I woke up, feeling so relaxed and well rested, until I realized that I fell asleep in the studio and woke up, not in the studio.  I shot up, looking around and saw JC next to me, sleeping. He looked so peaceful.

"Aww," I whispered. After calming down, I knew that I was in a safe environment, JC's house. My only guess is that JC picked me up and took me to my car, drove us here, and then carried me up to his room. Which seemed to be true and it was more than sweet.

I gently lied back down and slid closer to him, laying my head on his shoulder and placing my arm across his waist. He jumped, frightening me and I rubbed his stomach.

"It's just me," I softly spoke.

He put his arm around me and pulled me closer. It took only a few seconds before I was sound asleep again. The feeling of him embracing me is what made me feel so comfortable.

I wasn't sure if it was real, but I felt like I was walking on air, running through the clouds, my hair blowing in the cool, breeze. Then everything went dark...

"Esamar!" My eyes shot open, tears were running down my cheeks. I saw JC, staring at me in pure fright. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.

"Hey, hey, I'm here, I'm here," he consoled.

I felt so embarrassed, I was crying. I couldn't let him go, and he wouldn't let me. When I finally did break our embrace, he wiped the tears away, pushing my hair away from my face.

"Esa....tell me what's wrong," he gently said.

I took a deep breath. "Josh, we both know that what's beginning to happen between us is more than what we're trying to prevent."

"What are we trying to prevent?" he asked me. It was apparent that he wanted to know if we were on the same page.

"Falling for each other," I replied.

He chuckled softly. "It's a little too late for that Esamar, seems we already have fallen for each other. All we can do is try to slow things down as much as we can. I admit that I didn't plan to get so taken with you, but after everything that brung us back to each other, you're such a different breed of woman, I want to keep you around me."

I looked away, wiping away more tears that flowed. I pulled myself together. "Is that why you're being so sweet to me?"

"No, I'm not going to forget that you've supported and still support my music career alone and with the guys. There's no way to repay you, because without people like you, we wouldn't be in the position we're in today, providing for our families and others. As someone who appreciates his fans, it's the least I could do for one that I can't do for all. All that other stuff was so you'd let me kiss you," he joked.

I smiled and shook my head. "JC....I don't want us to get too much of each other too soon. I can't imagine myself resenting you or you resenting me. I thought our encounter would've made things clear, but it didn't."

"I understand and I don't want that either. How about we roll with the punches? Whatever happens, happens," he suggested.

"I'm cool with that," I said.

"Um, Esa......how bad do you still want me?" he asked, staring into my eyes, biting down on his bottom lip.

"You shall never know, HA, HA," I teased as I got up and went into the bathroom. I freshened up, brushing my teeth and washing my face, and then I went back into his room. He was nowhere to be found.

"J Sizzle? Where you be, dawg?" I asked jokingly.

I walked toward his room door entrance, about to go find him, when I felt his body heat behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Speak your mind, tell me what you like, don't hold back now," he whispered into my ear.

I smiled, keeping quiet.

"I'll make love to ya, in 100 ways," he whispered.

I turned around and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"Hey now, we don't have to slow it down yet, lay one on me, mama," he joked.

I giggled as I wrapped his arms around my hips. I stood on my tippy toes, kissing him on the lips. He began to walk us back into his room, slowly moving his hands down my lower back. As soon as he began to squeeze and grab on my backside, our kiss got deeper. I slowly pulled away.

"I find it almost impossible to admit how bad I still want you," I said as trailed my fingertips up his t-shirt. He looked down at me, that same intensity I saw before was embedded into his falsely turquoise eyes. I wasn't frightened in the least though. I knew he could tear me apart and put me together again, but I wasn't going to shirk in fear. I'd match his ferocity with my own 12 years of pent up desire.

"Come on, let's go burn Pop Tarts together." But, I still walked away.

I grabbed his hand, in an attempt to pull him, but he didn't move. I turned to look back at him; he pulled me back. He pressed his body against mine. I'm not a tall person, so whatever I felt, I felt against my lower stomach. And he was in fact, very turned on.

"J.....," I began. He lifted me off the floor and onto his bed. As soon as he was about to make his next move, his phone began to go off.

"Shit!" he mumbled as he went to go answer it. I signaled to him that I'd be downstairs and gave me seductive eyes, licking his lips, as if to say "we're not done, but okay".

I walked out of his room and made it halfway down the stairs, before he was at the top of the stairs.

"Yoli, come here," he said softly. I found it extremely invigorating how he said my middle name.

My mind was telling me to go downstairs, but my body was already moving back up the steps. He took my hand and helped me onto his bed. He sat next to me and took my hand. I wasn't slightly confused; it was a lot more than slightly. He had me worried, like he was about to tell me something upsetting.


"Um, I'm going to begin shooting for ABDC soon, I'm not sure of the date yet, but it's not too far off," he told me.

