just a girl (Signed) on Jul 27, 2008 08:39 pm (It Just Got Weird)
Oh man! Its funny how rachel said he was a nice guy and then he goes off on talis like that...... but I'm glad he won't talk to her yet. I hate her right now!

Author's Response: You're definitely not the only one! But yeah, he's getting a little bipolar, isn't he? He'll get better, though!

Sox (Signed) on Jul 26, 2008 12:37 am (It Just Got Weird)

oh no!

I love this story. All the dialogue is so real, i feel like I'm right there listening in on the conversations haha.

I feel really bad for Justin, I understand completely why he was so pissed at Jess, but she's in a tough position.  It's good he has Rie to talk to. Great job, update soon :) 

Author's Response: Aww, thank you so, so much. That means a lot! Jess is definitely in a tough position, and he's certainly not making it easier. But I guess that's kinda somewhat understanding, given the situation. Rie is definitely a godsend right now! Again, thanks SO much for reading and reviewing!

a_nonymous (Signed) on Jul 25, 2008 06:20 pm (It Just Got Weird)
Uh oh.

Author's Response: Yep, that about sums it up!

princess (Signed) on Jul 24, 2008 11:06 pm (It Just Got Weird)
ooooohhhhh shit. he better be with her now because her anonimity just got shitted on. I really need Talis to die ok. good. i knew you would understand. please keep the updates rolling like this. you are like the most wonderfulest person in the world. smooches

Author's Response: Yeah, she better get her shades and hoodies out 'cause it could get ugly! lol I hate to break it, but Talis is most likely not gonna die lmao. I will keep her away as much as possible though, just for you! And I will try to keep the updates coming. I promise that you're more wonderful because you are faithfully reading and enjoying this. Thanks soooo much for the review!

MissTasha (Signed) on Jul 24, 2008 10:42 pm (It Just Got Weird)
Uh-oh. That's not good. I hope Rie isn't upset about her name being on blast on TV. I'm frustrated that Justin won't just talk to Talis already. And what exactly does he expect Jessica to do? Talis is her friend, too. What kind of friend would she be if she just completely dropped Talis? I think Justin is expecting a little too much in that sense. Please update soon.

Author's Response: Rie's pretty rational, so she probably won't be too upset. Too bad the same can't be said for Justin, huh? You're right though, he's putting Jess in a super awkward position that she doesn't deserve to be in. And he probbbbably won't get over himself anytime soon lmao. Either way, I hope you stick around; I love hearing what you have to say!

Jessicalli (Signed) on Jul 24, 2008 09:40 pm (It Just Got Weird)
Woah awkward! I hope this doesn't change things between them because I like where they are headed. And I am so suprised he does not want to deal with Talis but good for him! I hope he never forgives her LOL. But Jess needs to step out of the middle before she loses Justin over this. Great work again!

Author's Response: Yeah, awkward is the best way to describe it, but it won't be too bad, I promise. And Justin will have to forgive Rie if he ever wants to recover from this, don't ya think? But I doubt it'll be anytime soon, so don't worry lmao. And yeah, Jess is a little to invested in both of them. Ah, the drama lol. Thanks for reading!

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