Comments For (Un)Tying the Knot
Keediluv (Signed) on Aug 06, 2009 05:29 pm (Chapter 24)

I'm not sure how I feel about Charlotte being his 'side piece' while he fakes this relationship with the spawn of satan....I mean Amelia.  The last couple chapters were awesome of course and I hope Charlotte finds her voice and tells both of them how she really feels.


Author's Response: Yeah Justin and Charlotte are entering some pretty dangerous territory. there's a lot of wrongness going on right now lol. I'm glad you've liked the last several chapters! They gave me such a hard time while writing them so its nice to hear that they don't totally suck hahaha Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Sassy Spacey (Signed) on Jul 20, 2009 12:32 am (Chapter 24)
Oh goodness...they are just getting in deeper and deeper. Something is about to happen I can feel it. I'm all for the Charlie and Justin stuff but something is gonna happen. Fantastic job as usual! Sorry it took me a while to get back to you :) Hope your summer's goin' well! TTYL -Traci

Author's Response: Maybe somethings gonna happen....maaaaaaybe not *shifty eyes* lol And no worries about how long it takes I'm just glad you shared your thoughts! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

brittbratt (Signed) on Jul 15, 2009 09:29 pm (Chapter 24)
Guuuuuuuh back and forth, back and forth...Justin's emotions I mean.  That boy needs to get his act together *shakes head*  Oh and um him pinning Charlie against the door...HOT. By the way, the Holiday Inn in Hoboken was lovely.  Next time we'll go to MoMA.

Author's Response: HAHAHAHA the holiday inn in hoboken line is pretty much my favorite line in this section. Up against the door sex was a first for me and I think it should be revisted in future stories lol. Thanks for readin and reviewin bish!

a_nonymous (Signed) on Jul 14, 2009 04:16 pm (Chapter 24)
Heather, remind me again why Justin is still with Amelia?

Author's Response: He loves her. He really does. *gag* lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

avalyne (Signed) on Jul 13, 2009 12:46 am (Chapter 24)

"He consoles himself in thinking that if he’d just been having sex on at least a semi-regular basis that he’d be able to stop himself."

Well, DUH! That's because you're not just "having sex" idiot. You're freaking in love with this girl and you're too damn stubborn to admit it. And you just can't stop, nor can you help yourself (who can blame him? Charlotte is SUCH a great catch!) But he also loves (albeit a very different kind of love) Amelia. And despite how much he wants to just throw it all away sometimes, he still desperately holds on. For reasons unbeknownst to himself.

So all he needs is a damn good reason to leave Amelia. Just one. (And if cheating's not good enough I don't know what will be!!) But as much as I want Justin to dump Amelia's sorry ass, I can't help but want him to do the noble thing and stay true to his relationship. Aahh damn you morals!!! But seeing our Justin happy DEFINITELY outweighs morality. (Let's face it, morality was thrown out the window the second Justin set his eyes on Charlie).

I really hope that Justin figures this whole thing out before he's left standing at the altar about to make the biggest mistake of his life, leaving Charlie to debate with herself whether or not to stop the freaking wedding. (Although... that would make for some juicy drama, lol). And I agree with im. I can't wait to see Trace's reaction either! Lol, especially with his whole schpeel about him betting that Justin loves Charlie and not Amelia. Oh, he'll have a field day with this one...

Oh gosh, I'm so anxious as to what Justin's next move is going to be. I just hope that whatever it is, it's not going to totally destroy the progress him and Charlie just made in the last week. I don't want them to go back to the way they were. I want them to progress! (or at least keep on having naughty random sex, hehe)

sarah1988 (Signed) on Jul 12, 2009 06:29 pm (Chapter 24)
i hate amelia. i really do. shes a manipulative bitch! and justin... that dude should grow some balls and buy himself an opinion. woah... undecided slightly? no? god dammit! what is wrong with you! if you ruin this thin with charlie i'm gonna kick your balls and you wont be able to fuck anyone, not charlie or your fiancee. stupid justin... make up your mind.

but: all in all a great update! my favourite story since lovestoned by lynn! i love all the tension and the teasing between justin and charlie. theyre just meant to be together. updafe asap pls

