Breakfast, A Feeling, And Some Sexual Healing

Justin stretched and yawned obnoxiously as he dragged himself into the kitchen. Lynn looked up from the stove in time to smile and roll her eyes at her son's behavior. She had almost forgotten how silly he was. It was nice to have him back home though. Work had taken most of his time and she had missed him terribly.

"Mornin', mama." Justin greeted before kissing her cheek.

"Mornin', sugar." she cooed as he pulled out a seat at the table. Lynn happily handed him a plate and began to pour piles of eggs, bacon, and sausage on his plate. Justin breathed in the delicious scent before looking up at his mother.

"I forgot how good home cookin' was." Lynn nodded.

"By the time you go back to LA, you'll be sick of it. 'Cause I'm gonna stuff you up." Justin chuckled at her comment.

"Bring it on, mama!" he challenged jokingly. Lynn laughed as she made herself a plate.

"Oh I will," she reassured, "You need it anyway. You're getting thin and pale." Her faced went from amused to worried.

"Mama," Justin whined, "I'm fine." Lynn made a face.

"You're not fine." she argued, "You're practically skin and bones." Justin rolled his eyes.

"You sound like Alonsha. Or should I say Alonsha sounds just like you." Lynn smacked his arm playfully as she took her seat beside him.

"She's a smart woman." She smiled, "Speaking of which. . ." Justin groaned.

"Must we do this?"

"What?" Lynn asked innocently, "I was just gonna ask if she's okay."

"She's fine." Justin answered quickly.

"And. . ." Lynn pried. Justin smiled evilly. He wanted this to end and he knew exactly how to do it.

"And we had sex." Justin laughed when saw her eyes widen.

"Okay, that's too much info."

"No, mama." Justin pressed on, "You wanted to know how she was, right?" Lynn rolled her eyes.

"Not in. . ." She paused, "That."

"Are you sure you don't want to know?" Justin continued, "'Cause she's really, really good."

"Justin, shut up." Justin smiled. She was beyond uncomfortable now.

"Very flexible too. She went into this nifty position and. . ."

"Justin Randall!" That was it. The last straw. He went into hysterics. Lynn huffed and rolled her eyes.

"That's what you get for being nosy." Justin taunted.

"I wasn't being nosy." Lynn corrected, "I was being concerned." Justin laughed at her lameness.

"Sure, mama." Justin stuck a piece of bacon in his mouth before smiling at his mother. She looked at him through the corner of her eye.

"Jesus." she mumbled in disbelief. Her tone caused Justin to laugh and nearly choke on his bacon. He coughed and laughed again.

"I love you so much. . ." he managed before laughing again. Lynn rolled her eyes and smiled despite herself.

"Oh Justin. . ."


Damn it, where did the holidays go? One minute I'm waking up at seven in the morning to pry open gifts and the next I'm running all over LA trying to find a gift for Justin. I know, I know, I'm a horrible last minute shopper. So what? I've been thinking about it, is all. Is all? Damn I spend too much time with that boy. Where was I again? Oh yeah, the gift dilemma. I've gone everywhere and I've ended up at a Circuit City. Why? I couldn't tell you if I wanted to, but that's not the point. I needed a gift, pronto. But the question of the day was what in God's name do you get a pop star that has everything?

Yeah, you figure that one out.

"Can I help you with something, ma'am?" I looked up to see some green-eyed adolescent staring at me expectantly.

Yeah, what would you get for a multi-million dollar pop star? "I was just looking for a hot video game or something in that area." He smiled, revealing his braces, before telling me to follow him.

"We've got a huge selection of the latest video games." he explained cheerfully. Ugh, whatever. Just give me a game buddy.

"Do you have the latest Halo game?" I asked. Justin loves Halo. It's all he talks about.

"That's actually sold out." Damn it! Why me, Lord? Why?

"Okay. . ." What was I suppose to do now?

"Is there any particular sport this person likes?"

