Author's Chapter Notes:
JC does what he better damned well do, if he knows what's good for him, or my readers will have him tarred and feathered! Haha!



JC stood outside Shelby's house the next morning. He knocked, and knocked, but had a suspicion that she wasn't there. The house was too quiet. If she was home, he'd be able to hear something-- she always had music playing, if she wasn't watching TV. The surround sound on her stereo system boomed the slightest peep, and she liked it loud. He was sure he'd be able to hear that, from outside the house. Nothing. It was still. Too still.

"She's not there."

The voice was behind him. JC turned to see a neighbor peeking over the fence that separated the two pieces of property. He was an older gentleman, in a short sleeved cotton print shirt, holding a shovel. He had a kind face, smiling over the fence at him, but seemed wary of a man wandering around Shelby's house, peeking into the windows.

JC walked over to the fence, but kept his eye on the door, in case it magically opened. "Yeah, that's what I figured. Do you happen to know if she's just gone for the day, or maybe longer?"

"Well," he said, leaning against the fence as if he was settling in for a long chat. "She tore outta here yesterday afternoon. About noon, I'd say. Asked me to pick up any mail, so it didn't pile up. Had a bag with her. I'm guessing she'll be out for awhile. Be happy to take a message for you." He tipped his face up, into the sun, offering another friendly grin.

"No, no thanks. I appreciate your help. I think I know where to find her."

JC backed away from the fence and got into his car and drove the few minutes back home, went straight to his laptop in his bag and booted up. He had some investigating of his own, to do.

"Let's hope the whole family isn't in hiding," he said to himself, tapping impatiently at the keys as the machine took its time starting and opening an internet connection. He opened a browser, typed in 'White pages Miami' and pressed return. He chewed his lip, and then his thumb as the page came up.

"Okay." Hands clasped in front of him, web page open, he wracked his brain for a way to find her. What was he supposed to search for? Her parents?

"So, if her real name is Shelby Coster, I'm guessing I'm not looking for Morris, I'm looking for Coster. What did she say her parents names where?"  A sinking feeling told him that she hadn't.  He cursed her cageyness and dug through his internet history, his research on Shelby. Their names had to have been mentioned somewhere in those pages.

20 minutes of reading, scanning, and searching later, he found an article he hadn't even read yet, some rant by Melina about Shelby that he'd skipped over. He didn't know how anyone could stand to be around that woman. She seemed incredibly obsessed with the situation, and relentless in her pursuit of Shelby. No wonder Shelby left Miami. He opened the link and there, it was, plain as day.

 Bob and Renee coddle this woman like she is an infant. It's just sick how they helped her get away with murder and then helped her hide. It's even more sick how no one seems to care that she killed my father and benefitted from his death! 

He flipped back to his White Pages search and typed in the names and the city again, crossing his fingers that it wouldn't bring up too many choices. If he had to call every Bob and Renee Coster in the phone book until he found her, he'd do that.

A page of records popped up, all in Miami. Thinking back to the FedEx envelope, he narrowed his search to Hollywood, about 20 miles outside Miami. A single record popped up- B & R Coster. He dug out his cell phone, said a little prayer, and dialed, before he could lose his nerve. The line rang several times, and then picked up and a man's voice said, "Coster residence."

"Hi," he said, his mind drawing a blank. What was he supposed to say? He hadn't planned past dialing! "This is Bob, right? Do you have a daughter named Shelby?"

There was a hesitation on the other end. Good sign. Then the way he answered, or didn't answer the question gave JC the result he was hoping for. "Who wants to know?" the voice demanded.

'You lucky dog, ' he thought to himself. 'Found her.'

"Never mind, sir. Didn't mean to bother you. Thank you," he said, and hung up. From his satchel, he pulled the note that Shelby had left him on his car, after the concert at Canyon Ridge. He used the back of it to copy down what he prayed was a current address and in a flash he was up from the table, headed upstairs and dialing, again.

"Rod!" JC was breathless, taking the steps two at a time. He couldn't move fast enough. "I've got to run out of town. I don't know how long I'll be gone. If I have to, I'll meet you in LA. I'd like for you guys to rehearse without me. You know the material; you just need to practice it. Commit it to memory. Can you handle that?"

