Comments For (Un)Tying the Knot
emme07 (Signed) on Feb 02, 2011 02:20 pm (Epilogue)
LOVE the ending!!!! Perfect! Thank you so much for writing such a lovely story!!!

Author's Response: YAY thank you so much. I'm really glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for sticking with me all this time and for reading and reviewing!!!

jersey_tenn (Signed) on Feb 02, 2011 01:48 pm (Epilogue)

“Holy. Shit. Holy. Shit. Holy fuckin’ shit!” 

I fought a long battle with myself to avoid this story. Why? Well, let me begin by saying that I am a complete idiot. Skylar/Justin were just perfect in my mind. There was no way that you could possibly create a more perfect combination of characters. They complimented one another, they supported each other, they had respect and admiration for each other, and they loved each other. Until, Charlotte, no, Charlie, came along and yanked me from my clouds 1-9.

I read the entire story in a little over a day, and thank god I had an excuse to stay home or I would’ve skipped class and work purposefully. From the very beginning, I was hooked. At first, as I was reading the first few chapters, I felt a sense of foreboding. I figured Charlie would go through a Andy/Miranda revelation in the story. And, that, I wasn’t cool with. I almost gave up, but cue the superstar entering stage left.

It was just one thing after another. One bomb after another. One rose plucked from the Justin/Amelia garden and one rose planted in the Justin/Charlie garden. I was truly keeping score, and Justin/Charlie had it, hands down since Chapter 2 and the electric boots.

The gradual and subtle character development is a true art. There were moments that I was covered in chill bumps from imagining Justin’s smothering gaze or Charlie’s not-so-innocent-innocence or Amelia’s soul-crushing and venomous words.

The supporting cast was just important as the starring cast. The underlying power and influence that each character had was just incredible. From the simple business men that Justin met with at the beginning to the no-name bartender at Southern Hospitality, they each had a specific role. Trace’s unremarkably sound advice haphazardly wrapped in tacky paper in the form of immature one-liners were simply hysterical, yet humbling.

And Trace's one liners were hysterical...."Well, roll the fuckin' credits" such a great way to end that chapter. He is unapologetic about his no-bullshit love for Justin, and I love him. I’ve long questioned myself why Justin doesn’t seem to listen well to his advice, and this story opened my eyes. Lynn is so gentle with him, so caring and so protective. Trace is so harsh, his love is unapologetic and untamed. And, then, here comes Charlie. She is the perfect blend of Lynn and Trace. She is gentle, yet firm. She is caring, yet encouraging. She shelters him, yet will not hide him. She is exactly what Justin needs in his life.

The altar scene: You. Are. Cruel.

But leave it to Justin to reveal to us his true fault: the lack to properly interrupt sound advice.

He took what his grandfather said completely wrong. This scene broke me down. I will admit, I shed tears. And there were conflicting emotions behind my tears. There were tears of joy for Charlie because she finally took charge of her life, in a desperate plea, but she took charge. There was pity for Amelia because she was so beyond fucked up, and there was no hope for her. There was compassion for Justin’s family and friends because they were stuck watching him make the biggest mistake of his life, and yet, all they were left to do was support him. And there was anger for Justin because he’s a complete jackwagon. Blind. Deaf.

And by God’s grace, Justin does have a brain."I'm not perfect. I'm never gonna be. But I will try my damndest to be perfect for you." Holy mother of God, woman, where you trying to rip my heart to shreds and have my knees melt into a puddle at my feet? Because that is exactly what happened!

Charlie is strong. Charlie is a woman. She doesn’t give in to him when any other woman would have buckled. I think at the beginning, she gave into him because it was her job to indulge her bosses. She felt a sense of duty to him and to Amelia. But, in the end, her strength overpowers her docile façade.  And, in Justin’s defense, he is the true tragic character of the story. Although for a split second I felt my heart thaw when Molly didn’t show up for the bridal shower and I saw Amelia’s true tragic life. Justin is not all that weak of a man that everyone in the story made him out to be. If anything, he was doing exactly what he’d been taught to do. Please. Yes, he was running, but in the end, he always came back and pleased the people. Pleased everyone but himself. He was so willing to be the sufferer. Yes, his actions spoke louder than his words but his actions were also misinterpreted. And aren’t we all guilty of judging without knowing?

