I woke up to being pushed and pulled violently. I gasped, startled to see it was dark out and I could barely make out the face that was hovering over me. I was dazed in my sleepiness, but found enough strength to push away the hands shoving me.

"What the fuck?" I groaned, knowing I should've been more concerned about my safety rather than concentrating on going back to sleep.

"You gotta get up," I heard Matthew say, sounding as exhausted and raspy as my own voice. I moaned in protest and he shook me again as I tried to lie back down.

"It's so dark..." I complained, my eyes tight and unwilling to open beyond a slit.

"You've got a night shift," he reminded me, "It's seven o'clock...You need to be at work by eight tonight." My face crumpled up in defiance.

"No," I complained, "Tell them I'm sick."

"Sasheirah Hanes, if you don't get up..." His tone was playful, but I still sat up and sighed. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and settled on his body, which was illuminated only be the moon and streetlights. A mix of orange and white fell over him and I stared at his profile. He was hunched over, rubbing his face tiredly.

"Why are you sleeping?" I asked, "It's too early for you to sleep."

"I was bored with you sleeping all day," he yawned, "Watching you sleep isn't exactly entertainment, so I took a nap." It was twelve past seven now and I knew I needed to get up. I had a twelve-hour shift and I wasn't looking forward to it. Thanks to Angela's, a fellow nurse, slip and fall, us nurses were stuck picking up her extra hours. It sucked, but I was gonna get more money. That was enough inspiration to stand and stretch.

"You freakin' creeper," I smiled as something dawned on me, "You watched me sleep." Justin stretched his arms over his head before falling right back against the bed.

"You're beautiful when you sleep," he stated simply and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure the drooling was gorgeous." I followed with a snort for emphasis and he breathed in deeply.

"You, my dear, need to give yourself more credit," Justin told me, scratching his side, "You're beautiful all the time. Especially when you're sleeping. You're so quiet and cute."

"What did I say about that awful word?" I said, quickly changing the subject that was growing increasing more awkward for me. I didn't like compliments, but Justin loved to give them...all the time. It was irritating and embarrassing, to say the least.

"Cute is not an awful word," he argued in a disinterested tone, "You know what's an awful word? Cunt. That's an awful word."

"That's a vulgar word, but it's hilarious." I quickly dug through my drawers for underwear and clothes, avoiding the pout I knew was on his face. After our night of fear confessions, I did what every red blooded person would do in our situation: ignored the issue. I tried not to bring memories and the 'what if's into our daily conversation. It worked for three days before Matt decided to bring it up again, revealing that he loved golf and could remember playing a couple of times with his best friend Trace. I nodded and let it go, but he kept bringing it up, asking if I didn't want to know about his memories and argued that we should talk about it.

We ended up in a screaming match and I called him a stupid cunt in the mist of anger. I didn't even realize what I said until he halted the argument and asked what I called him. He didn't speak to me for two more days until I apologized yesterday. He said it was okay, but he was apparently still quite bitter.

"It's not very lady-like to use such a term." I rolled my eyes and turned to face him with my clothes bundled up in my arms.

"It's not very manly to still be crying over name calling," I retorted. He huffed and turned onto his side.

"I hope you're not mean like this in four days," he mumbled and I furrowed my brow.

"Why?" I asked and he dramatically flipped over to face me with his mouth hanging open.

"Did you seriously forget?" he asked, "It's the twenty-seventh."

"Yeah...today's the twenty-seventh..."

"Add four to twenty-seven..." he egged on.

"Okay..." I mumbled dumbly.

"It's thirty-one." Matthew looked at me expectantly.

"I'm not following." He groaned.

"January...The thirty-first day of January..." He pointed to himself and I nodded slowly.

"Right," I smiled, "It's the end of the month! My birthday's not too far behind." He gave me a bored expression as I laughed out loud.

"You're an ass," he grumbled and I walked over to the bed, kissing his forehead.

"It's okay, Boo," I giggled, "I wouldn't forget your birthday, of all the days." No, I could not. I was actually excited for some reason. I wanted to celebrate with him and had already asked Sondra to take my shift. I didn't have anything planned, but the idea of staying in, lazing around, was still quite appealing.

"You better not," Matthew told me with a small smirk, "I already know what I'm getting you."