Author's Response: Wow to be put in the same catagory with lynn and LoveStoned is seriously very flattering! Thank you so much. And yeah Justin is being a serious bag of douche at the moment. I've been trying to get him to rectify that situation but he's stubborn as all get out. *sigh* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

justinzgirlkb (Anonymous) on Jul 09, 2009 02:16 pm (Chapter 24)
WOOOOOOW. Charlotte and Justin are toooo bad! LOL Love it. And while they're starting to grow on me, I'm still questioning Justin's motivations. Surprise, surprise, right? In reading these last few chapters and especially, in reading Justin's responses and explanations of their "affair" and talk about definitions of the affair, I find that the only character more manipulative than him is Amelia. LOL. Charlotte clearly emerges here as a replacement: the anti-Amelia, and it's like Justin's almost using Charlotte to fulfill whatever kind of fantasy he wishes Amelia would play into or regain some of what he's lost with Amelia. It's evidenced in all the places he and Charlotte have sex-- never in the bedroom, but in the car, or on the floor or over a table, or wherever. Basically, all the places that he was used to with Amelia in the past (I think this was mentioned in an earlier chapter)...

So, basically, I'm wondering how the bridge is going to be built between affair and relationship and lust and love, because at this point, it's very much about lust, even though there are definitely inklings of otherwise (I mean, they are "best friends," according to Charlotte, after all). I'm also interested to see how Charlotte emerges from Amelia's shadow, not only in her own right, but also in Justin's perception of her. I think she has a lot of potential as a character, it just frustrates me to think that Justin might only like her because she's "not Amelia." Either way, sorry for this novel--I'm bad at being concise, LOL. Definitely looking forward to seeing where this is going!! Update sooooon!

Author's Response: Ah yes Justin and his suspicious motives. Both he and Charlotte have a LOT of stuff to figure out. You know if they can keep their underwear on long enough to talk about it lol. And never apologize for long reviews!!! Seriously I live for them. Its good to hear I've got you guys thinking! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

ladybugs26 (Signed) on Jul 08, 2009 07:23 pm (Chapter 24)
This story is awesome, i love it! I thought they were gonna be busted haha I'm so ready to see how this is all gonna end up

Author's Response: YAY I'm glad you like it. You and me BOTH can't wait to see where this is gonna end up. I'm seriously excited with where this is going and I'm stoked you guys are too! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Ram4 (Signed) on Jul 08, 2009 10:12 am (Chapter 24)

I HATE Justin!! ARGH! What is he doing?? He really is acting like a selfish prick at the moment!

and poor Charlotte! Here he is telling her they should keep doing what they're doing and then he turns around and is all like "Oh I love Amelia so much!" Stupid man! He needs to figure everything out very SOON or else Charlotte's going to end up getting hurt by the way he's messing her around!

Despite my anger towards Justin, I absolutely loved the way you wrote him in this chapter. I don't really know how to explain it without rambling for 10 more paragraphs. I just loved the way he reacted to everything that has been happening (From a writing/plot point of view I mean. Even though I hate him right now, it wouldn't be a good story if he just up and left Amelia straight away! haha).

Anyway, I absolutely loved it and I can't wait to read more! Thank you for updating!!

Author's Response: Justin is a boy and boys are indeed stupid lol. I'm SO GLAD you appreciate the way Justin's being characterized! These last few chapters (and the upcoming ones for that matter) have been pretty complicated as far as getting his thoughts and emotions right and I'm really relieved it's coming across well! I'm glad you loved it and hopefully more will be coming sooner rather than later! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

azchickadee (Signed) on Jul 08, 2009 07:53 am (Chapter 24)
oh my heck! I am so mad at Justin!  Seriously?  I didn't think it was possible for someone to be that stupid!  Charlie needs to leave town for good, maybe then he'll wake up and realize how stupid he's being!

Author's Response: I will agree something's gotta give with those two. They're walking down a preeetty bad road right now but you can't tell them anything *sigh* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

utsukushiijisatsu (Signed) on Jul 08, 2009 01:45 am (Chapter 24)
You know, I used to really, really like UTTK!Justin, but a couple of chapters ago, I've started to dislike him.

I feel as though I can't entirely blame Amelia for this situation. He knows he can't stand her but he's being the stereotypical idiot by staying with her because he claims that he loves her. (which I completely and utterly doubt to be true.)

Also I feel like he's staying in the relationship because it's a comfort zone for him. If he breaks up with her, Amelia can and might make his life and business miserable. And aside from his deluded beliefs that what they have is love, I think at the back of his mind that's what's preventing him from moving on with his life.That said, I can't really see him as the victim if he's willingly subjecting himself to this relationship and what's worse is he's actually marrying her.

Then he pulls Charlotte into the equation. She's also at fault for going through with the affair but it does take two to tango. He's starting to peg me off as the man who wants his cake and wants to eat it.  He almost makes me not want him and Charlotte to be together.