Like Charlie, we all want to throw him into oncoming traffic. But, let’s be real. I, without a second thought, would’ve jumped after him to safe him. When you fall in love with someone, love is all-encompassing. You can’t love all the good without loving all the bad. Because it is the bad that makes the good, great. And, yes, it sucks that when he finally picked up his balls and poured his heart and soul she was drunk. But, she is too pissed and pissed drunk to care but she does listen. She takes his confession, and she takes it with her. She takes his heart with her, and doesn’t leave in on the floor of some grimy Bronx bar. And, that right there gave me hope that there was still a possibility.

Bar Scene: Ginger messing up the bar? Classic. I laughed aloud while at the student center. And, I got a few lunatic glares. But, I think I deserved those. I was already biting my palm with watering eyes for quite some time. Ginger at first had me fooled. I figured she was gonna be a Amelia-like, but she proved me wrong time and time again. She saw Amelia and she saw Charlie and she took the best of both. The ambition that Amelia thrives off and the heart that makes Charlie’s existence so brilliant.

“So tell me. What hurts more? Thinking you should hate him or knowing you don't?” And you knew that you would chop us all at the knees with this. It is just glorious. It’s the biggest, most pink elephant in the story. For God’s sake, it matched the Pink Panty Pulldowns they were downing. And leave it for the most irrelevant (until that moment) character to point it out. Not even Trace and his lack of oral filtration system pointed it out. Bless Ginger.

I may be going way over the edge here (and please, blame the cold medicines if I am), but I am completely convinced that UTTK is The Social Network of NF. Because, I mean really, please don’t laugh. None of us can really hate or love any of the characters. Sit back and think about it, and each of them is the way they are for some fucked-up cards that life dealt them. They are each tragic in their own way.

It’s all very Shakespearean.

Tragedy wrapped in a warm blanket of humor and disdain, complemented by the bitter taste of a glass of runaway love and fleeting self-respect.

I will definitely go back and review each chapter, because each one merits its individual praise.

But, sincerely, UTTK is a work of art. Congratulations.

Sidenote: This was my personal response to this particular scene (and yes, I spoke this aloud to the computer):

Trace: “She’s your lobster”

Me: “Oh he’s going somewhere!”

Author's Response: I think that I can honestly and sincerely say that this is the best review I've ever gotten. A lot of times with writing you worry so much about how your characters are coming across and if the people who are reading it are getting everything you're trying to do and reading this made me so freaking happy because YOU GOT EVERYTHING!!!!! And you even pointed out a few things that I did unintentionally but made SO MUCH sense. I am so SO glad you took the time to read this (and in two days no less. I really need to make certificates of achievement for the people that read this beast in such a small timeframe haha) and for leaving me such a thoughtful and wonderful review. You made my day and it makes my day everytime I read it. Thank you so so much!

Evelina (Anonymous) on Feb 01, 2011 11:33 pm (Chapter 1)
Oh my goodness....that last chapter was a-may-zing!  At one point I was almost in tears, and then when she told him to wait I got huge butterflies in my stomach.  This story has made me feel so many emotions it's unbelievable - your writing is that incredible.  And Trace's one liners were hysterical...."Well, roll the fuckin' credits" such a great way to end that chapter.  Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us.  Hope to read more from you :)

Author's Response: GUH I'm so glad you liked the chapter. I really struggled with how I could get these two back together and I'm really glad that it was believable and you enjoyed it. Thank you so so much for reading and reviewing!!!

Marissa (Signed) on Feb 01, 2011 06:13 pm (Chapter 1)
Heather! I am SO proud of what you have done here. I absolutely fell in love with Charlie and Justin and the ending was a happy one without being totally cliche. Excellent job!

