Comments For (Un)Tying the Knot
Shufflee (Signed) on Sep 25, 2008 12:04 pm (Chapter 11)
I love Trace, that's all

Author's Response: I LOVE TRACE TOO!!!! He's seriously so underappreciated in fanfic. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Sep 25, 2008 10:13 am (Chapter 11)
I think that Justin needs to dump the ice queen and get back all the things he loves, not to mention that Charlie is a perfect match with his family..... I love this, PMS

Author's Response: EEP me too!!! But you know these characters. They're so stubborn lol Thanks for taking the time to read and review!!!

Vessy (Signed) on Sep 25, 2008 06:13 am (Chapter 11)
Very good chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you like it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

DeadandGone (Signed) on Sep 25, 2008 05:55 am (Chapter 11)

Guh I'm like a crack head with this story lol. Can you make Amelia go away? Just for me please =) lol. I was grinning like a fool while reading this, I love Millington!Justin, and Trace and Rachel. You made my ovaries melt, Daddy!Justin is just love. Oh and I'm glad Amelia doesn't want children, Justin can't have children with that "See you next Tuesday".

What I love even more is the Jack and Johnny Cash, Heather you are simply amazing <3.

Author's Response: Wow I'm really glad you're likinng it! Nothing like a little Jack and Cash to round out the chapter. I've been waiting to write that forever lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

SJane (Signed) on Sep 25, 2008 03:13 am (Chapter 11)
thank drunk guy in the front of the store made me giggle and it also gave Charlie some of her very own body gurads lol

I'm so glad to see that Justin's family is a little frosty towards Asshole...oh sorry Amelia lol i mean they don't do it so it's blantantly obvious but you can still feel it.

I love how at least Trace feels like he hasn't changed still the southern boy we love lol

great update love at home Justin

Author's Response: BAHAHAHA ASSHOLE!!!! That's hilarious! Trace and Justin are really so much fun to write! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Rocio Vazquez (Signed) on Sep 25, 2008 01:56 am (Chapter 11)
that was so sweet. im glad trace and justin are looking out for charlie.

Author's Response: EEP yessssss Justin and Trace: Bodyguards *giggle* There's a fic in that in itself! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

ChaseznLuccaLover (Signed) on Sep 24, 2008 09:58 pm (Chapter 11)

Awww good for Justin and Trace! I still feel bad for Charlotte, but I am glad she is realizing that it could be worse, that at least Justin's family is awesome.

But why is Justin with a woman that everyone in his life clearly hates???

Author's Response: Justin's family is serioulsy love and I adore writing them! And all will be revealed in time I swear. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Sep 23, 2008 01:13 am (Chapter 10)

Okay, proper review time: 

-Amelia is a cunt. Plain and simple. I progressively dislike her more and more and I keep having to remind myself that she's not real, except I have to deal with very real-like version of her (albeit producers, but whatevs) every day so mostly I just want to make a dartboard with her face on it.

 -Justin is wonderfully charming in this, though I hope he isn't legitimately giving Amelia to be as manipulative/calculating with him as she has been. 

-Charlotte is love. But I wish she'd learn to speak up for herself (I know, I know, she can't, but a girl can dream, yeah?)


Anyway, point being, you've done a really lovely job of drawing out three very distinct characters who glide easily from one extreme to the next in terms of personality traits. And honey, your dialogue is FINE. :) Great work, doll!


P.S. Don't worry about the graphic, I've got a temp one so whenever you have time, I remember how school bullshit goes.  

Author's Response: YAY god dialogue is the hardest part for me I swear. I love the recognition of the characters! I've said from the beginning that I REALLY wanted this to be a character driven story and its good to know I'm accomplishing that. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

CutiePie07 (Signed) on Sep 18, 2008 05:49 pm (Chapter 10)
Ok, once again, I LOVED this update! I'm glad you got everything worked out with your internet! :) But let me just cut to the chase...when is the Justin/Charlie lovefest, really, SEXfest gonna go down?! I can't stand another second of hearing Amelia's bitching - shoot her, please. lol. No, but I really hope Justin isn't sleeping with Patti cause that kind of throws all of this off...let's get that cleared up! lol. I just really love this story....let Justin break Charlie off with a thing or two, please?! -Jelisha :)

Author's Response: HAHAHAHAHA "break off a thing of two" I like that! And as far as a love/sexfest I have no idea what you're talking about *whistles* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!!

Sassy Spacey (Signed) on Sep 15, 2008 08:37 pm (Chapter 10)
Poor Charlotte, I feel so bad for her :( Even though she did get a raise it doesn't seem fair at all. :( Anyway, other then that, this was an AWESOME chapter as usual and I'm waiting anxiously to see what's gonna happen. I hope she a good time at Tennessee with Justin and his family. :) Anyway, great job once again! Hope more is coming soon! -Traci

Author's Response: Yeah I feel you. Money can't buy her Christmas with her family. I'm glad you're liking it. Hopefully more will come next week *prays for some free time* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

sarah1988 (Signed) on Sep 15, 2008 12:41 pm (Chapter 10)
such an awesome chapter...but is there really nothing going on between patti and justin? i mean the position they were in is kinda...well....revealing!! update soon loved it.

Author's Response: I dunnooooo Patti's a hot little thing and Justin...well he has needs...soooooo I dunno you'll just have to wait and see *snigger* Thanks for reading and reveiwing!!!

ChaseznLuccaLover (Signed) on Sep 15, 2008 09:36 am (Chapter 10)
I feel really really bad for Charlotte. It sucks that she can't go home, but at the same time I am really looking forward to what is going to happen while they are in Tennessee!! Update soon please!!

Author's Response: YAY! Seriously I've been waiting to write this upcoming part of the story for SO LONG so I hope you guys are gonna like it. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Sep 15, 2008 09:26 am (Chapter 10)
Ok, why is amelia such a tard? seriously where is the human side of her? Why is she so hard and callous? What's it going to take to see that human side hmm? lol Damn her for killing charlotte's chirstmas and damn Justin and the planner. What the hell is he doing? He's lost his damn mind, not shocking. I get that he's "a guy with needs", but that's not the way to go. Assuming that he was cheating or going to because we don't know for sure yet. And I'm glad Charlotte did that little revenge thing. That was cool. I hope she toughens up more as time rolls by. Can't wait to see what happens next with them. Update soon. Love it!

Author's Response: HAHAHAHA you calling Amelia a tard seriously made my day!!! I love all your insights on the characters and as the story progresses we're gonna get more into all of the characters I promise! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

JustinsAngel (Signed) on Sep 15, 2008 02:39 am (Chapter 10)
When is Justin going to leave Amelia?

Author's Response: Well I don't know if he is. I mean they're engaged! *snigger* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Ambs07 (Signed) on Sep 15, 2008 01:08 am (Chapter 10)
Awesome update girly!!!! I think justin should leave amelia. but that's me.. i wouldn't take her bossy ass... an damn i feel bad for Charlie, she was so excited to go see her family, and big bad amelia made her go to tennesse dammit she has no heart! stupid biotch. update soon girl!

Author's Response: Awwww thanks! I'm glad you liked it. I'm hoping to get my next update out in a week or so but this internet sitch is Ca-Ray-Zay right now. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

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