, 2009 02:19 am (Chapter 20)
Ooooh Charlotte, with your secretly deep-cutting words. You slay me. That is what happens when you force a sexually repressed girl on a treadmill. The anger builds up with the lactic acid and boom -- bitch explosion. I love it.

If I wasn't already so aware of the fact that all men are idiots, I would be incredibly impressed with how stupid Fiance!J is. When you don't feel guilty about cheating on the woman you plan on marrying, isn't that a sign that you could care less about her? Why continue with the torture? And she's cheated on YOU before, so it's like ... payback and an easy way out simultaneously! I can't even lie, I was totally reading this and hoping for a sexy gym sauna scene between Charlotte and Justin, but no such luck. Roxie Cock-Blocks would surely find out anyway and then mayhem would erupt in massive amounts. Le sigh -- BREAK UP WITH HER YOU IMBECILE! Dump your evil wife-to-be and pay more attention to ol' girl you passionately made out with in a stairwell. Do so promptly before I nut-punch you. Thanks.

Also, love the new story banner. He's pretty, if not also mentally incapacitated. That is all.

Author's Response: She TOTALLY brain ninja-ed him lol!!! Like that's gonna haunt him later. and ROXIE COCK-BLOCKS BAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg that was fucking AWESOME. And nut-punch! lol This review was made of win!!! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Mar 26, 2009 12:40 am (Chapter 20)
Grrr...can I have a knife please?

I mean that sexual tension was effin thick!

Also I'd like to use it on Roxanne. Ya know with any other woman, usually getting your personal assitant an appointment at the gym on a saturday morning to make sure your fiance doesn't diddle the wedding planner would be like a flashing neon sign saying, "DON'T MARRY THIS MAN!" Because obviously she doesn't trust him!

Which leads me to the conclusion she's not a human at all! That's the only explanation! Have I mentioned she's a bitch?

Then you have Justin with his non-exsistent balls. I mean hello! I think you need to check and make sure they're still there because obviously Roxie has done away with them. Then he has to go and oogle Patti. Ew! Could the bitch not be any more obvious that she wants his junk? "You have great rhythm when you run." G-ROSS! Obviously "No Balls" needs to get laid (preferably with Charlie) so he can have the blood flowing normally instead of it all clogging up at his brain. Because that has to be THE only explanation as to why he's still with Roxie.

So now that I've wrote you a whole was pure awesomeness!! I am so jealous you're going to France! But have lots o fun!

Author's Response: DIDDLE!!! OMG that was AWESOME hahahaha "I was only minorly diddled...only minorly" Made my day! I agree this was a rather frustrating chapter. The characters, sometimes they mutiny what can I say. I love all your observations and thoughts and you know I like the novel-esque reviews!!! Proves I'm doing my job and makin' ya'll think! Thanks for the well wishes and thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

SJane (Signed) on Mar 25, 2009 10:19 pm (Chapter 20)
Dammit justin im gonna come in there and smack u up the god damn head the silly boy...iknow I shldnt expect all to come out roses and ponys afta 1 kiss but iiii wwwaaannntttt iiiittt lol

Author's Response: I KNOW RIGHT!!! *smacks him* I dunno about roses and ponies but hopefully they'll come around! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Ambs07 (Signed) on Mar 25, 2009 09:33 pm (Chapter 20)
omg they are so stuck on each other. they just need to jump each other an get over with. lol Then "roxanne" can just go away lol Great update girl! an have fun in France.

Author's Response: They do kinda have a big smile for each other don't they *giggle* Iagreetheydoneedsomesexytimeomg. Hopefully that comes soon...pun INTENDED *snigger* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

jep77 (Signed) on Mar 25, 2009 08:32 pm (Chapter 20)
awww.......shes sooo confused.  can't wait for the next update.

Author's Response: She IS confused and Justin isn't really helping matters *smacks him* Glad you liked it! Hopefully updates soon! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

MochaB (Signed) on Mar 25, 2009 08:16 pm (Chapter 20)
Burn baby! You go charlie!! The best part is he doesn't even get it. Idiot. I hope he realizes what she meant soon. Can you tell that I am fed up with justin and his non existent backbone? His non existent mind? And then he made me so mad by ogling patti. Yes he's a guy, but still! He's so dense. That woman has been hitting on him since the day she signed on as their wedding planner and he still doesn't see it. He doesn't see a lot of things, but then the things he does see he makes excuses for or ignores them. Ugh! Then he mentions tucking this kiss away along with the songs he won't write and the memphis home and everything else amelia has and will make him give up. He could easily have all those things again AND charlie by giving up one thing, or person really. Its quite easy to know why he doesn't feel guilt. And all the reasons why he can't loose charlie, why he needs her in his life, etc. shouldn't that person be your wife/husband? They should be the ones being there for you and making you feel certain ways? Not your fiance's assistant right? Ugh JUSTIN WAKE UP!! I can't remember the last time I was so incredibly frustrated at a character. *sigh* update soon! And have a butt load of fun in France!! :o)

Author's Response: HE IS DENSE OMG!!!! Writing him is so frustraing sometimes but its a lot of fun too lol He's so clueless the poor kid. Glad you liked the section! Updates hopefully soon. Depends on how long it takes me to get acclaimated. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Marissa (Signed) on Mar 25, 2009 06:31 pm (Chapter 20)
Aww, they're so confused! I was hoping for a little more heat after their steamy kiss, but I'm sure it's coming soon...I love it, as always! Have fun and be careful in France, we'll miss you lots and lots!


PS- Loved the Met shout out.

Author's Response: RISSA!!! Glad you liked the section! And just between you and me...thesteamiscomingnoworriesomg... I mean...what? *whistles* Thanks for reading and reviewing girl!!!

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