band nerd (Signed) on Aug 07, 2008 06:08 pm (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)

I'm really gonna need an update sometime soon.  :-)

Marissa (Signed) on Aug 06, 2008 06:02 pm (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)
Finally, Talis is gone. Go get him, Rie!

Author's Response: Yep, she's outta here! :giggle Thanks for reading, girl!

Jessicalli (Signed) on Aug 06, 2008 10:57 am (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)
Oh thank you thank you thank you! I hate her so much, I can't be lieve she thought he was going to forgive her. She reminded me of Carrie Bradshaw saying he HAD to forgive her. he does not and I hope that he never does! I hate what he said to Jessica even though he's right. I just want him to go a little easier on her because I think she really is in love with him and he's too blind to see it, it makes me feel bad for her. But I love Rie so I'm just confused. Great work, update soon!

Author's Response: LOL. You're welcome! I think it was safe to say that everyone hated her, so I thought it best to send her on her way lol. And I'm sure I was watching that episode of SATC at some point while writing that, so it's funny you say that! Yes, Justin was right regarding Jess. She needs to start acting like she wants to be in love and not just... in a relationship! Don't feel bad though, Jess will find her way. They all will! lol Thanks for the review, hun!

a_nonymous (Signed) on Aug 05, 2008 10:50 pm (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)
Poor Justin. : ( Hopefully Talis is gone for good ... though I have a feeling that won't be the case.

Author's Response: Yeah, that was rough on him. And Talis being gone for good is up in the air, but at least she's gone for now! lol Thanks for the review!

Sox (Signed) on Aug 05, 2008 09:57 pm (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)

FINALLY! Gosh, I hate her. lol I was wondering when he was going to kick her ass out. She should have been gone a long time ago and I hope we don't hear anything about her ever again. lol I'm sure we will. 

Poor Jess, she needs to move on from Talis too. Now she's all worried about being with Ryan just because she needs someone. I don't know what I want anymore lol Jess or Rie, I love them both.  

Author's Response: Yes, finally! He took a while to kick her out 'cause he was trying to be all forgiving and stuff, but yeah... not so much anymore! I would like to not have to talk about her anymore, but yeah. I think I will! You're so right though, Jess needs to break up with Talis as well, and find some sense of self. She just miiiight break up with her. But will she ever really she finds what she needs is the question! Haha, (again) thanks for the review!

MissTasha (Signed) on Aug 05, 2008 02:21 pm (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)

Umm...yeah, bitch. What'd you think he was going to do when you told him? Of course it's actually... over. Crazy bitch. SMH. There really is something wrong with that girl. *side eye* Please update soon.

Author's Response: LMAO. Yeah, there was a part of her that thought he would actually forgive her, but... psh, he's moved on. I'm SMH with you! Thanks for the review, girl! Love hearing from ya.

sarah1988 (Signed) on Aug 05, 2008 11:55 am (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)

hahahahaha FINALLY!!  =) 

talis you suck, just so you know. :D 

Author's Response: LOL, yes, Talis does suck. She sucks it for eternity!

just a girl (Signed) on Aug 05, 2008 10:08 am (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)
ok thank GOD she finally told him, that was drivng me crazy but I hate that she waited to tell him right before Christmas. and right after his skydive and him finnally being happy again. now I wonder if she told him simply because he was being happy without her. ugghhh I hate her. I just have to say that him and rie are soooo cute, i loved them at the beginning of the chapter. And I kindve feel bad for jessica because I think she thought talis leaving would finally give her time alone with Justin and now he's with someone else. all this happyness and sadness mixed together! such a great story, update soon!!

Author's Response: Yeah, she got all honest on Christmas, which was the worst thing she could've done, right?! And yeah, it sucks that he resolved to let her go and then he has to do it all over again. Le sigh. You think she told him because he was happy without her, huh? Theeere's a thought. lol And yeah, Jess is probably a little taken aback by the fact that her best friend is okay without her, but hey. Maybe she'll change her own luck! lol I'm glad you're diggin' Rie and Justin, though -- I heart them! Thanks so much for the review, I really appreciate it!

kaity_b_rockin08 (Anonymous) on Aug 05, 2008 10:04 am (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)

I love this story soooo much. Its amazing how i normally dont like these stories but this one caught my attention and is still after ten chapter holding my attention

 your an amazing writer. Keep up the good work


Author's Response: Oh wow, what a huge compliment! Thank you so much, Kaity! What kind of stories do you usually enjoy, by the way? But either way, I'm really glad you're reading! Thanks, girl.

