Author's Chapter Notes:

*Looks at clock* 2:26 a.m. Yes, coming to you with a late night/bright and early update. I've messed this chapter up, fixed, re-wrote and who knows what else but I hope this makes up for my recent cliffhanger and my not so speedy update. *dodges evil glares* I'm way to anal when it comes to these two.. lol 

 But yes, read, love, review and thanks to all of you that do. It means a lot :)



A Million Faces in a Crowd
Chapter 35

Carly's green eyes widened, her head pulling back, falling against the pillows as her hand in his instantly stilled.

"Wha-What did you just say?" She asked as her heart rate quickened, on the verge of beating out of her chest.

JC took a took a deep breath, trying to swallow but his mouth had suddenly becoming dry. "I mean it. Let's get married. I love you Carly."

Her hand went up to meet his cheek, looking into his blue eyes that showed bits and pieces of how vulnerable he really was. Still through it all, he looked confident, sure in his question.

"Jace.. you know I love you but this-this isn't the answer. I wasn't asking you to propose to me."

His face dropped a little. "I know you weren't. It's just something I've been thinking about for a while now. I figured why not now? I just got this rush of feelings. It feels right."

Her gaze still held his and she had yet to let go of his hand, though their grasp was suddenly becoming limp. "You just said it yourself, Jace. A rush of feelings."

His face feel and his hand suddenly let go of hers and instantly, Carly felt like a jerk. Her mind was going crazy. They had just done a complete three sixty, from not knowing where they stood, to slowly fixing the bumps and cracks along the way, to him asking to spend forever with her. It just didn't make any sense. She was still reeling on the fact that he had showed up for thanksgiving, ready and willing to do what he could to make their relationship work. Not to mention the fact that he was here, in Chicago, in her bed, lying in her arms-- the one place she had wanted him to be from the second she'd left his house in LA.

Little pieces of her heart broke as he pulled away, sitting up in the bed and facing the wall. "You don't want to marry me do you?" His voice was soft, hurt and held a little bit of edge to it at the end.

Carly took a deep breath, sitting up and crawling up behind him. She tried to choose her words carefully, not wanting to hurt him. "I didn't say that. I said right now, it just seems too soon. We're still fixing us, JC. I don't think rushing into a marriage is going to solve all of our problems. That's all I'm saying."

He turned to look at her, blue eyes slightly glossier than when she'd seen them just seconds ago. "What problems do we have now? I thought we just sat here for the last three hours, talking, discussing, trying to understand one another. Tell me what the hell I have to do to make this work, Carly?"

She watched as he scrubbed his hands over his tired face and her heart began to break instantly. She knew she loved JC, could see spending the rest of her life with him but the timing just seemed so wrong. Asking someone to get married was just like putting a band aid on top of a festering wound. It wasn't big enough to cover the problem. Every second she sat their, taking in his haggard features, small pieces of her faded away and it was at the tip of her tongue to shout out "yes" to him but even she knew, as much as she loved him, it wasn't right.

"Jace, look at me!" She continued when he finally turned back around to face her. "I love you with all my heart and soul. I love you more than I've loved anyone in my entire life, okay? All I'm saying is right now, us getting engaged isn't going to solve everything. We've got so many uncertainties against us but I know we'll get through them and we'll get back to that place we used to be at and hopefully, everything will fall into place. All I'm saying now, is that because I love you as much as I do, that asking me to marry you isn't going to make it all go away, alright? We've got work to do on us but we'll get there. I know it."

His breath hitched in his throat as he tried to find the right words. "You're right. I guess I just got caught up in the moment."

"It's okay. Just.. please try to understand where I'm coming from. And know that I do love you."

"Yeah." He said lamely. Carly could feel every emotion inside her heart slowly breaking again and knew the same thing was happening to him.

"Jace?" She questioned and reached out to touch his hands. She wasn't expecting him to pull his from her grasp and turn away from her. "Please don't be mad.."

He quickly stood up from the bed and began pacing. "Mad? Right. The only woman in my life I've ever felt this strongly for just turned me down. I'm just great Carly."

