Comments For (Un)Tying the Knot
Ambs07 (Signed) on Jan 19, 2010 03:02 pm (Chapter 29)
 So true billy so true. So justin think it through an hopefully you'll decide to leave roxie! Such an awesome update girl! love it, an i hope all of this advice he's been gettin finally goes through his thick skull.

Author's Response: YAY I'm glad youliked it! Here's hoping Justin actually takes some of this good advice lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

vessy (Anonymous) on Jan 19, 2010 06:02 am (Chapter 29)
once again a great chapter! only 8 more? :( 

Author's Response: YAY thank you! its kind of leading into everything else but I'm happy with it Only eight more! I'm excited/nervous haha Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Jan 17, 2010 08:24 pm (Chapter 29)
Well there ain't no way he can twist that into what he wants to hear. Theres just something about old southern men from Tennessee...I had one for a grandfather. And that sounds exactly like something he would say. I'm shocked Roxie hasn't sent Charlie to Tennesse to be bring her blushing groom back to New York. Man wouldnt that be a doozie? Hahahahahaha! Have Charlie pop back up when he's so confused he don't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt. (I thank Steel Magnolias for that quote. I'm southern so sue me! LOL)

Ahhh! I can't wait for more.

Author's Response: OMG SCRATCH HIS WATCH OR WIND HIS BUTT HAHAHAHAHA Seriously that was AWESOME!!! Charlotte will be back that much I can promise but little else. The next eight chapters are gonna be a bit of a rollercoaster. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

band nerd (Signed) on Jan 17, 2010 10:29 am (Chapter 29)

OMG I NEED SOME JUSTIN/CHARLOTTE INTERACTION!  Or at least know what's going on in her head!


Great update.  Only 8 more?  That makes me happy because we get a resolution . .and sad because it's coming to an end.


You should write a sequal all about how Justin and Charlotte live happily ever after . .cause I know that's what's going to happen . . .right?

Author's Response: HAHAHA Don't worry Charlotte will be back I promise! I can't believe it's only eight more. I've been waiting to get to these last eight chapters for like a year and a half now and you have no idea how excited I am by it all! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

hp5010 (Signed) on Jan 16, 2010 10:48 pm (Chapter 29)

Thank you Billy!  I love it when grandparents know exactly what to say.  I hope being home and talking with his family is exactly what Justin needs to finally man up and make a decision.  The fact he's seeing how Amelia treats him and that their problems are very deep is a good sign.  Having Charlottes words on repeat is also a good sign.  I just hope he finally understands what his father was trying to say.

Great update.  I needed it after a day like today.  Good luck in school and update when you can - quality over quantity!

Author's Response: GUH YES!!! I've been wanting to have Justin have a convo with his grandfather in a story for awhile now. That relationship has always intrigued me. Glad the update could brighten your day a little and thanks for the well wishes! I'm hoping to get an update out sooner rather than later but we'll see how it goes. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

princess (Anonymous) on Jan 16, 2010 08:02 pm (Chapter 29)
god I hope this is the start of the end of his bitchassness.  Great more soon please

Author's Response: You and me both girl you have no idea hahaha. Hopefully updates will come sooner rather than later. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Tink (Signed) on Jan 16, 2010 05:10 pm (Chapter 29)
Love this story and can't wait to read more. Justin can't marry Amelia, he needs to be with Charlotte

Author's Response: YAY I'm glad you're loving it! More will hopefully come sooner rather than later. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Jan 16, 2010 01:24 pm (Chapter 29)

You know, I really don't have much to say about Justin anymore. I'm glad his Gramps talked some sense into that thick stubborn head of his. He's in denial major! And, if after all this Justin still chooses Amelia, help us all, he will have a mob on his fictional behind. lol.

