Comments For (Un)Tying the Knot
SJane (Signed) on Aug 22, 2010 07:10 am (Chapter 32)

Author's Response: HAHAHA I like this review. Its exactly how I felt writing this section. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

LikeWaterforChocolate (Signed) on Aug 22, 2010 03:36 am (Chapter 32)
I just finished the chapter and screamed a curse word so loud that my neighbor pounded on the wall and threatened to kick my ass. Lol. Justin may frustrate me a bit!

Author's Response: HA! Justin is SO not worth an ass kicking at this point *smacks him* lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Keediluv (Signed) on Aug 22, 2010 03:17 am (Chapter 32)

He's the ultimate idiot!  I know I keep saying that but really, it gets to the point where it's like; if you want to be miserable, then be miserable!  Just don't expect the people who love you to stand around and watch you kill yourself. Just because you've chosen this road, doesn't mean I have to ride down that raggedy bitch with you.  I'd be out as fast as Charlie was.  Poor thing!  I hope at this point, she moves the fuck on and gets with someone who will appreciate the love she's willing to give.  Fuck Justin...he can suck it!  Okay sorry about that.  Your awesomeness have me up @ 4 in the am wishing ill on a fictional version of a good dude.  I'm going to bed. :)


Amazing shit honey! 

Author's Response: Justin is pretty much the biggest moron ever in this story. I love him but he just can't make a decent decision to save his life lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Keediluv (Signed) on Aug 22, 2010 03:13 am (Chapter 31)
WTF does Trace expect?  If that asshole hasn't figured out that the girl loves him and he loves her, there's no hope. And I don't want her with someone who won't realize what the fuck he has in front of him. That is all. :)

Author's Response: You know you're the first person to express feeling like Trace was asking too much of Charlotte here. I'm kind of surprised more people didnt have that reaction. Thanks for reading and revieiwng!!!

Keediluv (Signed) on Aug 22, 2010 03:11 am (Chapter 30 pt 2)
I hope she lets him treat her the way she deserves....if she can get over the idiot that is.  Sad bunch I swear!

Author's Response: Guh I knooow that's exactly what Justin needs; a nice kick in the nuts to realize she's perfect for him. *sigh* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Keediluv (Signed) on Aug 22, 2010 03:11 am (Chapter 30 pt 1)
I don't know what to say...he's an idiot!

Author's Response: Not much else to say *smacks him* lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Sassy Spacey (Signed) on Aug 22, 2010 02:31 am (Chapter 32)
I think Violet expressed it the best when she said "What??! But-- She--- And you--- And he-- *bangs head*"LoL. I had the same reaction. I can't wait to see where this goes, I hope you update soon!!! I really hope there is something more to it then this. :-/. Nice work as always! -Traci

Author's Response: I know you guys have been nothing but frustrated for a long time hahaha. And I'm not making any promises but I will say there will be a resolution. I'm working on the new update already and feel like its going really well so here's hoping! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Rocio Vazquez (Signed) on Aug 22, 2010 02:23 am (Chapter 32)
Oh my god. Never have waited for a story as much as this one. Maybe this is a dream sequence... right?!?

Author's Response: I knooow I need to update more. I have no excuse other than laziness and a touch of writer's block but I feel like I've been waiting to get to this chapter forever and now that it's behind me I'm HOPING that everything comes smoother now. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Aug 21, 2010 11:52 pm (Chapter 32)

That's it! Unless he's going to say or do something else after saying 'I do' or this is a dream, I've officially given up on him.

FUCK YOU JUSTIN! BAKA! I hope you die a miserable, lonely death. I hate him now. I really, truly hate him now. (as much as one can hate a fictional character). But still, he's the biggest, most clueless, stupid idiot on the planet, with his high and mighty 'do the right thing' attitude. I hope he suffers. I hope he suffers till he wishes he were dead. How dare he!!!! Ugh! Before, I always tried to understand, to sympathise and relate to his side, but this right now is just plain stupidity on his excuses. 

Anyway, Charlotte has redeemed herself in my eyes, and I applaud her and Trace, I love them. I know how she and Justin ended up wasn't right in the first place since he was engaged, but shit, all he had to do was be honest with himself and the people around him and make things right. How can he know he's making a mistake and still make it? Are you kidding me? Well, you know, I have no idea what's going to happen next, so I hope you update for us soon and ease the suspense because after reading this story, it makes you see how sometimes, Love really isn't enough. Hmm.