Getting up, she went to face him, despite their slight height difference, she looked him square in the eye, throwing her hands up in the air. "Do you want me to say yes and not even mean it? Is that what you want? You've got so much on your plate right now that I don't even know when I'll see you again next. You want to do this long distance thing a little more, huh Jace? Well excuse me if I don't feel like adding another weight to our relationship. Do you enjoy sleeping alone at night? Because I don't. I've never trusted anyone like you. Never pictured a future like I have with you. But this--."

He was quick to interrupt her ranting. "You've thought of things like that?"

She looked up at him confused. "Things like what?"

"A future and stuff."

Carly folded her arms defensivly. "Yes I have."


She took a step closer, reaching for his hand and this time he didn't pull away as she threaded her fingers with his. "Right now isn't the time."

"Then how am I suppose to know when the right time is?"

She took a deep breath. "You'll just know. I'll know. Things won't be so crazy."

"You want me to purpose again?"

Her shoulders lifted in shrug as she tried not to laugh, at the vulnerable look on his face. "If you want. I just think when it's right, we'll know."

He looked back at her confidently. "I told you, I'd give up this whole album thing in a heartbeat. For you."

Shaking her head, she reached up and traced the tips of her fingers on the dark circles under his red eyes. "I never asked you to give up anything for me."

"And what if I want to anyways?"

"You know you'd be crazy for giving up an opportunity like this, Jace."

JC bit his lip, keeping everything he wanted to tell her to himself. She wasn't getting what he was trying to tell her.

"I've done it before. It's not like it used to be."

She cuffed him under the chin softly. "You and I both know that you have to fight tooth and nail to make it in the music industry these days."

His voice dropped again and suddenly he didn't feel like arguing anymore. "Yeah." He pulled away. "You know, I think I need to go home and see my parents for a little bit. Clear my head and stuff."

Carly looked back confused. "You-you're leaving?"

He shrugged as if it was no big deal and for once, she felt the sting of this side of him. "Yeah. I just--I need time to think, plus I can't remember that last time I was home."

"Oh." She watched as he got up, gathering his bag and stuffing random things inside. "In the middle of the night?"

He shrugged in answer. He could tell she was hurt by his lack of explanation but for some reason, it was hard to care. He was hurting deep down. "I'm going to go make some phone calls." He mumbled, leaving the bedroom.

Carly could only stare at the space he once occupied, feeling the actions of her recent decision sink in.


JC came back into the loft, seeing not only his bag but Carly's green suitcase beside his also. He looked at the stairs that led to the bedroom to see her come downstairs, dressed in a pair of running pants and a hooded sweat shirt as she pulled was pulling her hair up into a pony tail.

He was nearly speechless. "What are you doing?"

"I thought we were going to Florida to visit your parents?" She said back, her voice speaking matter-of-factly.

"I um-you want to go with me?"

She shrugged. "Do you want me to go?"

He looked confused, looking from the floor at their suitcases, then back to her face. "I guess?"

"Yes or no Jace." She replied, her tone a bit harsh but quickly made it a little softer when she saw the hurt look on his face. "This messed everything up didn't it?"

She knew he knew exactly what "this" was. "I don't know. My minds just on overload right now."

That was all he needed to say. "Then go home. Clear your head. Spend some time with your parents." Carly said, bitting her lip and turning to walk away.

It seemed like time ticked by forever before he called out to her. "No." JC said, a little loudly. "I-- I want you to come. We spend enough time apart as it is. If you want to go, I want you with me."

Her heart pounded in her chest, looking back at him hopefully. "I want to go." Maybe their was a chance... a chance that one day she'd look back at him and not see that heart broken look that had now over taken his features.

Three hours later, they sat on the air plane getting ready to take off. Carly looked to her left to see JC sitting beside her, looking a million miles away in thought. She knew it was all her fault, that he'd began second guessing everything and was mentally beating himself up.

And what hurt the most was that he'd barely said two words to her from the time they'd left the loft.

She cleared her throat once the plane hand finally taken off and they were safely in the air. "Jace?"

He didn't turn his head. "Is this how it's going to be?"

He finally did look at her then. "Is this how what's going to be?"

She tossed her hands in the air and then indicated the space between them. "Us. You not talking to me the whole time."

"I'm talking to you now."

Carly looked at him apologetically. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

"For what?"

She reached a hand over and traced the recently rough texture of his cheek. "For putting that look on your face."

JC closed his eyes for a second at the warm feel of her hand but quickly pulled away. "You just don't get it."

Her hand fell from his face. "Get what?"

