Author's Chapter Notes:
Here we go!

"Mom, the shows have been amazing. I have been on huge stages before and in front of huge crowds but it was an amazing feeling just knowing they all came here for me. It's hard to explain. I wish you guys would have been here...."

"We really wish we could have been there to enjoy that moment with you." She says with a little disappointment in her voice.

"How is John doing today?

"John is doing well. Each day is a stepping stone for him. He wishes we would have been to one of the shows."

"He will be at other shows, he needs to get well."

"That's right he needs to be well enough to walk you down the aisle."

"I would love him to walk me down the aisle but it will only happen if he is well enough. I don't want him to think he has to do it."

"Honey, that's all he has been talking about. It meant the world to him, that you actually asked him to do it. He has always thought of you as his own daughter."

"I couldn't see getting married without him by my side."

"How is the wedding coming along?"

"The wedding plans are smooth sailing. The press has found out some small details but I changed them. My wedding planner has actually decided to plan two weddings for us. One that has possibilities of leaking to the press and then our actual wedding."

"So you are having two weddings?"

"No... how can I explain this... If there are fake wedding plans that get leaked to the tabloids they won't figure out the real information. For instance, there is a wedding plan that is filed under the name Harless. That name should pull people to attach to that name. It's a wedding date of next February. So it throws them off enough to give us some time to get it in under the radar."

"What will you do if the press finds out anyways?"

"They won't stop me from having my dream wedding. If the streets are lined with photographers and press well then I guess I will have photos of the day that my photographers didn't get."

"I understand why Justin dislikes the paparazzi so much now."

"Yea, me to. When I first met him the press was crazy, but it's crazier now."

"Well now they are following two celebrities. Of course it's crazier."

"Maybe it's that I actually got him to settle down... who knows!"


Between the wedding and the tour, it has consumed all of my time. Colors swatches, fabric, flowers, centerpieces, silverware, food, cake, bridal parties, bachelor/bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner... there was just so much to do in such little time. Poor Meredith seems to be the middle person. She is constantly going back in forth from NYC to LA to wherever we are in the country. She said she loved to travel. She is getting exactly what she wanted. Kia is with me on tour again. Steve is now running the soundboard with Justin. This was something that we could do together that we loved doing. It was nice to have them on the road with us.

As the day drew closer I finally saw everything come together. All the tiny details that seem mediocre at the time seem to make a huge difference in the end. Meredith is my saint. I swear she makes my life so much easier to navigate. She has handled her duties as my assistant and my friend. Asking her to be a bridesmaid was not something I had to even think about. She will join Kia, Anabelle and Stacy. I also asked Carrie but her schedule was going to interfere with the wedding date. A final fitting for the dresses and tuxedos will take place later today before the rehearsal dinner. My dress had to be altered for the second time. I had been touring and I lost some a couple pounds. I tried to put it back on but it didn't seem to work. I can see Monique hurting me if she has to alter it again tonight before the wedding. I was surprisingly calmer than I thought I was ever going to be the night before my wedding.

Justin has been responsible for the guy's tuxedos. He had great taste and he knew the ideas I wanted to see so I would find out tomorrow what they looked like. Trace will serve as Justin's best man, alongside the groomsman's Steve, JC, and Lance. Chris and Joey were both asked to be in the wedding; however both couldn't guarantee to be at the ceremony due to their schedules. I guess you can't get everything in life.


The idea that I had to get these people all in one room tonight and get them to actually listen to me and follow directions was going to be a task.  I was withholding alcohol from all of them until they finished rehearsal. That should keep their butts in line.

"Come on Mrs. Timberlake, we are going to be late."

I topped the stairs and see Justin at the bottom just waiting on me, patiently. He had a small overnight bag with him. I couldn't believe I wouldn't be crawling up next to him tonight. He was going to spend the night in the hotel. Its one tradition we both agreed to keep. I like the idea that I won't see him until I walk down the aisle to him, but I didn't realize the realization of not seeing him for almost twenty four hours. I didn't quite think that one through.

"I'm not Mrs. Timberlake yet."

"Close enough." He laughs, "No get your gorgeous ass down here, we gots to go."

I start to walk down the stairs. He is watching my every move. "Do you like what you see, Mr. Timberlake?" I start moving my hips from side to side.

"Fuck yes I do. Damn . "He shakes his head. "I can't believe that a woman like you is going to put up with me for the rest of my life, makes me a very happy man."

"You should be happy I would put up with your ass for forever."

"Hey now, I have feelings."

Reaching for his groin area and said "Yes, there is a lot of feeling there." Shaking my head yes.

He takes my hand off him, "This is the reason we are running late in the first place. You would be the type of woman that needs sex three or four times a day... I love it, don't get me wrong but it has made us late to our own rehearsal dinner."

"Once I take your last name, things might change." I turn to walk towards the door.

"I should have made you sign a prenuptial agreement and put that clause in there." He smacks my ass, as if it was a good game.

"Too bad your fool ass didn't have a prenuptial drawn up."

"Silly me, it will be fine though. I know how much you like sex. I won't be begging for it." He opens the door and waves for me to walk out the door. "Your carriage awaits you."