"What? Without keyboard and backup vocals?"

"Use the tracks, for back up. There should be enough there. Come on, Rod. I need you, here."

"Okay. Okay, sure, man. Sure. The show will go on. You uh... you're gonna find Shelby, aren't you?" JC could hear the smile behind Rod's voice and for the first time in a long time didn't really mind it.

"I have to. I know you think I'm stupid for this-"

"I don't think you're stupid-"

"-but I love her. I need to find her and make sure she knows it and it can't wait until we get back from LA."

"Okay. I get it. Hey, good luck. I'm pulling for you. Keep me posted."

"Will do," JC said, breathless from the run up the stairs and the mad dash through his bedroom, through the closet, shoving things inside a bag, grabbing items from the bathroom. He hung up without saying goodbye and slid the phone into his pocket.

His heart was light, all of a sudden. There was a huge chance that she would reject him, send him packing back to Orlando, heartbroken and alone. Something told him, though, that wasn't going to happen. He had a good feeling about it. Even if it didn't work out the way he wanted it to, he would never forgive himself for not trying.






"So, I'll have the meeting set up, and if that's agreeable, draw up the papers and give you a call." Robin scribbled notes and talked at the same time, her pen scratching along the surface of the paper. It was the sound of accomplishment. At least Shelby hoped. "Will you be in town?"

She nodded, her lips pressed together, reserving any joy or merriment until things were final. "I'll be here until this gets settled. I'm hoping it won't take long and that the Samuels family attorney won't be too much of a hard ass. I don't think they want to fight this out anymore than I do, but I need that bitch off my back and out of my life. That has to be a part of the deal. Don't forget that."

"I won't, Miss Shelby. I wouldn't dare." Robin made a few more notes and closed the thick file, pages jutting out. "I'll get my paralegal on the research I'll need to prove this is a necessary step. You should probably head to the bank and prepare a wire. It will go over better if we tell them we're ready to go, if they'll agree."

Shelby set her arms on the desk top, almost sinking down onto it. "I'll do that today. Thanks Robin. I can't tell you what a relief it's been to know that you're handling things. I've been a bag of nerves for so long, now."

Robin reached across the table to soothe Shelby, rubbing her arm, offering a smile that was warm and comforting and friendly. It had been so long since any feeling of friendliness had come from this city. "It's almost over, hon," she cooed. "It's almost over."

"Well, I better get to the bank. And home. My parents are probably pacing a groove in the floors."

"Tell Bob and Renee I said hello."

"I will."

Shelby swung her bag over her shoulder and headed toward the door. Before she reached it, she stopped and turned around. Robin glanced up from her paperwork, alarmed by the look on Shelby's face.

"By the way... I love what you've done with the place. I'm really proud of you, you know? You managed to make it through law school, and here you are in your own firm and helping me out. I'm kind of... well, I don't want to study law, or anything, but I'm jealous. You're doing it, you're really doing this. I can't see straight, I'm so jealous."

"Oh, Shelby...honey..." Robin stood and was around the desk in a matter of seconds, grabbing Shelby by the shoulders and pulling her forward, wrapping her arms around her friend, as the tears pooled in both sets of eyes. They said nothing as they stood hugging, clinging to each other. Robin stroked her hair and rubbed her back until it felt like the sobs were receding, and she could let go. She turned away for a few seconds, just to pluck a few pieces of Kleenex from a holder on the table. She shoved the bunched cotton into Shelby's hand and kept rubbing her back.

Shelby inhaled and exhaled and repeated that cycle until she was calm. "Sorry," she said, her nose stuffy, her face red. "I just get so emotional about all of this. I leave and try to fix my life and I can't get away from it and-"

"It's going to be okay. I'm going to take care of this. I want you to repeat that to yourself. It's going to be okay, and Robin is going to take care of everything. I'll give you a call, okay?" One final hug was shared between the two, and then Robin pulled open her office door and gently pushed Shelby out of it. "I have work to do. I'll be in touch. Promise."

Shelby nodded still sniffling, shuffling down the hall and past the receptionist, who watched her walk by with a sympathetic smile. She plodded aimlessly, but somehow ended up at her car, and then got on the road.

