Homeboy Memoirs .... Track Three Remixes Not that kind of girl (Remix #1)

I wished you would of met Ms. Pizarro. She was so cool, calm and collected. I think she was probably my favorite teacher in Millington. She will definitely be mentioned on my thanks you’s for my album.

It’s funny how this whole memoirs thing we’re doing reminds me of an episode of One Tree Hill. I don’t know if you ever saw that show when it was on but there was an episode where all the students at Tree Hill High, created a video time capsule. In the show everyone recorded their biggest issues and drama on those time capsule shots, thinking that in fifty years they could reveal it, instead it was released for everyone to see. I guess that’s what we’re doing here, only in a written format.

For those of you who saw that episode. Don’t worry I won’t show you my boobs like Brooke Davis did. (I’m not very blessed in that department, anyway.)

Did you ever wonder where the parents of the kids from One Tree Hill were? Other than asshole Dan (Lucas and Nathan Scott’s father) and Karen (Lucas’ mom), you didn’t really see much, if not at all, of the parents. Do you ever think about how fake that is? Well let me tell you that it happens in real life. It happened to me, so I know what I’m talking about.

When I was eighteen years old, I picked up my belongings and went on the road with Nsync. No parents.(except for Lynn, who decided that year that they guys didn’t need a mommy anymore) No rules.

Jeremy, Trace, Justin and I were free. It was like being away on spring break a million times over. We had so much fun those months. Justin was always working but we always found time to spend with each other. Even if it meant sharing a hotel room with three boys, I did it. (Don’t get the wrong idea with that one) Justin was always so tired the next day, on that tour. Poor baby. (We didn’t force him to stay up till all hours of the night.)

I know you’re wondering why Jc and I don’t get along. Let me explain something to you, so that you don’t hate me. (I know you probably love him as much as you love Timberlake) Jc and I are cool and you’re reading too much into this. We have been playing pranks on each other since we met. He’s like a big brother, I never wanted and I love him for it. Does that make you not wonder about the pool or the champagne incident? It’s all in fun. Trust me.

I would like to take this opportunity to point out that I didn’t pick Jeremy over Justin and Trace that time. (like I said, just pointing that out to ya.)

Also, in Jeremy’s defense, since he’s not here to defend himself, let me just say that Jeremy wasn’t as big of an asswipe as Lynn makes him out to be. I don’t blame her, though. Every story needs a bad guy.

I should also tell you that I attended the University of Southern California (with Jeremy) and that I graduated with a masters in business. Will I ever use any of the skills I learned? Probably not but college was fun. Another thing off my checklist.

I am willing to bet you didn’t think I was friends with Britney Spears, huh? I bet you thought I would despise her because of what you think she did to Justin, huh? Well I don’t. Reason? Because I know what really went down between them and you don’t. (at least not yet) I still talk to her from time to time. That is when Justin’s not around, he says it brings back too many feelings. (He’s such a crybaby.)

The ‘Celebrity’ tour was the only tour that I wasn’t a part of much because of school. The ‘No Strings Attached’ and ‘Popodyssey’ were probably my favorites. Let me just tell you, that keeping secrets (i.e. my best friend is Justin Timberlake) from my college friends was a struggle. Which is partially why Jeremy and I moved off campus. I had to make sure to walk at least a hundred feet behind or in front of the guys. Years of watching and being around them taught me a few tricks in the paparazzi realm. So about a hundred feet away, Jeremy and I blended as part of the crowd, never part of the crew. No one knew who we were and I liked it that way. Trace hated the cameras but always ended up in pictures because he never listens to me either. The whole world knows him now, so I guess it didn’t matter.

The whole world knows me now, too but for completely different reasons.

I must say that I can’t remember a better birthday party than the one Justin and I had for our twenty first. Justin went all out, renting a club and inviting half of Hollywood. We were all so drunk that night but I do remember having a good time. In my opinion that was the bash of the year and it was only the end of January.

