Comments For (Un)Tying the Knot
a_nonymous (Signed) on Aug 31, 2008 04:39 pm (Chapter 9 pt II)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the interactions between Justin and Charlotte. He NEEDS to dump Amelia's demanding ass for Charlie ASAP.

Author's Response: Guuuuuuuuh yeah they're really growing on each other huh? Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Schnessa (Signed) on Aug 31, 2008 02:32 am (Chapter 9 pt II)

Okay, the second part of my review.

Part Two:

1. The more and more Justin's thoughts are revealed...I kind of hate Amelia more and more. I mean they're so different and he points out everything he doesn't like about her. What kind of relationship is he stuck in? And why?

2. Justin on a diet? That boy would fade away! lol I hate Amelia! lol but seriously when Justin asked what Charlotte hated about working for Amelia...I wanted her to say 'seeing the way she treats you'...but it's Charlotte and she wouldn't.

3. And then his reaction to her getting the wrong thing on her salad...priceless. I'm sure he was relieved and grateful beyond belief....sometimes I think he needs to remind himself that "normal laid back" girls still exist...outside of his Amelia induced cage.

4. I'm glad that Charlotte confided in Justin about just not liking her job and quitting because of that. Maybe it'll snap something in Justin's head to get back to doing what he loved instead of settling.

5. I'm almost done....I swear! lol How sneaky, yet cute, is Justin talking to Charlotte's dad on the phone? That my dear was superb!

I love love love this story Heather! And I love you for writing it! Love ya Bish!

Author's Response: YAY more I really enjoy getting into Justin's head. Seeing both his and Charlotte's reactions was the main reason I decided to do this in third person which isn't the easiest POV for me to write for some odd reason but I guess that's good as well, helping me be well rounded and what not. Justin's diet is of course less about his weight and more about control. She's trying to make him eat healthy or something, that crazy bitch lol The salad thing was actually one of the very first ideas I had for this story hahahaha. I mean if you think about it he's kind of been trained to think that if women don't get what they want they freak out. It was like an instinctual reaction and then when it broke the cycle he was just dumbfounded lol. Can I just say that I LOVE that you got the parallel between Charlotte and Justin on the job thing *gives you cookies* And Justin talking to Charlotte's dad was great mostly because he and Justin are kind of alike. Goofy yet I'm really glad you're liking the story and I'm LOVING your reviews!!! Thanks for reading and

Schnessa (Signed) on Aug 31, 2008 02:13 am (Chapter 9 pt I)

Oh Heather, I'm going to have to do two reviews since I have so much to say about each part! lol I'm sure you'll love it though! lol

Part One:

1. Zuit Suit-I just imagined Justin making a joke about wanting to get married in a Zuit Suit and it was always a dream of his and Amelia...well not getting it. So she brings it up to Charlotte (in all is Amelia's way)

2. How cute is Charlotte's dad? But I have a feeling maybe Charlotte is embarrassed a bit about her dad's occupation compared to say...Amelia's and Justin's.

3. Leo just got me laughing my bum off. And Charlie giggles and Justin's stomach flutters? He would have kissed her if he wasn't engaged? Ahh...that my dear, is you writing torture! lol

4. It kind of made me sad reading this as well though too just because Justin misses being Justin. Does that make sense? I just wish he would do something that he loved, I mean besides Golf and playing the piano...I mean really something that he loved just because he wanted too regardless of what Amelia said. But he's so pussy whipped it's not funny.


Off to read and review part two. By the way, I do love the update! MUAH! 

Author's Response: Okay first of all let me say that BOTH your reviews made my friggin day!!! And you're totally right about Amelia and the zuit suit hahahaha. Justin's sarcasm is lost on her. I dunno if Charlotte is so much embarrassed by what her dad does as opposed to embarrassed by the reactions that Justin and Amelia (mainly Amelia) would have to it. Does that make sense...hahaha probably not. Seriously, Leo was one of my favorite parts to write hahaha He reminds me of Christian Siriano from Project And what you said totally makes sense. Justin misses who he was and who he and Amelia were as a couple before she went all prim and proper. More on that in later chapters... Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!!!!!!

brittbratt (Signed) on Aug 30, 2008 11:53 pm (Chapter 9 pt II)
I LOVE the fact that he can't picture his own wedding...Gawd what man in their right mind could picture themselves with Amelia anyway? hahaha

Author's Response: Maybe that's it. Maybe Justin's CRAZY!!!!!!!! o_O or not...hahahahaha Thanks for readin and reviewin bish!