So, it was settled. Sort of. She would offer a deal to the Samuels family, giving them a portion of the multi-million dollar payday she had received from the Firestone settlement. In exchange, they agreed to virtually forget she ever existed. Never mention her name in the press. Never come to find her. Never send anonymous packages to men she was dating. Never interfere in her life, ever again. Melina was getting what she wanted. If it kept JC out of it, it was worth the price.

If they couldn't agree to that, they were more cold and heartless and dysfunctional than she could ever imagine. There was nothing else that she could offer, nothing else they could take from her. They'd never be able to steal her memories of Lucas, or the years she spent with him-those would matter the most to her anyway.

Just down the road from Robin's office was her branch at Miami Bank and Trust, where most of her money was being held. Some liquid, some invested, some put far, far away. Not unreachable, just far away. She would have to dip into that, eventually. She had just enough liquid to have a check prepared, and sooner than she expected, she was leaving the bank with a sealed envelope. Enclosed was a confirmation of a wire for $50Million, made out to the Lucas Samuels Family Trust. Exactly one third of the settlement from Firestone, less her attorney's fees.  On her word, and their agreement to forget she ever existed, it would be sent to the account number listed. She hoped it was enough to erase those people forever.

The day had nearly exhausted Shelby. She pondered lunch, thought about calling her mom to meet her somewhere, but deep inside her, she just longed to be home. To sit between her mom and dad and let them dote on her and spoil her, and love her. It had been a long time, since she had that.

Her thoughts drifted to JC, eventually. Her body had missed him, the night before. She hadn't slept a wink. She tossed and turned most of the night, thinking of him. Wanting to call him, talk to him, hear his voice in her ear. Feel his arms around her. His body near her. She wondered how long this would take-getting over him. Learning to live without him. Starting over. All over, again.

Shelby pulled into the driveway at her parent's house, turned off the engine and walked up the sidewalk. Both her parents met her at the door, quizzical looks on their faces, bursting to ask what happened at the meeting.

"Hey, you guys," she said, as they let her pass. "I'm gonna change and then I'll come down and give you an update, okay?"

They nodded, not saying a word as she climbed the stairs and went to her room. Her old room, her childhood room, though it wasn't very childish anymore. After she moved out, it had been converted to a regular guest bedroom, classy and stylish and comfortable. It still felt like home. Still smelled like home-Shelby had adopted her mother's habit of putting fresh flowers in each room. She loved the fragrance and the natural perfume. There was lilac in her room. It was soothing. Great for her headache.

The bed was so tempting. Queen size, fluffy down comforter, crisp sheets. It looked like Renee had changed them that morning. Shelby laid down, fully clothed, for just a few minutes. Just to close her eyes. Rest her head. Think. Breathe. Feel. 

JC appeared behind her closed eyes. That face, that smile, those eyes. That hair, that body. That heart. That personality. That sweet, sweet man. She missed him now, more than ever before. Felt alone now, more than ever before. The tears erupted again, and this time she didn't stop them. Her heart exploded, and this time she didn't stop it. She would never have him, but this feeling...this wonderful, terrible, awesome, exciting, awful feeling... The feeling was torture.




The drive seemed to go quickly, once he got on the road. It seemed like problem after problem after problem popped up whenever he was trying to get anywhere quickly. Bank, gas, mail, errands, and then finally he was on the turnpike. Trying not to speed. Trying to get to her.

What was he even going to say, when he saw her? ‘Hey, I know people think you murdered your old man, but I'm here for you. Just please don't kill me,' was probably not the best thing to say to her, even if he was kidding. She would be scared, and stressed, over her head, and overwhelmed. He could almost feel her emotions in his heart, hear the clipped tone of voice in his head. He used that to propel him forward, to push him on, toward Miami. Toward her.

He pulled into the parking lot of a hotel, an old familiar haunt and checked in, just to settle himself and get ready to see her. Shower, shave, change. Comb his hair. Look presentable. He had literally got up that morning after a sleepless night, changed his clothes, and drove to Shelby's house to find her. He was probably meeting her parents-better to make a good first impression than to bust into her house demanding to see her. If he was going to stay in her life, he needed her parents on his side.

