Comments For (Un)Tying the Knot
ninabina (Signed) on Sep 04, 2009 06:31 pm (Chapter 25)

I really cannot wait until the next story.  To be honest, this story partly inspired my characterization of Justin in the story I just started.

I'm not sure where you're going with it--but I thought--hmm, what would Justin act like if he really did marry the wench that was the wrong person?  Thus, part of the premise in my story.  So thanks for the inspiration :)

God, I really don't want him to marry Amelia. And your characterization of Charlie is just amazing.  Seriously, you are a tremendously talented writer.

Author's Response: Glad I inspired you! I'll be interested to see where yours goes. I'm happy you appreciate not just the story but the writing itself! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Marissa (Signed) on Aug 15, 2009 12:35 am (Chapter 25)
I can agree with those that are saying this chapter had only a little "progression," or maybe read a little slower than usual. But that said, it was realistic. In a situation like Charlie and Justin's, I think there would be A LOT of back and forth in the relationship. One day, they are loving and sexing each other up, and the next, they're ignoring each other and all awkward.

The texting sequence was probably my favorite part. Charlie did a good job putting herself out there for Justin, but of course, dimwit Justin was ridiculous and scared of her. What kind of response is "haha"...the only thing that could have been worse would have been ""

And in Justin's little mental crisis moment, why is he acting like they've already said their vows?!!? Justin, until she walks down the aisle and the priest declares you husband and wife, you are still free to leave. SO DO IT! Gosh, he's driving me nuts!

Great job, as always, Heather!

Author's Response: Wow I suck for not getting back to you sooner! I know i"m in a place now where its slow but I'm glad you're seeing the merit in the section. Believe me when I say its important lol. The texting was a lot of fun to write and it was my fave part of the section as well that and him and Amelia's fight at the end. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Sassy Spacey (Signed) on Aug 13, 2009 12:50 pm (Chapter 25)
Go away Amelia!!! No one want's you anymore!! LoL. Gosh, reading this just makes my heart ache for Justin and Charlie. It's Justin's fault he's unhappy though, he needs to stand up for himself. Grrr. Anyway, as usual you're doing a fantastic job! I can't wait to read more :) Hope it's coming soon! -Traci

Author's Response: You're right Justin totally needs to quit with the woe is me and actually take a stand for something *smacks him* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

alimera (Signed) on Aug 13, 2009 09:26 am (Chapter 25)
"Haha"?! He and Charlotte are a banana peel away from falling over the edge together and the best he can come up with is "haha"?! I hope Charlotte doesn't talk to him after this and his stupid ass has to figure out what he did wrong. Lol. Update again soon!!!!!

Author's Response: IKR!!!! Guys are so goddamn dense. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 12, 2009 01:17 am (Chapter 25)
What a sad sad life you lead justin. The only thing I can do is shake my head. He saw a little bit more light during that dinner, which is good, but then get to the end and it still shows how he thinks it's a done deal. Thinks they are already married and he can't escape. He has got to let go of the memories and get freaking real. This is real life dude and this is your life on amelia. Just like the drug commercials. Maybe that's what he needs. This is your life on charlie. (Haha dirty thoughts) And this is your life on amelia. *show smashed egg visual here* the only reason he felt slight protectivness come over himself in regards to that waitress is because her eyes reminded him of a certain someone. No he doesn't know about these details of chalie's life, but he knows how she makes him feel. Knows she doesn't belittle him. Know she thinks highly of him no matter how much or how little money he makes; no matter what his name can do. It's just sad now to read. Definitely entertaining still of course, but I feel so sad for him. Not sad. More like pity actually. I loved the R.A.T. line! Hilarious! And so extremely fitting! She already has that down to a "T." And seriously somebody like amelia who thrives on finding out things in ppls pasts, such as why charlie quit, and trying to find something to use to bring her down, hurt her with, use against her, etc. shows that she doesn't have a good, true, honest heart. At all. Her friends don't either. Maybe she did at one time, but it does not exist anymore. Everything she does is for her own personal gain, whether it's to up her so-called friends by re-doing a room or whatever. I don't have to mention everything else she's done throughout these chapters. So her trying to sound wounded by justin's anger...puh-lease! And he was starting to feel guilty! She's a good actress...or manipulator. Whichever term you would like to choose. I'll stick with the latter. Man. I get so caught up in this. I really just want charlie to cut justin off, and when she does I want justin to wake up and see the light and kick the rat to the curb, and finally be truly happy. But I'm sure that won't be happening in the next chapter...unless you are feeling generous. Maybe? Possibly? Lol oh! And again, I think the finances have something to do with amelia cause all bad things lead or come from her. Lol update soon!! :o)

