Comments For (Un)Tying the Knot
camshazam (Signed) on Sep 01, 2010 03:15 am (Chapter 32)

delicious chapter.  Awesome job at dragging it out.  ::sigh:: we'll see where this ends up for him.  Y'know, there was a point in the story where I had to applaud you for making Amelia a villain, but not giving JT the "Clean" out of her cheating or something that would make his choice easy or more obvious.  Seriously, that's a atough choice.  Because this JT?  I would want no parts of this... what's Trace call him?  A "pansy assed motherfucker."

 oh, who'm I kidding.  Codependent!Justin is awesome!  He's no Boxer!Justin, but... ;)

Author's Response: That's what I love about this story. None of the characters have an easy out. Amelia's a bitch, Justin is a pansy ass, and Charlotte is doormat lol It's going to be fun over the next few chapters to see how everything pans out for them. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!

camshazam (Signed) on Sep 01, 2010 03:00 am (Chapter 31)
oh, Trace.  Such a shittay posish you've put Charlotte in.  This girl's going to need a 12-step program AND therapy after this little escapade.  lord.  bwahaha

Author's Response: i like that you realize what a crap thing it was for Trace to do to Charlotte and everything she's been through with Justin. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!

camshazam (Signed) on Sep 01, 2010 01:34 am (Chapter 28)
First of all, thank the good lord for Team Harless.  Sheesh.  Finally some guidance and wisdom!!   Moving on.  OMG.  Did JT seriously FAKE an orgasm?  bwhahaha. That is... that is the saddest, most awfulest thing I have ever heard.  Next, you'll tell me JT got cancer of the puppy.  And to wrap up, Amelia with her "don't curse" Tourette's makes me laugh.  It's like that frog-faced administrator, Dolores Umbridge in the Harry Potter books with her "hem, hem".... hee hee.  Roxie makes me yell "oooooooooo" (in a bad way) like Yosemite Sam!!

Author's Response: I knooooow hahaha. The one time the condom thing comes in handy, no pun in tended hahaha. "Don't curse" is one of my favorite Amelia quirks because its just so damn obnoxious lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!

camshazam (Signed) on Aug 30, 2010 07:57 pm (Chapter 20)

She jabs the emergency stop button, feeling if she runs one more step she’d fall to the ground, sadness falling over her like a veil and she just wants to go home.

Am I the only one who would love it if Charlotte hit "stop" on all this mess and walked away?  Both she AND J need Al-Anon.  Those two have some issues with boundaries and saying "no." 

Author's Response: They really do. If they would just open their mouths and be honest with themselves and each other... but alas lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

camshazam (Signed) on Aug 30, 2010 06:56 pm (Chapter 18 pt 3)
Meh, what's Amelia/Roxie got to be so upset about?  He could have done a LOT more damage.  She got off easy with a well-performed song by a sexy guy!  Some of us (me, me, me!!) would consider that a treat.   This could have gone a whole "Darlin' Nikki" route with him humping the floor and beatboxing... hang on.  Nope.  There is absolutely no way to make a JT performance "bad."

Author's Response: My thoughts exactly haha. But you know Amelia, she's determined to stamp out every iota of happiness in the man. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Tempest-Sher (Signed) on Aug 30, 2010 04:31 am (Chapter 32)

Okay, can I just say A-FREAKING-MAZING update here! :-)

So, I wanted to make my review as an open letter to Justin but seeing as how he didn't see the writing on Charlie's face, I'm going to assume he won't take any heed to words regardless of who they are from.  

As I got further into the chapter, I knew he wasn't going to back down. Justin has this thing for the familiar. He likes for things to not change. The only inconsistency he seems to like is his music. If the style of music changes, he's alright but any form of disruption to the normalacy in his life, oh no, it's the end. Time to go! Do not pass go! Do not ride the reading to boardwalk. Do not collect $200. Lol. Amelia, (I'm not going to call her Roxy for the simple fact, Roxy died as soon as she became HBIC) is not the same person Justin met those years ago. As he asked her all of those questions and didn't answer them, it made me wonder why he tried so hard to make it work and then it hit me...

Justin just doesn't want to change. If he did, he would've made the attempt to call off the wedding for good. He would consciously recognize that he isn't happy and do whatever will make him happy. That is what Charlie represents and what he resents in a way. Charlie was able to take control and begin to move on from their affair and that is what drove him crazy. That's why I think Justin said I do. He knows Amelia is consistent. Charlie, for him, is not.