"Golf!" I answer enthusiastically, "He loves golf." He smiles and leads me down another aisle. Golf? Why didn't I think of that in the first place?

"Well we have some virtual golfing games you can have." I looked at the price tag and cringed. I could buy a house with that.

"Got anything. . . affordable?" He laughs as though I'm kidding, but moves on.

"Well, we have this hand held golfing game. It's comes with a travel pack. . ." Blah, blah, blah. . .

"I'll take it." I interrupt. He nods and moves on to a register. I get rung up and grab the bag. Justin's gonna be here in a few hours and I have to get ready, not to mention wrap up his gift. Plus I have to run down to the rec because of Diana. . .

I'm gonna have a heart attack at any moment. Too much in one day. Too much. . . John Mayer? Where is that coming from? Oh! My cell. I roll my eyes at my own stupidity before accepting the call.

"Hello?" I asked tiredly as I hopped into the car.

"Damn, what happened to you?" It's him. Beautiful him.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." I explained as I tossed his gift in the back.

"The center's working you too hard?" he concluded. I started the car and began to reverse.

"The center, my friends, Bosco, you." Justin laughed.

"You weren't complaining the other night." he stated cockily.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I stated dryly.

"Really? Well let me refresh your memory." He cleared his throat, "Oh. . . Justin. . . Yes! Yes!" I could feel my mouth gape open in shock. I can't believe he's doing that.

"I have no recollection of such an event." I interrupted. He laughed.

"Then I'll just have to make you never forget the next time we. . ." He halted his words, "Hang out." I raised a brow, confused by his actions.

"Hang out, huh?" I asked humorously. Justin laughed again.

"My mama just came out of the bathroom."

"You're on a plane?" I asked completely shocked.

"I'm on my jet." I sighed with relief, "Don't worry, nobody knows about your moaning habits."

"You know what, Jay?" I asked seriously, "Maybe we should stop having sex."

"What? Why?" he asked in a panicky tone.

"Because you don't take it seriously. It's not some joke, Justin." I smiled to myself. I wish that I could see him squirm.

"No, I take it seriously. I love being with you." Aw. . . Damn him for being so sweet.

"Really?" I asked dreamily.

"Uh huh." he answered, "It's our private time together. It's something that I really cherish and appreciate." He's so sincere.

"Well, in that case." He laughed, "I guess we could have sex." He cheered triumphantly.

"Ha! I knew you'd fall for that mushy shit." I gasped.

"You bastard!"

"I was joking. It's not mushy shit." he explained, "I meant it. Really, I did." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, I'm done talking to you."

"What? C'mon, Beautiful. I miss you like crazy." he pleaded, "Don't hang up on me." I sighed dramatically.

"Fine, ten more minutes." He laughed.

"Okay, Queen Sheba." I laughed this time as I turned the corner.

"Damn straight, baby."

"Aw, I'm your baby now?" he cooed.


"Well if I have a pet, you should get one."

"I thought Beautiful was my pet name?"

"No, it's a nickname. Like when you call me Randy Candy." I nodded.

"Okay, then give me a pet name. But nothing too fruity."

"Okay, what about Pookie?" I rolled my eyes.

"That's a dog name."

"True, true." He paused, "Sunshine."

"Sunshine?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, 'cause you brighten up my days." I laughed at his cheesiness.

"Sweet, but Sunshine sounds like a hippie." He laughed.

"Fine. What about. . ." Another pause, "Sexy." I felt a knot in my stomach.

"No." He snorted.

"Why not?" What does he mean by why not? I'm not sexy. That's why.

"Because it's not true."

"It is true."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not!"

"It's true, damn it! You're sexy, so accept that." He laughed at the end of his statement and I laughed also.

"Fine, I guess I can be sexy." He sighed.

"You're the only woman that would complain about how sexy she is." I rolled my eyes. I wish he would stop saying I'm sexy. It makes me feel all warm and tingly.

"I'm one of kind, so what do you expect?" He chuckled slightly.