He studied the map he printed off at home, plugged the address into his phone and set off again, letting the GPS guide him to the address listed: 24956 S.W. 254 Street, Hollywood, FL.  The closer he came to Point B on the map, the harder his heart beat and the more he started to worry.

What if she didn't want to see him? What if she heard everything he had to say and turned him around and sent him packing? As brave and bold as he was to just drive out there, he was taking the biggest risk of his life-bigger than moving back to Orlando. Bigger than taking on Rod and the Band and everything came with it. Bigger than trying to keep his name in lights and stay relevant, doing something he'd never done before. Bigger than planning and embarking on a World Tour, no longer the main event, the performer, but in the background, in the shadows as the Music Director. If he couldn't know that Shelby was there, and was there for him and not only loved him but was in love with him, the rest of his life would seem like a waste. It had to work out.

The GPS directed him to a middle class subdivision, as far as he could tell by the size of the homes and the makes of the cars in the driveway. It was just about dinnertime. The air was full of smells-Mexican, Italian, someone was grilling, sending the scent of charbroiled beef into the atmosphere. He drove slowly, dodging kids on bikes and dogs, looking for the numbers on the front of the houses.

And then, just ahead, he saw it. The house. Her car.

He parked on the street in front of the house and sat there for a few seconds, staring up at the orange colored clay and stone house, on a slight hill. It looked small but adequate for a family of three. Big window in the living room, smaller windows along the exterior. Two car garage, cobblestone driveway. Nice yard, manicured bushes, high fence surrounding a backyard. Probably a pool behind it.

‘Get out of the car, man. You can't be there for her sitting in the car.'

 JC pushed himself to get out of the car, and slowly walked up the sidewalk to the front door. And, after a few nervous seconds, pushed the button to ring the doorbell.




The doorbell woke her.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes, looked around. Confused as to why she was at her parent's house, in the guest room...and then it all came rushing back, and she sighed. She was still in her suit from earlier. Her face felt dry and caked. A glance in the mirror revealed black streaks down her cheeks and around her eyes. She winced, looking back at the pillow. Her makeup had run, in her tears, and had stained the pillow.

A soft knock at the door sounded. "Shelby?" Renee's voice was muffled on the other side.

"Yeah, mom," she called through the door, her voice ragged. "Dinner smells good. I'll be right down."

"Okay. See you in a few minutes."

Shelby listened to the sounds of her mom walking away and back down the stairs, then went to the adjoining bathroom. She washed her face and brushed her teeth and ran a brush through her hair, restoring order as she went. Took off her suit and changed into a plain t-shirt and jeans, out of her heels and slid on a pair of slip on sneakers and then opened the door and headed down the steps.





Her parents seemed worried. A little shell-shocked, too, but oddly interested in this man that Shelby had been seeing and had come to find her because she disappeared. When he rang the doorbell, he heard footsteps, and then the viewfinder slide open and then closed, and then whispering. And then finally the knob turned and a man stood, blocking the open doorway.  Salt and pepper hair, glasses on the edge of his nose, stern expression on his face, hands on his hips.

"You called here today. This morning."

JC nodded. "Yes sir, I did. I apologize for hanging up on you."

"I figured it was you, when a man showed up here a few hours later. You must be JC." Bob extended a hand to him, his face softening into a smile. "I'm Robert Coster. You can call me Bob."

"Nice to meet you, Bob. " JC shook his hand, trembling with relief. The door opened further, and a mature version of Shelby-shorter, graying hair cut in a bob-greeted him. She smiled a smile that seemed familiar to him, even though he had just met her. She introduced herself as Renee, and he shook her hand as well. They stepped aside and let him in.

"Shelby, I think, is napping," Renee said, leading him down the hallway and into the living room. "She had an appointment this morning, and said she was going to change and never came back down. I don't think she slept last night. I think she was all tuckered out from ... everything."

"Yeah." JC nodded, a subtle way of letting them know that he was all caught up. Just about, anyway. "The uhm... everything is a lot to deal with. Uhm..."