Well, that's my review. Lol. I really want to take Justin by his Armani collar and drag him out of the church, into Manhattan traffic, and just go across the bridge to Connecticut and hide him in a warehouse. That would be beneficial to everyone.  



Author's Response: EXACTLY. He's got some kind of idea in his head that THIS is the wayhis life is supposed to go and for some reason he's stuck on it and won't freakin let it go *smacks him* I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Aug 28, 2010 11:23 am (Chapter 32)
Ok so I don't come around for about a month and I see that my favoritest story is updated and I MISSED it. Then I read it..I'm on the edge of my seat saying "Say I don't, say I don't, SAY I DON'T STUPID TIMBERLAKE IDIOT!!!" And what does he do????? HE SAYS I DO!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! The one time where it would be the oppurtune time to run...he doesnt!! What's with that logic??

And can I just say that Charlie freaking broke my heart! I mean seriously! God I could see it playing in my head and I was like ALMOST in tears! Here she is handing him what's left of her heart that she had that Justin didn't already have just got it ALL handed back to her and shoved in her face? God that really broke my heart.

And Trace? Can you write me in and have me marry Trace in Justin and Roxy's place?? Cuz that would just stinking amazing. "Race you back down the altar." I can seriously hear him saying that. Justin should have listened to him and went after Charlie. Because I would really like too see Trace and Rachel calling off that wedding. God that would be priceless! She probably would have been pushed into on coming traffic, and you missed the oppurtunity to write that in! LOL. Just kidding, all around you did an AMAZING job. I can't wait to read what happens next even if it means I don't get to see the happy ending I wanted. You are seriously an amazing writer. As if I haven't said that before. And now that I have wrote you a novel...

Author's Response: I think that was my favorite part of this section was the fact that the one time it would have been okay to run and he didn't. And Trace is probably my favorite character to write. He's so goofy and irreverant and I luff him. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

camshazam (Signed) on Aug 28, 2010 03:37 am (Chapter 4)

I am a big fan of your writing.  Big fan.  I'm having a tough time sinking my teeth into this piece though.  ugh. 

Like many,  I assume, I hate Amelia.  Oddly enough, in my head she sounds like "Azula" from the animated show "Avatar: the last airbender."  As annoying as she is - and I get it, she's the obstacle in this little gem of a tale- I can't ... ugh.  This version of JT... I don't like him.   I just want him to grow a pair.  And Charlotte, seems like more of a witness to all of this than a player.  

I value what you can do with a sentence, so I'm so curious to see where you're taking these folks.

Author's Response: Yeah this story can be extremely frustrating. I'm glad you're being open minded about it and giving it a shot though! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

desibuff (Signed) on Aug 22, 2010 11:19 pm (Chapter 32)

He WHAT?! No, he did not say I do.  This must be some type of dream.  Update, please?

As always, you are an amazing writer; but you cant leave us here without updating for such a long time missy. =)

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I've already started the next chapter and it's going really well so I'm HOPING that because we're really coming up on the end that it will go smoother. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Aug 22, 2010 09:48 pm (Chapter 32)
I cannot express how disappointed Justin made me! He's had so many chances to get out of this relationship that he obviously isn't happy in. Fix this please! Update again soon!

Mel514 (Signed) on Aug 22, 2010 09:16 pm (Chapter 32)
WHAT the heck!?! Please, oh please let there be some kind of light at the end of this very DARK tunnel. 

Author's Response: I know Justin's in for a world of hurt. *smacks him* Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

a_nonymous (Signed) on Aug 22, 2010 11:33 am (Chapter 32)

Author's Response: My thoughts exactly hahaha. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

princess (Anonymous) on Aug 22, 2010 09:17 am (Chapter 32)
WHAT?  SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that actuallly made me sad.  I'm done.  You are a wonderful writer though

Author's Response: Thank you! I have a feeling a lot of people are done. We'll see if Justin can redeem himself. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

cherie (Anonymous) on Aug 22, 2010 09:01 am (Chapter 32)
i would love to punch justin right now lol the damn idiot

Author's Response: You and me both girl. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!

Tink (Signed) on Aug 22, 2010 07:57 am (Chapter 32)
Can't believe they got married. Poor Charlotte. Great chapter, hope you post more soon

Author's Response: I know Justin is the biggest douche on the face of the planet. I'm working on the next section and its going really well so hopefully it'll be sooon! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

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