Christy's POV:

I knew that Justin wasn't going to like that, but that's too bad. He'll have to deal with it.

"What do you mean you're going back to Tennessee?" He asked.

"Just what it sounds like. As soon as the Doctor says I can, I'm going home."

"What about me? How am I supposed to be involved with them when you're there?"

"You have money and time off, you can come to Tennessee."

"Why? My life and Cam are here."

"Yeah and my life, home, and doctor are there."

"You can stay here; we can get you a doctor here."

"This isn't my home."

"You used to consider it your home."

"Used to, a lot of things have changed since then. I'm going home. I'm going where I'm comfortable, where I'm surrounded with friends and family, and where my doctor is."

"What about my friends, what about my home, and my girlfriend?"

"You are the most arrogant selfish person I know. It's all about Justin. Well you know what J? This doesn't revolve around you; believe it or not I can do this without you. I don't need you there. You can make your choice, but when I can I'm going home."

"There is no way that Cam will be able to come to Tennessee."

"Well then I guess you stay here and miss everything."

"What do you mean everything?"

"Miss the rest of the pregnancy, miss them developing, miss their birth. Show them how great of a father you are from the get go and you wonder why I didn't tell you about my pregnancy?"

"I'm not going to miss them being born. I can come out a few days before your due date."

"Hell Justin by the time my due date comes, they'll have been in the NICU and probably be home already, don't fucking bother. I don't fucking need you. Just leave me the fuck alone."

"Those babies are gonna be born with a potty mouth." Cam said, walking in the room.

"And that should matter to you why?" I asked.

"Because I'm gonna be like their step mom." she smiled, walking over to Justin.

"What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay away for a few days?" Justin asked.

"I know, but we both know that you didn't really mean that."

"Yes I did, those babies don't need any more stress than they're already under."

"J baby, let's go talk." She smiled, winking at him."We can get this all worked out."

"If y'all are gonna fuck tell me now so I can go somewhere else."I grumbled, moving to get up.

"You keep your ass in that bed." Justin growled.

"You can only keep me here for so long; I promise you that I'm going home as soon as I can."

Justin's POV:

Why the hell is she so bound to go back to Tennessee? She knows that I can't go there. I can't spend the next 4 months or more there. What the hell is gonna happen when the babies are born. Does she think she's gonna keep them there?

"What about when the babies are born? What's gonna happen then?" I asked.

"They are going to go to my house. You can come see them there until they are big enough to travel then you can bring them here for a week or so."

"So you're going to make me a part time parent?"

"You were a part time boyfriend so why should it matter?"

"Well I won't be able to go there and see them." Cameron said.

"That's good because you’re not allow to be around my kids anyway." Christy said.

"Christy you can't stop my girlfriend from being around them, they're my babies too."

"The hell I can't. I don't what Malibu Barbie anywhere near my kids."

"Stop calling her that."

"I just call 'em as I see 'em."

"Justin are you gonna let her call me that?" Cam whined.

"He can't fucking stop me. What's he gonna do kick me out?"

"Yeah he will."

"Good, then I'm going home now."

"You're going nowhere and you won't talk to my girlfriend like that in my house."

"How are you gonna stop me?"

"Christy knock it off."

"Kiss my ass Justin. I'll say and do what I want while I'm here. If you remember I didn't want to be here in the first place."

"I don't care what you want. Get that through your fucking head ChristyAnna."

"What the hell kind of name is that?" Cameron snickered.

"What the hell kind of name is Cameron? It's a fucking boy's name." She smirked. "And I told you before that you don't have the right to call me that anymore. You will call me Christy or nothing else."

"He can call you fat bitch."

"Yeah well at least I don't look like I stuck my finger down my throat after breakfast this morning."

"No you look like you ate the whole hospital out of food."

"I have a reason to be big, why do you look like an anorexic bitch?"

"Knock it off both of you!" I yelled." Cameron stop pushing buttons. Christy stop being a bitch."

"Oh so I'm a bitch huh? You've seen nothing yet Justin Randall. Keep pushing me and I'll call my fucking lawyer and file for full custody, not that you'll be around for MY babies anyway."

"You try taking custody away from you; you'll be the one who loses custody."

"I'd love to see you taking care of 4 preemie babies all by yourself."

"I wouldn't be taking care of them alone, unlike you, I have Cameron." I spat, looking at Christy in time to see tears spring to her eyes.

Shit, I just did it again. Why can't I stop hurting her? Every time I open my damn mouth I stick my damn foot in it.

"You're right Justin, I'm alone. You've made that very clear to me time and time again. Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to make plans for my doctor to fly out here and accompany me back to Tennessee." She said standing and grabbing her phone before walking into the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

Christy's POV:

I dialed my doctor’s number and waited trying to keep the tears from falling any harder. He doesn't want me and he's made that very clear. I can't keep letting this happen. I can't keep letting him hurt me.

"This is Dr. Jenners."

"Dr. Jenners this is ChristyAnna Woodward, I need a favor." I said.

"Hi Christy how are you doing?"

"No so well. I was put in the hospital overnight here, I need you to fly to Cali and escort me back to Tennessee please."

"Is something wrong?"

"Yeah. They released me into the babies' father's custody and it was a huge mistake. I'm under too much stress here that I just can't deal with it and it's doing the babies no good. I don't want anything to happen to them, that's why I was hoping you could accompany me home."

"No problem, I'll be on the next flight there. I'll call you when I land and we can get you ready to go okay?"

"Okay, I'm gonna go to my hotel and get my things, just call my cell and I'll tell you where I am. I have a machine that monitors the babies’ heart rate."

"Okay, I'll talk to the doctor you saw in the hospital before we leave okay?"

"That's fine. Thanks again Dr. Jenners."

"It's no problem at all. I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Okay. Bye." I sighed, hanging up my cell phone.

"Christy please open the door. I'm sorry I didn't mean it." Justin pleaded through the door.

"No you did mean and you've made your point very clear." I said, opening the door and walking out.

"No I haven't. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it I swear."

"Just stop. You did mean it or you wouldn't have said it. My doctor is on the way out here to get me. I'm going back to my hotel to get my things."

"No, please stay here Christy. I want to be a part of this."

"No. Coming here in the first place was a mistake. I'm going home. If you want to be a part of this as much as you say you do, then you will come to Tennessee and make the effort. Now excuse me, I'm going to call a cab and head back to my hotel."

"How am I supposed to find you?"

"My address hasn't changed and neither has my lawyer. If you should need anything go through him." I replied, grabbing my bags and walking out.

"Christy please!"

"Good bye Justin." I replied, shutting the front door and starting towards the end of his drive.

"Wait, let me take you. You're not supposed to be on your feet." Justin said, running out the door.

"Fine. But I'm going and there is nothing you can say to stop me."

"I really wish you wouldn't go."

"Well Justin it's about time you learned the lesson I did 6 months ago. You don't always get what you want or wish for."
Chapter End Notes:
Please let me know what you think whether you like it or not!!

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