Author's Chapter Notes:
Here is the next Chapter. I hope there are people still reading/enjoying this!

Twelve hours ago Justin had dropped a bombshell on me. We were on the bus headed from Boston, MA to Philadelphia, PA. He had been on a phone conference with his PR for nearly an hour and was upset when he returned to the back of the bus where I was working in the bedroom. He crawled into bed and started sobbing uncontrollably.

I had no idea what was wrong. He had been very happy the whole day. Something had happened and it was big. He is never like this. I asked what was wrong and he couldn't even talk to me. I try to touch him and he pulls away. I didn't think I had done anything that would upset him. I had been working all morning on William Rast Couture designs. Maybe I was ignoring him and he wanted some attention. That wasn't typical for Justin though. He would just take whatever I was working on out of my hand and say he wanted sex or wanted to lay together or something. He has never just cried like this.

"Justin, what is wrong?" he responded with nothing. He was freaking me out. He kept saying, "I can't believe this, it can't be true." He gets up off the bed and walks to the front of the bus. I get up to see where he went and he is on the phone. I hear him say, "Are you 100% sure.... I don't need any bullshit from anyone right now. I need a definitive answer.... I knew this was a huge mistake from the beginning... Yes it was a mistake... Make sure you are at the next city.... Because we have a lot to discuss when I get there.... I know that you are leaving the tour but I need you to be at the next stop. I am almost there.... A little over an hour give or take..."

What they hell was going on. I couldn't understand what was going on by the one sided conversation. I wanted to know what was going on and I wanted to know now. He turns to see me standing there. He closes his eyes and says "I'm so sorry"

"What is going on?"

"I need to tell you something. I don't even know if the words can come out of my mouth but I need to tell you before someone else does. I need you to know that I love you and I don't want this to change anything between us."

            I have to admit my entire body has started to tremble and I begin to feel very weak and emotionless. He grabs of a hold of my hand and begins to speak.

"Ashley has informed me that she is leaving the tour. She recently found out that she is pregnant. She was the one on the tour that was pregnant. Being that she is a backup dancer she doesn't want that strain on the pregnancy."

"I'm sorry but what does this have to do with me? Why does it involve you?"

"I slept with Ashley..."

            Everything began to work in slow motion...I rip my hand out of his. Did he really just admit to me that he had an affair? I began to hyperventilate. I don't even know the details but I know that this is going to be the demise of our relationship that was for sure. I lose control of my entire body. I hit the floor. This was my worst fear coming true, again.

"Mel..." he kneels down to wrap his arms around me.

"Don't touch me. Do not fucking touch me."

"Mel, she said the baby is mine."

"I'm sorry, what?" I knew exactly what he said. It was exactly what I thought he was going to say.

"I can almost guarantee that this child is not mine. I am damn near certain. We only slept together one time, one fucking time. I used a condom, I made sure of that."

"When?" That's all I really needed to know at this moment.


"When did you sleep with her?"

"I don't remember the date?"

"This is not the time for your sarcasm Justin. I need to know when you slept with her, I need to know if I need to pack my things right now and leave."

"I knew this was going to end badly." He is shaking his head.

"When you sleep with her? That's all I need to know right now."

"I slept with her the week or so before I left for Mexico. It was random and it was something that was never going to happen again."

"Did it happen again?"

"No, I swear to you. It only happened once, while I was in NY."

"What is it with men and fucking NYC?"

"I'm sorry what?" He didn't have a clue what I was talking about.

"That's a whole other situation you need to talk to Trace about." For a moment I felt bad that Justin didn't know about the Trace situation yet. But fuck that, Trace has been holding back on telling Justin for a fucking week, it's his drama to deal with.

"Mel, I promise you I haven't cheated on you. I would never do that to you. I love you."

"Is she keeping this baby?"


"Looks like you are getting to be a father after all."

"Mel, don't. I can't control this now. It is out of my hands. Does the fact that she may or may not be having my baby affect us?"

"Right now in this moment I cannot answer that question rationally."

"I respect that. I love you, you know that right?"

"Yes, I do know that and I do know that I love you but this is a lot to take in."

            We sat in silence for a very long time. The ride to the next city was long and sad. I felt my world falling apart. This was worse than if I was pregnant myself. Why can't I just be happily in love and have things worked out in my favor? At this moment I don't know what to do, I don't even know how I am going to put one foot in front of the other to step off the bus, how was going to be able to deal with all of this.

            I wanted to be the stronger person and accept all of this. Tell Justin it was ok and that we would deal with this but I just couldn't. I knew that really none of this involved me. He hadn't slept with her while we have been together it was before. How could I feel like I could hold something like this against him for something that happened before we even met? I could have very well ended up pregnant by someone before I met Justin. This could have been me. Yet even with that I couldn't accept any of it.

