just a girl (Signed) on Aug 19, 2008 10:37 am (Claustrophobia)
Oh damn, I knew Jess would have to answer to this eventually, i hope rie does tell Justin if she won't do it herself. I don't know why she's not admitting it, it's clear to everyone! and its not like it would make her a bad person. sigh. I just hope rie doesn't mess up her own relationship with him, i don't like their agreement at all. but I love them together so much so i guess ill just have to wait and see. update soon!!

Author's Response: Yep, she's in the hot seat now, eh! She's not admitting it because she thinks she's hiding something. How 'bout that lol. It is hard to tell your best friend, who's also your other best friend's dude, that you're in lurve though, don't ya think? As for Rie, yeah, she's gonna have to get her shit together too. I'll try to reel her in a bit for you! Thanks for the review, hun!

just a girl (Signed) on Aug 19, 2008 10:37 am (Claustrophobia)
Oh damn, I knew Jess would have to answer to this eventually, i hope rie does tell Justin if she won't do it herself. I don't know why she's not admitting it, it's clear to everyone! and its not like it would make her a bad person. sigh. I just hope rie doesn't mess up her own relationship with him, i don't like their agreement at all. but I love them together so much so i guess ill just have to wait and see. update soon!!

lyss2118 (Signed) on Aug 19, 2008 02:38 am (Claustrophobia)
ugh... soon soon! update! lol

Author's Response: I know. So frustrating, isn't it?!

SJane (Signed) on Aug 16, 2008 10:58 pm (Claustrophobia)
dum dum dum dum lol i love the drama. Not too sure how i feel about their agreement tho

Author's Response: Oh, teh dramaz! Yeah, their agreement is kinda whack, but we shall seeee! Thanks for the review, girl. :love

tiinydancer xx (Signed) on Aug 16, 2008 11:57 am (Claustrophobia)
Yes yes yes!! Let the fuckery begin! Hahaha -- I seriously am in love with Rie and Justin, and did notice the little lo-like slip that my homegirl made. Tsk tsk, you... leading us on.

Jess is st00pid and should probably know that she shouldn't start fights with Rie. But whatever, at least now it's out in the open, finally. And again JT is going to be oblivious to all of this madness. I'm looking forward to the foolishness that is BOUND to occur haha xx

Author's Response: Fuckery, for serious! I'm so glad Rie and Justin got you lookin' so crazy in love. And I'm so stoked that you caught that! :giggle Yeah, I'm a tease, but it's just for readers like you that pay attention to deets. Jess is actin' like a fool, but yeah, I think it being out in the open is probably for the best. As for obliviousness, that's a safe bet, so stay tuuuned! Thanks so much for the review, chick. :love!

justinzgirlkb (Anonymous) on Aug 16, 2008 12:58 am (Claustrophobia)
OK, so first of all, it's freaking RIDICULOUS how much I squeed when I saw my name in this and also, it's kinda pathetic how excited I got over the "conversation" between "me" and Justin (extra :happysmurf at the "sweetheart"). LOOOOOOOOL. I love you, Ash, you're my favorite.

ALSO, Rie is awesome--hilarious, wonderful and soooo fun to read!! Oh, and perceptive! Then again, Jess' secret was hardly hidden abd homegirl is almost TOO transparent. But still, I'm hoping she finally gets some semblance of true happiness, because after all, I cannot root for her and Justin! Team Ri(e)stin, FTW!!! I love this, so update sooon!

Author's Response: Kaleena! :loveeee I thought you'd like that! Or at least, I hoped you would. You're my favorite, so you deserve a "sweetheart!" And yay, you still love Rie! I heart her, so I'm glad you do toooo. Yeah, Jess is pretty obvious to everyone except, conveniently, the person it should be obvious to, which always makes for good fanfiction, right?! I'm with ya on Team Riestin, but I make noooo promises about anyone's happiness! Thanks so much for diggin' it, Kal. :loveeee

princess (Signed) on Aug 16, 2008 12:47 am (Claustrophobia)
God I swear rie is like the best ever in fiction land. I like jess but him and rie have to be together for ever. I hate to say it but I really need for jess to be a chloe sullivan and never really really get the man. Oh well. i am still hiding behind my face anticipating scream tactics. Just make sure the nightmares you give us won't be dibilitating. Oh kay pleas emore as soon as absotutalutely possible lady. duces.

MissTasha (Signed) on Aug 15, 2008 08:30 pm (Claustrophobia)
And the truth comes out. Jess doesn't have to admit to anything because I have all the proof I need. I want him to give Jess a chance. First she has to tell him how she feels but I hope he's open to seeing where things go with them. I like Rie but I think that Jess would be really god for him, too. It's damn sure worth a shot. Pleae update soon

Jessicalli (Signed) on Aug 15, 2008 07:27 pm (Claustrophobia)
Ok I love love love Rie. I can't say it enough. I like Jess too but the part at Justin's restaurant was so cute! I'm getting nervous though because I think she isn't really liking all the attention they're getting as a couple and I don't blame her. And poor Jess! I was really rooting for her at the beginning but I have started to like Rie so much more, now I am hoping that Jessica can prove she doesn't love Justin and will still make it work with Ryan. right now she is letting her jealousy get the best of her and I think she will lose Justin for ever if she is not careful! This is going to be interesting, great work! I'm so excited LOL!

mozie (Anonymous) on Aug 15, 2008 07:27 pm (Moving Mountains)
I love these love triangles. Justin is the pimp daddy with 3 women in love with him. More soon

Jessicalli (Signed) on Aug 15, 2008 07:12 pm (Just To Rub It In)
Ohh I'm so happy for Jess, it looks like she is slowly getting out of from under Justin and Talis and I think she deserves to be happy after dealing with those 2 for so long. I think its cute that her and Justin dated a little and I wonder if she ever resented Talis for staying with him all these years. Oh and Justin throwing her stuff out the window was great! I love where this is going, great work!

band nerd (Signed) on Aug 15, 2008 06:58 pm (Claustrophobia)

I fuckin' love rie.  That's all. 


More More More!

Shufflee (Signed) on Aug 15, 2008 06:33 pm (Claustrophobia)
OOooh, this is going to be very interesting

mzmillion (Signed) on Aug 15, 2008 12:12 am (Just To Rub It In)
Ash, you know you always write GREAT stories so I'm not surprised that is one is great also....read all the chapters today and I must admit when I read that jessica biel was a main character, I was a little put off but......I'm IN LOVE with Rie and Justin, I even like Talis' needy ass! Can't wait for more....

Author's Response: Eep! THANK YOU so much! And what's wrong with Jessica Biel?! I luff her lol. Seriously though, so glad you're diggin' on Rie and Justin, 'cause loOoOoOoOoOve them. Liking Talis though, that has to be some kind of precedent you're setting. I think that's the first time I've heard that! lmao. Again, thank you x297927 for reading and reviewing!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Aug 13, 2008 06:25 pm (Just To Rub It In)

So...I just got caught up on these last two chapters (amazing sex scene, btw...it was hot!) and is it bad that I don't feel any bit of sadness for Talis that JT kicked her out? even on Christmas....I dunno...I don't like the chick, lol.

and again...I'm getting way too involved ;)

Author's Response: Aww, thank you very much. And no, it's quite all right that you don't feel bad for Talis! *whispers* You weren't really supposed to. You may never like her, and that is a-okay lol. I love that you're getting involved though, I hope it stays that way!

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