"Boy, you don't have money," I reminded, already heading for the door.

"You know what they say," he called behind me, "The best things in life are free!" I rolled my eyes and went about my business. My curiosity quickly thought over what Matt could give me for my birthday. They all revolved around something sexual and if Matthew was who I thought he was, I was right.

After my shower and getting dressed, I headed back to the bedroom to dispose of my clothes. Justin was laying back on the bed, googling his heart out on my laptop. I didn't say anything. I didn't like google any more. It filled his head with too many names and facts.

"I'm leaving," I said, catching the 7:36pm time on my alarm clock. "Call me if anything and make sure you get some sleep. Don't google all night."

"Okay, Mom," Matthew mumbled, not bothering to look up from the screen.

"Well, shit, I might as well be," I shot back, "I cook and clean and clothe you, don't I?"

"That could make you my wife too," he smirked at the screen, "But if you want to be my mom instead..."

"Goodbye, Justin," I groaned, rolling my eyes. I could've just punched myself for allowing my heart to jump a little when he said 'wife'. As if I'd marry him any time soon. I barely like Matthew, let alone want to marry his nut ass.

"Bye, Wifey!" I sighed and jogged down the stairs. I walked over to the side closet and pulled on my jacket before the sound of running feet caused me to turn back to the steps. It was just a blur coming towards before I realized it was Matthew's hype ass.

"What the hell?" I complained as he grabbed my arms and held me steady after he almost ran me down. I glanced up and he was frowning, his pouting face confused and hurt.

"I can't believe we almost did that," he said and I looked around the room like I would find the answer to my question there.

"What are you talking about?" He smiled down at me for a moment before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to his chest. I stood there limply as he hugged me tightly and kissed the top of my head before pulling back. I made a sour face. "All that for a hug?" I inquired and he took a moment to pretend to think before leaning down and kissing me gently, nibbling on my bottom lip as I sighed and kissed him back. It was gentle and sweet and we broke apart reluctantly.

"All that for a hug and a kiss," he smiled. "Never leave home without either one." I rolled my eyes, but smiled.

"I'll remember that," I told him before trying to turn around and leave again. His hands tightened around my waist and I gave him an annoyed look.

"Just one more," he said before kissing me again. It lasted three seconds before he moved back a centimeter. "Okay, one more." I laughed as he kissed my bottom lip. "Another one for good luck?" he continued to mumble against my mouth. "One more for great luck..." I giggled as he kissed me again and again in quick pecks all over my face. I playfully pushed him away as best I could and restrained him by keeping my hand against his chest. He was cheesing his ass off when I couldn't fight my giggles.

"You're so..." I trailed off, not able to find a word that's quite like him.

"Amazing?" Matthew supplied. "Perfect? Romantic?" I rolled my eyes.

"Modest?" I joked and he poked my side, making me laugh again. "Okay, okay. One of us has to be an adult and go to work now..."

"Oh, burn," Matt said dryly, zipping up my jacket for me before giving my ponytail a tug. "Have fun at work."

"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled, checking my pockets for my keys, jingling them for confirmation, and heading outside. It was cold and I hugged myself as I trailed over to my old faithful Buick. I didn't hear the door close behind me, so I was sure Matthew was watching me. I felt safer underneath his gaze and didn't rush as much as I usually did at night to get into the car. I slipped inside with ease, waving at Matt as he leaned on the doorframe and waved back with a smile. I wanted to tell him to get inside before he caught a cold, but he looked so comfortable in his sweats and white t-shirt that I didn't think it was that necessary to nag at him. He stood there until I started the car and beeped as I finally pulled off. I got one last wave before he disappeared from my vision and I concentrated on the road ahead of me.

I did not want to go. Not only was I tired and could've slept for two days straight, but also because I would not be able to wake up to Matthew in the morning or sleep wrapped up in his arms. I was disappointed to no end about that. And he had to go and be all cute at the door before I left, as if I didn't feel guilty enough for driving away, leaving that gorgeous boy all alone. I felt guilty everyday leaving him. I knew he had to be going crazy being all cooped up in that house all day, all the time. Not that he ever complained about it. He's so whiny I'm sure he'd mention it if it were bothering him a lot, but I was still worried.