He shook his head. "I'm not going to tell you Carly. I've always been the one with the short end of the stick. It's time you figure this one out on your own."

She felt the sting in the back of her throat. "Do you want me to say yes right this second?"

He looked back at her, giving her a look she'd never seen before and with each second that passed, she was regretting coming along.

"No. I don't."

"Then you're just going to sit there and sulk?"

JC rolled his eyes and adjusted his seat belt, finally taking it off as the captain announced it was now safe. With a heavy sigh he turned towards her. "I've got a lot of shit on my mind right now Carly. I'm sorry if I'm not Susie sunshine at the moment but this is all icing on the cake. Just... Just give me some time."

Taking the time to really look at him, she finally understood. This was one of those moments she needed to just let him be. There was nothing she could do now and prying and appoligizing wasn't going to get her anywhere. She'd rarely dealt with JC in a bad mood but for Carly knew this wasn't going to just go away on it's own. Suddenly she felt stupid for forcing herself to come with him on this trip. Maybe what he needed was some more time apart from her to figure out what he really wanted in life.

Biting her lip, as she often did when she was nervous, Carly gave him what he asked for. "Alright. Just know I'm right here."

He nodded, turning back and laying his head back against the seat and closing his eyes.


Two and a half hours later, JC and Carly were pulling into JC's parents home.

Carly sat looking outside the window, taking in the sites of Florida. Their conversation had consisted of one word answers since JC's mood change on the plane. If she were honest, she really wished she would have stayed at home. This was hardly how she wanted to meet JC's parents, she thought as her hands fidgeted in her lap. She'd just rejecting his proposal and knew it was some of the reasoning behind his bad mood. He'd slept almost the entire flight, although restless- continually tossing and all Carly wanted to do was lift up the seat divider and let him rest against her chest. She was regretting way too much at the moment and had a feeling it was only going to get worse.

"We're here." JC said quietly, interrupting her thoughts.

He quickly opening the door and went back to the rental car to open the trunk and retrieve their bags. Carly stood, stretching her legs and aching body and met him at the back.

"I don't know if I should have came..." She said hesitantly.

JC's face relaxed a little. "Their just people, Carly. You'll be fine."

For some reason, that calmed her pounding heart. "You sure?" She felt compelled to ask.

He looked back at her, his face attempting to smile, although it didn't reach his eyes. "Yes. I'm sure. Come on." He said, as he walked up the drive to the front door.

"They don't know about?"

He shook his head. "No they don't. Stop worrying."

"Right. I feel like the worst girlfriend on the planet right now. Your mad at me and hardly speaking to me. What a perfect time to meet your parents."

JC let out a soft chuckle right then surprising Carly. "This isn't funny." She scoffed.

He just shook his head, opening the front door, and smiling as his mother came at him with open arms.

"Josh! It's so good to see you!" His mother gushed, hugging her son close.

"Hi Mom." He smiled, finally.

"You alright? You look like you haven't slept in days." His mother said, taking in his haggard features.

Guilt settled in Carly's stomach and she wondered if their was any possible way to become invisible.

"Fine. Just been busy working. You know how it goes." He shrugged. He turned back to Carly, reaching for one of her ice cold hands as he pulled her um beside him. "Mom, this is Carly, my girlfriend." JC said, introducing her.

Karen reached forward and gave Carly a quick hug surprising her. "Nice to meet you Carly. I've heard a lot about you."

Carly let out the breath she'd been holding. "Nice to meet you too. I hope what you've been told has only been good."

Karen smiled as she led them into the living room. "Yes. I can promise you it's all been good."

"Good." She said, nervously. She was surprised when JC didn't release her hand as they sat down on the sofa.

"Your brother surprised us yesterday morning. He's out with a friend right now though." Karen announced.

JC's ears perked up. "Ty came? He didn't say anything about it."

Carly couldn't help but feel slightly at ease. At least Tyler was on her side. She could use someone on her side.

Karen smiled. "He said he wanted it to be a surprise. The house felt empty since you guys have both been gone."

"Poor baby." JC mocked. "Where's Dad at?"

"He took the dog out. He should be right in." Karen smiled.

Just as she said that, Roy came walking in, big smile on his face as he walked over to his oldest son and introductions began all over again.

