“Hi Mom. Hi Dad.” I manage to say. They just sat and looked at me.
“Hi Jadene.” Mom finally said. Lance came in behind me and gave me a nudge. I sat down across from them. Dad cleared his throat.
“Well, this James here seems like a nice young man. He was nice enough to take us on a tour of the town after we got here this afternoon. What he wouldn’t tell us was what he was doing in this house when we got here. He said that you should be the one to tell us.” Dad said. I felt Lance’s hand find mine under the table. I took a deep breath and sighed.
“Lance lives here. So does Remi, Pembroke, Tabitha, Chris, Joey, Jc and Justin,“ I paused here before going on, “Jc is Lita’s fiancée, and Lance is mine. And also, Lance and I are having a baby so we asked our closest friends to move in with us so they could help us.“ I said in one long breath.
It took a few minutes for everything to soak in. Mom’s face paled, and Dad’s reddened.
“James is your what?” Mom asked. Dad went the other way.
“Baby? I thought you were saving yourself for marriage!” he practically yelled. The shouting made Lita and Jc come running in from the kitchen. Lita saw who was there and her eyes widened and she grabbed Jc’s arm and dragged him back into the kitchen, ignoring his protests. In the silence that followed Dad’s statement, I could hear her explaining what was going on to Jc. Mom finally started to get the color back in her face.
“How long did you know each other before you got engaged?” she asked quietly, with a lot of disappointment in her voice.
I looked at Lance before I answered.
“Four days.” This statement was greeted by more shouting. This time it was both parents.
“DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THAT COULD BE? WHAT IF HE’S AN AXE MURDERER?” I shrunk back into my seat and looked up at my parents.
“Dad, he’s not an axe murderer. He’s a freakin’ pop star. The point is, we love each other, we’re getting married, and we’re having a baby.” I get up and leave the room and head to our bedroom. I slammed the door and sat on the bed and let the tears come. I hated when I had to talk to my parents. They always, without fail, made me feel like I was thirteen years old again, asking if I could go see a PG-13 movie or something. After a few minutes, Lance came in and sat down on the bed next to me. He put his arms around me and just held me while I tried to calm myself down.
“Shhh. Jadene. It’ll be alright. So your parents are a bit shocked, but I still love you, and we’re going to get married, and our baby will be the most beautiful in the world, and everything will work out.” he murmured into my ear as he gently rocked me back and forth. I finally settled down enough to talk.
“It’s just, every time I have to talk to them I feel like I’m a teen again. They’re just so…cold. It’s like they want me to leave you, get an abortion and be miserable the rest of my life.” I managed between sobs. Lance couldn’t come up with something to say to that, so he just held me as I cried myself to exhaustion.

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