Adrienne banged on the hotel door. "Beyonce?! Open up!" she continued knocking on the door. "Bee?!" the door flew open revealing a familiar woman. "Girl, what's your problem? Do you have any idea what time it is?" she took a glimpse at her watch. "It's been seven hours. We haven't even finished our duties. You have an interview at five and..."

"Relax. I haven't forgotten if that's your concern." Justin ambled towards the door in a jean outfit.

"Hey. What's goin' on?" he looked over her shoulder to gaze at Adrienne. "Oh hey. Wassup?" she shook her head.

"Nothing. Just...trying to warn your little friend over here about her schedule..." she rolled her eyes.

"I told you I haven't forgotten." she looked over her shoulder to gaze at him. "I'm gonna go. We're still on for dinner, right?" he nodded.

"Yeah." she bit the bottom of her lip interestingly.

"Gonna miss me?" she spoke softly. A smirk slowly formed across his lips.

"Yeah. Gonna miss me?" she nodded, slowly leaning in to kiss him. "I'll see you at eight." she turned, gazing at the confused Adrienne. She stood there with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Did I miss something?"

"Ugh, no. Now come on." she grasped her arm, pulling her along. "Byeeee." she waved at Justin. He stood there, leaning against the door with his hands in his pockets.

"Call me when you get a chance!" he shouted. She kept her eyes on him, nearly bumping into someone.

"Oh..." she quickly turned, gazing in a pair of dark brown eyes. "Britney?" she stood there in shock. What the hell was she doing there? "Um..." she looked back to gaze at Justin who also stood there with a surprised look on his face.

"Hello, Beyonce." she peered in her eyes. "How's everything?"

"Um..." she forced a smile on her face. "Everything's fine. I was just headin' to an interview." she nodded with a smile. "What about you? What are you doing here?"

"Oh...well since I was in town, I decided to pay my boyfriend a visit. I'll be gone tomorrow evening so I wanna try and spend as much time with him as possible." she explained.

"Oh well..." she looked away, gazing at a familiar guy.

"Justin?" she spoke excitedly. "Hey, baby." she ran towards him with her arms out. "I missed you." she wrapped her arms around him, slowly meeting lips with his.

"Ugh." Beyonce rolled her eyes and looked away. "I can't stand her. She's so phony. Cheatin' ass."

"Well...what can you say? She's what floats his boat. Come on. We have an interview to attend." she ambled down the hall. Beyonce stood there, looking back at the two. She watched as they entered the room and closed the door.

"Damn." she mumbled, all of a sudden feeling nothing but jealousy.

Around five o'clock...

"So, what about you? Is there a special person in your life?" she crossed her leg over the other.

"No, not at the moment, but..."

"What about you and Justin? How's the tour going so far?" she bit the bottom of her lip in thought, debating on whether to tell them the truth. Did they deserve the truth, she thought.

"Well, everything is going good so far. We have another week left before we wrap things up. Um, Justin...he's a really nice guy. Very quiet and keeps to himself when you first meet him, but after a while he'll loosen up. THAT'S if he's comfortable with you. Haha."

"I see." he nodded. "Well, miss Knowles...I wanna clear up this rumor going around about you two." her eyebrows lifted up in questioning.

"Really? What type of rumor?"

"You see..." he sat up in his seat. "...half of this room think you two are dating." her eyes lit up in surprise.

"You serious? Oh my god." she gazed out at the audience. "Why do you guys think that? I mean, is it we throw hints or something?"

"Ahaha, sorta. You both always end up talking about one another during an interview. Last time I had mister Timberlake here, he kept mentioning your ass. Haha." she gasped. "We all know he likes junk in the trunk."

"I can't believe him." she shook her head pathetically. "Well...that's men for ya'. You have to try and ignore them. No offense."

"None taken."

After a while (6:45 p.m.)

Beyonce and Adrienne both ambled down the hall towards their suites. "I am so friggin' pissed. I can't believe she showed up." she gazed at her face in the pocket mirror she held.

"Who? Britney? Girl, you confuse me sometimes. Seriously. I mean, why are you hatin' on Britney all of a sudden? You never used to. You used to think they were a cute couple. But're really losing it. Are you guys perhaps...seeing each other or something?" she gawked her direction, flashing her an absurd look.

"What?!" she snapped.

"Don't mean to offend you. I'm just saying. I mean...earlier you guys kissed and..."

"Look, you're worrying about the wrong thing. And for your info, we are not dating." she spoke with attitude.

"Well, my bad. Don't have a cow about it." she slid her card in the key slot. "I'm gonna call it a night. See you tomorrow." she entered the room, closing the door behind her.

"Damnit. Ugh, maybe I am losing it." she mumbled on her way to her suite. "Where's my damn key?" she dug through her purse for the item. "Oh my god. My key..." she trailed off, realizing where she left it. "Shit." her eyes automatically gazed in on Justin's suite. "How the hell could I have left it in there?" she didn't want to interrupt him, especially if his girlfriend was with him. They could've been doing something. Something intimate. "Fuck it." she reached up, knocking three times on the door. A few seconds later, the door flew open revealing a familiar woman. "Britney? Hey, um...I need to talk to Justin for a minute."

