It wasn't until Raleigh was on the plane, halfway to London that the weight of her decision truly struck her. She tried not thinking of her fiancé back in New York but her conscience wouldn't allow it. She felt guilty as hell that she was going on this trip with her ex-boyfriend and didn't even have the decency to tell her current boyfriend about it. And as if that weren't bad enough, she was excited about it. She wanted to be here with him and was looking forward to spending some time with him that didn't have to involve work.

When had she become this person? This person who lied and hid things from the man she was going to marry? Someone had once told her "to love another is to be completely honest with them about the good and bad." Back then she had agreed completely, but now she wasn't so sure. She wasn't exactly lying to Daniel; she was just omitting pieces of the truth. Then again, was that any better? Although Raleigh knew the answer to be no she still tried to defend her actions. This was a harmless trip, she'd tell herself. It was just two old friends going away for a long weekend to have some harmless fun and get their minds off work.

Part of her mind screamed at her, if it's so harmless, then why must she hide it? Fighting with herself, she'd say it had to be this way. She had to hide it from Daniel because she knew how he would react. He would go completely silent as he normally did when he became angry, something that frightened her more than when he screamed at her. Then he would say in an eerily calm voice that he didn't want her to go, which roughly translated to "you're not going." She didn't respond well to someone trying to control her and she knew she would then defy him and go anyway, causing irreparable damage to their relationship.

Now, at twenty-two years old, she knew this was the problem between her and her mother. Her mother had been trying to control her every move from the moment she and Josh started dating to the day she permanently moved to Los Angeles. That control she so desperately sought over her youngest child only served to force her farther away, feeling nothing but contempt for the woman as she continuously found different ways to defy her every command.

Was this what was beginning to happen with Daniel? Obviously he didn't like Josh; she knew that from the beginning. It was almost impossible for the new boyfriend and the old boyfriend to like one another. But Daniel had never been openly hostile with her where Josh was concerned. He'd never gotten outwardly upset or angry, never raised his voice at her, never tried to tell her what she could and couldn't do. Not until they went to Tennessee for Carly and Justin's wedding and she'd hung out with Josh for the first time in five years. Now it seemed as though they were fighting more often than they were happy with one another.

Was this how things would be between them as long as Josh was in her life? She feared the answer was yes, that as long as she kept him near her things would never return to normal between she and her fiancé.

But when the contract was up and the job was over and done, would she be able to just say goodbye to him? Would she be able to turn her back on the man that once meant more to her than her own life for a second time?

Two weeks ago she would have easily been able to say yes, she could. But now? Now she wasn't so sure, and that fact scared her more than anything.

Shaking herself away from her troubled thoughts, Raleigh vowed not to worry about that until the time came. She could decide what she wanted to do then.

Breaking away from her troubled thoughts, Raleigh noticed Josh's snoring had stopped. Glancing over her shoulder to where he'd been sleeping, she saw him staring at her from his seat, looking as though he were in deep thought. Their eyes met for a few moments before he seemed to mentally shake himself and left his seat, walking over to where she sat.

"How are you?" He asked lightly, taking a seat next to her.

"Fine." She answered simply. "How long have you been awake?"

"Maybe ten minutes." He shrugged one shoulder.

"And you've been staring at me the whole time like a creeper?" She said it lightly but only received another half-hearted shrug in return.

 "You seemed very deep in thought; I didn't want to disturb intense journal time. Although you didn't write one thing the entire time I was watching you." He moved as though to grab the journal out of her hands but she moved more quickly, immediately shutting the book and binding it closed.

"I was trying to write some lyrics but...there's just nothing there."

"Need I remind you this weekend is to get your mind off of work?" Finally he cracked a smile at her. "Even when you're supposed to be on vacation your wheels are turning. Tsk tsk."

"Well, need I remind you that I was on vacation and the only reason my mind is now on work is because of you. You're like a cockroach, you know. Not easy to kill. You always come back, not taking no for an answer."

"I'm going to assume there was a compliment in there somewhere."

"Assume away." She smiled sweetly at him, leaning her head back against her headrest.

"You look tired." He observed.