JC took a minute to look around the house, at the simple, classy furnishings, photos of the family through the years on the walls, pleasant smells, sights, sounds. It must have torn her apart to leave such comfort and hide in Orlando, which had its benefits but wasn't the Coster Family Home. "Don't... don't wake her up. I know she doesn't sleep well. She also doesn't sleep long, so if you don't mind, I'll wait. Or I can come back. But I'd rather wait."

"I'll just go up and see if she's awake. Dinner will be ready soon. You'll stay, for dinner, won't you?"

"Uhm..." These were not decisions he could make at the moment. Dinner? I don't know! Give me Shelby! "Sure. Sure, if she wants me to stay. I'd just like to see her, if I can."

Renee stepped away to go upstairs, and Bob showed him further into the house, into the living room, settling him into one of the comfortable chairs and bringing him a glass of water that he didn't ask for. Minutes later, Renee was back.

"Just as I thought. Everything caught up with her and she fell asleep. She was up, though. I didn't wake her. She'll be down in a few minutes."

"Does... does she know I'm here?"

Renee shrugged and hid a smile. "I wasn't going to ruin the surprise," she said, then winked at him. Another sigh of relief escaped him and he breathed a little easier. Until he heard feet on the steps, coming down. And then his heart was clenched in a grip of anticipation, twisting his stomach in its grasp.

She made it to the landing and halfway down the hall before she saw him. Her eyes flew wide open and her head rocked back and she froze.

And then that voice, that sweet, sultry tone that sent shivers up his spine said, "JC. Oh my... oh my God. What are you doing here?"

He got up from the chair and walked back down the hall to her, since she didn't seem to be able to move further than the middle of the hallway.

"I came to see you, Shelby Woman."

"How... how did you find me?"

"Well you weren't any help, I'll tell you that." He tried to look angry, but it didn't work. He was just so happy to see her. "I put two and two together, after getting that package. Did some research.  After I got your email, I had to find you. I had to let you know that I'm here for you and all that shit about you not knowing what I think of you and you not knowing if you'll ever see me again..."

He shook his head slowly, letting a small smile bend his lips. "That's exactly what it is, honey. Bullshit. I think the world of you. And I'm not going anywhere. And I don't care how many times you push me away, or tell me to leave you alone. I'm ready to fight you, every time."

Shelby seemed confused and speechless at best, stuttering and murmuring while staring up at him with those big brown eyes. "Uhm... but... the package... and the articles, and Melina. The note... the... everything..."

JC laughed, stepping closer, knowing her parents were watching and not really caring. He took her face in his hands and kissed those lips he'd been without for what felt like ages. Wrapped his arms around a body he'd missed so badly he couldn't rest. Felt that body relax against him and her arms come around him and his eyes close.

"I can't think of anything I care less about, than all that stuff that came in that envelope. I came here to tell you that., Shelby."





For a minute, she was sure she was dreaming. And it was a horrible, ugly, mean thing for her mind to do to her, to produce a dream in which JC had come from Orlando to find her and tell her that he didn't care about the black cloud hovering over her. Slowly, she realized that she wasn't dreaming. He was really there, and really holding her. Her nose was really full of his scent and her arms were really full of him, and his lips were really kissing her lips and her forehead and the top of her head. Her heart would probably burst if it hadn't already exploded earlier, in a fit of sadness over probably never seeing him again-and here he was.

Shelby pulled back, just to look at him. Just to see him. "You look tired," she said.

"I am tired. I haven't slept very well. I've been worried about you."

"I'm sorry. I was trying not to involve you in all of this. Trying to keep this from all of you just made it worse. I was irresponsible to get involved with you, in the first place, while this was so fresh. I-"

"No, no." He silenced her with a finger to her lips. "No regrets. However we came to be, it's already happened. We can't undo it, so let's not have regrets, okay? Let's just... turn around and look at where we're going."

Shelby gulped, and dared a small smile. "We?"

"We," he repeated, smiling, dropping a kiss on her forehead. "I'm not arguing that point."

Renee cleared her throat behind them. "I hate to interrupt the reunion, but maybe it could continue over some roast beef, and mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans, and rolls? Doesn't that sound good?"

