After a long talk, Lance and I had decided to tell the guys as soon as possible, and his family also. I didn’t talk to my parents often, and figured that the next time I got around to calling them I’d tell them. We were going to have a dinner again, to make a few announcements.
“Alright, alright. Lance and I have something we need to tell you guys.” I said, clinking my glass with my fork during dessert. Every one quieted down, with the exception of Chris and Joey. Joey was trying to eat his cake while Chris flung bits of food at him. One piece of cake with frosting landed in his glass and Joey got mad and flung a forkful of icing at Chris, hitting him square in the forehead. Amelita got impatient and flung what was left of her cake at their end of the table, and it hit the table and splattered spectacularly. Chris and Joey looked over at her, and saw the look on her face and tried to settle down in the mist of the laughter of everyone else. Once it died back down again, I tried again.
“Well, now I have something else to say too. Joey, Chris, you are going to play the busboy game when we’re done here.” Chris and Joey opened their mouths to protest, but shut them quickly as they got looks from both Lita and me. I looked around the table before starting again.
“Lita and I have been talking. Lance joined in for a lot of this talk, and the three of us would like to invite the rest of you to move in, if you would like. I mean, hell, there’s enough room for everyone, so nobody has to share a room unless they want to.” I smiled as I said this part. All I got from everyone except Jc were confused looks. I went on.
“We decided to ask you this because Lance and I are going to need some help in a few month’s time. Yes, our wedding is in five months, but in about eight months, there’ll be a baby Bass to keep us busy.” After this had some time to sink in, the table erupted again.
“No way! I’m not the first!” Joey said.
“Cool! Someone to spoil rotten!” Chris added.
“Wha?” Justin added. Lance laughed at Justin.
“What’s wrong, Curly top?” he asked. Justin shook his head and got up from the table and left. I threw a glance at Lita and saw that Jc and Lance were doing the same. Jc sighed and followed Justin. I looked at Lance and he nuzzled my neck.

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Story Tags: love angryj drunksex roommates breakupj boyfriendlance daddyl nsansync lance