"My only love sprung from my only hate!
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
Prodigious birth of love it is to me
That I must love a loathed enemy," she mutters to herself, thinking of Justin, relating it to one of Shakespeare's more known plays.
"He's not a Montague, Jazz," I remind her.
"Feels like one of the situations they got in. Hiding it and everything," she explains.
"Heh, I know."
She leans her head back over the bench at the table and looks at me. "Damn, man. I want to love this guy so much and just give him my all, but I'm scared to death to because of Nick. What should I do?"
I shrug, not really knowing myself. "I wish I knew what to tell you, but all that comes to mind is to talk to him."
"What if that's the fall out for us?"
"Then it wasn't meant to be."
Chris drops his body onto the couch across from me at the front of the bus. "What's not meant to be?"
"I want to really love him, but I'm scared stupid to let myself do it."
"Tell him."
"What if it destroys us?"
"Ends the relationship?"
"Yeah, that."
"Like Joe said-not meant to be."
"Hence why I said, 'My only love sprung from my only hate!
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
Prodigious birth of love it is to me
That I must love a loathed enemy.' I hate my situation right now, I like it at the same time."
"You're one twisted girl and I get it."
"Thanks. I just wish I knew how to tell him."
"Say what's on your mind."
"No time is better than between stops and shows," Joey points out as gently as possible.
"I have to side with him on the matter, Baby J," Chris admits.
"Thanks, guys."
"Do you think we gave the right advice, Chris?"
"I do. Neither of them are going to know if they don't say something to the other," he speculates.
"What about not saying something to someone?" JC inquires.
"Nothing major, C. Jazz wanted advice on dealing with her emotions and relationship, we gave her the best we could."
"Where'd she go, Chris?"
"Cuddle with Lance or Justin would be my best guess."
He nods his head and plops down where she was just sitting with a pen and a notebook, writing something. It means that the topic has been dropped. "Wonder when they're going to talk about it."
"Joe, better question is how long had she been up and did she eat anything?"
I think for a second. "Caramel milk with a little chocolate syrup in it."
"Helps soothe her back to sleep," Justin explains, presenting us with the unknown fact. He's wide awake.
"How long have you and Jazz been up?" JC demands.
"Since six this morning. It's been five hours and the bus was starting to get to her, making her tired. I've already done the work for today and tomorrow, she's riding my ass."
"Good, it's one less thing we have to ride your ass about," Chris says.
"You mean one less thing for C and Scoop to ride his ass about?"
He throws a pillow at me. "Same difference."
"That's a contradiction in and of itself!" Justin points out.
"Just like the person who said it," JC teases.
"The biggest one left the front of the bus," Chris defends.
"Jazz?" Justin asks.
"Let her be, man. She's really sweet and she helps us alot."
"Justin, why are you so quick to defend her?"
"Why are you so quick to be an overbearing, overprotective brother to her?" he shoots back at JC.
Chris and I glance at one another, our eyes as wide as a NY style pizza. 
"Whatever, Justin."
Another argument cut short. What's up with JC? He's usually not like this when it comes to her. Is it because of her? What did she do? Who is he mad at? Why is he mad? He usually likes touring. We've been on the road with Janet for almost a month and in a few days, we have our own tour to start. Tonight's our last night with Ms. Jackson before we head to our first stop as headliners. Maybe it's the pressure, I honestly thought Chris would get how JC is and not so normal. When I say 'normal' and it involves Chris, I mean his normal. "JC, what is up with you? You snapped at her and now Justin. Talk to me." I'm really worried, more because they might end up fighting and everyone on this dinky ass bus knows she will swing at anyone if she's mad enough. I've seen it with Chris and Lance, it's worse if she doesn't have Justin nearby. I saw when she flipped out near the fridge on Chris after he talked to JC. Justin had to pin her, talk to her so only she could hear him and they went to the lounge or his bunk to talk. She didn't say a damned word to JC for three days, but did give him one hell of a fucking right hook on the first day. Lance says that was a three day blackout, she doesn't answer anyone except Justin's country ass when she does. 
"Jazz is keeping secrets."
"Don't take out on us, talk to her. She doesn't tell you, wait until you figure it out or find out some other way," I convince him. I hope she tells him. She hasn't confirmed nor denied dating Justin, we're just assuming.
"Who do think she's seeing?"
"Justin," Chris, Lance and I chorus together.
"I think so too, but neither of them are telling any of us anything. All they've both confirmed is that they're both seeing someone, but won't say who it is. Why are they being so secretive? It's almost as bad as the thing you're keeping from me, Lance," he says a little too calm for our liking.
"What do I have to keep from you?" Lance inquires, his back to us.
"I don't know, maybe why you and her are so comfortable."
"I told you I've known her for awhile, through a mutual friend."
"What's 'a while'?"
"A few years."
"How many years?"
"Almost as long as you and Justin have known each other," he cryptically answers.
"From where?"
"I don't remember exactly, through a mutual friend."
"Fuck it! I can't get a straight answer from either of you! Maybe I'll just talk to her when she's sleeping," he spat, rolling his eyes after he drops his head back.
"Straight answer from who?" Justin asks, just now coming into not only the room but also the conversation.
JC's head snaps back up to look at him. "Lance, you and Jazz, that's who!"
"Dude, I've hid one thing from you in all the time I've known you."
"What's that?"
"That I've already told you!"
"Not outright. Are you dating Jazz or not?"
He nods once very quickly. "Timbs?" Jazz calls out.
"Yeah, hon?"
JC looks at me, Chris and Lance and mouths 'hon?', prompting Chris and I to shrug. Lance's jaw drops so fast, we swear it snapped. 
"What's the problem with us calling each other 'hon'?" Justin defends.
"Are you dating her?" JC repeats, more forceful and demanding.
"She's seeing someone plus I'm seeing someone, also factor in that we both talk to who we're seeing everyday and that we're totally inseparable. Gee, I wonder who I could could be dating and who Jazz is dating, hmmm?" Justin spat at JC angrily, shutting him up instantly. "Now you have no wise cracks or anything left to fucking say, right? Fuck you!" he says sharply, turning on his heel and heading in her direction.

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