I shook my head as I turned down Broad. I didn't want to think about Matthew and worry. Not only about his boredom, but other things that came to my mind when I worried about Matthew. I hated the fact that I even cared enough to let my mind wander on more occasions than I'd like to admit. It made me feel stupid to be this attached. I should definitely know better. I feel like I can't imagine getting up in the morning and cooking breakfast just for me with no kiss or hug or playful exchange of tired words.

The idea of spending my days off alone almost made me cringe. I needed to get real. Matthew was Justin Timberlake and he would leave me sure enough. My heart recoiled in my chest. Tight and uneasy. I sighed and flipped on the radio, allowing all the talk to drown out my thoughts until I reached the hospital. Today would be the longest shift ever. Nights were fairly slow here. I would just be watching over the older patients and maybe the ICU. I can't really remember all of Angela's responsibilities. I'll double check the chart once I get inside.

"You look like shit," Clarrisa's voice announced before I barely got a foot on the linoleum floor. I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks," I said tiredly.

"Matthew keeping you from sleeping?" she teased and I couldn't help but smirk.

"We're just friends, Clarrisa."

"Oh, blah, blah, blah," she said, waving me off, "He's cute."

"So?" I said, nonchalantly, as she followed me down the hall towards the nurses' lounge.

"So... y'all are shacking up, right?" When I came in, Mikela was sitting at the round white table, sipping on coffee. She nodded at me in acknowledgment and I offered the same greeting.

"He's homeless," I told her over my shoulder as I dug through my pockets for my keys. "I took him in."

"I've never seen you pick up any other homeless person," she laughed as I made my way over to my locker and opened it. "Now you're Mother Theresa, huh?" I stuffed my purse inside of the metal box and slammed it shut.

"Clarrisa, I'm gonna slap you if you don't stop," I warned, but she just laughed in my face.

"Okay, okay," she relented, "I was just curious because Shannon mentioned that you saw him naked before, so..." I whipped my head around.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. Clarrisa backed up and held up her hands in another mock surrender.

"That's just what I heard." I furrowed my brows. As if I didn't want to kill Shannon on the daily. Now she was spreading rumors.

"Yeah, that's what she told Nikki on the third floor," Mikela's voice came in as she sipped on her Starbucks, "Brittany told me and I told Mel who probably told you." She nodded towards Clarrisa who smirked and nodded.

"Mel's the one," she confirmed, "But Shannon's the fire starter. You know that woman's just jealous of you. That's why she's running her mouth. She wanted Matthew for herself."

"That's what I think," Mikela cosigned, "She was a little too bitter about you seeing him in all his glory."

"I didn't see him like that," I clarified, "When I first found him in the street, he needed some help bathing, so as all of us nurses would do..."

"Right," Mikela smiled, "You were just helping him shower." I raised an annoyed brow as her and Clarrisa giggled.

"It was not like that," I continued to argue, "Seriously."

"Okay, girl," Clarrisa grinned, "You don't have to convince us."

"I know I don't," I snapped, realizing that this is exactly why I didn't like girl talk, "Whether or not I saw Matthew naked or the reason why I saw him naked is nobody's business. And ask Shannon if my name taste good because it always seems to be in her mouth."

"Oh, well, shit," Mikela laughed, "I'll do that." I rolled my eyes. This felt like high school part two. I left the room, hearing laughter behind me. As if this night wasn't going to be long enough. I oughta smack Shannon the next time I see her dumbass. Now all these nurses are going to be in my business and asking a million questions. I could already see the sly glances and whispering behind my back.

Was it too late to call out sick? Maybe if I inject myself with a small and harmless virus, I can go home, be sick, and come back when this is over.


Despite the earlier lounge nonsense, Clarrisa and Mikela went along working as usual. Nobody said anything to me and I didn't say anything to anybody. I triple checked on my patients and went down by the maternity ward to see the newborns sleep. It had always been a bit of a pass time for me. I loved how small and fragile they were. I loved that they had just been birthed, probably one of the most terrifying experiences of their lives, and yet they could close their eyes and dream it all away.

