Author's Chapter Notes:
4/3/11- Imagine my surprise when I checked the archive on the 1st and saw the list of featured stories! I was totally surprised and not expecting for this story to be featured at all. Thank you, thank you, to those who voted and to those who have been reading and reviewing. It means a lot to me. In appreciation, I give you the wordiest cahpter, thus far! :)


Sunday and Monday, slowly, but surely went by and I still had nerves and some uncertainty about going on a date with Matthew Morrison. Though I was looking forward to it and had already committed to the plan, I just didn’t know what to expect. I had become a fan of his and kept up with Glee each week, but I also hadn’t gone on a date with someone with such star power. It had also been quite awhile since I‘d been on a date. Plus, in the back of my mind lingered thoughts that this wouldn’t work out anyways and that I’d fall for another Trevor. I had a feeling Matthew wasn’t as bad of a guy or a heartbreaker like my ex, but my heart was still not complete, nor fixed. The shattered pieces clung on to the idea that maybe they’d be put back together by JC. That was another complication. I was going to have to forget about my feelings for JC, at least on my date with Matthew. I was going to have to just throw caution to the wind, as best as I could, just in case my fantasy didn’t come true and I’d have to settle on someone else.

I didn’t want to lose out on love altogether just because I was waiting on a dream to come true. Sometimes you had to aim for the moon, just so you could land among the stars, and I knew I’d be lucky if that’s where I landed. Even if what I really wanted was the moon.

So when I found myself getting dressed this morning I wasn’t sure if it would be a Terrific Tuesday or a Terrible Tuesday, but what I did know was that I was going to be graced with the presence of two wonderful men. I just hoped to not make a fool of myself in front of either and to also not fangirl, while I was in the studio with them. I also wasn’t sure what my date with Matthew would entail, so I’d settled on a light, blue sweater and some jeans, as well as some ballet flats. I didn’t want to go overboard on a first date either. I knew my outfit would be okay if we ended up at a casual restaurant.

I’d received a text from JC, letting me know that 3 o’clock was still a good time to come by the studio. Which was fine by me because I figured it would be dinner time by the time the men finished up their session. Plus, I had managed to take a vacation day and allow another stylist to cover my appointments. So time really wasn’t an issue. In fact it was more of a nuisance, ticking by way too slowly, as I finished my hair and makeup and found myself relaxing upon my couch. I also made a couple phone calls and ate a snack to tide me over. I grew anxious, just wanting to be in the studio and allowing it to all play out, instead of going through possible scenarios in my head.

I was pleased to say the least, when it was time to leave my apartment and head on over to the studio that JC had given me directions for. I checked myself once more in the mirror, pleased with my appearance, and headed down to the lot where my car was parked. Then I hopped inside and looked over the directions, before starting the engine and cruising onto the street. The drive was simpler than I’d expected and didn’t take that long from my place. I found the studio building without any problem and turned into a parking lot. I spotted JC’s car at the end of the lot and noticed I could park right beside him. Once I parked and gathered my purse, I slid out of my car and walked over to an entrance on the side of the building.

I noticed that my watch said it was 3 o’clock on the dot, as I opened a door and stepped inside. I was happy that I was on time and I made my way down a hallway, spotting a sign with arrows and studio numbers. I wasn’t sure which studio JC and Matthew were suppose to be working in, so I quickly texted JC, hoping he’d see it right away. Within a minute, he responded back and I knew my destination. Studio 3. So I found my way over to studio 3 and noticed the door was open.

It was apparent that there wasn’t any recording going on and that one of the men was missing. I found JC by himself, sitting in a chair as he strummed on a guitar. He seemed to be fooling around with the instrument and not taking what he was playing seriously. He looked good though and I loved a man with a guitar. I smiled, watching him strum a little bit longer before speaking up.

“Hey, JC.” I greeted him and stepped inside of the studio. “Where’s Matthew?”

He turned around in his chair and his fingers halted. “Hey, Ev. Glad to see you, honey.” He pursed a smile upon his face. “Matt, actually, left to quick take care of something. He got double booked today, I guess, but should be back shortly.”