Trace argues that his twenty first-birthday bash was better. It was a big bash but it wasn’t like ours. No way. Our definitely takes the cake. (no pun intended)

Hey Lynn, I’m feeling a little defensive here.

I feel like I have to explain myself to you on this track, overly so. Let me just tell you that the money that Justin gave me every month is still safely in a savings account. I’ve never touched it. Not even once. I have this ongoing joke with him that if he ever goes bankrupt (he has a things with buying cars) he can live off the saving’s account I have. The only reason I accepted his money was because he insisted. If you knew Justin like I know him, you’d take it too. He can be extremely annoying when he has his mind set on something. (so much that you’d seriously contemplate suicide.) Did you think I was a gold digger? You did, didn’t you? I assure you, I’m not that kind of girl. Trace on the other hand is loaded but he’s also Justin’s bitch, so he should be paid. (I love my cousin.)

I bet you the next question in your mind is, where did she get money? Well I haven’t mentioned this (and it’s probably the only time I will) but my dad, whom I haven’t seen since I was six owns a WNBA team. Crazy huh? To think that I wanted to do the same thing. Looking back now I think I wanted to own an WNBA team because it would somehow get me closer to my dad. I was wrong. The only thing that I see from my father is those three thousand dollar checks he sends every month, and I think I’m okay with that. I am okay with that. Change of subject.

Something else that I need to get justified (no pun intended, again) is that I was clueless. How was I supposed to know what the bracelet signified? In the real world, people use words. Justin doesn’t live in the real world, half the time. Don’t blame him for that though, the only real world he knew was from the day he was born until he was about twelve and went to the Mickey Mouse Club. He’s been in celebrity world since then.

I still wear the bracelet all the time. And I did listen to that cd repeatedly. I didn’t figure out Justin wanted me to listen and pay close attention to track seven. You know the one, ‘Tell me, tell me, baby, how come you don't wanna love me’. Yeah. I just recently paid attention to that song while on my way to a recoding session with Mr. Timberlake himself. Oh and yeah we were born on the same day but we DO NOT think the same way. He’s a sneaky one, I won’t even get into half the songs on Justified that he’s nuts for putting out there.

If you have been paying attention to me at all, you’ll see that I referred to Aunt Lynn as just Lynn. (It’s a little weird now)

By the way, I have to mention that sex with Jeremy Owens, star quarterback of USC Trojans, was great!! (But I didn’t know any better, then.)


Not that kind of guy (Remix #2)

I wish you could’ve met Ms. Pizarro too. She was hot and I remember every single one of those vocal lessons she gave me when I was younger.

Where did the One Tree Hill analogy come from? I remember that episode that she’s talking about. (she has the DVD box set that she likes to play all the time) I must agree with her when she says that this whole thing has the ‘time capsule’ feel to it. No, really. I MUST agree because she’s giving me the look again.

Jojo wasn’t lying when she said she wasn’t blessed in the ‘ta-ta’ department. But wait, don’t get all feminist on me. I have to say that I am happily content in ‘her’ department. I visit that department pretty often, actually. It’s become a favorite pastimes. (I’m a pig and you love it.)

Amanda described the beginning of my career as her freedom. Not to sound unappreciative of you (a fan of mine) or anything but it was everything but free. My career has been a bankruptcy so to speak. The only thing I gained was having my friends with me and money in my bank account. I lost every sense of ‘freedom’ I had at sixteen.

When we were touring in Europe it was all together different. We were followed by cameras and did interviews out the ass but when we came home to the states, we were normal guys. I was able to go to the mall with Amanda, Trace and Jeremy and my only worries ranged from what kind of food to get from the mall’s food court to what color Nike’s to get. Those were the days of my ‘freedom’.