"You have an uncanny ability to detect the obvious, Josh. Anyone ever tell you that?"

"Yes, you in fact. On multiple occasions." Grabbing the pillow on the seat beside him, Josh threw it at her. "We still have a ways to go, try to get some sleep."

"Maybe if my mind would shut off for five minutes I could." She muttered to herself as she tried to get comfortable.

She listened as Josh prattled on about nothing important and the next thing she knew she was being shaken awake. She didn't even know when she'd fallen asleep.

"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty."

"We're here?" She could hear the grogginess in her own voice as she looked out the window then back to Josh.

"Welcome back to London." He smiled at her.


It took them nearly two hours to make it to their hotel and to get checked in. Once they were finally inside their suite and alone, Raleigh realized how exhausted she actually was. The small amount of sleep she'd managed to get on the flight wasn't nearly enough. Announcing that she'd take the room to the right, she grabbed her suitcase and went to unpack, not realizing Josh had followed her.

"What are you doing?" He asked curiously as he plopped himself down on the edge of her king-size bed.

"Unpacking then I was planning on taking a long hot bubble bath." She looked at him suddenly. "You didn't have anything planned for us tonight, did you?" She was only half-concerned with ruining his plans.

"No, I left tonight open because I figured we'd be tired. But tomorrow we have a full day." She sighed in relief and continued to put things away where she'd need them in the morning. "While you take your bath do you want me to order you dinner? I'm starving."

"Yes please." Raleigh grabbed the menu off her nightstand and was going to look at its contents when Josh snatched it away from her.

"Don't insult me, I know what you like."

Too tired to argue she simply rolled her eyes at him and went into the bathroom to draw her bath. She heard Josh close her bedroom door behind him as he left her alone.

When she emerged from her bedroom with wet hair and in her pajamas, she was pleasantly surprised to see their dinner already in their room. "That was fast." She commented, receiving a laugh in response.

"No it wasn't. You were in there for nearly an hour."

"I was? Oh, sorry." He just shrugged in response as he sat down to eat. They ate together in near silence until Raleigh asked what time it was.

"Almost nine I think."

"That's it? God, I'm tired."

"So go to bed. I'm just gonna relax on the couch and watch a movie, and possibly pass out to it in five minutes or less."

"What movie?"

"I don't know yet. Was going to see what was on demand. Why, do you want to watch something with me?"

"Why not? It's still early." So they decided on a cheesy ‘80's flick they both grew up loving and, as promised, it wasn't long before the space on the couch between them was closed and they curled up together, falling asleep to the sounds of the ‘80's in one another's arms.

It was just after eight when Raleigh woke up, snuggled deeply in Josh's arms. It took a few moments for the disorientation to wear off before Raleigh fully realized she was in fact nestled safely in her ex's embrace. Debating for a moment what she should do, she finally tried worming her way out of his limbs without disturbing him. Just as she thought she was almost free, she noticed too late her foot was still caught between his legs and she took a tumble to the floor with a loud thunk. She had managed to free her foot, however she also managed to wake Josh as well.

"Did you try to roll over?" Looking up from the floor, Raleigh saw Josh's sleepy smirk staring down at her.

"No, actually, I was trying so hard to get away from you that I just fell flat on my ass." She grumbled, hoisting herself up from the floor with the help of the coffee table. "I'm going to get ready for our day." She announced, walking to her bedroom, her head held high to hide her embarrassment as she heard Josh snickering behind her.

It wasn't long before they set out into the heart of London, and even less time before Raleigh figured out what Josh had planned for their morning. She'd looked at him incredulously, asking, "Sightseeing? Really?" She couldn't fathom why he'd want to take her on a tour of London when they'd both been there on multiple occasions. However, when he quickly asked her, "Sure you've been to the city before, but did you really see it?" Raleigh couldn't think of a valid argument. Each time she'd come to the city it was for some appearance or a tour stop, she'd never had time to actually go out and enjoy the sights.

They toured art and photography museums, took a tour of Buckingham Palace, saw the London Tower. They even delved into the darker history of the city and made a visit to the London Dungeon, as well as Shakespeare's Globe. By the time they made it to a small, privately owned Italian restaurant Josh had picked for dinner, they were nearly exhausted.