I look at the carriage turn to him wrinkling my nose and say, "That's just an Audi? Where is my carriage?"

"Get... in the car..." He scrunches his face trying to look mean as he talks through his teeth, "I will give you a carriage..."


            As we pull up to the location, the security and crew have lined up barriers for the press to stay behind. They seem to always be able to figure things out. Unknowingly this was not the actual location of the wedding. This building looks identical inside as our actual location, but this wasn't the site of the wedding. So just when they think they have figured things out, I throw in the monkey wrench and confuse them. I hope that they believe this is the actual location and camp out here all night and stay here all day tomorrow and as I am marring the man of my dreams they realize that the actual wedding was on the other side of the city.

"Is the big day tomorrow? Justin do you have cold feet yet? I will have you a gateway vehicle if you need one Melissa... How far along are you Melissa? Be glad you are not getting married in a church, it's inappropriate to be pregnant at your own wedding."

Silly people, with their silly comments.

Even the wedding party assumed that this was the location of the wedding. I was pretty good had keeping this secret. My mother on the other hand opens her mouth the moment we get inside.

"I'm glad the wedding is actually in the other one, because this one is kind of small."

"MOTHER!" I turn to her with huge eyes.

Everyone at the same time says, "Other location?"

‘Yes, this is the location for the rehearsal dinner and rehearsal but the wedding will not take place here. You will get the information in the morning. This location is set up the exact same way the location will look, of course with flowers and everything. This is just to give the illusion of what the other venue looks like." My mother was going to give me an ulcer. I understood she was excited and she didn't really understand how this industry works as much as she likes to think she does.

There was someone missing. My head count way off. I look around to see who was missing... "Justin, where is your best man?" Justin snaps his head up looking around.

"Shit, I don't know." He pulls out his phone dials the number and waits... no response. "I will hurt a short man."

A loud bang of the door closing came from the entry way, "I'm here. I'm here." Trace yells.

"You lucky short man."

"I made it. I promise I will be on time tomorrow."


This space was huge, and the actual space was even bigger. I couldn't imagine this many people wanting to see us getting married. It was a weird thing to get used to. Our final count had ended somewhere around four hundredish. I was one of those people that if you don't show up for the wedding, which is the most important part of a wedding, don't show up for the reception.

"Everyone is aware of the schedule for tomorrow, right? Girls, I have it printed out for you so you don't forget. We start pretty early with hair and makeup. There will be a team of hair dressers and make artists there for you. You won't have to bring anything. The dresses will be delivered. Guys, the tuxedos will be delivered around 2:00pm. Justin you will have to be at the location to sign for them. Wedding is at 6:00pm sharp. Everyone and I mean everyone has to be here by no later than 4:00pm for pictures at 4:30pm. They are going to do individual shots and group shots before ceremony, that way after the wedding we won't have as much to do. Everyone who knows me knows I love photos, so be prepared for lots of them." Everyone laughs because they know it's true. "If the press does find out what's going on, please don't tell them anything. Don't say anything to them... I think that's everything. Oh wait no alcohol until we finish this... I think that's incentive enough... Let's get this over with."

They all seemed to pay attention and get things done. I think it was the alcohol, that's what they really wanted. Sitting at the table looking at everyone in the room was a humbling moment. Seeing my mom and John glowing at the idea their daughter was getting married in the morning. Lynn hasn't stopped crying since the moment we got here. She couldn't believe her son was getting married. Kia and Steve is being all lovey dovey. It's refreshing to see how happy they still are together. That's the kind of marriage I want to have with Justin. Trace and Anabelle seem to be back to their old selves again, they seemed happy.

The time had finally come for everyone to part ways. It was a mob scene outside of that door. In the mere couple hours we were here, there was press from all over surrounding the building. Lonnie and Shawn were both there to escort us to our vehicles. Justin followed me to the car. Opening the door for me, I kiss him then whisper in his ear, "If you are going to run you better do it now, don't leave me at the altar." He deepens the kiss...

"I asked you to marry me, if anything I should worry that you will leave me at the alter."

"Well that isn't going to happen. You are stuck with me forever."

"That's fine with me. I love you. Have a great night without me" he drops the bottom lip in a whimper. I just give him a look. I couldn't give into him now. But the thought really crossed my mind. Along with the idea of finding a side room to show him how much I loved him before we left for the night. But I was good, I didn't do it. He walks over to Trace's car and gets inside. They pull away faster because Trace doesn't care if he runs over someone.

I sit in that car for nearly ten minutes trying to be able to pull out of the spot. The cameras were flashing and the questions were none stop. It was almost too much to handle. Finally the police forced them to move and escorted us out of the parking lot.

I was spending the night with the girls. All my bridesmaids and maid of honor were going to relax, have a few drinks, and Marc was going to do some test runs on my hair. I needed a relaxing night. I was getting married tomorrow. I was freaking getting married tomorrow.

Chapter End Notes:

I have the final chapter done, I'm editing it now. It will be up in the next couple days!

Have a great Christmas/Holiday!

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