Comments For Paradise Lost
Vikki (Signed) on Nov 21, 2009 07:31 pm (Uh Oh with a Side of Oh Crap)

aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! I love them!

they need to get drunk more often, well at least Addy, lol! I miss their good times and happy, giddy, flirtyness! :) 

He just put on a really stupid posh boy English accent and I have to burst out into hysterical drunk laughter. It was terrible. 

LMAO! dude I'd pay so much to hear him! omg!


Damn you, Lily. Bloody party. Bloody friends. GAH.

I felt really bad for laughing at her hear lol! but I'm glad Justin was able to bring her out of her funk, a least for a little totally sucks that she came to LA expecting something else, and now she's all fallen out with her bff, hates her job, hates the "promotion" she's been offered, and really all signs are pointing back to Adora.

Do we get to see what happens back at the apartment? hmmm? *wink wink nudge nudge* lol!

Author's Response:

*looks innocent, says nothing*

 *okay, looking innocent not working but still keeping it zipped*

meggie (Signed) on Nov 16, 2009 05:37 pm (Uh Oh with a Side of Oh Crap)

a side of crap is right! thank god these two just need to get it on (again) and i'll be a happy girl. please and thank you.


also, i dont know about the other rangers but i hear voices in my head all day lol

Author's Response: Yeah, that's not something you should admit in public honey lol

mzmillion (Signed) on Nov 16, 2009 04:29 pm (Uh Oh with a Side of Oh Crap)
As much as I like this story, the depressive nature and over thinking analyzing of the characters is headache giving....sorry. I just want them to get together already.

Author's Response: Well, you know, depression generally isn't a barrel of laughs lol

glowbug917 (Signed) on Nov 16, 2009 04:06 pm (Uh Oh with a Side of Oh Crap)

Well, ADD helps with the double, triple, quadruple story duty. that and, if you're stuck on something you can always pretend like you're not by working on something else...shifty! haha

ahem anyway...drunk addy is hilarious. sloppy and hilarious. 

more to the point...have i mentioned you're a tease? cause yes. 


Author's Response: Yes, you called me a cock tease last chapter lol

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