I let out a huge sigh of relief. "That's great, but why'd you sit me down like something tragic happened?"

"I wasn't sure how you were going to take it," he replied.

"Mr. Chasez, you are officially a dork. I'd never try to run interference. I know what you do, I love it, and I accept that because I'm trying to keep you as a friend before you realize how much of an NSYNC nut job I am ......was," I smiled.

He laughed and shook his head. "It's not happening, Chris is too old."

"Excuses! If the Jackson 5 did it, then you guys can," I replied.

"Either way, thanks for understanding."

"No problem, dude. Now come on, if you make me wait for Pop Tarts, I'll have to hurt you," I playfully threatened.

"Mm, do what you want, mama," he flirted.

I giggled and hopped off his bed. "You are such a bad boy, Mr. Chasez."

He nodded his head. "Am I? I'm ready to be taught a lesson, I really am."

"We'll see," I said before I left his room. I hit the bottom of the stairs before he came out of his room and started to come down.

"I don't even think there's a name for the level of teasing you possess," he said, sighing heavily.

"JC....whatever. You keep taking sexy tones with me and calling me mama, being sexy and stuff," I tried to explain.

"What?" he laughed.

"I don't know, I've still got chills from 5 minutes ago," I replied. Sad part is I was telling the truth.

"I will never fully understand why girls like that," he said.

I scoffed. "Dude please, you know exactly when you're being sexy."

His mouth dropped open as he pointed to himself. "Me? Nooooo. I know of no such things."

He began to walk over to me. I turned around in my seat to face him. He stood in front of me and put both hands of each of my thighs. He rubbed his hands smoothly up, looking up to stare into my eyes. "I think I would know when I was trying to be sexy."

The look in his eyes went rampant and ignited a fire I haven't been able to calm since he asked me to dance. My stomach got light and my blood started to race through my veins. The pace of my heart quickened.

"What do you call this then?" I asked, pulling him closer.

"You trying to seduce me," he smiled.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't put that on me because that's what you're trying to do."

"Then just let me have you, mami," he whispered. The feeling of his breath against my neck heightened all of my senses. JC Chasez was not going to make slowing down easy.

"For someone who says I tease a lot, you seem to torture me when you can."

I ran my fingers through his hair. He went and bit on that lip of his as I felt his breath trail from neck to my lips. There was something about being that close, staring into his eyes that made me feel calm. I trust him and that is such a hard thing for me to come to terms with since we were still fairly new to each other. It seems quite ridiculous to say you trust someone you're still getting to know. Welp, I'm ready for everyone to call me ridiculous then.

He softly rubbed his top lip against my bottom one, his hands moving from my thighs to grip both sides of my hips. I didn't necessarily push him away, but I slightly moved back so our lips weren't touching.

"Josh.....slowing down?" I asked.

"I am slowing down, that's why I'm taking forever to kiss you," he replied.

I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug as we both laughed.

"Pop Tarts!" he yelled as we pulled apart.

"Oh boy, let me supervise before we get burned up," I sighed.

"Hunh, I put it in the toaster," he said as he smiled at me.

"Awwww, see you knew that was you being cute," I giggled and pinched his cheek.

We went down to the basement and played Rockband, just hanging out as friends and I had no problem with it. I actually feel more comfortable knowing that I can be good friends with someone I am attracted to. I'm aware of the sexual tension, but, a secret, I actually like the build up. It'll make the release all the more better.

"Heyyy, you cheated!" I yelled.

"What? We're on the same team!" we both started giggling like kids.

"I don't think I've had this much fun since I became a teenager," I said.

"Really? I haven't had this much fun in a while either. I'm looking to have more though," he said as he looked at me.

"Oh what, with me? I was hoping you'd provide all the fun, I've seen what you and the guys have done in your younger days," I said, walking back upstairs, going back up to his room to look for my keys.

JC came a minute or two behind me, standing in the doorway. I admired his slim frame. He had very defined facial features that made him such an attractive person to lay your eyes on.

"Are you leaving me?" he asked, pouting.

"Unfortunately yes, even though I'd love to stay here in my pajamas all day, I gotta shower and get to class," I said.

He crept up behind me, his lips passed against the skin of my neck.

"I have a shower and I have long t-shirts you can wear," he whispered.

I felt chills all over my body; goose bumps began to explode all over my skin. I took his arms and placed them around me.

"JC you suck so much right now," I whispered.

"If you need me to assist you in there, I can." His voice deepened as his hands trailed down my stomach. I released a whimper, my knees buckling.

"I'll see you on Friday," I said. With all my might, it took courage to fight off my urge, but there was a good reason for it.

"Friday," he responded as he released me. He placed a soft kiss on my cheek and smiled.

I felt dorky as I got into my car, I really didn't want to leave but I had to take a shower, get to class, then run some quick errands.

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