just a girl (Signed) on Jan 07, 2009 07:55 pm (I Decided, Pt. 2)
Ashley that was such an amazing story. these last two chapters had me crying so hard especially when jess and justin said Goodbye. but I'm so glad he ended up with rie!! thank you for sharing this with us you are a great writer. i agree we need a sequal!!!!

SJane (Signed) on Jan 07, 2009 07:49 pm (I Decided, Pt. 2)
Oh u had me fretting there thinking I may hate u at the end of this but I don't I love u lol
This story always was and will b a fav of mine, so many ups and downs and emotional moments that made me want to scream, but the interaction and understanding u had between the characters drew a reader in like a rip dragging a swimmer into the ocean, once we read we had no choice but to follow it.

Well that's my rant so thankyou for writting this and I hope 2009 is less drama filled for you but at least it did make for good writting *muah*

MissTasha (Signed) on Jan 07, 2009 05:27 pm (I Decided, Pt. 2)
You made me cry, lady. Awesome chapter. Awesome story. Sequel, please.

mzmillion (Signed) on Jan 06, 2009 12:35 pm (I Decided, Pt. 1)

Ashley, what is with you and your abhorrance of happy ever after stories, yours are too real. Damn, can a girl get a "and she fell into his arms and knew it would be okay" or something corny like that...lol.

 The second part better be "and she placed her hand in his and let him lead the way" or something like that....or I will hunt you down j/k...mostly...lol.


Great chapter though, the letter was amazing...

toesinthesand (Signed) on Jan 06, 2009 03:14 am (I Decided, Pt. 1)
That was heartbreaking. you have me really crying here, so much emotion in that chapter. Amazing writing but godd I hope you fix this. If jess gets to be happy then Rie and Justin should be too! Update soon!

LuLu (Signed) on Jan 06, 2009 01:33 am (I Decided, Pt. 1)
No, no, no. That can't be it. Damnit Rie! She needs to get it together and not let Justin walk out of her life. More soon please!

SJane (Signed) on Jan 06, 2009 12:53 am (I Decided, Pt. 1)
Oh no no u don't missy don't be leaving it like that jessica can't have her happy ending but justin and rie can't nope dnt agree lol
The letter from her mom was so touching and emotional I had the tears crancking

MissTasha (Signed) on Jan 06, 2009 12:16 am (I Decided, Pt. 1)
You made me cry. Full on cry. And almost cry two more times. Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome chapter.

the fresh princess (Signed) on Jan 06, 2009 12:06 am (I Decided, Pt. 1)
girl you got me tearing up here, that letter from rie's momma was heartbreaking. and she still don't have it in her to let him love her, so sad. so sad. i'm hopin for a miracle in the next one but i just don't know. that was one helluva chapter, you got a way with words girl.

tiinydancer xx (Signed) on Jan 05, 2009 11:48 pm (I Decided, Pt. 1)
Okay, first off... points for having Justin nonchalantly quote what I consider one of John Mayer's best songs in the history of mayer-ness. Secondly, do you have some sort of guide for how to create heartwrenching writing that applies way too well to my life? SERIOUSLY. There are so many things in this that I'd love to pretend I came up with myself... this is my favorite:

“I’ve learned that people come into your life randomly, they leave randomly. And if they add something to your life, if they make it just a little bit better than it was, then all you can really do is hope that they stay.”


And that letter was just ... holy balls. I don't have anything else to say that isn't just me basking you in compliments because you're a fantastic writer/ this chapter was sensational. I hate you. The end hahaha.

Jessicalli (Signed) on Jan 03, 2009 05:43 pm (Mercy)
Oh man why did Rie have to do that. I was beginning to get real happy about them kissing and making up. I don't want her to be come what Talis was and run away without explaination. This will be what makes him give up. Uggggh not going my way at all LOL. But loved the chapter and I am glad he finnally forgave Talis but I hope it doesn't mean he will think about going back to her. I'm scared!! Great work, update sooooon!

alimera (Signed) on Jan 03, 2009 11:04 am (Mercy)
SLAMS HEAD ON DESK Are you serious?! Ugh! Rie is the biggest cowardly IDIOT in the history of the world. Lol, update again soon!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Jan 02, 2009 09:08 pm (Mercy)
Dangggggggggggggggggggggggggggg fix this! why!? :-( They're all messing up now. grrrr....update soon please.

MissTasha (Signed) on Jan 02, 2009 12:52 pm (Mercy)
That was cold. I love Rie and I feel for her but that was so cold. What Justin did was waaaaay worse, for sure. But damn was that cold. A text message? Damn. Please update soon.

tiinydancer xx (Signed) on Jan 02, 2009 02:44 am (Mercy)
You are too damn good at this whole "heartbreaking chapter ending" crap. I totally expected to despise Talis, but she's actually likable. Rie is an idiot, you portrayed T.I. perfectly (his tiny, flirtatious ass) and I would personally like to thank you for the lack of Jessica in this chapter, because homegirl can go kick rocks.

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