Author's Chapter Notes:
This chapter seems to just be a filler. Just a little fun and humor that will get you to the good stuff.

"How long are they going to be down there today? We are supposed to be leaving to go to dinner in like two hours and they are both are going to need to shower." Cara groans as she lays on the couch staring up at the ceiling. 

"You know he enjoys these sessions. They know we have plans, so I'm sure they'll be done soon." Alyssa answers. She had come over with Olivia earlier that morning. 

They had all enjoyed a nice swim and a small lunch. Soon after lunch, Olivia and Justin disappeared in the basement while the others went back outside. They enjoyed the sun, but came in when it was time to start getting ready to go to dinner and a movie tonight. They figure it will be a fun way to hang out. 

"They've been doing these 'training sessions' for over a month now. How could he need anymore?" Cara whines.

"Aw, someone jealous? Miss your Justin time." Trace teases her and gets a finger and an eye roll in return.


"We've been at this for a month and you won't let me do anything except shoot bolts at a rubber mat." Justin whines.

For a month, Olivia has mainly been working on making sure he's in great shape, testing his strength and stamina. Just for the past week or so, has he actually used his electric abilities. 

"Well boo-hoo. You have to understand that I'm trying to get you to know the feelings of you powers, increasing your voltage as you go, but if you want to test it on something other than a mat than try me. If you can hit me, then I'll start teaching you other stuff." She challenges him, but his face fell.

"I'm not going to hit you. I could cause serious damage." Not he is not so sure about wanting to do other things.

"So you don't think you can control the power behind it? So you admit you need to continue to shoot at a mat?" She questions him, pushing him to see that this method will work.

"I do believe I can control the power, but I don't think you are a good subject to test on, just in case. Let's try a dummy of some kind."

Olivia shrugs and moves to the stairs. "Hey, Trace, can you come down here? Just would like you to help out on something." She smirks as she turns to Justin as she waits.

"That's not funny. There's no way!" Justin starts to panic and a little pissed that she would even try to involve him.

Trace opens the door and looks down. "What do you need?"

Before Justin could tell him nothing and send him away, Olivia turns and smiles up at him. "We need you to help us on something. It won't take long."

"Well good," Trace walks down the stairs to join them," because you all need to get ready for dinner."

Justin looks up at the clock on the wall. "You have a point. We should go get ready." He hurried says and walks to the stairs.

"Oh, no you don't. We got Trace here already. There's no point in wasting his time. It'll only take a few minutes."

Justin knows he's defeated on this. He stands across the room and waits for Olivia to tell him the plan.

"Trace here will play your friend who is in trouble." Olivia laughs and does Trace. "You think you can handle playing the friend?" She asks and Trace looks as if he's thinking it over before he 'reluctantly' agrees to do so. "I'll play the big bad meanie that is going to use him to get to you. You must get me away from him and get him to safety before I can hurt or kill him." Justin's face reveals panic. "Don't worry I'l glamour him, so he'll be so calm and cool, he'll hardly remember much." She assures him, and Trace is confused at first about this since they still don't know about her abilities, but it is obvious that she followed through with her plan because Trace's smile shows how relaxed he is with all of this.

"I don't know if I can do this. I either hurt him or you. I can't handle that kind of risk." Justin confesses upset with himself.

"You have to believe in yourself before you can truly have control. Trust that you can do this and trust that I won't let anything happen to Trace if you do mess up."

Justin nods and stands up straight. He holds his hands up, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. When he opens them he sees that Olivia has pulled  Trace in front of her and is holding onto him as a shield. Her face is one of great challenge and satisfaction. 

He moves his hands as he always has, as he has been practicing with the mat. The bolt is small but as soon as it leaves his hand, he realizes it is straight towards Trace's chest. His eyes widen in shock and horror, knowing he can't stop it. What happens next takes him completely off-guard. Olivia moves quickly, as a blur, and moves her hand in front of his friend. She doesn't even flinch, but instead she throws her hand back towards him and he feels a jolt go through him. 

Did she just throw it back at him? Why didn't it hurt him?

He tried again, and this time it flew toward Trace's shoulder. Justin watches again as Olivia stops it from actually hitting Trace and as before she moves her hand back at him and he feels a small jolt. The next three times, his aim was on point, hitting Olivia in the arm twice and in the knee once. Just has a feeling she could have stopped these as well but she chosen not to.

"You see? You can control it. You just needed a little motivation and practice. Next time, we'll do it without Trace as a shield and me as a moving target." Olivia smiles proudly at Justin. She lets Trace go and tells him to tell the others we will be getting ready and leaving soon. "Do you see why I had you shooting at a mat first?"

"Yeah, target practice." He answers.

"You wouldn't go out with a gun and just start shooting without target practice. Its the same for this."