I can't wait to see what you think of next! -Riss (Fellow JTPC member- CryinYourRiver)

Author's Response: RISSA!!! Thank you so much girl!!! And avoiding cliches is ALWAYS a pretty big goal of mine so it's good to hear I've managed to pull that off haha. I miss all you JTPC ladies! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

ltaylor03 (Signed) on Feb 01, 2011 05:53 pm (Chapter 35)

Oh man...what can I even SAY to this?!?!?! SUCH an amazing ending. You had me guessing right up til the end.

I adore this story so much. You had me get misty-eyed (as usual) the middle of Starbucks. So thanks for that. 

I'm gonna miss them. :( But I'm super excited to see what you do next! 

Fantastical, incredible, amazing, awesome, STUPENDOUS, BEAUTIFUL job! Guh...I love you. 

Author's Response: Guh I'm glad the ending lived up to the anticipation. That was something I was really concerned with. How crappy would that be to be writting this thing for three years and then botch the ending? LOL I'm glad you liked it! and I love you too haha Thank you so much for hopping in on this story and reading and reviewing!!!

Mel514 (Signed) on Feb 01, 2011 04:09 pm (Epilogue)
AHHH! Such a fabulous ending! I loved it so much! I have to say that I love the way you write and appreciate the "struggle" you gave these two of not having Charlotte just fall right back to Justin. I appreciate the real-ness you gave these two and am really excited for what is yet to come. Great job!

Author's Response: Thank you so much. It's nice to hear that you enjoy the writing. It was really important to me that Charlotte get the respect she deserves from Justin and not just giving in to him was an important part of that. Thank you so much for sticking with me all this time and for reading and reviewing!!!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Jan 31, 2011 04:03 am (Epilogue)
So sad to see this end but it was a great ending! You are an amazing writer and I've felt every emotion you presented throughout this story! Loved it!

Author's Response: YAY I'm glad you liked the ending! It means so much that you felt everything the characters were feeling because that was one of my main goals for this story. Thank you for sticking with me all this time and for reading and reviewing!!!

Tina (Anonymous) on Jan 31, 2011 03:47 am (Epilogue)


and You HAVE to have another project coming, I love reading your stories.

Author's Response: YAY I'm so glad you liked it! I do have another project in the works but I'm keeping it under wraps for the time being. I've decided I'm not going to write and post at the same time anymore just because of some issues I ran into while doing that for this story but I'll be doing a lot of one shots and short series in the mean time. I'm so glad you enjoy the stories and thank you so much for reading and reviewing!!!

princess (Anonymous) on Jan 30, 2011 10:45 pm (Epilogue)

Author's Response: WOW than you so much haha. I'm sure there will be more to these guys' story. I've spent this much time with them I don't think I could abandon them now lol Thank you for reading all this time and for reviewing!!!

mzmillion (Signed) on Jan 30, 2011 08:17 pm (Cast)

Just one word "More"... pretend I just screamed that through a bullhorn.


...that's how much I meant 

 I love the pics of the cast but Char looks a little thin.. I thought she was more volumptous... with much longer, darker hair but she's normally pretty. 

Author's Response: You have NO idea how hard it was for me to find Charlotte, in fact some part of me is still searching I think. I didn't really picture her as voluptuous persay. More like healthy and soft in comparison to Amelia who was bone thin and perfectly in purportion where as Charlotte was more pearshaped, big bottomed and thick thighed (Justin's type haha). She probably came off heavier in the story because Amelia was constantly picking on her for it and making her feel insecure. Although the girl I chose for Charlotte is a little thinner than I pictured Charlotte in my head. But her eyes are what got me. Those are charlotte's eyes. I'm sure we'll be hearing more from these two in one-shots as the mood strikes. Thank you so much for sticking with me all this time and reading and reviewing!!!

azchickadee (Signed) on Jan 30, 2011 06:46 pm (Epilogue)
awww....I loved it!!  What a journey these two have had.  I am honored that I got to go along for the ride.  I wasn't sure how exactly you were going to end this story, but I think the ending is perfect :)  Congratulations on finishing!! 

