camshazam (Signed) on Jul 05, 2010 11:06 pm (Illusion)
Love that they got a second chance!  Very moody piece though and this particular Justin who cries, I buy. 

Author's Response: lol thanks I'm glad you liked it. Just some weird stuff I come up with. hehe. :)

SweetTeaPi16 (Signed) on Jun 24, 2008 09:17 pm (Illusion)
wow....that was intense. LOVED IT!!!!

Author's Response: Thank! I'm really glad you did because it was something sooo very different for me. hehe. I apprecitate the feedback a lot. :)

Ambs07 (Signed) on Jun 24, 2008 10:58 am (Illusion)
That was good, i really liked it. You're such an awesome writer an seem to come up with something new all the time.. Dude how do you do it? lol How do you keep the creative juices flowing so well? lol

Author's Response: Aww thanks ambs, I really appreciate the feedback. I like hearing what the readers think. hehe. Thanks so much for the compliment. :-D It's not easy keeping my mind working so I don't get writer's block. It's tuff but I try to think up a lot of different scenarios, usually in real life and see how I can twist it into a story. lol. That's my main reason for writing shorts. The minute the idea hits, I do a rough outline before I forget how I want everything to unfold and then once I have enough motivation, I try to take some free time to write. :) lol. Sometimes the ideas come to me from a song, novel I'm reading or poems. Not sure how others do it, but that's my method. thanks so much again.

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