I nodded my head and then found a seat upon a couch that was against the wall, across from the sound board. “Oh..okay. Well as long as he makes it back.”

JC faced me in his chair and put his guitar down, setting it on a stand. “I know, right? Wouldn’t want him to stand you up already.”

“Yeah, that wouldn’t be too nice.” I looked at JC real good then and admired the gray t-shirt that hugged his chest and arms. It fit him just perfectly and he looked comfortable, yet simply sexy at the same time. I also noticed his hair was looking like a case of bed head and that he mustn’t have taken time to fix it today. It made me want to just run my fingers through it. I knew it would be soft, silky, and oh so touchable. Yet, I had to resist the urge of doing just that and remind myself that I wasn’t going on the date with JC.

“We were talking about the date earlier and he seemed excited. I think he wants to take you out to dinner and then play it by ear.” JC spoke up once more and his eyes met mine. His eyes were like cool ocean water and made me feel tingles. I just loved the way he seemed to always focus his attention on whomever he was speaking to and gave them eye contact.

I nodded my head. “Sounds good to me. I didn’t dress that fancy, since I was guessing it would be a simple dinner.”

“Well you look good. I don’t think Matt will be disappointed. I really think you two will have a great time. Something just tells me that you two will mesh.”

“We shall see….” I sighed softly. “It’s just been awhile since I’ve been set-up, let alone been on a date.”

He tossed me a sympathetic smile. “You’ll be just fine. I know you can handle it.”

“Oh yeah?” What makes you say that?”

“Oh come on, Everly. It’s not like Matt’s some shark that’s going to bite you and it’s just dinner. I know you can handle yourself around all kinds of people and you’re good company. I’m sure you’ll have lots to talk about and crack some jokes.”

I nodded my head. “Well…true. Maybe you’re right.”

“I am right, plus I wouldn’t have even asked for you to go on a date with him if I didn’t think he was a decent guy. Which he really is. I think this date will be great for both of you.”

I noticed the genuine smile upon JC’s lips then and could tell he thought he was doing the right thing. I could tell that he saw no flaw in this plan and that he really wanted Matt and I to enjoy ourselves. Possibly, even hit it off right away.

“I trust you, JC. I do.” I gave him a small smile.

“Well good…”

“It’s just…”

“It’s just what?” He threw his hands in the air and waited for me to elaborate.

“It’s just that the last guy I loved broke my heart.”

“We’ve all had our hearts broken, Ev. Yet, you just move on as best as you can and don’t give up on love. You still holding on to your douche bag of an ex?”

I shook my head. “No…no, I don’t still want Trevor. Sickeningly enough, I had loved him at one point, but the moment he betrayed me all that love went out the window. I guess I just think about how much I really did love him before shit went down and how I saw a future with him. We were together a long time and it just hurt so much for it to end, especially the way it did.”

“I understand, but it’s been like three years since things ended with Trevor? I mean that’s a long time. I just barely knew you then, but I felt for you. I still feel for you and don’t like that he ended up being a scumbag, but really…just think about how lucky you are you didn’t end up with him. Think about how much life you still have to live and the fact that you can fill it with new love.”

I took his words to heart and I realized how much JC cared about my love life and happiness. He was right on many levels and somehow came across as a love guru. I tried to not laugh, seeing as the conversation wasn’t meant to be funny, but JC speaking to me like he was my love doctor was kind of amusing.

I slowly shook my head and smiled. “You can be a wise one sometimes, Chasez.”

He chuckled. “I try my best.”

“Well you do a good job. I’ll duly note everything you just said and keep it right here.” I tapped against my head and then I heard JC’s cell phone go off.

He reached for it and then glanced at the caller id. “Oh, it’s Matt.”

I watched him answer the call then and wondered if my date was going to be on his way soon. I only assumed that’s why Matt was calling. I listened to JC’s half of the conversation and the further it progressed, the worse it sounded.

“You can’t reschedule?” JC asked, his brow furrowing. “Well could you meet her after you’re done?”

I felt what little excitement I did have, quickly dissipate.