Seriously, birth had to be the worst moment of your life. You're all bundled up and warm and fed and well protected in this soft cacoon with minimal noise and no other face but your own. And then in an instant, the warmth you've lived in, your life source, slowly drains away and there's all this noise and pushing and this very bright light at the end of this small tunnel you can barely get your head through and all these hands are reaching for you, pulling you away from your home and tearing your world apart as they drag you, unwillingly, into theirs. All the noise and lights and movements and a much colder temperature than you're used to hits you all at once. Faces you've never seen crowding your space. Air you've never felt graces your lungs and it's so cold and shocking that you cry and nobody really pays much mind as they bundle you up and place you in the arms of an unfamiliar face. A mother you're gonna love now since she's the first one that holds you still and gives you a moment to take in where you are.

I don't know. Maybe it's one of those weird things you're not suppose to say out loud, but I feel like infancy is the bravest and strongest stage of human life. They're so open to change and they're so honest. They cry whenever they need something and sleep when they don't. It's when you get older that you become the whiny little bastard we all are sometimes. We cry for everything. We complain about most changes. We're scared of all things unfamiliar.

I sighed to myself as I pressed my hand against the glass of the nursery. Dozens of little faces. All different shades, but with almost the exact same features. Crazy and beautiful. I placed my hands over my stomach for a moment, wondering if it was something I wanted. Children. I used to be sure it was when Angel was around. I couldn't wait to have his kids. I shook my head and smiled sadly to myself as I dropped my hands and moved down the hall. I was such a stupid woman.

I felt my pager vibrating, expecting it to be a patient. I hurried my footsteps as I looked at the screen. Surprising, it was Clarrisa at the front desk. I sighed, slowing down as I headed toward the stairs and down to the lobby. I slowed as I rounded the corner and saw an all too familiar figure leaning on the front counter, smirking down and chatting it up with Clarrisa. She looked comfortable and he was fine as hell in just sweats and a hoodie.

"Matthew?" I asked as I approached the counter. He stood up straighter and Clarrisa smiled to herself, like she had just confirmed something she knew all along.

"Hey," he smiled slowly, and I couldn't stop the smirk from forming on my face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. He raised a paper bag covered in a plastic bag and pointed at it proudly.

"I made you lunch," he announced, "Thought you'd be hungry by now, so I came by to eat with you."

I glanced over at the clock on the wall behind the desk. "It's two in the morning, Matt. And how did you get down here?" He raised a hand to silence my rant before I got out of hand.

"I'm well aware of the time," he informed me, "And I walked. It's like twenty minutes." My eyes almost popped out of my head.

"You walked?" I squeaked out, "Do you have a death wish?"

"No," he grumbled, raising his brows and nodding towards Clarrisa subtly, "Can we go eat somewhere? Please." It was more of a demand than request and I sighed, not wanting to talk in front of Clarrisa's nosey self either.

"I'm going on lunch," I announced, turning my back and going towards the break room. I could hear Justin tell Clarrisa how nice it was to meet her before his sneakers squeaked behind me. I rolled my eyes when he strolled up beside me, trying his best to match my angry stride.

"Way to scold me in front of your friends," he complained, "Are you my mom or my girl?" I haulted my actions to whirl around and Justin nearly tripped over me.

"First off, since when did we discuss me being your girl?" I asked. Justin glanced around the hall and confirmed it was empty before turning to me.

"You're not my girl?" he asked innocently. I wanted to scream no, but something tugged at my gut.

"I don't know," I sighed, honestly, "I don't really like titles."

"Okay, fine," Matthew dismissed, "But you're definitely not my mother. What the hell was that back there?" He gestured behind him.

"That was me being pissed off that you walked here at two o'clock in the morning," I angrily replied, "Are you fuckin' crazy? Do you not remember why you're here in the first place?" He rolled his eyes.

"I'm here to eat lunch with you," he told me.

"You're here because you were walking through this same neigborhood and -"

"I know what happened," he interrupted, annoyed, "I was there. I remember that much." He held out the bag towards me. "Enjoy your lunch." I glanced down at the bag and back at him.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I placed my hands on my hips.

"I'm leaving," he informed me, "You obviously are annoyed by my presence, so I'm gonna leave this bag of chicken salad sandwiches, which I almost killed myself making because you know I can barely toast bread, and I'm going to walk back to your house. Oh, and I promise not to get jumped and beat up, but should it happen again, I will not bother you with my nonsense problems." He wiggled the bag and I rolled my eyes.