Oh and I doubt there is anything Justin could do from here on out that will make me like him again completely. I've totally given up on him, unless he says something before the cremony is over or this is a horrible dream. lol. But I do want to see how it ends because this story is too good for words.

Haha woo, I need to remember this is only fiction no matter how pissed off I am. lol, you see Heather, your writing is that great! lol Anyway, Love it! Update soon!

Author's Response: Awwww thank you so much! I've known people like Justin, hell I've acted like him from time to time, where they just can't stop making bad decisions, like even when they know its not in their best interest something just compels them to choose wrong. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

azchickadee (Signed) on Aug 21, 2010 11:37 pm (Chapter 32)

OH. EM. GEE.  I can't believe he actually said it and went through with it!!  I was holding my breath through this whole chapter and then when Charlotte finally told him how she felt I was yelling at him to go after her BUT HE DIDN'T!!!  GUH!  My heart is breaking!! 

soooo good!!

Author's Response: I think my favorite part of this chapter and what makes it so heartbreaking is that everyone is trying to force Justin to call it off but he just won't listen and the reader, just like everyone in the story, is kind of perilous to stop him from making a horrible mistake. Its that feeling of helplessness that just gets me GUH. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

justinzgirlkb (Anonymous) on Aug 21, 2010 11:18 pm (Chapter 32)
....Sigh. Between Justin and Charlotte, I don't know who to smack first. LOL. I mean, yeah, Charlotte did wait until 30 minutes before his wedding to have "The Talk", but is Justin really trying to ruin three people's lives by actually marrying Amelia? Not to mention, if he ever embarrassed Amelia on her wedding day, he'd really see her wrath. Siiiigh! I'm excited to see where this goes... Can't decide what I want to happen more. haha! Update soon!

Author's Response: Yeah their timing really freakin sucks hahaha. Even if he had decided to leave her I don't think he would have done it on the wedding day. For some godawful reason he still loves her and wouldn't want to hurt her like that. But he can hurt Charlie all the time grrrrr. He frustrates ME and I'm the one writing him lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Keediluv (Signed) on Aug 21, 2010 11:16 pm (Chapter 29)
Love Justin grandpa!  Gotta love that no nonsense authority figure in your life.  I just hope Justin takes heed.  

Author's Response: Guh I KNOW!!! i'd never written Justin's grandfather before and it was a really interesting dynamic. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

MissTasha (Signed) on Aug 21, 2010 10:54 pm (Chapter 32) can just go ahead and die because he's worthless at this point. There's no spine, no brain, no heart, so he can just die now and I'd be fine with that. He serves no purpose and he can suck a fat one. I hate him. Please update soon.

Author's Response: One of my favorite parts of writing this story is making everyone absolutely HATE Justin hahaha. Its kinda refreshing. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Tanya (Anonymous) on Aug 21, 2010 10:09 pm (Chapter 32)
WHAT!!!! HOW can u leave it like that??? i soo dissaprove of him saying i do. i mean come on!!!!you SO better not make us wait for a few months before you udpate again jeez least you could of done was make him say no and run jeez.. this better be a dream or something or hes still puking his guts out in the next chapter cause now im mad.

Author's Response: I am a very very mean updater hahaha. I've already started the next section and I"m hoping that since we're really coming up on the end it'll just keep rolling. *crosses fingers* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

heartsevolve (Signed) on Aug 21, 2010 09:13 pm (Chapter 32)
Oh my god you didn't!!!!!!!!! How could you. I'm like shaking I was so scared.

Charlotte is so brave. So brave. I could never do what she did, and...look what justin gave her back! He just TAKES. Ugh. Like, I love him, I do, but he's being a total dick right now and I cannot take it. HOW WILL YOU FIX THIS?!

Oh and all the questions charlotte asked justin made me wanna die. Not to mention The End Of Innocence is like, one of my favorite songs and I love that Charlotte loves it too.

Author's Response: That's what I love about Charlotte. Even though she tried to talk herself into being cautious and holding back her feelings for Justin she never could, even from the very beginning. It kills me that Justin doesn't appreciate it *smacks him* And I looooooooooooove The End of Innocence. It's quite possibly my favorite song. Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reveiwng!!!

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