"That's why I like you so much." he assured, "You are so. . . original." I laughed.

"That sounds so plain."

"No, it's a good thing. Nobody wants to be a conformity. Everybody wants to step out of the loop." I nodded and parked my car in the parking lot of the center.

"I am the queen of conformity." I corrected.

"No you're not." he argued.

"Yeah I am." I walked inside of the building, only to be ambushed by hugs and mouthed 'wassup's from the kids.

"How?" Diana was already at my desk when I stepped in. I smiled, she smiled, and I sat in my chair.

"I don't know." I answered honestly.

"See, I was right." he stated proudly. I turned on my laptop and smiled.

"I guess. . ." I mumbled.

"Don't guess. Say I was right." he whined.

"Justin. . ."

"Say it. . ." he pressured.

"Fine, you were right."

"See, that wasn't so bad." I rolled my eyes.

"No, but now I have to say goodbye." He sighed disappointedly and I could picture him pouting.

"Well, okay." He stated reluctantly.

"I'll see you later." I assured.

"But I miss you now." I laughed.

"You can refresh my memory when I see you later. . ." I stated coolly.

"Deal!" He stated enthusiastically. I laughed.

"Okay, Jay. I have to go."

"I'll see you tonight, mama." he said, well tried to say, in a sexy tone.

"Bye, baby."

"Bye, sexy." I hung up and smiled. I looked up and say Diana smiling brightly at me.

"Look at you, Ms. D! Boo-loving on your cell." I laughed and cleared my throat.

"I do not boo-love." She laughed and nodded.

"Sure. . ." She laughed.

"Anyway," I smiled, "What's that term paper about again?"


Justin and Alonsha were settled in his bedroom. They had talked earlier before exchanging gifts. Justin had thanked Alonsha graciously for his golf game. He told her it would be his salvation on long plane rides and business meetings. Alonsha in turn received a locket. Inside was a black and white photo of them together and a quote from one of her favorite Langston Hughes' poems called "Harlem Girl."

"I don't know, they're scary." Justin stated unsure. Alonsha made a face.

"I thought guys liked huge boobs?" Justin shrugged and furrowed his brow.

"Well. . . yeah. We do. But Pam Anderson's boobs are abnormal." Alonsha laughed.

"Whatever. What about the whole blond theory?" Alonsha asked accusingly.

"What about it?"

"Well, do guys prefer blonds over brunettes and redheads?" Justin reached out in front of him, grabbing Alonsha's hands.

"You're not blond and I like you." he reasoned.

"Well that's because my hair color doesn't really count. I guess it's a white thing with the blond and brunette stuff."

"That's a load of crap," Justin corrected, "Black people are blonds too. Look at Lil' Kim." Alonsha rolled her eyes.

"Please don't mention that woman. She's a disgrace to my entire race." Justin laughed, "Speaking of hair. You pulled my hair too hard earlier."

"I didn't pull. I affectionately tugged." Justin smiled.

"There's a difference between tugging affectionately and trying to rip someone's hair out. You, my friend, were crossing over a very thin line."

"Well, I'm sorry for pulling your hair. I got excited. I wasn't thinking all that clearly." Justin apologized, "But your hair is so easy to get a hold on."

"So is yours, but you don't see me ripping your shit out." Justin laughed.

"I've never objected to you doing so," Alonsha rolled her eyes, "But I guess I'm used to girls with Britney's hair."

"That's because Britney's hair wasn't nappy like mine." Alonsha began to sadly run her fingers through her hair.

"Your hair isn't nappy," Justin stated sympathetically before reaching out and touching it, "It's. . . thick." Alonsha sighed dramatically.

"Way to be lame, Justin." He laughed heartily.

"I was just being nice."

"Whatever." Alonsha said dismissively, "I need a perm." Justin shot her confused glance.

"Doesn't that make your hair curly?"

"No. It makes my hair straight." He still looked confused, "If my hair was straight, it would turn curly, but my hair's already curly so it does the opposite."