Stomachs rumbled in unison. They turned to see the table, set for four, dinner in glorious display. "That sounds awesome," Shelby said, suddenly realizing she was weak with hunger. "And then uhm..." she glanced up at JC and grabbed his hand, lacing her fingers between his. "And then we need to have a big, long, talk."

JC nodded in agreement. "Yes, we do. Finally."

As odd as it was, Shelby had never really brought a man home for dinner. The men she dated in college were never the kind she really wanted to bring home. Her parents didn't know about most of them. Lucas always tried to impress her parents-to buy them with fancy dinners at expensive restaurants. The Costers weren't really fancy, expensive kind of people with high cultured tastes. Eventually they started begging off of the dinners, because the food upset their stomachs.

Dinner with JC and her parents was fun. He was a witty conversationalist and a fountain of information. Renee and Bob were both retired Educators-Renee was a high school Principal at several Dade County High Schools. Bob served on the Dade County School District Board of Education as an Administrator. JC peppered them with questions, flattering them with his interest on their opinion on the state of public education.

"I tell you," JC said, swallowing a mouthful of food, loading up a fork with the next load. "I wish I could have gone to high school more. If it's one thing I miss, it's the high school experience. Every kid has that to look back on, and I really don't."

"Well, you went for awhile, didn't you?" Renee asked, piling more potatoes onto his plate. "And then... what, you had to drop out?"

JC nodded, attacking the mound of potatoes with a fury. "Moved to Florida, had a private tutor. Had to be in class for a certain amount of time before you could even hit the set everyday."

Bob put down his fork, his eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Hit the set."

Shelby tore a roll in two, smiling at JC, shaking her head. "JC was on a Disney show as a kid, daddy."

"I thought you said he was a singer? Which one is the singer?"

"He is, Bob," Renee said. "Pay attention."

"I am paying attention. I'm confused. Does he act or does he sing?"

"Both," volunteered Shelby and Renee, while JC laughed and ate, enjoying the playful argument.

"Ah, kids today," he grumbled. He slid his glasses up his nose, but they never stayed. Slowly, they slid down again to their usual spot on the edge of his nose as he poked around his plate, piling beef and potatoes and green beans all on the same fork and shoveling it in. He chewed,, then pointed his empty fork at JC.

"So many interests, you don't even know which way is up, do you? How do you do so much and still be a kid?"

"You don't, sir. You learn to grow up very quickly." JC cleared his plate and pushed it away, drained his glass of tea and rubbed his belly. "That was the best pot roast I've had since... well, since my mom made pot roast, to be honest."

Renee beamed, picking up his plate and Shelby's and carting them to the kitchen. "I'm sure she'd be happy to hear your compliment. You two run off and do your talking," she said with a nod to the two of them. "I'll make Bob help me with the dishes. Go on, now."

Bob mumbled under his breath. "She acts like I don't help her with the dishes every night."

Shelby grabbed JC's hand, pulling him up. "We better go, while we have amnesty. In five minutes, she'll forget she said that and make us help." 

JC got up, dropped his napkin on the table and followed her down the hall.  She was headed for the door, asking over her shoulder, "Do you want to take a drive? I don't want to talk here."

"I don't care," said JC. "I just want to talk. I just want to listen."


They took her car, and it was her turn to head to the outskirts, into the sunset, along winding roads toward the beach. The setting sun painted a fiery watercolor across the sky, reflecting in the water as Shelby pulled into visitor parking and led him along the path to a group of rocks that seemed to be growing right out of the sand.  The beach was empty, since it was essentially winter in Miami. It was the perfect time to sit and enjoy the sunset and the sound of the waves crashing-- in between the daytime sunbathers and the night time fire pit dwellers.

Shelby climbed atop one of the rocks, stepping to another with a flat surface. JC followed and settled in beside her, their legs dangling, on occasion bumping against each other, more often intertwining and twisting together.

"So, this is my place of solace. The place I come to when I need peace and I need quiet, and I need to think. I spent a long, long time up here, after Lucas died. Just trying to figure out life."

"So that brings me to my first question." He turned so he was looking right at her, and then reached for her hand and laced his fingers between hers.

"Who are you?"

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