SweetTeaPi16 (Signed) on Aug 30, 2008 09:41 pm (Chapter 9 pt II)
he likes vanilla!! i think he's starting to like Charlotte

Author's Response: Yeah she seems to be growin in him and vice versa. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Aug 30, 2008 01:53 pm (Chapter 9 pt II)
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW OMG so sweet and just ugh. They are so clicking. They are so into each other and don't even know it. This charltin thin might be hard though. Charlotte doesnt look like the type that would give in considering their present positions. Hmm, I'm excited to see where you're going to take this but I loved this update. Justin and the suit trying was hilarious. Loved the fashion details you gave, I could picture the suits he was wearing. Nice visuals. :) Update soon. i can't wait to see what happens next. :)

Author's Response: Aw thanks! I'm glad you liked the section. It's been one of my favorites to write so far. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 30, 2008 12:28 pm (Chapter 9 pt II)
wonderful update. he can't even see his wedding? can he see a future? a happy one that is. coming from who he was to just being known as amelia's finance has got to be a big blow. you may be in a relationship with someone, but you still want to be seen as a person who has their own personality, thoughts, beliefs, etc. and not just an afterthought. oh, and stomach flutters? hmmm. i'm glad charlotte and justin are getting to know one another. there's a little trust there now. not majorly, but it's there. i just wonder what will happen once she goes back to working by amelia's side...or maybe that won't happen and amelia will make her stay with justin as part of her scheming plan. i guess we shall see.

Author's Response: YES EXACTLY! I really like your analysis of Justin. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

MissTasha (Signed) on Aug 30, 2008 11:54 am (Chapter 9 pt II)
He liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes her! I'm so excited. *happy dance* Here's a little theory of mine: He didn't want to go to those fittings because he doesn't really want to get married. Huh? Huh? Am I good or what? Please update soon.

Author's Response: Hahahahah you're pretty good indeed, not quite there but very very close. I'm glad you liked the section! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!

Shufflee (Signed) on Aug 30, 2008 04:57 am (Chapter 9 pt II)
Justin is so cute. Why is he with Amelia again????

Author's Response: Awwww he IS cute *cuddles him* All will be revealed in time I promise. Thanks for reading and reveiwing!!!

Schnessa (Signed) on Aug 27, 2008 02:43 pm (Chapter 8)

OMG Heather....we need to have a talk.

Okay love love love this line

“Okay Charlotte you’re in charge,” Amelia says airily and Justin looks up and narrows his eyes before sighing, seemingly letting it go and returning to his cereal. “Bye.”

Like Justin is some child or better yet a dog that Charlotte's watching after! lol You are so good!

And the line of questioning...sounds like something Justin would do just because he can. Although if I was Charlotte I would probably be more pissed about losing my job. Simply because she does work for Amelia and not him. If it was him things could be worked around and laughed about but with Amelia as your boss it's not that easy. Anyways I'm rambling now....but I loved this update.

Author's Response: You know I seriously love it when you guys get all the undertones! This review made my day! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Ambs07 (Signed) on Aug 21, 2008 12:57 pm (Chapter 1)

Wow this story was intense, i really like it so far, and can't beleive Justin just lays down and takes Amelia's abuse, i would tell that biotch to hit the road!!!!

As for charlotte i love that chick, she's so cute. Lol But she needs to loosen up and be herself not the uptight person she is around Amelia!
Update soon chicky! Can't wait for more.

Author's Response: Yeah hopefully Charlotte will loosen up a little. She and J would make good friends. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 20, 2008 01:49 pm (Chapter 8)
dang it justin! who has the balls in this relatonship?!? haha. i completely dislike when amelia makes him feel like a child and he lets it happen. he's a grown man. he can rn his business how he wants. obviously he doesn't do too bad of a job or it wouldn't be going so well. charlotte just needs to loosen up a little. stop thinking that justin has ulterior motives. she did really good though once she just went with the questions. it's kind of funny how she goes back and forth though. amelia has her loosing her freaking mind now! questioning everything...that can't be healthy. haha. update soon! :o)

Author's Response: Hahahaha yeah everything was going great till Amelia called huh? Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Sassy Spacey (Signed) on Aug 19, 2008 12:24 am (Chapter 8)
I love your stories ... that's it. Your writing is jus awesome, and it makes the story so much more interesting. I can't wait to see what happens. I'm glad we got to know more about Charlotte and see what she's about. Awesome job once again. I hope more is comin soon! ttyl -Traci

Author's Response: Wow thank you so much!! I'm really glad you enjoy my writing style. More is coming soon, hopefully by the end of next week. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

a_nonymous (Signed) on Aug 18, 2008 08:43 pm (Chapter 8)
Um. So, yeah, when's Justin gonna leave Ms. Killjoy for Charlotte? Justin's gotta be really dumb if he can't notice the chemistry between them.

Author's Response: HAHAHAHAHHA Ms. Killjoy! I may use that. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

justinzgirlkb (Anonymous) on Aug 18, 2008 08:17 pm (Chapter 8)
OK, so I know Amelia's a hardass and a bit (ok a lot) of a buzzkill, but I really like her character. She's tough, particular, powerful, driven and focused and although she does have a lot of bad qualities (like the way she treats and scolds Justin like he's 6 years old), I sort of find her to be more interesting than, say, Charlotte, particularly since we've gotten glimpses into how she used to be. These little memories kinda make me want to see that side of her reemerge and then, kinda change her ways and patch things up with Justin.

Not to say that I don't like Charlotte because she's super sweet and definitely seems like a better match to Justin at this point, but I'm still torn... It's nice though that you've set it up so it's not COMPLETELY obvious who's going to get with who and for how long... Anyway, sorry this is a novel. I really love this and you should definitely update soon!! Yay :)

Author's Response: Don't apologize!!! I LOVE long reviews!!!! I like your thoughts on Amelia and Charlotte. Thanks for taking the time to read and review!!!

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