Author's Response: BAHAHAHAHA SMASHED EGG VISUAL!!! That's awesome lol The thing is for some reason Justin still loves her and he knows how it feels when she hurts him and since he IS a good person he still feels guilty for hurting her. *sigh* Stupid Stupid Boy *smacks him* I dunno about a wrap up that quick lol. I'm working diligently towards it though! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Ambs07 (Signed) on Aug 11, 2009 03:10 pm (Chapter 25)
god i hate that bitch. an her friends omg poor justin. I can't beleive how freakin snotty they were. GRR i loved the texting part with Charlie. laughed hard over the Roxie comment! This chapter was grreat i can't wait for more! please update soon! :D

Author's Response: HAHAHAHA YES! well you know birds of a feather and all The txting between Justin and Charlotte was seriously my fave part of this section so I'm glad you enjoyed that! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

imikimi (Signed) on Aug 11, 2009 03:51 am (Chapter 25)
No matter what anyone says you're the best! Everytime you post a chapter of this story you make my day lol. This is a VERY well written chapter. There was no sex but still i loved every bit of it. I love that the character of justin is so realistic and not something from a fairytale. Pls update soon!

Author's Response: HAHAHA Thank you for the encouragement! I work very hard to make these characters as real as possible and I'm glad its coming through! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Ram4 (Signed) on Aug 10, 2009 03:52 am (Chapter 25)

OMG! He was so close! All he needed to say was "Fuck this shit I'm outta here!" and then storm out of the car, jump into the next taxi he sees, arrive on Charlie's doorstep and never look back!

Hahaha despite how lovely this sounds, I doubt it would give me the closure I need. I feel like this story is leading up to some sort of gigantic moment where everything is going to come together and the entire plot is going to implode. Am I right?? No, don't answer that.... hahaha. I think it's all the tension, there's so much tension in this story I practically have to stand up when I read it because I can't keep still!

Also, I hate this crap they are saying about Charlotte! Justin better not believe it for a second!!!

Ok ok so that is all for now. As usual I thought it was an amazingly perfect update!! Thank you so much! 

Author's Response: TENSION YES!!! This is what I want lol They're just so indecisive and that's one of the more fun parts to write, the back and forth in their heads and their struggle over what is "right" and what they want. I'm glad you liked the chapter! Thanks for reading and reviewing!

a_nonymous (Signed) on Aug 09, 2009 03:43 pm (Chapter 25)
Oh, Justin, if you realize that Amelia's no good for you, why bother?

Author's Response: See I don't think he's quite made that realization yet. Like he's had a few realizations about his life that he doesn't like but I don't think he's quite put two and two together to make Amelia quite yet. *sigh* stupid lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Aug 09, 2009 02:33 pm (Chapter 25)
Good freaking googly moogly that man pisses me the fuck OFF~!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD GOD! Is he a glutton for punishment of something? Roxie, god I wish something bad would happen to her. LOL. Thats horrible i know, but damn. I guess it's a lot like an abusive relationship, well actually it is. Without the physical abuse. He's afraid of leaving, or more correctly he's afraid of change. Clinging so desperately to a person he used to know but will never have again. It's sad. I don't know how Roxie lives with herself treating a man like that. Ugh, I'm done with my incoherent rambling. LOL.

Regardless...i loved it!!!! I'm so addicted that everytime I see you updated I always squeal! No lie!

