“Hey Tabitha. What up?”
“Hey girl. Not much. What up with you?”
“Well, I was wondering if you would like to move in with us. I mean, there is more than enough room here for everyone. We’re also asking Lance’s friends as well as Pembroke and Remi. And there will be hot guys here.” I said the last sentence, knowing that would be what Tabitha would want to hear.
“Hot guys? I’m in. Give me a few weeks to get things situated here.” Tabitha said. I smiled to myself. Tabitha was never one to pass up anything to do with good looking guys. We made arrangements for her to move in, and I decided to wait until she was here in person to spring the baby news on her. It really isn’t something you spring on people over the phone. I chuckled as I hung up the phone. Lance looked up from the book of invitation samples.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“Well, I was just thinking how I didn’t tell Tabitha about the baby, that it’s not really something you should tell to people over the phone, and yet, that’s how I plan to tell my parents, when I get around to it, that is.” Lance put down the invitation he was holding.

“You still haven’t told them? My mother’s excited about it. She’s not to happy that it’s happening now, but she’s still excited about it.”

“That’s your mother. You don’t know my parents. I can hear it now. ‘You’re such a disgrace. Your brothers waited until they were married to have sex. Why couldn’t you?’ Dad would practically disown me. They don’t need to know until we can’t hide it anymore.” I sat down next to him and looked at the sample he was looking at.
“I like that one.” I picked it up from his lap. Lance looked back down at it, still frowning.
“Yeah. Me too.” he said. I smiled.
“So I guess that’s one less thing we have to choose.” I said as I put it in the pocket. Lance closed the book and I noticed how tired I was. I stood up and stretched.
“I think I’m going to take a nap. I’m tired.”
After my nap, I wandered down to the kitchen to find Lance looking through the fridge. Jc came in through the backdoor.
“Oh good. It’s just the two of you. I need some help from you guys.” he said. Lance pulled his head out of the fridge and looked at Jc with a raised eyebrow.
“Well, what is it?” he asked. Jc took a deep breath.
“I want to ask Amelita to marry me. She’s so amazing. I want to do the whole romantic dinner thing, but you know me Lance. The only thing I can cook is tea. I don’t want her to remember the big night because the dinner burned and we had to have pizza or something. I want her to remember it for what I ask her. Do you guys think you could make dinner then clear everyone out for a few hours?”
Lance looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. Why not? If Jc wanted to marry Lita, that was fine with me. Lance turned back to Jc.
“Sure C. We’ll help.”

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Story Tags: love angryj drunksex roommates breakupj boyfriendlance daddyl nsansync lance