"If you don't stop your melodramatics, I'm going to punch you in the eye." He gave me a bored look. I sighed. "Fine, I'm sorry for yelling at you in front of Clarrisa, but I'm not sorry for correcting your behavior. Something could've happened to you and I wouldn't know how to correct the issue. All I would've known is that you were suppose to be at home, sleeping."

"I'm sorry for not telling you, but I wanted to surprise you and I knew you'd tell me no."

"Of course I would've," I said, "How could I let you walk, in this freezing cold, through a dark and dangerous neighborhood, all the way to my job just so you could eat lunch with me?"

"You don't have to let me, I made the decision on my own," he said, "And I'm here, all in one piece, unharmed and hungry."

"Why are you wearing just a hoodie?" I finally realized it was definitely a bit underdressed.

"Mikela took my coat," he said, "Relax, mom. I can dress myself at the very least." I stared at him and he stared at me. I wanted to smack him for coming down here and being stupid. I could only imagine what those guys would've done to him if he happened to walk past them again. It made a chill run through my spine, but Justin didn't seem concerned at all. As if risking his life was worth chicken salad with me.

"You're insane," I told him and I meant it.

"I'm only crazy about you," he nudged me and I laughed at his corny line.

"You're so damn lame," I teased as we began to make our way towards the lounge again. I walked slower this time and Matthew was grateful.

"I think I am," he mumbled.

"What? Lame?" He playfully shoved me into the lounge once we approached it and I laughed as he chuckled behind me.

"No, crazy," he clarified, "About you, that is." I paused before I turned around and faced him.

"I think you're crazy too," I said, "But just crazy." He rolled his eyes, but smiled.

"I'm serious," he continued, despite my effort to avoid the subject, "It was pretty stupid to walk all the way down here, but all I could think about was being able to see you." He shrugged and became shy after his words left his mouth. "I guess that makes me kinda lame too...and the whole 'be my girl' thing was pretty stupid..." He laughed at himself as he stammered onto mumbles I could no longer comprehend. I felt myself shying up a bit too. He was blushing and that was making me want to 'awwwwww' him to no end.

"Well, I'm really glad you're here, in one piece," I smiled, "And thank you for wanting to eat lunch with me."

"No problem, baby," he said, more confidently. I took the moment to steal a seat at the table. Matthew followed suit and sat beside me. He placed the bag onto the white table top and began to pull out four sandwiches in ziplock bags and a bottle of cranberry apple juice. There were some chips and a tubaware of sliced fruits.

"Wow, you really out did yourself," I commented as I opened up my sandwich, which was warm and mixed with eggs and onions. I took a bite of it, and the seasoning was good. There was a bit more mayo than necessary, but all-in-all, it was delicious.

"I tried," Matthew said modestly, "I didn't know how hungry you were."

"This is really good," I complimented sincerely and he scoffed.

"Shut up," he joked, "It's terrible and you're being nice." I gave him a sideways glance.

"Now, Matty Boy," I raised a brow, "Would I lie to you if this was terrible?" He laughed and shook his head.

"I seriously doubt it," he smiled.

"Exactly," I swallowed another bite, "This is really good."

"You're just really hungry."

"That too," I agreed as Matthew unraveled his sandwich and dug in as well. We ate and chatted aimlessly for the rest of my hour break. It was nice to have his company, as always. I couldn't help but feel flattered that he went through so much trouble for me to have a nice, homemade lunch. I couldn't bare to imagine what my kitchen looked like right about now. I hope he didn't burn anything down when he cooked the chicken for the salad.

"You'll be done in about five hours, right?" Matthew inquired as he cleaned up our mess and placed the rest of our untouched juice into the lounge's refridgerator.

"Yeppers," I confirmed, rubbing my full stomach.

"I can hang around until then, I guess," he said, taking a seat back next me and placing his head on my lap as he hunched over and sighed.

"I'll take you home," I said, rubbing the back of his neck and the ends of his hair.

"No, I want to stay," he argued from my lap. "I can't go back to the house and sleep alone. You have to be my pillow."

I smiled to myself as he sat up to look at me, pouting. "You're going to be so bored here."

"That's cool," he assured, "I'd be bored at home anyway." My worry settled in and my smile flattered.

"Are you really bored at home all the time?" I asked, "Do you need something to entertain you? Video games, maybe?"