Author's Response: YAY Squeals are ALWAYS a good thing! lol I think you hit the nail right on the head with he's afraid of change. The old saying about the devil you know and we KNOW Roxie's the devil lol I think the saddest part about Amelia is that she doesn't even THINK she's treating him badly *smacks her* I'm glad you loved it!! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Aug 09, 2009 01:47 am (Chapter 25)
I feel so bad for Charlotte. Justin needs to dump the ice bitch and go to her. I love this, PMS

Author's Response: I know Charlotte's taking a pretty big beating right now huh *sigh* If only Justin would act right *smacks him* I'm glad you love it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Keediluv (Signed) on Aug 09, 2009 01:08 am (Chapter 25)

I'm SO ready for him to be a GROWN ASS MAN and tell that BITCH that he can say whatever the FUCK he wants.  You like how I capatilized all the curse words...I do.  Hehehehehe!  I feel bad for Charlotte but what she's doing to herself is not healthy.  And poor Justin...maybe he'll get out of it.  Not for Charlie but truly for himself.  That shit can kill him.

It's like he's the cheese and Roxie's the grater...shredding the hell outta him.

P.S-Can Amelia have a family member or another friend who's disgustingly rich and completely down to earth?  Not afraid to cut her down like she does so many others?  Just a happy thought.  Awesome update hon!

Author's Response: YES!!! Curse words need to be capitalized especially so Amelia can hear you loud and clear lol! I REALLY like your cheese grater analogy. shredding the hell outta him SLOWLY piece by piece. It works really well! I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

azchickadee (Signed) on Aug 09, 2009 12:59 am (Chapter 25)

I swear...Justin is an idiot!  Why is he with Amelia, again?  I can't remember...Someone needs to slap him upside the head.

Great update!  :)

Author's Response: Oh I smack him constantly and he doen't seem to get it *smacks him again for good measure* lol I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

utsukushiijisatsu (Signed) on Aug 09, 2009 12:01 am (Chapter 25)

I think the general frustration with Justin has reached an all time high. I don't think I have to add to the sentiment that we all want him to go. But sadly, as he's petrified in this kind of attitude, it'll take a while for him to leave her.

I just recently realized how apt the title is for this story. In a sense, the title expresses the central allegory of the story, Justin's untying himself from Amelia. When you tie a knot, you make sure it's secure and it won't unravel easily. But when you have to undo it, it's all sorts of frustrating and difficult because you realize you've did a heck of a job doing so. And that's Justin for me. He did love her before but now that he realizes how bad she is for him he finds it difficult to leave this life behind.

I would really love to see more his reason for staying with her fleshed out. I get the explanation they were very into each other before and he's become so annoyingly dormat and complacent but it lacks in this aspect for me. It's not just stupidity or stubborness. I just don't find it in his character (the way you've made him) to stay this long in a relationship he isn't happy with. Or I don't know. Maybe I need to re-read again @ __ @;

But again, hats off to the technical and formalistic aspect of this chapter. I can literally empathize with Justin in the suffocating bit in the restaurant.

Lovely update as always~ Will patiently await for the next installment. <3

Ps. I've been itching to point this out since I noticed this error before, and I'm really sorry that I nit-pick but it's only because I covet his shoes, it's Blahnik not Blanik ^^;;;;; 

Author's Response: EXACTLY with the title!!!! Titles usually give me such a fit, like I have the hardest time picking one but this one came really quick. Although I can't take credit for it - it was Megan - but as soon as she said it I mean it just CLICKED. More of Justin's motivation to stay will be coming I promise you that. I don't wanna get to into it because I'm serioulsy such a bad spoiler lol You can't trust me on stuff like that hahaha. AND GAH SHOE!FAIL!!! I do a lot of rereading on here since its simpler to consult the online text if I need to go back through and check something when I'm writing and then I get all sucked in and read two or three chapters but in doing that I've noticed MANY typographical errors and misspellings so I'm going to do a big edit and repost when I'm done with this but THANK YOU for pointing that out. Three editors and my own countless edits and we STILL miss stuff lol Its kinda tragic. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!!!

tiinydancer xx (Signed) on Aug 08, 2009 11:34 pm (Chapter 25)
I have two things to say. (1) This text had me dead: "LOL! Sounds lovely. Your towels will be beautiful. Did you know when Roxie takes your last name her initials will be R.A.T.?" Looooove that she calls her Roxie; that is what I call her when I think of what an evil cuntress she is.
(2) Despite their cuteness, I am on the verge of kicking Justin in the teeth. Charlie too. They're both actually certifiably dense (if you consider ineptitude an actual psychological disorder).

Author's Response: CUNTRESS!!!! OMG BEST. WORD. EVAR!!! And Justin and Charlotte's level of densness has MADE dense a psychological disorder lol! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!

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