That being said, I too miss Charlie and can't wait for an update on how she's doing. Love Trace but hate that he and Justin aren't as close as they should be as best friends. After this roller coaster we've had to go through for the past year plus...I'm hoping it has a happy ending we can all agree with...I hope. *hint*. hehe. No pressure since you already have it planned out, but don't put us through too much more I don't think I can take it. haha. j/k. This truly is an amazing story Heather, you have such a way with words and sucking the readers in. Keep it coming. Can't wait to read the rest. And good luck with school, I'm on my last semester too, it's crazy! lol. :)

Author's Response: EEP! I like the idea that his character will be mobbed by angry fangirls. I dunno why but the thought of it literally cracks me up. Charlotte will be back no worries and so wil Trace. Its winding down and I'm kind of ridiculously excited for it haha. It's been a long year and a half with these characters and I'm super proud of what I've got out and it means a lot that you are all enjoying it and being so supportive as it comes to an end. Thanks for reading and reviewing and good luck with your last semester as well!!

azchickadee (Signed) on Jan 16, 2010 10:05 am (Chapter 29)

yea for grandfatherly wisdom!  When is Justin finally going to be honest with himself and quit running?  It better happen soon.

good luck with school...I know ALL about that!  :)

Author's Response: I dunno when Justin is going to be honest with himself, he may never be...actually I do know all these things but I'm not telling *is mean* hahaha Thanks for the well wishes and thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

alimera (Signed) on Jan 16, 2010 09:47 am (Chapter 29)
I totally agree with Papa Bomar...he has to stop running and decide. And for Chrissake if he choses Amelia--I may have to reach through the computer and STANGLE JUSTIN MYSELF. Ahem. Excuse the outburst. Anyway, good luck with your last bit of school, and hope it isn't too long before you update again!

Author's Response: HAHAHA you and me both girl you don't even know! Thanks for the well wishes! If things stay kinda slow like they have been I should be able to get the update out in a decent amount of time but I'm only two weeks in to the quarter so I'm not counting on it hahaha Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

musicmel (Signed) on Jan 16, 2010 06:17 am (Chapter 29)

Ok first off... I read this instead of getting ready for work... but it was so worth it.

Thank the heavens for Billy! Maybe just Maybe he got through to Justin. He is seriously torn but I think deep down he knows what he needs to do. He just doesn't think it's the right thing to do because he made a promise to Ameila.

I want Charlotte back! I miss  her.

Author's Response: HA! I often read fanfic instead of doing what I'm supposed to be doing. We both win! Hopefully Justin takes Billy's good advice but I'm not sayin either way. I will say though that Charlotte will be back! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

imikimi (Signed) on Jan 16, 2010 03:15 am (Chapter 29)
I absolutely love love love trace and i loved their conversation. But i want more charlie!!! I don't care about mr.Idiot anymore. I miss charlie and i wanna know what she's going through right now. It feels like i haven't heard anything about her for so long. I'll try to wait patiently for the next update.

Author's Response: guh I love Trace toooooo. He's seriously one of my fave characters to write because he's such a goofy bastard. Charlotte will be back I promise! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Jan 16, 2010 02:30 am (Chapter 29)
With age comes wisdom and Papa is right! Grow a pair and finally decide what it is you want Justin!! Anyway, I was excited to see an update!! Can't wait for another one.

Author's Response: Yes all these people with all this good advice. Hopefully some of it gets through Justin's thick ass skull haha! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Jan 13, 2010 11:38 pm (Chapter 28)
I'm dying for an update too!!! I cannot sit still when i think about what's gonna happen in the next chapter!

Author's Response: EEP no worries! Update this weekend. Chapter is done and in edits now! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

JTimm86 (Signed) on Jan 13, 2010 09:06 pm (Chapter 28)
OK! Boxing gloves are coming out again! We are SO fighting! Where is the other chapters?!?!? Im dieing here missy! C'mon bring back the Charstin!!! I need to know whats happening!!!

Author's Response: EEP don't hit me *hides* lol Next chapter is in edits so we'll definitely see an update this weekend *bounce* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

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