"No, I'm fine," he assured, "I'm just saying that I miss you when you're gone sometimes, and I'd rather be at work with you. Besides, Clarrisa looks bored at the desk. I could just wander around until your shift's over. I won't follow you around like a lost puppy or anything, if that's what you're worried about." I blinked and stared at him. I was trying to decide whether or not he was actually sitting here. Something about Matthew didn't seem real.

"I think..." My mouth was moving, but I didn't quite know what I was saying. "I think I should take you home." I felt myself screaming What?

"Sash, I said I'm fine," Matthew assured, giving my knee a small squeeze. I looked down at him hand and back up at him. "I'm staying right here with you." As I looked into his bright blue eyes, looking at me with a playful, carefree glint, I realized that he didn't seem real because he was saying all the right things and making me lunch at two o'clock. He was being annoyingly good to me and I felt myself melting down every defense I built up over the years. I was absolutely terrified.

But I liked it.

"Okay," I smiled, "You're staying."


I woke up and it was dark outside. I smiled to myself as I rolled over and felt an arm pulling me straight into the body I was looking for. In the light of the moon, I could see his face, tired, but smiling and awake. I tucked my face into his neck and kissed his adam's apple. I felt his hand smooth back my wild hair from my face and I smiled as a few brushes of his fingertips tickled my ear.

"Hey," he greeted lazily and I loved the vibration that ran through his throat and moved my lips as they pressed against his pulse. I gave his jaw a kiss and sighed as I snuggled more into him.

"Hey," I managed to squeak out from my space in his neck. He ran his hands over my back and arm and I felt myself grow deeply content. I never wanted to move. Ever. I could be cemented to this bed, permenantly wrapped up in his arms, running my lips over his stubble covered throat. I didn't have to think here. I didn't have to worry. I didn't have to work. I just had to feel. I had to just feel warm and safe and good.

"Mmm..." he moaned out tiredly, "You gotta give me a minute to wake up before you start kissing me."

"I'm not really kissing you," I clarified, "I'm just...taking you in."

"Hmm..." he grunted, "Is that right?" I nodded and reluctantly pulled away from his form. He let me slide away slowly as I kneeled onto the bed, allowing the sheet to fall from both our bodies. My tanked rolled up right underneath my breasts and I pulled it down self-consciously as I glanced down at Justin's bare chest. His six pack was even more amazing in the moonlight and my soft belly was nothing in comparison.

"I'm gonna brush," I announced as he continued to watch me stretch. I dropped my arms to my sides as he rubbed some of the sleep from his eyes.

"Do you want me to hold your hand and take you to the bathroom?" Matthew teased. I pouted and nodded sheepishly, playing along.

"Yes, please," I said, using my best baby face. He raised a brow as I held out my hand, wiggling my fingers.

"You're sexy when you do that," he said, licking his lips as I wrinkled my nose.

"I got sleep all over my face," I pointed out and he shrugged.

"Still sexy."

"My hair looks like Medusa's," I said, pointing to my head. He laughed at the spikey wild strands.

"True, but still sexy." I rolled my eyes and climbed over him, momentarily slapping his hands away as he tried to make me straddle his waist. I laughed as he lost the fight and I trailed up the hall to use the bathroom. I did what I needed to do to get myself together and gathered up my clothes from the floor after showering. I made sure my towel was securely wrapped around me before I headed out to the hall. I bumped into Matthew halfway and he tugged on my towel as I slapped his hand away.

"You got something under there for me?" he asked and I rolled my eyes before he winked and continued toward the bathroom. I stopped to turn and watch him walk in his boxers. His back flexed with his every move and his back's tattoo clashed against his pale skin. I bit my bottom lip, knowing that I had full permission to run my hands over that fine body of his. It wasn't until he slipped into the door and shut it behind him that I let go of the breath I was holding.

I rolled my eyes at my libido before flipping on the light and dropping my clothes into the hamper. I dug through my drawer for underwear and a bra. I found a heart covered Vicky Secret bra and red boy shorts. I checked my butt out in the mirror, loving the way the boy shorts curved it. Besides, I knew Matthew liked my ass too, so I couldn't help but imagine what he'd think if he saw me in these. Of course, I wouldn't have to imagine... I could just show him.

