Chapter 8.
Right for Me.

One year later- September 2003.

2003 started off as a good year for me, after the whole ‘Cry Me a River’ video thing but I called Brit up and apologized and she accepted the apology. I hadn’t heard from Britney in a while, and I was doing the Justified and Stripped Tour. It was also the year that I would meet the woman that I was to spend the next few years with.

We had taken a break from the tour and were both at the VMA’s that year because Christina was performing. What Christina didn’t tell me, was that she was performing with Britney.

When Britney came on stage, I felt my breath go away. I had forgotten how much I missed her. I looked over to my mother who was smiling proudly, and smiled.

“Doesn’t she look great?” my mother whispered not taking her eyes of the stage, and I nodded in agreement.

“Yeah she…” I stopped in mid-sentence as Britney’s lips made contact with Madonna’s. My heart stopped, what was I seeing? “Mom...”

“Oh my God,” was all my mother said clutching my arm. “What…”

“Exactly,” I muttered and couldn’t take my eyes of the stage. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a camera pointed my way, and I rolled my eyes. Yeah, they wanted to see how the ex took it.

“Did you see it?” Chris asked me later that night when he’d called me. There was shock in his voice as he spoke, well that made two of us.

“Hello I was there dude they did a close up on me remember?” I said rolling my eyes. “I had to see it in the flesh.”

“Well? Was it hot?” Chris asked and I wrinkled my nose.

“Dude, what’s wrong with you? That was Brit for fuck’s sake!” I called, “It was not her.”

“I know what you mean,” Chris said sullenly, “I was just curious. So did you ask her about it?”

“Yeah,” I replied sitting on my bed and watching MTV where they were replaying the bloody thing over and over.

“And?” Chris asked, I felt confused.

“And what?” I asked not understanding, Chris sighed.

“What did she say dude,” Chris stated as if I was dumb.

“We just ended up fighting. I told her she wasn’t that person on stage,” I replied leaning on the bed and pointing to the TV screen as if Chris could see me.

“And she said?” Chris asked wanting to know more.

“And she said that I was right, the Brit I knew didn’t exist anymore,” I replied and I heard Chris sigh.

“Damn, what’s that girl done to herself?” Chris asked and I shrugged.

“I have no clue, but I wish I did. Why are they replaying the bloody thing over and over?” I asked more to myself than him. “I mean I was there, I don’t need to see it more than once.”

“Yeah we saw by the look on your face,” Chris chuckled.

“Yeah thanks to the bloody camera men, let’s see what Justin Timberlake thinks of that,” I replied rolling my eyes, “How typical, like they haven’t gotten over the fact that we broke up.”

“They’re not the only ones I see,” Chris commented and I sat back up.

“What do you mean? I’m with Cam now,” I snapped and Chris chuckled.

“You haven’t gotten over it either J,” he replied and hung up.

Was Chris right? Had I not gotten over the break up? But I must have because I was with Cam now right?

I met Cameron in June of 2003 at an Award show, and we hit it off. At first we would just hang out as friends you know, but as time went on the relationship grew. Then in July, actually I remember the exact day, it was July 22nd 2003, we reunited after both of us had hectic schedules. We were in Miami, and it was there where we took the relationship to the next level.

So I sat in my hotel room, and after a few minutes my phone rang I groaned thinking it was Chris and picked it up.

“I’m over it,” I said to get rid of him.

“You’re over what?” Cam’s voice asked with a chuckle, “I think you’re hallucinating.” I smiled at the sound of her voice.

“Hey Cam,” I said relaxing more. “Sorry I thought you were C, he was pestering me about the VMA’s.”

“Ahhh, about the infamous Britney kiss?” Cam asked with a slight humour in her tone. I sighed and nodded.

“Yeah that,” I replied with a smile. “He’s so bloody obsessed with it.”

“Yeah well he is Chris,” she replied and I nodded.

“Yeah he is,” I answered, “So how are you babe?”

“I’m good, miss you like crazy,” she replied softly. I smiled and closed my eyes, it was good to feel loved again after so long.

“I miss you too,” I said, “I’m gonna come back to LA next week.”

“Yeah? That’s great babe, I think I might be off that week too,” she replied and I smiled.

“Good,” I replied sniffling a yawn, “I’m dying to see you.”

“Me too,” she said and sighed. “I think you better go to bed, you must be bushed from the VMA’s.”

“I am,” I replied with a stretch as I leaned back on the bed.

“Well then go to bed,” she said with a giggle. “I’ll talk to you later. Love you bye.”

“Bye love you too baby,” I replied and hung up. The minute I hung up I put my head on the pillow and fell fast asleep, knowing that no matter what Chris said I was not still hung up over Britney. Cam was the only one for me, the only one right for me.

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