Carly started to breathe normally again. First hurdle, done. Next, fix whatever was going on with JC. She didn't like the feeling of him mad at her and she knew, right now he was just putting on a good show for his parents.

The day had gone surprisingly well, considering the lack of sleep and traveling the day had held for JC and Carly. She half admitted to herself that she was glad she'd come along. She felt an odd sense of "family" being around JC's parents and in his home. And if she didn't know any better, she could tell his Mom and Dad could pick up on his edgy moods and tired features but she figured they were use to it. After all, he'd been through the ringer since he was young. She was still learning the ropes.

JC stretched awkwardly in the chair he'd been sitting in and finally stood up yawning. "I think I'm calling it a night." He smiled at his parents. "You can come up when you're ready." He said, looking down at Carly.

She said their for a second, not feeling particularly "welcome" to coming up to bed just yet. Maybe it'd be better to wait until he was asleep, she thought.

"Okay. I'll be up in a bit." She said, forcing a smile.

As JC left the room, she didn't know what to say, watching as JC's parents sat in the room with her. She didn't feel exactly awkward with them but was at lost for words.

"I'm not trying to pry but is everything alright with you two?" Roy asked.

Carly shrugged. "He's been in a mood all day. I don't know what's going on."

Roy stood before leaving the room and stopped to pat Carly on the shoulder, comfortingly. "He gets in moods like these when he's been working a lot. He kind of just shuts down. I promise it will pass." He said reassuring her.

Carly nodded, hoping he was right. "I hope so." She smiled, standing and stretching. "I think I'm gonna go sit outside for a bit before I head to bed. I'm going to soak up this nice weather while I'm hear."

Karen stood giving her a quick hug. "Okay dear. I think I'm going to head to bed myself. Help yourself to anything you need."

Carly smiled. "Thank you Mrs. Chasez."

The woman stopped and turned back to her smiling warmly. "It's Karen, honey."

Carly's heart skipped a beat. Never before had she felt such open kindness from a boyfriends family before. Even though she hadn't particually dated that much, she knew this was rare. More regret settled in the bit of her stomach. Why hadn't she just said yes?


Taking in the gorgeous view in front of her, Carly looked out over the lake at night that lie in the backyard. Lights from various places bounced off the water creating the perfect backdrop for clearing her head. If the view wasn't enough to keep her outside, she was convinced the warm temperature was enough to seal the deal. It felt like heaven compared the frigged weather she'd left behind in Chicago. She tried not to think about anything in particular, letting her thoughts just scatter aimlessly. Wondering how in the world she'd got here, in Florida, at her boyfriends parents house, was beyond her. She was just a girl from Illinois, trying to do what she loved with music.

Never in a million years would she have thought she was dating JC Chasez, a man who had once claimed fame across world, been on tour in places she could only think of going and years later, he was back at scare one and she was beside him, along for the right. She laughed, thinking of the first time they'd met and how she'd been towards him all the way to where they were today. It was like a roller coaster. That was the only way to describe the two of them. One second they were up, the next they were down.

"What's so funny?"

Carly nearly jumped out of her chair on the deck as she turned around to see Tyler come towards her and take a seat in the chair next to her.

"Jesus, you scared the crap out of me Ty!" She said putting a hand to her chest.

He laughed. "Sorry. How are ya girl? I didn't know you guys were coming out to Florida."

She shrugged. "It just kinda happened."

Tyler looked at her and knew something was up. "What's wrong, Car Car?"

Carly rolled her eyes but still smirked. "You know I hate that name!" she spoke pointing at him. "And I don't know. Everythings a mess right now."

"Spill it."

Feeling a bit awkward telling her boyfriends younger brother her relationship problems, Carly hesitated at first but then remembered Tyler usually gave pretty good advice.

"We were at a weird spot in our relationship. Mostly me and my stupid insecurities and what not but we'd been arguing and then out of nowhere, he shows up at my sisters for Thanksgiving. I was so shocked that I couldn't even speak. Then we go back to my loft and I guess I let everything get the best of me because we got into an argument. Then in the middle of the night, we had this really good long conversation and we were finally starting to make some headway and I was feeling really good about things. Like really good and out of nowhere, Jace proposes to me."

Tyler looked up surprised. "He finally did it?"

Carly's brows came together in confusion. "What do you mean finally?"