            Justin was meeting with his PR, his manager, and Ashley when we get to the arena. He wanted me to be there and I just couldn't do it. They were in the conference room next to the dressing room. I heard the conversation getting pretty heated. I walk up to the room and lean on the doorway.

"... How do you know that this child is mine? How can I trust that you didn't sleep with someone else? How far along are you? I want days, because I will pull out my calendar and count the fucking days."

"Justin, why are you blaming this all on me? It isn't completely my fault. We both made that decision that night."

"I understand that we made a mistake..."

She interrupts him, "A mistake?"

"Yes, it was a mistake. We had sex and we shouldn't have but we did."

"That is not what you were saying that night."

            I couldn't listen to this anymore. I couldn't listen to her divulge details of their sexual adventure. But then I hear Justin's voice get extremely loud.

"You really you don't think I was enjoying it do you? Because I couldn't even enjoy it, I didn't even cum once with you. It wasn't even worth my time and I was wearing a condom. I am 100% sure that child is not mine." He looks up and sees me in the doorway.

"Justin you can stop pretending this..." She is still rambling when he interrupts her...


"This is about her, isn't it?" She is making it very clear that she doesn't like me. I guess it makes more sense now. She hasn't always been shady with me, since day one.

"Of course this is about Melissa. She is the love of my life and I would never want to hurt her."

"Well I think it is time to focus on the needs of your child and not another random chick."

"She is far from just another random chick. And that is not my child. I want a DNA test as soon as it can get done. How far along are you?"

"I don't know, I see the doctor in an hour."

"Did you sleep with anyone else?"

"I really don't think that is any of your business."

Justin has his mean face on. He is very stern with her. "I think it is my business considering you are telling me this is my child... His voice is even louder now, "If you would randomly hook up with me, who else did you fuck?"

"I am not having this conversation with you. I am leaving."

"We are going to have this fucking conversation. You are telling me that is my child. I have the right to ask fucking questions."

"Justin, you need to realize that the world doesn't fucking revolve around you and what you want."

"Did I say that? No, I simply am asking if I am the ONLY person that is a possibility here."

            Ashley leaves the room. I personally think that she has something to hide. She is being shady and not giving many details. I do respect that she shouldn't have to divulge details of her sex life but if there is someone else that could possibly be the father she needs to fess up.

            I return to Justin's dressing room, sit on the couch and completely zone out. There is nothing that I personally could do. I can't go back and change what has happened.

 I have been avoiding everyone today. I knew that if I spoke to anyone they would know I was upset and I couldn't deal with any of that right now. I had enough to worry about. I was going to work on the designs and work... work could occupy my mind right now.

            Justin walks into the dressing room. Sits down next to me and I feel myself getting red. I love him I really do, but I was too angry to speak to him right now. I knew this wasn't something he could control now but that doesn't stop me from being angry. He reaches for my hand, "Mel, you haven't spoken a single word to me today... I need you."

            That is all it took, I was a mess again. I know that he needed me, I needed him. I reached over and grabbed his hand, "I love you." He grabbed my hand and squeezed then he grabbed a hold me and held on for dear life. He was scared that this could really be happening. I was being very hard on him, but in the end he didn't have control as much as I did. I feel sleep on his shoulder. I was emotionally exhausted and so was he because he had his head laying on mine. 

            "Justin..." I felt someone nudging him. I'm awakened to see that it is Lynn. "Sorry I woke you, I just got here. Johnny said he needs to see you in the conference room before rehearsal. Ashley is on her way back from the doctor's office." He looks up at me and says, "I will never be able to keep you from getting hurt, will I?"

"Justin this isn't your fault, well it is but not literally. I am here. I haven't left, have I? I love you and this is something we will have to deal with and get through it. Together."

"I am sorry that this is something you have to go through."

"Justin, don't. "

"I know that it has hurt you and I am sorry for that. I wish this hadn't happened but it has. I love you, more than I ever thought I could love someone. I am just so sorry."

I cup my hands around his face, making sure he is staring directly at me. "I love you. I love you. Nothing in this world could stop me from loving you. I love you." I reach in to kiss him and I notice that there is a tear rolling down his cheek. I wipe off the tear and kiss him. "We will get through this, I promise you."

            Just then I hear Johnny walking in the door asking if he could join them in the conference room. He reaches out for my hand, I take it. I will stand beside him through this, through anything. The conference room has been secured. There is only Johnny, Justin, myself and Ashley.

She is holding a small white piece of paper that has a black and white photo on it. "This is a sonogram photo of the baby. I am defiantly pregnant."

I am the first to speak, "How far along are you?"

"I'm sorry but why are you here? This doesn't involve you."

Justin's entire face is red now, "She has every right to be here. She is my other half. Answer the question."

"Twelve weeks."

            Justin pulls out the calendar he had looking at. He is literally county back weeks, "... Five, six, seven ..." He looks up at me and smiles, "There is not a chance in hell that child is mine. We slept together March 12th and today is June 25th, that is fifteen weeks. Unless I have super sperm that lingers for a couple weeks, that child is not mine. It's not mine."

