I took a deep breath in through my nose and let his sweet aroma full my lungs. I trailed my hands along the waistband of his boxers and let them slide up underneath his flimsy white tee-shirt. His abs were so well defined I could cry. I let my fingers trace his abdomen, running along the valleys and dancing atop the mountains of his chiseled stomach. I opened an eye. Pure sunlight was shining in through the slits in the curtain. I had to remind myself of where we were.
Yesterday morning we’d relocated to Orlando. We’d only been scheduled to stay in New York for two days, just so that everyone could start on the same page. Dinner had been on the guys. It was too bad the Christian wasn’t able to partake.

I rubbed Christian’s stomach again and kissed his shoulder blade. I got a moan in response. I kissed him again. He must like it when I do that because he turned to face me in bed and gave me quick kiss on the lips, never once opening his eyes. “Still sleepy?” I asked and smoothed some of his hair down.

He nodded. “I got to bed late.”

“What time?”

“What time is it now?”

I propped myself up in my elbows and looked over to the nightstand that was on Christian’s side of the bed. “7:10,” I answered.

He nodded,” About and hour ago.”

“What? Why so late? I thought you guys only had until 4 am.”

“That’s only when NSYNC need to use it at 5 but they’re taking today off.”

I was still for a moment. “What do you mean ‘they’? Didn’t they give you guys the day off too?” Oo, I was gonna cut someone if they hadn’t.

“Yeah but…”

“Dooon’t tell me you’re not coming.”

“ I can’t sweetie. It’s not everyday we get to work on the soundstage all day.”

“Oh come on, you’re always working all day. All you do is work.”

“Technically speaking, yes. But, well, you know what I’m trying to say.”


“And besides, I’m so tired now I can’t even open my eyes, let alone go gallivanting around Orlando.”

I frowned. “Well what am I suppose to do here without you?”

“Go with the guys. I want you to have fun.”

“I want you to have fun too.”

“I will. I promise I’ll make it up to you once the tour starts okay?”

I nodded weakly and slipped back underneath the covers. He put his hands on my waist and soon drew me closer to him. That’s when the phone rang. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph,” I said under my breath and pressed my forehead against his. He chuckled and tightened his grip on my waist before hoisting me above him to the nightstand and finally having me land on top of him. I picked up the phone in mid ring. “Hello?”

“WAKE UP !” Lance shouted into the phone.

“Oh lord,” I said and closed my eyes again.

“No seriously. We’re all leaving for our fun day in an hour or so.”

“Fun day?”

“I’ll tell you where we’re going when we get there.”

“Who’s coming with us? Who’s going to change my mind about Joey?”

“You’ll see. So get ready, we’ll be at your room in an hour.”

We both hung up and I laid my head on Christian’s chest. “What was that you said about Joey?” Christian asked and wrapped his arms around my waist .”

“The guys are trying to convince me that he’s not a bad person.”

“So you’re getting along with them all right? I was worried about how you’d do when I left you last night.”

“I did fine,” I said and rubbed my nose against his neck.

“I’m glad. I know what they did to you was horrible and I’m sorry I had to go.”

“It’s okay.” I inhaled again. Remnants of his cologne still hung on his skin. I didn’t mind though. As a matter of fact, I kind of liked it. I took two more deep breaths. “Lance said they’re coming to pick me up in an hour.”

“You’d better go then.”

“I want to stay with you.”

He kissed me on my forehead again. “I want you to go Abby. You need to have some fun.”

“Without you?”

He finally opened his eyes. “Abby. It would make me extremely happy if you would go out with NSYNC today. Please.”

I couldn’t resist that look. I sighed and pushed myself away from his warm skin. I stood up and wrapped the sheet around his body again. He looked so adorable lying there looking up at me. “I love you,” he said softly and kissed my wrist when I ran my hand through his hair.

“I love you too,” I reciprocated. I couldn’t think of a time when I’d felt more in love in my entire life. I felt as though if Christian were the only man I’d see for the rest of my life, that would be okay. I broke my heart to walk away from Christian and into the shower but if going out with NSYNC today was what he wanted, I was going to do it. I picked out my most comfortable outfit and waiting for them to show up. I didn’t know what to expect but whatever it was, I was going to be 100 % aware at all times. Who knows what else these men had in store?

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