SJane (Signed) on Aug 05, 2008 04:54 am (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)
I would have kicked her cheating ass out that door so fast.
If she feels its over then I hope she goes away...for good would be nice lol

Author's Response: LMAO. Yeah, he was a little too nice... for now, anyway. But we'll possibly see that change IF she doesn't go away lol. Thanks for the review, girl!

tiinydancer xx (Signed) on Aug 05, 2008 03:41 am (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)
Play fighting and awesome banter = signs of true loveeee hahaha. They're way cute together, and then SlutBag!Kind-of Ex and Jealous!BFF go and ruin it. Well F them!

Jessica clearly loves him a little too much... and is dating Ryan because he sort of looks like JT. SO happy he finally told Talis to go sit down somewhere -- can I just say that I LOVE that you use this phrase because I thought I was the only person who included it as part of my daily phraseology? Now I feel less weird.

ANYWAY (haha), as I told you in the last review, I love where this is going and you have major kudos from me already. (And you're welcome! That last chapter really touched me, and I loved it, muchly.) Keep on keepin' on and update soon!

Author's Response: :giggle Yes, love is in the air! I think they're adorable too, and yeah, SBKOE and JBFF had to get their panties in a bunch, but they won't matter soon! Interesting you think she's dating Ryan 'cause he's a Justin lookalike. That mayormaynot be what I was going for... :notme And I also mayormaynot be accused of using the phrase, "Sit down somewhere" a littttle too much, so I'm glad you're here to make me feel less weird! lmao. Again, thanks so, so much for the reviews. You make me smile (go 'head, child)! I hope you keep loving where I go! :love

Author's Response: :giggle Yes, love is in the air! I think they're adorable too, and yeah, SBKOE and JBFF had to get their panties in a bunch, but they won't matter soon! Interesting you think she's dating Ryan 'cause he's a Justin lookalike. That mayormaynot be what I was going for... :notme And I also mayormaynot be accused of using the phrase, "Sit down somewhere" a littttle too much, so I'm glad you're here to make me feel less weird! lmao. Again, thanks so, so much for the reviews. You make me smile (go 'head, child)! I hope you keep loving where I go! :love

lyss2118 (Signed) on Aug 05, 2008 02:44 am (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)
sad... damn. : (

Author's Response: Yeahhh, sad but... necessary! Thanks so much for reading!

band nerd (Signed) on Aug 04, 2008 08:44 pm (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)

Hell yeah!  Kick her ass out! 

OOO jessica is so in love with justin.



more more more!

Author's Response: LOL, you think Jess is in love with Justin? HMMMM. And yeah, I'm on Team Rie too, don't worry! Thanks for the review, girl!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Aug 04, 2008 05:42 pm (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)

you know what? good.  I don't feel bad for her.  I...somehow I can't feel bad for her, and I don't like how she just moved herself back in without even trying to explain or fix what she'd done.  I don't like it when people assume that things can just go back to normal after something so huge (like leaving a wedding) happens...

You've gotten me way too riled up about this, lol.  Wonderful, as usual :)

Author's Response: Haha, I'm so glad you're riled up! You don't have to feel bad for her though, she deserved it! She got all comfortable again without even telling him the truth, so she doesn't deserve sympathy! I feel you, most definitely. And I thank you so much for your review!

SexualCoco (Signed) on Aug 04, 2008 05:17 pm (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)
Okay girl I'm back (haha).

Whoa, can you say a hot ass mess? Because that is what Talis and this whole situation is. I'm glad that she fessed up, but yeah I highly doubt there is any hope for her and Justin after that. I just hope that he keeps his word on getting Talis out of his life because even though it's five years of your life and all that, sometimes things or people aren't worth it from the jump.

Great update girl, can't wait to see what happens next.

Author's Response: Yay, you're back! Hot ass mess is right lmao. Yeah, she needed to do part two of her confessions, but who knows, there could be some hope! A little tiny shred, but hey. You're right though, some people are just toxic and they need to be removed immediately. Let's just hope Justin keeps that in mind, eh? Thanks for the review, Bri! Love hearing from ya. :love

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