Author's Chapter Notes:
I think that was the title of chapter 2?

“Hello?” I brace myself, nothing good ever comes from a 2 o’clock call. I imagine the worst things possible, cynical I know but I like to be prepared, that way when this devil of a messenger decides to break the news to me it won’t be as bad as what I thought it would be. I’m thinking on the lines of an unscheduled court date with my ‘favourite’ bench on the weekend due to an emergency seizure.

“Ms. Jacobs it pains me to call so late but.” This guy is a speech writer because he seems to be dragging out the inevitable and I have no patience for people like those. “I regret to inform you that um at approximately 3:30 pm this afternoon.” He takes another breath and I’m just about tempted to hang up the phone sure I don’t have the correct statute books on hand for this asshole’s problems, but wait I think he’s about to start again. “Ms. There is no easy way to say this but your brother was killed today.” My first reaction is to laugh this guy has to be joking, Collin is the last person I’d put down to being killed. He’s more cautious than I am. He’s a trained accountant and Bank Manager for one of Tampa’s largest banks, he calculates variables and anomalies every day he is paid to see things before they happen, there is no way in hell that my big brother, life saver and all round best friend could be dead, correction killed or murdered, the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. No way has this idiot lost his mind?

“Listen asshole with all due respect, I believe that you need to have your head examined. There is no way that my brother”

“Collin Allan Jacobs of 1737 Merry Way Avenue blood type AO, born April 7th 1974.” Shit, my heart falls to my stomach and I’m about to bring up that stir fry I had earlier. “Ms Jacobs are you there?”

“Um yes sir.” There it is that respect, and utter fear that I was trained to have for the executioners of the law. “Um, can you give me a second please?” Trying to gain some composure praying that this might still be a heartless prank that Collin likes to play on me sometimes. Right now I’m willing to look like a fool as long as my brother is ok. Rubbing my chest, with my palm I think I’m about to hyperventilate.

“Ms Jacobs I’m aware that it’s late but well please would you give me a few minutes more of your time or I-or I could speak to the gentle man that answered the phone.” Throwing the phone at Justin I jump out of the bed and head towards the bathroom. This is my punishment for being so happy. I can only hear Justin’s side but he seems calmer than I was, he even has his yes sirs and I understands’ in all the right place. This isn’t a joke please let this be a joke.

“Please don’t do that sir we’ll pick them up right now sir. Just please don’t separate them.”


Them, oh God, he’s speaking about Alana and Kayla the them are his babies, the reason he breathes, the joy of his life since his wife Chanel left him 2 years ago without any explanation. Expected him to defend and protect my 9 year old and 10 month old nieces. Oh no wait she did have the decency to sign divorce papers that she left on their bed. What I never understood was why she would leave Alana under the illusion that she was ‘just going down the road’. For 5 ½ hours that little girl was looking after her baby sister thinking that her mother would be back, not realising that her last memory of her mother would be of her dressed in ‘a sunflower dress and flip flops’. She didn’t even leave a forwarding address.

What or how am I supposed to feel? I haven’t even had time to think about crying before I grab a pair of jeans a t-shirt and a dress throwing them into my tote and dashing into the room to get my passport, Justin grabs my hand stopping me from moving any further.


“Sir, I understand that and I’m fully aware that it is late but I would really appreciate it if you um didn’t do anything right now.” Pulling out his other phone from the night stand he dials the first number on his list, his mother’s. “Sir please hold on for a second. Mama could you please get down to Ari’s brother’s house I’ll explain everything to you on the way but I really need you to start moving like now.”


Knowing Mrs Harless she was already out the door by the time Justin said ‘could you’ that’s just how she is I guess. I however am very impatient and have more ground to cover being in L.A and LAX about 30 minutes away, damn I don’t even know the flight times and here comes another panic attack. I can’t do this what am I suppose to say? What am I suppose to do? My brother, the last constant in my life is gone. I sit on the bed trying to stop the shaking that seems to be slowly taking over my body, creeping up my legs and has rested for the time being at my stomach. My heart rate is out of this world and at this moment it hits me, I’m alone in this world now. If there was anything I could do, a trade that I could make I’d give it all up for Collin. He has more reason to live than I do. I’m angry.


“I’m so.” Justin starts speaking whilst returning the phone to the cradle. I swear if he finishes that sentence with sorry I’m going to knock him the fuck out.

“Don’t Justin, you have no fucking clue!” I shoot off the bed but crumble to the floor my knees are too weak to support me. Being the supportive boyfriend that he is, he picks me up and puts me in our bed, pushing back my fringe he kisses my forehead and leaves the room currently on the phone with God knows who.