Tyler scratched the back of his neck nervously, much like his brother often did. "I picked out the ring with him like two weeks ago when I went to New York to visit him."

Hanging her head low, Carly felt instantly felt like horrible. "Shit."


She looked up at him guiltily, her eyes instantly welling up a little. This was not happening. "I said no."


Feeling like the scum of the earth, Carly turned to look at Tyler. "I thought he just blurted it out. I just didn't think it was the right "time" when we were just slowly fixing the bumps in our relationship. I had no idea he'd actually thought about it before last night, let alone bought a ring. I feel like such a jackass."

Tyler reached over patting her back comfortingly like any friend would do. "Carly, don't beat yourself up. As long as you didn't nail him to the ground when you turned him down."

"I didn't. I just said it wasn't the right time. He seemed to agree with me after he listened to my reasoning and then all of the sudden he like shut off one me."

"Do you love him Carly?"

He head nearly caused her whiplash as she looked at him strongly. "Did you really just ask me that Tyler? Of course I do. With all my heart and soul."

"Do you want to marry him?"

She was surprised how quickly the answer left her lips. "Yes."

Tyler smiled. "Then tell him."

Carly shook her head. "I can't just go to him and say I take back my answer. I told him, when it's right, it'll happen."

"So he's been in a bad mood since?" Tyler asked, kicking his feet up on the chair in front of him.

"Yeah. He seemed fine and then out of nowhere, he was just.. I don't know. Not the Jace I know."

"I'm willing to bet you he's just burnt out and exhausted and this just added the icing to the cake. He'll come around."

"Your parents said that too. I just, I don't like this side of him. I told him I was here if he needed me."

"Keep letting him know. He shuts people out when he gets in these moods and half the time he doesn't realize it."

Carly nodded, already her mind reeling. "Okay."

"Go talk to him. I'm sure it's fixable."

"He's sleeping." Carly told him.

Tyler winked. "Your his girlfriend. I'm sure you have ways to wake him up."

"First of all, your sick. And second of all, I don't know if he really even thinks of me as that anymore. The look in his face.."

Tyler chuckled. "Trust me Car Car, you wouldn't be here if he you weren't and if he didn't love the hell out of you. Girlfriends meeting the parents are few and far between for JC and your're one of the very few he's brought home. Now, go talk to him!"

Tylers confession startled her for a second. One of the few? She was brought back to their first meeting and how she'd judged him solely on rumors. She stood, hugging and thanking him for his advice, as she turned to walk into the house, trying to find what the heck she was going to say once she saw JC.


Carly stood by the door of the guest room that her and JC were staying in and her heart began to pound in his chest. He lay on the bed in an awkward position dressed in dark blue basketball shorts and a white tank, glasses perched on his nose and a book laying on his chest. She'd be lying if she said he wasn't the most gorgeous site her eyes had ever seen. Even in times like this, and stress written all over his face, he was still the most handsome guy she'd ever come across. Looks didn't complete that package though. His heart had a lot to do with it and she felt like she was the one who'd done the damage to his.

Quietly stepping into the room, she grabbed a pair of shorts and one of his tee shirts and quickly changed and brushed her teeth in the adjoining bathroom. Coming out, she grabbed the book from his chest, laying on the bedside table, and easily trying to get his glasses off. He stirred for a second before tired blue eyes turned to look up at her.

"Carly?" He mumbled.

"Yeah it's me. You fell asleep with your glasses on and a book on your chest. I was just getting them off of you."

He blinked a couple times. "Oh." He looked around the room and sat up a little. "Where were you?" He questioned, as she came around to her side of the bed.

"Outside. Just thinking and talking to Tyler."

"Oh. When did he get home?" He asked.

"A little bit ago." Carly shrugged.

"I'm sorry I've been such a jackass today."

She looked back at him surprised. That came out of left field, she thought. She quickly chose her words carefully.

"It's okay." Carly said shrugging as sat on the bed Indian style.

"No it's not. Come here." He said, his arms open to her.

She hesitantly turned towards him, taking a deep calming breath as his warm arms enveloped around her, his chin landing on the top of her head as his hands smoothed up and down her back. Carly shivered as his fingertips came in contact with her skin where the shirt had ridden up.

"Don't worry about it Jace. I mean it."