"Next time you have the brilliant idea to run around a large city, please remind me to wear more comfortable shoes." Raleigh complained as she greedily drank her ice water. Josh could only chuckle as he eyed up her chucks. He knew she loved them, but he also knew they didn't offer much comfort when it came to standing all day.

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy yourself."

"I'm not saying I didn't." She sighed as she finally picked up her menu. "I'm so hungry I could eat a whole cow."

"Sorry to disappoint you Ray, but I don't think you'll find any cow on this menu."

"What a shame. I guess I'll just have to settle for some fatty pasta of deliciousness that's going to clog my arteries by the end of the night." She said through a yawn.

"That a girl."

They filled their wait with retellings of their day, entertaining one another as they remembered something embarrassing they had done or had witnessed another person do. It wasn't until after their dinner had arrived that Raleigh finally asked what else Josh had in mind for them to do that night.

"Surely that wasn't all you'd had planned for me?" She said just before popping a piece of Italian sausage into her mouth.

"Don't worry, I have one surprise left. And I guarantee it's the best surprise you're ever going to get."

"I sincerely doubt that." She raised her eyebrow in challenge.

"We'll see." He shrugged nonchalantly as he leaned back in his chair, sipping his wine. "How's you pasta? This is one of my favorite places to eat at when I'm here."

"It's fantastic." She muttered around the bite of food in her mouth. Before she could say anything else, she heard someone call her name out from behind her. Setting down her fork, Raleigh turned just in time to see the last person she'd expected to see in London walking over to their table.

"I knew it was you!" The older woman exclaimed as she came closer. Raleigh was incredibly glad it was still early and the restaurant was nowhere near full yet.

"Jaqlyn, this is a surprise!" Raleigh said as she stood to return the woman's embrace.

"You're telling me. What are you doing in London?" Josh noticed how this Jaqlyn actually seemed to be sincere in her happy surprise at running into Raleigh.

"I'm working on a new project with a friend. Oh, I'm sorry, how rude of me. Jaqlyn, this is my friend, Josh. Although I'm sure you know him as JC."

"I sure do." She said in a husky tone as she shook his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine."

"You wouldn't believe how many times I've tried to weasel my way into doing your videos. Your manager is a very adamant man, however I am a very persistent woman." Raleigh noticed the puzzled look on Josh's face so she offered to explain how she came to know Jaqlyn.

"Jaqlyn has produced, directed, and edited nearly all of my music videos. Once I found her I knew I'd never trust anyone else with them."

"I see. And you've contacted Darryl about doing mine as well?

"Of course, having my name plastered on the videos of both of the hottest stars in the music industry today would make me a very famous woman. Darryl seems to think you're happy with who you're already using though." Raleigh could tell this didn't make the woman happy. However, now she seemed to have an in with the artist himself. She wasn't disappointed by what Josh said next.

"Well, as Ray said, we're working on a new project together. Perhaps we can use some persuasion to get you hired as well."

"That would be fabulous." She stared down the younger man and Raleigh almost felt the need to step between them, a human knife to cut the sexual tension building off her friend. Fortunately, she broke the eye contact before it was necessary. "I'm sorry, I didn't come over here to get a job. Raleigh, I'm hosting a birthday party for Genny tonight at LG down on Richmond. You both should come! I know she'd love to see you."

"I'm sure she would." Something in Raleigh demeaning tone told Josh she'd rather cut out her own eyeballs than to see this girl. "Unfortunately, Josh and I already have plans tonight."

Josh could see the woman was about to protest so he spoke up. "Actually, we should be free by ten-thirty. We could probably swing by about eleven?" He ignored the death look Raleigh shot his way and kept his eyes pinned on his new acquaintance.

"That would be fabulous!" She exclaimed as Josh began thinking this was her favorite word. "I'll see you then."

Raleigh shook her head as she watched Jaqlyn wink at Josh and saunter away. She actually sauntered! Turning back to Josh she shot him another glare. "I officially hate you."

"Why, what'd I do?" He asked in feigned innocence.