"Oh!" Justin nodded, "That's why my mama's hair turns curly when it's permed because it's naturally straight." Alonsha nodded.


"So if you perm your hair, it straightens, right?" Alonsha nodded, "So if you perm it again, it'll be curly?"

"Not necessarily," Alonsha paused in thought, "There are different types of perms too. Some are meant for curling and others are for straightening."

"Wait a minute," Justin interrupted, "So there isn't just one type of perm?"

"No, there isn't only one, Jay." Alonsha sighed, "There's always more than one type of hair product, duh."

"You know what?" Justin smiled, "This. . . woman crap is confusing. So I'm just gonna stop while I'm ahead." Alonsha laughed.

"You are so slow, I swear." Justin pouted.

"Hey, it's not my fault." he grumbled, "I fell a lot when I was younger."

"Aw," Alonsha cooed, "Come here." Justin moved up as though he was going to accept her embrace. But he tackled her down and pinned her hands above her head.

"Sucker!" he taunted before nuzzling his face into her neck. She giggled as he continued his tickled torture.

"Justin, for the love of God, get off of me!" He stopped his nuzzling, but still held her down.

"No can do 'cause I really wanna fuck you now." he whispered in her ear. Alonsha groaned.

"Must you be so blunt?" Justin laughed and looked her in her eyes.

"You don't like it when I talk dirty?" Alonsha laughed when he raised a brow comically.

"I prefer that you keep your dirty words to yourself."

"Are you serious?" Justin asked in disbelief.

"Yeah," Alonsha sat up as Justin released her, "It's so. . . weird."

"You cannot be serious." Justin couldn't believe his ears, "It's perfectly normal to do it. Everybody does it."

"Alonsha doesn't do it."

"Then Alonsha has been sexually deprived." Alonsha laughed at his dramatic tone.

"It's probably a good thing. I'd suck at it anyway." Justin shrugged.

"You'll never know unless you try." He smiled at her, "Come here." Alonsha looked at him suspiciously as he sat up against the headboard of his bed.

"What?" she asked cautiously.

"Just come here." She crawled over to him and placed her knees on either side of his waist.

"Is there a reason why you wanted me this close?" Alonsha asked curiously.

"We're gonna practice some dirty talk." Alonsha laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Justin, can we not do this?"

"It's a must, Lonnie." She felt his hands creep down her back and rest on her bottom.

"This is going to be embarrassing." she mumbled discouragingly.

"No it's not." Justin assured, "It's just you and me, Sexy." Alonsha shivered.

"You see," she complained, "You said 'sexy' and I cringed. There's no way I can talk like that."

"That's only because you're not used to being called that. Believe me, I'll say it enough to make you comfortable with it."

"Can't we watch a movie or something?" Alonsha whined.

"No movies," Justin scolded, "But we can make a private one if you want to." Justin winked at her suggestively and she laughed.

"Stop being weird."

"Fine, lets get serious." He cleared his throat, "Tell me something dirty."

"Like what?" Alonsha asked completely clueless.

"What turns you on?" Alonsha groaned and felt the butterflies in her stomach.

"I. . . I don't know." Justin sighed.

"When we have sex, what do you enjoy the most?"

"When you. . ." She stopped speaking when she realized what was going to come out of her mouth. She couldn't say it. It was too dirty.

"Go on." Justin encouraged with a smirk.

"It's so. . . bad."

"Bad is good." Justin explained, "Say what's on your mind."

"You're gonna laugh at me." Justin laughed when she cover her face with her hands. He brought his hands up to hers, and pulled them down.

"I won't laugh, I promise." He looked her in her eyes and it made her feel even more uncomfortable.

"I like it when you touch me. . ." she mumbled, "Down there." Justin laughed. He couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry, but you sound like a five year old." Alonsha sighed in frustration.

"Fuck you, Justin. I told you it wouldn't sound right." Alonsha pouted.