He shook his head, tipping her chin up to look at him, directly in the eyes. "I'm just exhausted. Mentally and physically and eventually it gets to the point where I'm an ass and don't know how to deal with it. I'm sorry."

Running a hand up to his face, Carly closed her eyes at the warm feeling that lie against her palm. Pulling away quickly she swung her legs up so they were now straddling his waist. JC could only look back at her and smile. "Don't get any idea's mister. You're parents are down the hall."

JC pretended to pout. "They know I'm a big boy."

Carly couldn't prevent the chuckle that escaped her lips, as she raised an eyebrow at him. "Do they now?"

His cheeks instantly stained a lovely shade of pink. "Shut up." He said, looking down and pouting again. His mood had definitely changed in the short amount of time he'd been asleep.

Running a hand through his sleep filled hair, she leaned forward, her forehead resting against his. "Theres this quote that reminds me of myself and I think it fits me kind of perfectly." She said, pulling away and shivering as his hands moved around her waist settling at his hips. "It says 'I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best'."

JC's hand came up to the side of her face to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear that had escaped her pony tail. "Hmm.. I don't know if that fits the you I see. I don't think you're unselfish even though we all have unselfish moments. You do have your fair share of being impaitient at times but as for insecure, I think I've only seen that maybe once since I've met you. In fact, your confidence in yourself is something I find extremely sexy and one of the reasons I fell in love with you." He moved forward, close enough so that their noses were barely touching. "And as for mistakes, I say we're equally human on that level." He pulled away looking at her seriously. "I've seen you at your worst, Carly-- and I can handle you just fine, that is if you think I deserve you at your best?" He asked quietly, turning his gaze away from hers unsure.

Her hand came up, pulling him back to her, her eyes now glittering with tears. "I think you do."

His hands covered her cheeks, thumbs swiping below her eyes. "Good. I don't know how we got here but I don't like it." He told her, his voice quivering a little.

Carly tried to lighten the mood. "I think it had something to do with a club in L.A. about a year or so ago."

JC smiled at the memory. "And you hated me."

She shrugged. "Defense mechanism. I once believed all LA people were jaded."

"And you were a little sassy pants from day one."

"Which was your way of sugar coating calling my smart ass."

JC laughed. "You still are a smart ass."

Carly blinked her eyelashes at him playfully. "And your point?"

JC tickled her sides quickly before looking back her, seriousness etched all over his face. "I said I don't know how we got here but I don't like it."

"It's my fault."

JC immediately tipped her chin up again. "No it's not. You were right about the timing. It wasn't right."

Carly thought about mentioning what Tyler had told her but decided against it. "You know that I love you right? And I'm not going anywhere."

Smiling, JC leaned forward and kissed her forehead, then moved down so his lips rested against hers as he spoke, his breath fanning against her own. "I love you too. And I'm not going anywhere either."

"Good." Carly barely breathed out before his lips claimed hers in a kiss more fierce than she'd remembered sharing with him in a long time. One hand reached back and cradled her neck while the other rested on her side, bringing her more tighter against him. Carly gasped quickly as he pulled away for a second but quickly retrieved his spot, taking more control of the kiss. He deepened it, his tongue sliding against hers, their breaths becoming one as they moved fluidly against one another. Carly moaned against his mouth as the hand on her side crept up her back and his fingers slowly climbed up her spine, leaving tiny goosebumps in their trail. Her own hand threaded through his hair again as the other slide between them and rested on the exposed part of his chest, feeling his heart thundering beneath her palm.

When his lips slowly backed against hers, he didn't pull away as their labored breath mingled together. "Don't give up on me, Carly. Please. I don't know what's going on in my head thease days but one thing I always know is how much I love you."

Her hands moved up to wrap around his neck, pulling herself against him, suddenly finding it easier to breathe again. She had no idea that coming up here tonight would result to this but she couldn't say she regretted it one bit. Placing a quick kiss just below his ear, she smiled as his body trembled. "I won't Jace. As long as you don't give up on me."

"I won't." She heard him whisper back. For the first time in a long time, Carly could see things a little clearer and it was much more easier to breathe. All her uncertainties seemed to fall by the wayside and she couldn't think of feeling anything more intense then what she got wrapped within the man before her. They'd seem to weather their first big storm. She just hoped they'd last any others that came their way.

Chapter End Notes:
P.s., the quote is by Marilyn Monroe. 

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