“I mean, I can stick around and finish the guitar part of the bridge, so we’re not behind for next session. It’s just…you really can’t make it back, man? Everly is right in front of me and she’s set to go on your date.”

JC sighed then and nodded, even though Matt clearly couldn’t see him. “Well okay…I’ll break the news to her. Just know you look really bad right now. I don’t think Everly can ever forgive you.”

I knew then that JC was just yanking Matthew’s chain, but part of me was disappointed. Even if I didn’t think I’d fall head over heels for Matt, I still wanted to meet the man.

“Alright, man. I’ll give her your regards and ask her to not hurt you too bad. Maybe she can come to our session on Friday and you can have your second attempt at a date. Okay…bye, Matt.”

JC then ended the call and slid his phone into his pocket. “So….I have bad news, honey. It seems that Matt got stuck on set and they’re making him re-tape a number for Glee. He can’t get out of it and they won’t even let him come back to finish up his session with me.”

“I pretty much figured out he had to cancel from your end of the conversation.” I smirked.

He stuck out his tongue at me and then continued. “But, he does send his best regards and an apology. If you’re able to join us on Friday, then he’d be happy to take you out afterward.”

“Well I’ll just have to make it work. I mean how could I say no to JC Chasez and Matthew Morrison. I’d be stupid to let such an opportunity pass me by.”

He laughed. “That’s so true.”

“Well then I guess I’ll be seeing you again on Friday. Shall I meet you in this studio again?”

He nodded his head. “Yeah, we decided we get the best vibe in here. So lucky 3 it is.”

“Okay, cool. Well since this didn’t go as planned and I still have the remainder of the day off, I might as well go enjoy the rest of it.” I grabbed my purse and then stood up from the couch.

“So you’re just going to leave?”

“Unless…you have a reason I shouldn’t.” He shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t know. I mean you are welcome to stay while I finish up.” Then I watched him take a look at the time. “And it will be time for some dinner soon. I could offer to take you out in Matt’s absence.”

“Oh really? So I get to upgrade from a Gleek to an *NSYNCer?” JC rolled his eyes at that one and I couldn’t help, but to chuckle.

“It’s not a date or anything. I’ll save the romance for Matt, but if you’re looking for good company, I can be good company.”

“I know you’re good company.” I smiled. “I think dinner with you would be great.”

“Well good. I could use some good, old diner food. Something greasy and delicious. So how about you let me figure out some guitar chords and then we can go to Mel’s Diner?”

I looked at JC, really looked at his physique, and he really didn’t look like a guy who chowed down on high calorie meals, but he was a lucky bastard. He ate whatever he pleased and it seemed like nothing really stuck to his bones. Between his fast metabolism and his visits to the gym, he wasn’t going to lose his figure anytime soon.

“Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll just enjoy a master at work.” He smiled and grabbed his guitar again and then focused on the chords that he began to play.

JC kept starting and stopping, as well as making notes on a piece of paper, as he tried to find the right progression of chords that would suit the bridge of Matt’s song. It was definitely nice to see him at work and watch him try to piece a musical puzzle together. Even though he was just humming along to sounds and not singing, I enjoyed myself and was happy to see JC’s talent firsthand. I quickly realized I could easily get use to it and that wasn’t a good thing for my heart. I could imagine JC as my man and being his devoted partner that supported all his time in the studio and visited him while he created music. It was something I knew I shouldn’t even let cross my mind, knowing the odds were against me. So I tried ridding my mind of such thoughts and make the feeling in my heart go away.

Once JC finished up and was pleased with what he’d come up with, I was a little sad, but glad to see him put the guitar away. I was hungry and also needed to stop having inner lust for him as he did his thing.

“Let me turn everything off and put stuff away, then we can head out.” JC said, standing up from his chair then and pushing it in. Then he turned some knobs and pressed some buttons. He also flicked some switches and lights turned off.

I stood by the door, waiting for him, and watched him finally grab his messenger bag, as well as his guitar in it’s carrying case. He slung a bag over each shoulder and then gave a nod of approval, that we were good to go.

I allowed him to lead the way out and followed him to the parking lot where we were both parked. JC immediately stepped over to his car and popped the trunk, settling his guitar inside. Then he closed the trunk and he looked over at me.

