Author's Chapter Notes:
I'm so eternally grateful for all of the reviews.  I can't believe it's been almost 4 years ago...I don't know if I'll ever get over the affects of that storm.  So to everyone reading and reviewing...THANK YOU!!!



August 29th, 2005



Justin and Cameron sat in front of the television in amazement at the conditions of everything that was going on in New Orleans and the surronding parishes. 

"Justin, this type of shit upsets me.  Why isn't there a better mapped out plan for these people.  I mean ten thousand people or more are stuck in that Superdome without any type of food, or water or anything. Not to mention the other thousands of people that couldn't leave their homes.  I feel completely helpless.  Isn't there something we can do?"

"I'm sure there is baby, but they aren't letting anyone into the city right now and I don't know when they will lift that order.  I heard that they are sending some people here to the Astrodome by way of the state of Arkansas.  It seems that the interstates there are too congested and they've redirected people here.  Maybe we could go there and volunteer because I'm sure they're going to need all of the help they can get.  I'm going to call the guys and basically every person I know to see if they are willing to help with this thing.  Momma and Dad already said that they are on their way down here and they've tried to rally up people in the neighborhood to get in their cars and come with them but no word on how that's going yet.  The guys already told me that they are going to New Orleans as soon as they can but JC's going to come here and help whereever needed." 


CNN's Anderson Cooper comes on the screen with a terrified look on his face that doesn't sit right with the young couple.

"Just when it seemed like things couldn't get any worse, it has.  Two leveees that basically keep the city safe from the floodwaters have breached and now there's water pouring into the city.  The lower ninth ward in New Orleans has reportedly gotten up to 15 ft. of water and the waters are steadily rising.  Right now at least 45% of the city is completely under water.  I don't know guys, this absoultely can't be good for the people who are stuck in there homes.  We're going on a quick commercial break and will be back with updates in two minutes." 

Justin and Cameron sat in shock with tears in their eyes for about five minutes or so letting everything the journalist said sink in.  They knew that now, more than ever, these people needed help...and fast.  Without muttering a word, they both got up, got dressed and headed to the Astrodome to see what could be done right now.  

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