Author's Response: YES THANK YOU!!!! I felt so accomplished when I finished this, I mean all the time and thought I've put into it over the past three years, I hadn't even realized it really until I finished that this story was with me through some major life changes like graduating from school and getting my first job. Hell writing this story saved my sanity when I was studying abroad and just wanted to go home lol Anyway thank you so much for sticking with me all these years and for reading and reviewing!!!

Tink (Signed) on Jan 30, 2011 05:14 pm (Epilogue)
Another fantastic chapter, great end to their story. So sad it is all over, hope there is a sequel. You're a brilliant writer

Author's Response: Thank you so much. I'm glad the ending lived up to the story. There won't be a full fledged sequel but I'm sure I'll have some one-shots come up in the future like I've done with ALWL. Again thank you so much for reading all this time and for reviewing!!!

hp5010 (Signed) on Jan 30, 2011 04:42 pm (Epilogue)
Awww, they're so cute together.  I really can't do anything but gush about the story.  This was an awesome ending to a great story.  I no longer want to kill either Charlie or Justin and that was so Amelia to send him flowers he's allergic to.  I'm smiling at the depiction of the concert, I can see it, feel it happening as if I were there.  You're a wonderful writer and I can't wait to had over to your site to read all the DVD-type extras.  Any plans yet for sequal?

Author's Response: No plans for a sequel. If I do have more for them it'll be in one-shots like I've done for ALWL. Putting together the extras for this story was SERIOUSLY so much fun so I hope you enjoy those. I'm glad you no longer want to kill Justin or Charlotte. That's what I was going for with the ending, people not thinking that either of them were an idiot anymore haha. Which was a big reason my editor pushed for the epilogue. She said you guys deserved to see them a year or so from when they got together and see that he had stayed true to his promise and he WAS making her happy and hadn't fucked it up again. Anyway thanks for sticking with me through this thing and for reading and reviewing!!!

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Jan 30, 2011 04:12 pm (Chapter 35)

Ahhh i can't believe its over! Its definetely bittersweet. I've been here from the beginning, its been a good ride. I remeber seeing this new story and I got hooked on the plot and all the characters from the start.

This was such a good way to end though. I was sitting at the end of my chair thinking take him back, but at the same time i didnt really want her to haha.

I cant wait for what you have coming next, youre an amazing writer. Thanks for making my day a little bit brighter every time i saw you updated :)

Author's Response: The ending was hard for me for that EXACT reason. Like I knew I wanted them together, they BELONG together but there was no real logical reason for her to take him back. But then I kind of realized that I'd been running this entire story on the fact that Justin was with Amelia for no logical reason. Other than the fact that he loved her/thought he loved her and that kind of put everything in perspective for me. Love doesn't have to be logical and often times it's not. Anyway thank you for sticking with me from the beginning and I'm so glad that the updates brightened your day. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!!!

Heartsevolve (Anonymous) on Jan 30, 2011 02:17 pm (Epilogue)

OH MY GOD!!! NOOOO!!! I cannot believe it's over!! But, so...I have a lot to say, but I really can't focus on anything remotely important right now...basically, what I really really love about all your stories is that you never force Justin into marriage, when we all know that he most likely won't be doing that for a LONG, long time...


Ummm DUDE I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO TALK ABOUT I HAVE NO WORDS. I am insanely sad that this is over, but I'm hoooooping, hoping hoping, that you post little one-shot side stories like you did with A Love Worth Learning. :)

This story was fantastic, these characters burrowed their way into my heart AND I REALLY DON'T THINK THEY'LL EVER LEAVE. 

Author's Response:

I KNOOOW this story coming to an end has been so bitter sweet because NOITSOVER but I'm also glad to move on to other projects. I also think you're right that he doesn't seem like he'll be getting married anytime soon and I personally just can't see him getting married. What can I say I guess it's the twelve year old in me haha.

You know Amelia sending him flowers that made him sneeze was funny to me because she WOULD do something like that. Maybe it was on purpose or maybe it was because she never paid enough attention to realize that he hated them. It could really go either way.

There will be oneshots I'm sure. I don't really have anything in mind right now but I've spent so much time with these two I'm sure my brain  will come up with something at some point haha. 

Anyway thank you so much for keeping up with the story and for reviewing. 

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