            The look of shock that is running across Ashley's face is priceless. I guess she didn't count the weeks back far enough. "Justin we slept together the last week of March."

"I was in Mexico that week. This is impossible."

"You were not in Mexico, you were in NYC."

"I left for Mexico the last Monday in the month. I know where I was. I have the charge on my fucking credit card..." Justin and I for that matter are very relieved that this was over. There was no way he is the father of that baby.

"I can't believe that you are saying all of this right now. You know what, I am done with you. You use someone else to get what you are not getting from you current girlfriend."

            I snapped up thinking I was going to hit a bitch, but then it snapped in that she was pregnant I couldn't hit her, but I sure wanted to. Finally she got up and left. Johnny is chasing after her. She needed to sign the confidentiality agreement. She had refused to sign it before speaking to Justin. She knew that it wasn't his baby after that doctor's appointment. She knew that the money she thought she was going to get from him for child support, was gone.



 "Welcome to E! News. The reports coming out of New York City last week was that Justin Timberlake's current girlfriend was pregnant with his child, after only dating for three months. But the word on the street today is that there is someone else that is pregnant within the tour that just kicked off last week. The real question is who did Justin Timberlake really knock up? Could he really be the father of two babies? Well, we have Ashley Jacobs in the studio today to talk to us. She was a dancer on Justin's current tour until she found out she was pregnant." I'm still in utter shock. I thought this was all over.

I am screaming down the hallway... "JUSTIN!!!" He looks panicked "You need to come see this. You might want to come as well Johnny."

            Ashley proceeds to tell E! that she is pregnant with Justin's child and his entire PR team and managers attempted to pay her off to keep  her quiet. I was flabbergasted by what she was saying. This was a dancer that was pretty damn good at what she did. She didn't need to make any kind of accusations for money or anything. She would be very successful as a dancer. Maybe she had planned this all along.

Justin is going to deal with himself. He picks up the phone and calls Ryan's personal cell phone. They are live on the air and he looks at the phone and see's that it is Justin and answers it.

"Well I think we are going to have some clarification to the interview that we just had with Ashley. Ladies and Gentleman Justin Timberlake is on the phone."

"Hello Ryan!"

"Well Justin there are a lot of things going on in your world right now... care to clear some of that up?"

"First of all, my tour is going very well. Thanks for asking Ryan... "

"Sorry man, priorities."

"Ok I normally keep my personal life, personal as much as I can but there aresome rumors that need some clarification, because this involves my family and my work. The first rumor is that Melissa is pregnant. That is untrue. Now Ashley, she is pregnant, however it is not my child. That is completely false. She has decided to leave the tour because she is pregnant. And I wish her all the best."

"Why would she claim that she is pregnant with your child?"

"Honestly Ryan, I am not sure. I heard about this situation this morning and approached Ashley about it and finally got to the bottom of the situation and Ryan there is no logical way that I could be the father of that baby."

"Well Justin, usually sex is a logical reason."

"Your funny Ryan, you really are."

"I try, so are you saying that she had made this entire story up."

"I don't think putting people's sex lives out on the table is appropriate. She has made it clear that she was acknowledged for sleeping with countless guys. That is a choice she had to make. This is all about her and well... honestly there was no relationship with her and me. We were hanging out a lot during the prep time for the tour but we were never dating or going out or whatever you want to call it."

"I guess the big question is... did you sleep with her?"

"Ryan, we as men make choices that we later regret. Unfortunately this is one of those situations for me."

"So the option is not impossible that this could be your child?"

"The doctor has made it clear in black and white for me that this is not my child. If it is... I must have super sperm that hangs around for weeks."

"Well there you have it. I guess the only other question is was you having an affair with her while you were dating Melissa?"

"That statement from her is completely false. I have never cheated on a girlfriend nor would I ever. Melissa and I have an amazing relationship and whatever she is attempting to do with this situation is beyond me. I honestly thought it was over and done with this afternoon."

"Well Justin I thank you for clearing those rumors up. Enjoy being on the road!"

"Thanks man, have a good one."

            The next phone call that is made is to Ashley. She doesn't answer. He leaves a nice little voicemail that clearly stated that she needed to stop making false allegations or his lawyer would be contacting her. "I wish I wouldn't have gotten drunk that night, it wasn't even worth it." He looks over to me and says, "Sorry, details I forgot!" I just wink at him. You can't take back things now. After all if that wouldn't have happened, I may not have met him and we wouldn't be here today. Everything happens for a reason.

            As I work on designs I am thinking about the events of the day. I couldn't believe that this day had started so normal and then now all this has happened. What if he really would have been the father of this child? Could I have handled being with him knowing that someone else was carrying his child? Could I have been a step mother to this child? I couldn't think about that right now because my phone is blowing up. Everyone must have seen the interview.

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