“So, we can go to the Mel’s over on Sunset. Might as well just go in our respective cars, so we don’t have to come back here.”

I nodded my head. “Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll see you at Mel’s shortly.”

I unlocked my car and then slid in, buckling up after I turned my keys in the ignition. I watched as JC got in his car and started the engine as well. He settled his messenger bag on the floor of his passenger side and I realized I was watching him. I shook my head, hoping nothing I’d done so far had been obvious to him.

I watched as he backed out and then made it to the lot exit, waiting to turn onto the street. I followed suit then and hoped that this impromptu dinner would be just another good time with JC.

When I arrived at Mel’s Diner, JC had beaten me there, but just by a minute or two. He was already out of is car and leaning against it, as he was checking his phone. I found a spot a few down from him and parked my car. I walked over to JC and I punched his arm gently. He looked up and smiled.

“Hey. I was just reading a text that Matt sent. He said he’s going to have a surprise for you on Friday.”

I grinned. “Oh really? Well I wonder what that could be.”

“Me too.” JC then glanced at the door to the restaurant. “Shall we?”

I nodded and then JC led the way, opening the door and allowing me to step in first. Then he stepped right up beside me and told the hostess we needed a table for two.

We were given a booth that was in the corner of the diner and it was nice to have a little privacy, even though the diner wasn’t too packed. I reached for a menu, as did JC, and we both skimmed over it. Everything sounded good and I was happy that JC had chosen this place. Sometimes a girl really did need to just eat greasy, comforting food.

“What are you going to have?” JC asked, as he shut his menu an slid it to the end of the table.

I hesitated for a moment, but made my pick. “The grilled cheese with bacon and an order of fries. What about you?”

“A double cheeseburger and onion rings.” He then rubbed his stomach, appearing a little too excited to fill it up.

“Good choice.” I smiled and then looked up to see a waitress appear.

The waitress asked if we were ready to place our order and JC took the lead. He ordered both of our meals and when she asked if we wanted anything else to drink besides the provided water, he ordered two vanilla milkshakes.

“Hey, did I say I wanted a milkshake?” I tossed him a look after the waitress disappeared.

“No, but, I figured you could use one. Plus who doesn’t like vanilla milkshakes?” I chuckled then.

“Alright…alright. No harm done.” He smiled and then clasped his hands together on top of the table.

“So, you really aren’t upset over the glitch in today’s plans?” I shook my head.

“Not at all, JC. It’s not that big of deal. Things come up and life happens. I can’t be unfair to Matt over something he obviously couldn’t control. I know the industry you two work in and it’s just about being understanding.”

“Okay, cool. I was just checking. I didn’t want you to be really pissed or anything.” I shook my head.

“Nope, not pissed.” I tried to not smile too widely then, realizing that I definitely couldn’t be pissed if Matt’s cancellation of our date had me enjoying dinner with JC.

“How’s work going?” I looked at JC and he appeared genuinely concerned.

I shrugged. “It’s going. I mean not every client is easy to fit, nor please, but I do what I can, as best as I can. I’ve had a pretty steady schedule and I’ve been getting some new clients. In fact, I just styled this new artist for her first music video. I think…Kensey was her name.”

JC then started laughing. “No way!”


“I’m scheduled to work with her next week. Her manager contacted me and said he thinks I could definitely get a song on her album.. He was schmoozing about my talent and claiming that Kensey needed some real credit and I could provide it.”

“Seriously? What a small, small world it is.”

“It really is. Hollywood is like a microcosm where everyone eventually works or hooks up with everyone.”

I shook my head. “I’m not hooking up with anyone. I’m not even famous.”

“You could be…if you really hook up with Morrison.” I rolled my eyes.

“You know I’m not like that. I wouldn’t hook up with anyone just for the celebrity of it.”

JC nodded. “I know..I know. I was just messing around.”

The waitress then came by and set our milkshakes down. I reached for mine and then sipped on the straw, tasting the cold, smooth concoction. The sweet, vanilla flavor was delicious and I sipped some more, looking at JC. He had begun to sip on his milkshake as well and I could tell he was enjoying it.