I feel weak, confused and ill prepared for this situation. I’ve never played this scenario out in my head, Collin was, oh God I’m already speaking about him in the past tense and his body isn’t even in rigor yet, what kind of sister am I? Shit! I’m supposed to be strong; I’m supposed to be smart. Taking a deep breath I force myself to get a grip, pulling out my PDA I find Mrs Trabachus’, Collin’s nosey neighbour’s number, praying that she’s up this early in the morning.

“Um Good morning Mrs Trabachus it’s Arianna Jacobs.”

“Oh right Collin’s sister, honey I’m so sorry.” Sympathy or empathy I’m not sure right now but I don’t really care, I listen to this woman recount how sweet my brother was and all I want to do is shake her, shut her up in some way.

“Mrs Trabachus please, I can’t get to Alana and Kayla fast enough could you please just sit with them, tuck them in just be with them until Mrs. Harless gets there later on.”

“Sure honey I just need you to verify that with Mr Lloyd the nice detective that’s over at the house.” She sounded like she wanted to continue.

“Sure um” I can’t believe I didn’t even ask for the detective’s name all my training has gone out the window. “Mrs Trabachus it would mean a lot if you um went over there now so I could just do it at one time, just give him the phone.”

“Oh right I’m on it, let me just get my night coat sweetie, it’s getting so cold up here the weather is coming in from the lake and it’s just not good for my arthritis.”

“Thank you.” Pulling out my laptop to check flight times for Tampa, I wait for the elderly woman to put on her dressing gown. I’m surprised she didn’t take long in opening her front door and walking over to my brother’s front gate.

“Honey here is Mr. Lloyd here I think she needs to speak to you.”

“Mr Lloyd thank you so much for your help so far sir.” A little ego building never hurt anyone. “I thought it would take a lot of strain off the girls if they saw a familiar face until we got there.”

“Sure, though the youngest.” The dumbass doesn’t even know my nieces names!

“Yeah Kayla”

“Well she’s sleeping but Alana is giving us hell.”

“I can only apologise for my niece’s behaviour sir, but it would mean a lot if you let Mrs Trabachus into the house if it’s not a primary scene for investigation.”

“Sure I’m sure Social Service will be pleased that you’re doing their job for them.” This arse’s voice is drenched with sarcasm, but I choose to ignore it.

“Thank you very much Sir, we’ll be at the house as soon as possible.”

“Well we’ll be leaving soon since the children are safe.”

“Mr Lloyd do you think that it’s a good idea? I mean there is some crazy person.”

“Ms Jacobs” He emphasised the S on my name like an old math teacher I had in junior high. “We already have a confession and the assailant is in custody.” That was fast, though I expect this murderer realised that he was on circuit TV. I’m shocked to hear the dial tone. That...biting my pillow I suppress a scream. I want his badge!


“Ari” Justin coos resting his weight on the door frame. “Ari we leave in 2 hours. Ethan is going to pick us up at about 4 and take us to the airport.”

“Thank you.” Just above a whisper, I’m afraid to say anymore, but he’s heard. I know he has, as he shoves his hands into his pyjama pockets, his torso still on show from previous activities earlier this morning. The whole room is eerily quiet, neither of us wanting to be the first to say the inevitable.

“Mom is about 15 minutes away.”

“That’s great.” I feel relieved that the girls will be in great hands until we get there, but not better. “Um Mrs Trabachus is staying with them, well I mean Alana, Kayla is asleep.” Tucking my hair behind my ears for the first time I look up at Justin, who doesn’t seem to be taking it as well as I previously thought but is keeping a strong front up in front of me and I’m honestly grateful, emotional is the last thing I think I need right now. Inching closer to me he seems unsure whether I’m strong enough to be held in his arms. He decides against it scratching his head and turns on his heels heading towards the bathroom.

“We better start packing some stuff. We don’t know how long we might be there for.” He shouts not knowing that I can see his reflection in the mirror from where I’m sitting on the edge of the bed. He’s slumps over the sink and I can see that he’s trying to take deep breaths as his chest rises and falls.

“Yeah, um probably a black suit or 2 will come in handy.” I have yet to move, though he rushes out the room and returning in an instant with a large suitcase.

“We can share a suitcase. Just the basics Ari underwear, t-shirts, jeans...” he continues talking neatly folding our stuff into the suitcase, not realising that I’ve stopped listening.

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