"I can't stand that little bitch and now I have no choice but to show up at her birthday party."

"Who is she?"

 "Guinevere Taylor. Jaqlyn's daughter and the biggest spoiled brat I've ever met."

"That seems kind of harsh." He mused, finishing off his wine.

"Not when it's the truth. Did you ever notice that the same female model is in a number of my videos? That's her. She's gorgeous and absolutely talented, but she's a brat and a total pain in my ass and now I have no choice but to see her tonight because of your traitorous ass!"

"Whatever. The LG is a large place, you probably won't even have to see her."

"You better be right." She lightly threatened as they finished their meal. Once the check was paid the pair went back to the hotel so they could shower and get ready for the night's festivities.

Raleigh easily picked out a dress and a pair of shoes for the club; however she had no idea how to dress for what Josh had planned. Entirely agitated by her lack of knowledge, Raleigh stormed into Josh's room and collapsed onto his bed. "How am I supposed to dress appropriately if I have no idea where you're taking me?" She heard him chuckle and swore she was going to punch him in his throat. He'd see who was laughing then.

"Don't worry about that. Why don't you go get in the shower and I'll pick something out for you."

"Whatever." She said as she stood up from the soft bed. "But I swear, if I come out of that bathroom and you're trying on my bras or sniffing my panties I'm going to kick you in the nuts."

"Hey, I tried on your bra one time only because Bobby dared me to when I was twelve!" He defended himself as a red flush creeped over his face. It was so difficult to get him to blush but when it did happen she couldn't help but to find it completely adorable.

"Hey, what you do in your personal time is your business, just keep your weird shenanigans out of my underwear drawer." Raleigh saw the pillow just before he threw it at her so she was able to dodge it. "Missed me." She told him as she childishly stuck her tongue out and ran back to her room to get in the shower. She missed joking around with him and making fun of things she knew he'd rather forget.

As promised, when she departed the shower there was a dress and a pair of shoes lying on her bed, a note sat on top of the dress.

"I figured I'd let you pick out your own underwear this time. Don't want to be accused of something I didn't do. ;)"

Laughing, Raleigh threw down the note and picked up the dress. It was a simple black, sleeveless dress that would fall just below the knee. She absolutely loved it, except it wasn't hers. Making sure her towel was wrapped firmly around her body, she took the dress back to Josh's room. She'd entered just in time to see him come out of the bathroom, towel barely wrapped around his hips. Trying not to ogle the nakedness of his lean, muscular chest, she held up the dress in her hands.

"This isn't mine."

"I know." He said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world and he didn't understand her problem.

"Where did it come from?"

"I brought it for you. I figured that way where I'm taking you would be more of a surprise than if I let you pick out your own outfit."

"You're quite the sneaky bastard, you know that?"

"Just wait. It gets better." Shaking her head, Raleigh left his room without another word. She gently laid the dress back on her bed before going into the bathroom to do her hair and make-up.

About a half hour later, Raleigh emerged from her bedroom fully dressed and ready to go, and Josh couldn't take his eyes off her. The dress was simple, yet clung to her in all the right places. She was on the shorter side, but the heels he'd chosen gave her an extra three inches and accentuated the amazing legs she already had, what he could see of them anyway. Her hair was pulled back tightly and neatly with a bit of a pouf on the top, leaving her beautiful face clear of stray hairs, allowing him full access to her beauty. He could have stared at her all night if she'd let him.

"You look....amazing." He told her, a little breathlessly.

"Thank you." Was that a slight blush he saw creeping up her neck and cheeks? "You do as well. This is probably my favorite look on you." She motioned to him as she looked him up and down. He wore a simple pair of black slacks and a black button down shirt, neatly tucked into his waist. He had the sleeves rolled to the elbow and the top button was undone, showing a teasing bit of that amazing chest she'd seen earlier. He'd gelled his hair into neat waves and curls and yet managed to make it look somehow messy, but nicely so. Her fingers were itching to run through the silky hair.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes." She quickly grabbed her purse and change of clothes and they were out the door, heading to the newest surprise Josh knew would be the best yet. He couldn't wait to watch her reaction when she finally realized where it was he was taking her.

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