Justin just nods, but doesn't seem to be listening, as if his thoughts were wandering somewhere else. "The electricity didn't hurt you. Why? Are you immune to everything? You shot it back at me too. Why didn't it hurt me?"

Olivia laughs at this train of thought. "I'm not immune to everything. Things do hurt me, but you weren't firing at full power because you were afraid something might happen. It would take an extreme amount to hurt me though. You are right there. I shot it back because I want you to know that you will be immune to your own powers. Electricity will not affect you as it will others. This is something you should know." 

"You could have just told me."

"Yeah but what fun is that?" She asks smirking. 

"So is this another one of your abilities?" He wonders curiously. "I mean my mom did say you are able to do more than I let on. Is this one of them?"

"Not technically but yes some abilities I can turn back on the users."

"What else can you do?" He asks.

" about this? Throughout our training, when I feel you have earned new information through training and practice, I'll let you in on a new ability of mine. I'll tell you what it is and explain to you how I use it."

"Sounds good to me. How many do you have? How did you get them because mom said you inherited your main three, whatever that means." He is full of questions.

Olivia clinches her teeth for a few seconds. She may kill Lynn after all if this keeps happening. "I'll tell you how I got them too, but you have to earn it. How about we call it quits down here and get ourselves ready for dinner and a movie?" She practically runs up the stairs to get away from Justin and the conversation that was starting. 

These training sessions may prove to be a big mistake on Olivia's part. If only she had been able to obtain the ability to see the future, she would probably see just how crazy her life will get.


Dinner and movie was great for everyone. It was nice to just get out and enjoy the company. Everyone goofed off and laughed through the whole evening. Now they were back at the house and still enjoying each other's company. 

"So tell us what it was like to be held hostage by a woman." Rachel laughs hard. She may have had some alcohol through the night.

Justin groans and Olivia laughs along with Rachel. "I don't think we need to talk about this." Justin says.

"It was awesome! Olivia had to threaten to kill me while Justin had to figure out how to save me. I'm pretty sure that he almost killed me a couple of times but saved me in the end." He laughs at Justin's face, complete embarrassment and shame. "It was the coolest thing ever!" He exclaims.

"Can I be the next victim?" Rachel jumps in. "I'll even put up a fight if I need to." 

"There will be no more victims!" Justin declares.

"I don't know. I can think of ways to use them as victims. It could help with your training, as you saw today." Olivia adds. She could feel Rachel's excitement so she thought she would help out a little. 

Alyssa rolls her eyes at them all. "Just let the girl be a victim. We all know you won't do anything to hurt her, and there's always Olivia there to counteract all of your moves." She pauses a minute and looks at Justin. "So what do you do to try to fool her? Its gotta be tough when she knows your every move before you make it."

Justin looks over at Olivia and both of their eyes widen a little and Olivia looks over at Alyssa. The others look over at Alyssa with pure curiosity. 

"What do you mean that she knows his every move?" Trace asks and then looks over at Justin and Olivia. "Did you two preplan that whole situation? That's cheating but still pretty cool." 

"I was talking about her reading his mind." Alyssa says and looks over at Olivia and the look on her face shows her that the others weren't aware of this ability. "And now that I seem to have shared a secret that wasn't mine to share, I think I'm going to go home before one of those two kill me in some horrific manner." Alyssa stands up and moves to the door. "I'm so sorry!" 

"No, Alyssa, stay." Justin yells out to her and stands up himself as he looks over at his friends who are waiting for an answer.

Rachel studies Olivia for a second. "I thought you said your abilities were speed, strength, and agility. Are there more? I knew it! I was so disappointed to hear that you didn't have any cool powers, and you do! What can you do? Can you really throw fire balls?" Rachel is so excited with the new information that she could pee her pants. She is jumping all over the couch waiting to hear.

"Rachel, calm down. She didn't tell you for a reason." Justin tells her.

"Right," she stops moving, "sorry, I guess you can tell us whenever you want."

"I want to know," Cara speaks up which surprises everyone. "What?! I'm curious just like the rest of you."

They all turn back to Olivia in hopes that she will share. Of course, she in turn looks over at Justin to see if he's comfortable with this. They didn't know because of him in all honesty, so she wants him to be okay with this. He nods to let her know. They clearly don't mind that she has some kind of special abilities and they know that she wasn't always good and they are okay with that. He isn't sure why he keeps holding out on them. Fear that the truth will hurt them eventually.

"I can read and manipulate the way you feel and also read your thoughts." Olivia answers simply.

"Really?! What am I thinking right now?" Trace jumps forward on his seat as if getting closer will help her read his mind.

"Well if you think about one thing at once, I'd have to say that you are thinking about how awesome I am and how cool it would be to be able to read girl's minds because it would be great in bed. i guess that is why I'm feeling the horniness coming from you." She rolls her eyes. 