"Oh, sure. Jay?" he stood up, ambling towards the door. "Beyonce wants to talk to you." he locked eyes with hers.

"Hey um..." she gazed at Britney who stood against the door, keeping her eyes on her. "I uh..." she hesitated, unaware of how she would take it. "I may have left the key to my suite in here." Britney gazed in on Justin.

"Your key? Why would it be in here?" she held her head down, brushing a few strains of hair out of her face and behind her ear.

"I'll go check." he turned, walking away.

"Hmm so..." she leaned against the door, crossing her arms over her chest. "You were in here earlier?" she nodded.

"Yeah. We were going over a song that he wrote." she lied.


"Here it is." he handed her the card.

"Thank you. Sorry to have interrupted you guys in whatever you were doing, but I couldn't get in my room without this. Thanks." she turned, walking up to her door. He kept his eyes on her, watching as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. "Damnit." she leaned against the door and closed her eyes. She didn't know what to do. First, she's finally getting along perfectly with him, then the jealous girlfriend pops up. "What a perfect day." she spoke sarcastically, instantly being startled by a knock on the door. "Oh..." she turned, slowly yanking the door open.

"Hey." Justin stood there with his hands in his pockets. "Um, I was wondering if you were still interested in going to dinner with me?" she flashed him a pathetic look.

"And what about Britney? Did you forget about her?" she spoke, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No. She was coming with us." her head jerked back appallingly.

"Oh okay. I see where this is going. You actually THINK I'm gonna join you two for dinner and watch you guys make out all night? I don't think so. Besides, I didn't like the look she gave me when she found out I was in your suite. I could've pimped slapped her right then and there."

"Beyonce..." he looked back to make sure no one was in sight. "Listen..." he entered the room, closing the door behind him.

"What the hell are you doing? Have you forgotten she's just a door away..."

"Look, I don't care whether you like her or not. I want you go to. We planned this before she came so we're gonna stick to it. Get dressed. Meet me at my suite in thirty minutes." she watched as he exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Thirty minutes later

Beyonce stood in front of Justin's suite, not sure if she should back away. She knew this was a bad idea, but she still decided to go. "Here it goes." she knocked on the door, waiting patiently for an answer. Finally, the door flew open and Britney stood there.

"'s you."

"Hey, Bee." she gazed in on Justin. "Ready?" he stepped out of the room, quickly trailing his eyes down her figure. By the look on his face, she could tell he liked the way she looked. "Um, well I guess we should be headin' out." he grasped Britney's hand as they all ambled down the hall.

"So, have you two become friends or something?" she broke the silence between them.

"Actually, we were always friends. I was just as close to him as you were." she spoke smartly.

"Oh...I see." they stepped on the elevator. "I didn't know that." she stood a few feet away from them, keeping her eyes on her surroundings the whole time. The last thing she would want to do is give him some eye contact when his girlfriend was around.

Finally, the elevator had stopped and the two double doors slid open. "Thank God. It felt like I was about to suffocate." she stepped off the elevator and ambled towards the exit of the building.

"Baby, you sure about this? Why couldn't we have gone ourselves?" she overheard Britney whispering to him.

"You know..." she turned to face them. "Maybe she's right. I think you two would be better off going without me. I'll see you later." she brushed pass them, heading the opposite direction.

"Wait, Beyonce..." he followed behind her. She stepped on the elevator and pressed the button to her floor. "Wait." he ran on the elevator before the doors could close on him. "Listen to me..."

"Just stop!" she snapped. "No matter what you say, it won't talk me into going. I refuse to be around someone who has nothing but envy for me." he reached out, pulling the stop button.

"Look..." he stood in front of her. "Just come with us. This once." she locked eyes with his.

"And why is it so important that I go? I mean, you haven't seen her for months. You should be TRYING to spend as much time with her...alone that is. Why would you want someone tagging along? It gets annoying after a while."

"No it doesn't." he licked his lips, surveying her closely. "I want you to go." she leaned against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry, but I can't." she looked away, nibbling on her bottom lip.

"Not even for me?" he rested one hand on the wall, blocking one side of her. "Bee?"

"What?" she gawked his direction, watching as he slowly leaned in to meet lips with hers. She slowly begin to calm down, feeling her knees weaken at the touch of his satin lips brushing up against hers. "Come with us."

"No." she breathed between his lips.

"Please." he trailed his hand up her thigh, resting it on her butt. "Mmm." he groaned deeply, ravaging her desperately. She swiftly backed him up against the wall, sucking tenderly on his bottom lip.

"You want me to go?" she spoke softly.

"Yes." he gripped her butt, pushing her up against him.

"Okay. But after you get rid of your girlfriend. Other than that..." she backed away from him. "...we can't see each other anymore." she reached out, releasing the stop button.

"What? But..."

"I'm sorry, but it has to be this way. I refuse to be the other woman." when the double doors slid open, she stepped out of the elevator and headed down the hall, leaving him there absentminded.

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