just a girl (Signed) on Jul 24, 2008 02:59 pm (Moving Mountains)
Rie is soooo great with him, I love them together a lot. i like him with Jess too and I'm so glad he told his ex to get out of his house. Grrreat chapter!

princess (Signed) on Jul 24, 2008 12:07 am (Back)
IIIIII LLLLLOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEE TTTTTHHHHEEEEEMMMMMM. oh my god. I feed all emotional and shit. this is one of those stories that you wish wash already completely written so you can read it completely in one night. Good please update soon you arelike my hero right now.

Author's Response: Ahhh, you're so sweet! You have no idea how much it means to me that you love them! I wish it was completely written too, so I could just post it all and hear what you guys think, but... I like the slow torture as well lol. So, so, so glad you're diggin' it, though. THANK YOU for the review!

Jessicalli (Signed) on Jul 23, 2008 10:46 pm (What's Wrong)
Yeah I really really like Jess and not just because we have the same name LOL. She's really sweet and I think she will def. take care of him. It sucks she has to be against her own friend like that but I love how she is standing up for Justin. Another great chapter.

Author's Response: Awww, I'm glad you like her! She's definitely got both of their best interests at heart, so it could get difficult for her, but she's got her head and heart in the right place. Thanks so much for reading; I really appreciate it!

MissTasha (Signed) on Jul 23, 2008 10:31 pm (Back)
I think he should have just hashed it out with Talis right then so he could be done with it. But I get that he might not be quite ready. Great chapter. Please update soon. 

Author's Response: Hmm, yeah he's not quite ready for that. Not sure if he'll ever be lol. But yeah, we shall see! Thanks for the review! :love

Jessicalli (Signed) on Jul 23, 2008 10:26 pm (The Running Man)
Poor Jess. She has to deal with his mess as much as he does, I feel so bad for them both. I wonder what/if anything will happen with this new girl. It's getting interesting already! Great work.

Jessicalli (Signed) on Jul 23, 2008 10:09 pm (Moving Mountains)
=( Awwwuh! Great start to the story. I hope Jess keeps her promise, it seems like Justin really needs her. I feel so bad for him. Great work.

band nerd (Signed) on Jul 23, 2008 09:00 pm (Back)

More More More!  Please don't let Talis come back and steal his heart again!  ahhh!

 and Jessica is only dating Ryan cause she's in love with Justin!  Why can't he see that?


And um . .i love Rie!

Author's Response: I can't make any promises on that one, but I promise she won't do it within in the next five chapters! LOL. As for Jess, you're possiblyprobably right, but they both may take a while to see/admit that. Thanks for reading, girl!

just a girl (Signed) on Jul 23, 2008 05:47 pm (A Good Day)
You know, I really like Rie. she seems like a cool/smart girl, I hope it stays that way!

Author's Response: Yayyy, I'm really glad you like Rie. I luff her! Whether it stays that way... I dunnnooo, you'll have to keep reading. Thanks for the review!

SJane (Signed) on Jul 23, 2008 07:30 am (A Good Day)
Such a good concept for this story I wonder how jess will react to their bonding...mind u I wonder who her date was

Author's Response: Awww, well thank you so much. Jess may not be too happy with it, to be honest, but who knows. She could surprise us all! Her own plans shall be revealed soon, though. Stay tuned!

princess (Signed) on Jul 22, 2008 07:14 pm (A Good Day)
aww por justin. him and rie need to be together. she will make him feel better and not as a rebound either. I love that he barely even noticed the friend, but I have a feeling that you are gonna throw a curveball in there with her too. Le sigh. Just don't fuck with us too badly ok. love it more soon. mwah

Author's Response: Yep, there's a lot of potential for a real relationship for him and Rie, but there are just so many other factors affecting them. We shall seeeee! And curveball? Whatever do you mean?! LOL. I'll try not to fuck with you too badly. I set out to write a nice little love story, so I'll do my best to stick to that for the most part! Thank you for reading, princess!

toesinthesand (Signed) on Jul 22, 2008 05:22 pm (A Good Day)
haha Justin's so cute!! he's a Sex in the city fan lol! I really like him with rie I think she may be the one to pull him out of this. and I get the feeling Jessica is getting a little bit jealous of him getting on with rie so well it should be intresting. Great work update soon!!

Author's Response: Yeah, I thought SATC would be cute to throw in there, just because I picture Justin being that kind of awesome lol. I'm stoked that you like Rie; I think she's kind of adorable, so I'll see what I can do about keeping her around. You think Jess is jealous, huh? Hmmm, you could be right! We shall see. Thanks for reviewing!

toesinthesand (Signed) on Jul 22, 2008 05:03 pm (What's Wrong)
Ahhh I can't believe she cheated. I feel so bad for justin!! i wish she would just tell him though she's making it so much worse. Can jessica at least tell him? and i get the feeling he will go after her on his new album!!

Author's Response: Yeah, he's a little bit fucked up, it appears, huh? At this point, it's hard for Talis to make it any worse, but she's definitely doing it! Jess telling him sounds easy enough... I dunnoooo. And you're probably right about the album -- it wouldn't be Justin if he didn't! Thanks for the review, hun!

MissTasha (Signed) on Jul 22, 2008 04:51 pm (A Good Day)
:( Don't worry. Be happy, Justin. It makes me sad that he's so down about the Talis situation sometimes. But, hopefully, Rie or Jessica or someone will pull him out of his funk and help him move on. He's starting to already, so that's good. I feel bad for Jessica...but I like Rie... I feel bad for Jessica...but I like Rie...I feel bad for Jessica...but I like Rie. My head is all confused and stuff. Please update soon.

Author's Response: :giggle I like when I make people confused! One thing is safe to assume -- Justin will come out of this whole funk eventually, though it may take a hot minute. And Rie or Jessica will be by his side when it happens. I can guarantee that much. What I can't guarantee is that you'll keep liking them both while that happens lol! Again, thank you so much for your reviews!

princess (Signed) on Jul 20, 2008 08:55 pm (What's Wrong)
Can i kill her? pweeaazzze? pwetty pweaze? *holds hand up to ear* Yes? Do you really mean it? *jumps up an down clapping hands in delight and runs off to get chainsaw and mike myers mask* More soon lady. This is tony the tiger great.

Author's Response: *imitates Brad in Mr. & Mrs. Smith* Noooo, you're not gonna kill her. lol. Hey, maybe someone else will, though! I mean, probably not, but anything is possibleeeee! I'm glad you're diggin' it, though. Thanks for reviewing!

a_nonymous (Signed) on Jul 20, 2008 07:05 pm (What's Wrong)
Aww! I feel so bad for Justin. I'm glad Jess is looking out for him, even if he says he doesn't need the help.

Author's Response: Yeah, I'm definitely glad he has a Jess too, because he's gonna need her, whether he knows to acknowledge it or not. Don't worry, he's in repair; it'll get better. Thanks so much for reading!

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