I pondered this as I slipped a pink ribbed tank over my head and straightened it out. I grabbed a comb from my dresser and tamed my hair until I could brush it up into a ponytail. It ended up being a messy bun instead, but it was enough to pass as some type of hairdo. I found a pair of shorts and slipped them on. They were gray, but had pink lettering. It looked like I tried a little and I was satisfied with my minimal effort.

I settled on pearl earrings and turned to my laptop, slipped beneath the bed. I placed it on my dresser and turned it on, waiting for it to load. Once that ended, I started up some music. T.I.'s 'Whatever You Like' was the first song of choice. He was definitely my future husband, despite the fact that he was completely out of reach.

I was rapping along as I fixed up the bed, shaking the sheets to the beat and bobbing around happily. It was my free moment, with nobody watching me attempt to dance.

"He's tailor made for you..." I mumbled, off key and not caring a couple of minutes later, as Colbie Callet's 'Tailor Made' came through after two T.I. songs played out. I fluffed the pillows and tucked the flat sheet under the mattress. I shook the comforter out next and draped it over the bed, smoothing it out and folding it back at the ends of the pillows.

I smiled as I finished. I was just occupying my time. I knew I'd be back in that bed again. I was already feeling tired, but I knew I couldn't sleep all damn night. Night shifts messed up my sleeping habits. Matthew and I slept the entire day away after he stayed up all night until my shift was over. We barely made it to bed before we fell asleep.

"I really like this song," I heard Matthew's voice from behind me as I smoothed out the last of the wrinkles.

There's something in your eyes

Is everything thing alright?

You look up to the sky

You long for something more...darlin'

"It's Justin Nozuka," I smiled at him as I turned around. I probably should've kept my eyes on the bed. He was forever in a towel, damp from his shower, and sexy as hell.

Give me your right hand

I think I understand

Follow me and you will never have to wish again

"You okay?" Matthew smirked as I shut my hanging mouth and turned around, walking right into the bed. I stumbled and stubbed my baby toe.

"Fuck," I hissed, sitting on the edge of my bed and lifting my foot to rub my injured toe. I pouted as Matthew cooed.

I know that after tonight

You don't have to look about the stars, no, no, no, no

I know that after tonight

You don't have to look about the stars

"You okay?" he inquired walking over to where I sat. I felt his towel brush my leg, so I didn't look up. He was standing too close.

"No," I childishly frowned. He knelt down suddenly, sitting back on his legs as he gently removed my hands from my foot. I looked down at him as he concentrated on my toe, rubbing it in the tiniest circles his large hands would allow.

And I know if the love is alright

You don't have to look about the stars, no, no, no, no

I know by the end of the night, you won't have to look about the stars

He gave my toe a gentle kiss before looking up at me. "Better?" I nodded dumbly as he held my gaze. "Good."

Neither one of us moved though. I could feel myself breathing a little faster as his gaze fell to my lips and down my body before he concentrated on my legs, rubbing up my calf before kissing from my knee to my thigh. I leaned back against the bed as he slowly rose, kissing up my tank covered stomach and skimming over my chest before placing his warm lips against my collarbones.

Tell me how you feel

And if I'm getting near

I'll tell you where to steer

You tell me where to steer, d-d-d-darlin'

His body lined mine and his weight above me felt brand new, like I had never done this before. In a way it was. I had never had him pressed on top of me like this before. His weight was new. His skin was soft where it touched my stomach, exposed by my hiked up shirt. His kisses mashed my mouth with a delicious passion I struggled to match.

Way above the clouds

And high above the stars

Through the unknown black holes

Noone knows where we are

He pulled back, against my will, and yanked my tank over my head. He kissed the flesh that hung out of my bra and I was grateful I wore a push up. He seemed to enjoy himself and I enjoyed it more than I could say. I moaned it though and he grabbed me through my bra, making my entire being quiver.

I know that after tonight

You don't have to look about the stars, no, no, no, no

I know that after tonight

You don't have to look about the stars

My heart was pounding in my chest. I thought it would explode. Matthew kissed me again, slower this time, but with the same passion I felt before. I ran my hands over his head and pulled him closer. I never wanted to let him go.

And I know if the love is alright

You don't have to look about the stars, no, no, no, no

I know by the end of the night, you won't have to look about the stars

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Story Tags: interracial