"You are such a perv, Trace." Cara scoffs. 

"What me to read you?" Olivia asks but Cara immediately denies her. "Rachel?" Of course Rachel is excited about it. "Well, you are excited and I think I'm picking up a tinge of fear. I believe you are afraid of what you are thinking about. You're excited that I am hear because you think Justin could use someone to talk to and...."Olivia's eyes widen which causes Rachel to laugh.

"To what?" Justin questions but isn't sure he wants to know the answer.

"She thinks you need someone to sleep with, to relieve some tension and maybe you'll be in a better mood more often. She thinks I'm a good candidate because you can't hurt me."

Rachel smirks and Trace laughs along with Olivia and Alyssa at the look of shock and humiliation on Justin's face.

"That's completely uncalled for and none of your business whatsoever, Rachel." Justin glares at her and then turns to Olivia. "I'm so sorry about that. She apparently doesn't know when to grow up." 

"There's no reason to apologize. I find it quite humorous and fun. Your friends care about you, and its nice to be around people who are just so open about all of this."

"I have a question." Cara steps up and crosses her arms. "How often do you 'read' us? I mean, its really not that cool that we don't have any privacy around you. With you in our heads all the time, don't you think its a little unfair for us? Have you ever manipulated us before?"

"Cara!!" Rachel exclaims in disbelief. "She wouldn't do that."

Olivia is quiet. She knows that Cara's question is an honest and fair question. "I have." She speaks out and everyone's head whips around to look at her. "It's not what you think. I don't just make you feel however you want. Your thoughts and feelings are what make you who you are, and I don't want to change that. I used it on Trace and Rachel when you all were attacked by those men. I wanted to keep you calm so you wouldn't go into shock and also so Justin could think straight. I'm sorry but I figured it was the best thing to do at the time." Rachel and Trace nod their head in understanding and thanks. 

"I used it on Trace when we were holding him as a hostage for us. I read Justin's thoughts when we first met. It was a necessity at the time. I have people looking for me and I needed to know if he was one of them. I read them as I followed you at first, so I would know if you wanted to talk to me. I didn't want to invade your space if you really wanted me gone." Olivia confesses and finds it hard to look at anyone in the face. 

"Thank you." Rachel tells her and reaches out to squeeze her hand and then pulls her into a hug. This is definitely not the response Olivia was expecting. "We would not have made it through that night if it hadn't been for you. Thank you."

Trace agrees and grabs her and pulls her into a quick hug also. "You're our hero." He tells her. He then puts his hand to his forehead as he feigns a fainting spell making the others laugh and the mood to lighten again.

"So how does it work? Does the person's mood or whatever go back to normal if you walk away or what?" Cara asks. Her eyes still looking on in suspicion.

"Well, that depends. I can make it to where the affects stay with the person and just wears off in time, usually when the person is able to overcome it with their own strong emotions, or it stays only as long as I'm there to make it stay, usually as a temporary thing so something can be done."

"Like killing them?"

"Cara!!" This time it is Justin who exclaims in shock. 

"No, its okay. It was that at times, but not always. If that were the case, it was usually a last resort effort."

"I bet you were freakin' awesome in battle, knowing your opponents every move before they made it. Thats so cool. Dodging every move only to counteract it with a great strike of your own." Trace is standing up and throwing his fist at an invisible opponent, ducking to dodge a punch to throw one of his own.

Justin rolls his eyes at this best friend. The man can be so incorrigible at times. He gets excited about the most ridiculous things.

"Can you teach me how to fight? That would be so hot," says Trace with a big smile and what looks to be a twinkly in his eye.

"Absolutely not!!"

"Of course." 

Justin and Olivia both answer at the same time. Justin is not happy with her answer. 

"Oh come on," Olivia says, "the boy should be able to know how to fight. I promise I'll go easy on him." She teases.

"Hey! If he gets to learn, I get to, too." Rachel demands.

"Fine by me. How about this? Every Sunday night, whoever wants to learn how to fight, can be downstairs and I'll show you some cool fighting moves." The two are excited about the plans while Justin scoffs at the idea. 

Alyssa sits in amusement at the group. They have truly grown to really like Olivia and are extremely comfortable with who she and Justin are. Cara worries here though for she just sits there quietly and  watches. She may not be able to read her mind like Olivia can, but her mood is clearly written on her face. She does not like Olivia at all. She's jealous of her. This could turn into something interesting and Alyssa hopes she is around to see it. 

Alyssa turns to Justin and sees that he may not be happy with his friends' involvement in all of their training, but he does seem comfortable with Olivia and trust her with his friends' lives. This man will be good for Olivia. He could help her find her humanity and keep it. He could very well be what Blake's death has led her to, who she is meant to be with.

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