Character whinning aside, I like how you've constructed this entire affair to be as real as they go. You've created characters who aren't just fictional to me but I think I may have known them in RL.  it's hard to explain but there is something that sets this story apart from the usual 'other woman' tales -- and it might be the characterization of Justin.

Lovely update as usual :) No worries/pressure with trying to come up with a chapter as fast quickly as others. Your word count per chapter is a feat in itself and the careful construction you put when you write them is enough excuse for me.

Author's Response: Wow thank you so much! I've said from the beginning that this story is really me playing with characters and seeing how their actions effect each others lives. I strive every chapter to make it as real as possible and it's good to hear that I'm getting it right every once and awhile lol. And THANK YOU for the shout out about construction! Seriously the amount of times I read and reread and make my editors read and reread just to make sure that everything connects and has a purpose and meaning...well lets just say my editors deserve to be paid for this...not that I'm going to but you know...its the thought that counts lol. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!!!

MochaB (Signed) on Jul 07, 2009 11:37 pm (Chapter 24)
The only word I can think of to describe justin besides idiot, spinless, fool, and coward is ridiculous. He is absolutely RIDICULOUS. Yeah charlie somebodys going to end up hurt and its going to be you. Why is she letting him use her like this when she knows what's going to happen? It makes me sad for her. And why does justin feel like 3 years and an engagement means stuck for life? He talks about all the sacrifces he's made, HE'S made, for that relationship and all the fighting for it. He fought and made sacrifices to be in a relationship that seems more like a servant or mother/son relationship than an intimate one? I know I say the same stuff each time, and now I'm just so frustrated that I feel like I'm about to burst with pent up frustration and anger. Like the only way it can be cured is if I can reach in and shake the crap out of justin and yell at him for like at least an hour, or if charlie freaking gross a full pair and let's him know that she's not going to be used and hurt like she's allowing and setting herself up for. She has her moments, but she really needs to get her own backbone and stand/speak up. And something is fishy with his finances, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was connected to amelia. *sigh* frustration at it's best. Lol update soon! :o)

Author's Response: Justin is a guy and guy's are basically morons. its like...he's perilous to stop himself from making terrible decisions lol And he's a bad influence on Charlotte, makin her all doormat-y and what not. *sigh* Frustration indeed! I'm working on an update no worries! Hopefully this one will be out quicker. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Jul 07, 2009 09:23 pm (Chapter 24)
So can i kill Roxy and have her memorial in a Super 8 Motel? Hahaha! Wrap her in a sheet full of bed bugs. LOL. Yeah, ok.

Seriously, it's like each chapter you write gets even better. I mean I keep thinking "Is this it? Is there where he kicks the bitch to the curb?" and although it never happens, it still rocks my socks off...well right now they're still on, but thats a moot point.

Anyway! Glad you're back in the country!! Hope you had an awesome time. And I can't wait to read what happens next!!!

Author's Response: HAHAHAHA Oh Amelia would likely come back from the grave if she ever got NEAR a Super 8!!! That's hilarious! YAY I'm glad i keep you guessing!!! That's part of the fun and I'm glad that I'm able to keep you interested and on sockless toes!! lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

hp5010 (Signed) on Jul 07, 2009 09:02 pm (Chapter 24)
"" was not the correct ending of that sentence Justin.  "Charlie" is the word you needed to use.  Great update, well worth the wait.  I can't wait to read more and I so hope Justin will get his balls back and kick Amelia to the curb.

Author's Response: I AGREE!!! Oh Justin you are so dense lol. I'm glad you thought it was worth the wait! I always worry but you guys always come through with the best support! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

tiinydancer xx (Signed) on Jul 07, 2009 08:32 pm (Chapter 24)
Just when I think Justin has finally come to his senses and sees the light at the end of Charlotte's bajingo, he goes and screws it up again with all this "I love Amelia!" / "Charlotte and I are just friends!" nonsense. Homie needs a good kick in the teeth... and Charlotte did NOT just agree to be his fuck buddy. I mean yes, his disco stick is pleasant and these sex scenes are FIRE, but really now?! REALLY? Justin needs to go on a time out and think about what he just did *lol*

Glorious installment, as always. It would be even more fabulous if you updated sometime in the very near future :)

Author's Response: BAJINGO!!!!! Holy shit that's awesome!!! Hahahaha seriously that kinda made my night! Yeah Charlotte is having some serious issues right now with her life choices and being sucked in my Justin's "disco stick" as it were lol. I'm glad you liked the section and I'm gonna try and get the next one out sooner this time. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

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