By the time I was seventeen I couldn’t step outside my own home, to take the garbage out. (my mother has always kept me grounded. Despite what Amanda says about my ‘celebrity’ world)

I’m asking that you please don’t get the wrong idea. I enjoyed what I did, what I do and I loved it then and I love it now. I’m just trying to differentiate Amanda’s freedom with mine.

Going through the lawsuit bullshit we went through was a scary. I felt like it was the end of my life at one point. But I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support through all of it. That one millisecond when I thought that it was over for us, as a group, I reprimanded myself. I was wrong it wouldn’t have been the end of my life because I had my family, the guys, my friends and I had her in my life.(Did I just get sappy? I believe I’ve been spending too much time with Lance. He’s such a girl, with all the sensitive shit.) So with all of that how would my life be over? My life was complete and I was lucky to have a nice bonus, I was (am) a ‘celebrity’.

‘No Strings Attached’ was a whole new galaxy of fame for us. You remember how crazy it was. How you bought over a million albums in one day. (Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for that. I mean it.) All the hype that surrounded us was wild. But do you know what I remember and treasure the most about that album, that day? I remember the pure unadulterated look of pride that she gave me before giving me the biggest hug I’ve ever gotten in my adult life. That’s what I remember. That’s what I treasure the most. My friends are ‘MY’ everything.

This ‘time capsule’ has given me lots of opportunities to call Amanda on her bullshit and I love it. Let me just say that I’m just so happy that she didn’t pick Jeremy’s empty seat over Trace’s and mine. It’s a fucking seat, A SEAT. Who cares? The biggest choice should have been made years before that. Full of shit I tell ya. Full of it.
In Jeremy’s defense? Screw him!! (I really want to say the four-letter word, but Jojo says I use it too much.)

I’ve been dreading the time when Lynn brings up Britney. And what do you know? she did!! And now I have to talk about it. Where should I start? The beginning, huh?

Infatuation. That word alone describes my feelings toward Ms. Britney Spears. I was infatuated with that girl since the moment I heard her singing with Christina (Aguilera, who by the way wasn’t that cute when we were twelve. But that looks ‘bangable’ now, I must say.) backstage at the Mickey Mouse Club. She became a fixation that I chose to maintain for years in order to ignore my heart. I’m not going be economical with the truth (another way of saying: lie) and say that I didn’t loved her because that would be a huge fib. I did love her and in some ways I always will. She was always there for me too, ya know. she was my best friend too. For that reason I feel bad for what I did to her and Amanda. I’m sure that no matter what I tell you about how, sweet, loyal, tender, loving and funny Britney is, you’ll still have your own opinions of her. I’m to blame for your negative thoughts, I know. I was a complete ass and you should know that. That’s right, I’m not afraid to admit I was wrong. (most of the time) I was wrong for making you think she betrayed me. I was wrong for making a video simply for your speculation, you know the one. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Amanda is wrong too, for thinking that she can only talk to B, when I’m not around. I know they’re still friends and I’m okay with that. I’m going to change the subject right now before ‘too many feelings’ are let out. I am one hundred percent sure that Lynn will be writing more about Britney and I won’t be able to dodge the situation like I just did. So let’s prolong the Britney thing a little longer. (by the way, the Christina comment I made was because someone, can’t stand her.)

Our birthday bash was the best one? Shit, I thought it fucking sucked. At least the end of it did. I got drunk, made out with my girlfriend and then got my heart ripped out at the end of the night. so I don’t agree that it was ‘the best’ birthday. She should have listened to track ten on the ‘Celebrity’ album too cause that’s exactly what she was that night. Selfish.

Have I complained enough about Jeremy being a big issue, I mean, part of this ‘time capsule’? I don’t think I have. So consider this my complaint. What the fuck? Hey, Lynn can we have a track that doesn’t involve Jeremy Owens? I’d really appreciate it. (This is me giving Lynn a sexy smile.)

By the way, I have to mention that sex with Britney Spears, pop princess, was great too!! How you like them apples, Jojo? (Of course you know better now, you know Timbersnake.)

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