"Okay, okay. Lets try this again with big girl words." Alonsha glared at him, "What I meant to say was, instead of you liking the way I touch you down there, say pus-"

"Justin!" Alonsha interrupted, "That's a strong word." He laughed again.

"Fine, lets pick another thing you like. Something simple."

"Fine." She paused in thought, "I like it when you kiss my. . . chest area." Justin smiled.

"Okay. We're making progress." Alonsha laughed, more at herself than him. She felt ridiculous. She had never done this before, not with Kyle. He was all sweet and gentle. Loving words like 'You're beautiful' and 'I love you' were said to her. This wasn't her niche, but Justin just wouldn't let up.

"Can't I turn you on the traditional way?" Justin smiled up at her.

"And what way would that be?"

"You know, the one with the touching and the kissing. . ."

"Oh, okay." he agreed, "But under one condition." Alonsha groaned and sighed.


"When I do something you like, I want you to tell me how good it feels."

"I thought I already did that, Jay." Alonsha smiled, "With my 'moaning habits.'" She used air quotations and Justin chuckles.

"Moaning and talking are two different things." Justin explained. Alonsha rolled her eyes.

"Why the sudden interest in spicing up our sex life anyway? We just started it for goodness sake." Justin began to rub his hands up and down her side. He could see she was becoming agitated, and the last thing he wanted was an argument.

"It's not spicing it up, it's making it more intimate." Alonsha shot him her famous look of 'I'm not buying your shit' before speaking.

"It's sex, Justin. How intimate can you get?" Justin laughed and kissed her.

"You have been so sexually deprived," He reached up and pinched her cheeks, "You poor child. You have so much to learn." Alonsha pulled his hands from her face.

"I don't appreciate you making fun of me." Her pout was in full swing and Justin found it absolutely adorable.

"I'm not making fun of you, I'm just teasing." Justin corrected, "You should know a lot about that." Alonsha smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, well, don't complain now. You weren't earlier." Justin kissed her neck softly and smiled into her soft skin.

"Now that I cannot deny." Alonsha giggled when his breath caressed her ear.

"Justin?" Alonsha whispered.

"Hmm?" Justin grumbled into her neck as he began to lick the area.

"I'm tired." Justin head shot up and he stared at her disappointedly.


"I'm tired." she repeated as she began to crawl off of him. Justin couldn't even move. He was highly upset.

"But. . . I wanted to. . . Alonsha!" He stuttered and whined. She rolled her eyes and tucked herself into his sheets.

"Stop bitchin'. We had sex, like, three times today."


"What do you mean 'so'? Do I look like a sex giving machine?" Justin smiled.

"You did earlier." Alonsha smiled as he began to pout.

"Damn it, Justin." she complained tiredly. Justin laughed and turned her on her back.

"Thank you." he said between kisses. Alonsha wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

"You're lucky you're my baby." Justin grin proudly against her mouth before kissing her softly.

"I know. . ." he whispered softly. She smiled at him and his breath caught in his throat.

He felt it.

That unmistakable feeling of warmth that erupted in his stomach and left him weak in his knees. But it couldn't be. Not now. It was way too soon.

"What's wrong?" Alonsha asked worriedly. Justin stared at her momentarily before snapping out of his trance.

"Nothing." he answered quickly, "I was just thinking."

"About?" Alonsha pried with a playful grin.

"You." he answered honestly, "Just you." She looked at him weirdly before letting it go. It was obvious that he didn't want to talk about it but she was still curious.

"What about me?" Justin laughed and licked his lips.

"I could tell you," Justin teased, "But I'd rather show you." He kissed her and she moaned softly into his mouth.

Alonsha could still sense his uneasiness, but she was easily distracted by his hot mouth on hers. Justin, on the other hand, couldn't let go of the situation at hand. He was scared now. Scared of Alonsha. Scared because this feeling could make everything golden, and or set it ablaze.

He had a feeling that something was going to burn.

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