“Mmm..” He moaned softly. “Aren’t you glad I ordered them after all?”

“Sure..sure.” I tried to not give him too much satisfaction and noticed the smile upon his face.

“So can I ask a question?” I nodded my head, not really scared to answer questions from JC.

He rubbed his hand over his jaw and then expressed what he was thinking. “So, when was the last time you went on a date?”

“Good question.” I thought about it for a second, before replying. “I think six months ago. Lucy set me up with her cousin.”

He nodded his head. “Interesting. Lucy is a nice girl. She’s almost done with her internship at Divine Threads, right?”

I nodded. “Yeah, she was given a year internship and she has about three months left. Then she’ll either go elsewhere or she might get offered an actual, full-time position at Divine Threads. So she’s going to have a great future no matter what.”

“Well that’s cool. So you said she set you up with her cousin. How did that go?” I wrinkled my nose and I made a face that told it didn’t go great.

“Well…he ended up being younger than me and cocky in a bad way. Plus he wasn’t exactly my type. He was pretty emo and immature. I think he was just looking for a quick lay and not a serious relationship.” JC laughed.

“Oh man, that must’ve sucked. So you like older, more mature guys?”

“Yeah, you could say that. I don’t go for jailbait at all and I don’t want to baby-sit. I’ve just always had feelings for guys that were older than me. I mean…Trevor was two years older.”

“And Matt is almost four years older than you.” JC pointed out with a smirk.

“And you’re six years older than me.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“But you said you like older men.” He wiggled his eyebrows and then I realized I should’ve never made my remark. Even if JC was just playing around with his suggestive look, it still made my heart pitter patter and I couldn’t afford that.

“Yeah, but age isn’t the only thing I’m concerned about.” JC’s eyes then focused right on mine, as he posed another question.

“Okay, well what else are you concerned about? I mean…you said Lucy’s cousin wasn’t your type. What is your type?”

The waitress came by then, before I could answer and she set down some extra napkins and ketchup. Then she placed my grilled cheese in front of me, before placing the double cheeseburger in front of JC.

“Mmm this looks good.” I said, just smelling the food and reaching for a fry. I popped it into my mouth.

JC looked pleased to receive his food as well and he picked up his burger, bringing it to his mouth. He took a large bite and chewed, before swallowing. “Mmm…it is good.”

I smiled at his reaction to his food and then picked up my sandwich, indulging in the ooey gooey goodness of the cheese.

“You’re not off the hook, just because we’re eating now. You have to answer my questions.” I shook my head, hearing JC speak up and I knew he really wasn’t letting me off the hook.

I swallowed another fry and then tried to give him a reasonable response. “Well I’m concerned about maturity level, like I said, as well as values and just being a good all around person. I want someone who’s willing to compromise and make sacrifices when they need to. A guy with a good heart and a sense of humor. I don’t want to be bored out of my mind. I want someone who can have a good time and also know when to be chill and just relax. A guy that’s got his own career and his own passions is a plus and him being able to respect my work and passions would be a major plus.”

JC listened to me and nodded his head. “Those are all good things, Ev. It sounds like a huge list, but I think most people want the same things in a partner. I mean no one wants to feel disrespected or unimportant in their relationship. I really think you can find everything you want and more.”

“I hope so.” I said softly and smiled at JC, before taking more bites of my grilled cheese.

“I think Matt has a lot of the qualities you’re looking for. So besides everything you just mentioned. Do you have a certain look you go for?”

I found it a little amusing then to be asked this question by a man who definitely had his type when it came to looks. The majority of girls I’d seen JC with were on the shorter side and had dark hair and brown eyes. Many of them appeared Hispanic or exotic and he seemed to enjoy that. Unfortunately, I wasn’t in that category.

“Well…clean cut. I’m not into piercings or tattoos. I mean one or two is okay, but I don’t want to date David Navarro or the likes of him. I’m not big into facial hair either, but a five o’clock shadow is nice. So yeah, someone who’s nicely groomed and dresses well enough. He also has to be fit, but not overly muscular. I like guys on the skinnier side. Trevor was skinny…”

JC nodded his head, seeming interested in what I was saying. He continued to eat, as I continued talking.

“But, even though he had a good look, he didn’t end up having the good heart, among other things. Anyways, I like a nice smile and pretty eyes, as well as hair that I can run my fingers through.”

“Well you sound like you have a good idea of what you want and what you’re attracted to. Which is always good in the dating game. You won’t have to waste too much time on people who don’t meet your criteria.” I looked at JC, as he spoke, and I wondered if he knew that he met all of my criteria.

I sipped on my milkshake and watched as JC wiped his mouth off with a napkin. He cleared is throat and asked me another question.

“But do you have a type like feature-wise? Hair color or eye color preference?”

I nodded my head. “I’m not saying I couldn’t fall in love with someone outside of my preference, but I’m mainly attracted to guys that have brown hair and blue eyes.”

After I admitted such a thing, I closed my eyes, hoping JC didn’t put two and two together or make some smart ass remark about him having those features. I slowly blinked my eyes back open and saw JC grinning.

“Well this is perfect because Matt fits that. In fact, he fits like everything you’ve said.” I forced a smile upon my lips then and nodded.

“Just wonderful. We might end up being a glee-filled match.” JC chuckled then.

“It would be wonderful. I’d get credit as the matchmaker and my two friends would be in love.”

I simply nodded and then finished off my grilled cheese and picked at the remainder of my fries. Then I washed it all down with more of my milkshake and heard JC’s cell phone.

“Sorry, let me quick answer this.” He said and pulled his phone out.

“Hello?” He asked and then smiled. “ Hey, you. I’m actually finishing up dinner right now and then thought about going to the gym before they close.”

“Oh you were thinking the same thing? That’s cool. Then I could swing by your place and pick you up when I’m ready to workout.”

I watched as he listened attentively to the caller on the other line, before he spoke again. “ It’s no problem, really. I don’t mind having to take you home afterward. I mean…you can always ask me in.” He chuckled then and I could only guess why.

“Well, I should get going so I can get home and change, but I shall see you soon, sweetheart. Alright…bye.”

I didn’t want to think that he was seeing anyone, but catching him on his phone on more than one occasion and hearing him speak the way he did, I couldn’t help, but to assume he was. I tried to shrug it off and smiled when he slid his phone back in his pocket.

“So…going to go work your cheeseburger and onion rings off?” I asked, playfully, not wanting to make things awkward.

“Yeah, like I said, I’ve just been enjoying working out lately.”

“Well there’s nothing wrong with that.” I didn’t know whether I was trying to assure him or myself.

“Nope, it’s good for the body.” He then pushed his basket out of his way, having finished everything, except a couple onion rings. “I’m stuffed.”

“Me too.” I said, pushing my basket aside as well and then the waitress came by with our check a moment later.

I tried to reach for it, but JC beat me to it and he looked it over. Then he took his wallet out and slid the bill back onto the table, along with some cash.

“I’ve got it!” He exclaimed. “My treat due to Matt’s rescheduling.”

I shook my head, knowing that JC didn’t even need that excuse to pay. He’d treated me to things in the past, just because he wanted to.

“Well thank you, JC.” I smiled and wiped my hands once more, as well as my face, with a napkin.

“Welcome, Ev.” He said and then slowly scooted out of the booth and stood up.

I stood up right after him and then he led the way out of the diner. We stopped in front of JC’s car and he opened his arms.

“Get over here.” He motioned with his hand and when I came close to him, he pulled me into a hug. I enjoyed the closeness and caught his masculine scent, like always.

He released me and then smiled. “Well dinner was great and I think we had a good talk. I’m glad you could join me and I really am looking forward to seeing how things go with you and Matt.”

All I could say to that was, “Ditto.”

It sounded lame, but that’s all I could utter then and I didn’t want to burst JC’s bubble. He seemed genuinely positive about everything.

“I’ll catch you on Friday then.” JC gave me a wave and I waved in return stepping over to my car. I unlocked it and slid in, before letting out a huge sigh. I realized we’d talked about me the whole time and my love life. How had that happened? Especially with JC.


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